ParagraphUi 0 0 438 292 Qt::NoFocus 9 6 Qt::Horizontal 281 31 Qt::LeftToRight I&mmediate Apply false Label Width true 9 6 This text defines the width of the paragraph label Lo&ngest label labelWidth This text defines the width of the paragraph label Line &spacing true 9 6 false Default Single 1.5 Double Custom &Indent Paragraph Alignment true 9 6 &Justified &Left C&enter Ri&ght Use the default alignment for this paragraph, whatever it is. Paragraph's &Default 6 0 &Restore false Qt::Horizontal 31 27 &OK true &Apply false &Close false Qt::Vertical 351 16 linespacing linespacingValue labelWidth indentCB alignDefaultRB alignJustRB alignLeftRB alignCenterRB alignRightRB synchronizedViewCB restorePB okPB applyPB closePB qt_i18n.h