QListingsUi Qt::ApplicationModal 0 0 548 462 Listing true 9 6 0 6 0 6 Language 9 6 Placement 9 6 Inline listing Float 0 6 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 0 6 Placement false captionLE Qt::Horizontal 16 20 Number style 9 6 0 6 enable for numbers on the leftside &Left false false enable for numbers on the right side &Right 0 6 File name of image Step false numberStepLE Differenz between two numbered lines Qt::AlignLeading 0 6 Font size false numberFontSizeCO Choose the Font Size true true false Qt::Vertical 142 31 0 6 First line false numberFontSizeCO Differenz between two numbered lines Qt::AlignLeading 0 6 Last line false numberFontSizeCO Differenz between two numbered lines Qt::AlignLeading Qt::Vertical 142 31 Qt::Horizontal 16 20 10 Style 9 6 Basic style 0 6 Font size false fontsizeCO Choose the Font Size true true false 0 6 Font style false fontstyleCO Choose the Font Style true true false Qt::Vertical 158 21 Breaking lines longer than the linewidth &Break long lines 276824130 Insert a special symbol for a space &Space as Symbol 276824147 true Use extended character table &Extended Chars 276824133 Qt::Vertical 158 21 0 6 Display 9 6 &Caption false captionLE 0 6 150 0 A caption for the List of Listings Qt::Horizontal 20 20 &Label false labelLE 0 6 150 0 A Label for the caption Qt::Horizontal 20 20 Qt::Vertical 20 21 Qt::Horizontal 16 20 7 7 0 0 More Parameters 9 6 Qt::Horizontal 16777215 16777215 0 false QFrame::NoFrame QFrame::Plain 0 false 0 6 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Expanding 101 27 OK true Cancel okPB closePB languageCO inlineCB floatCB placementLE numberLeftCB numberRightCB numberStepLE numberFontSizeCO firstlineLE lastlineLE fontsizeCO fontstyleCO breaklinesCB spaceCB extendedcharsCB captionLE labelLE listingsTB listingsED qt_helpers.h