FindAndReplaceUi 0 0 288 366 Find LyX Text Qt::NoFocus false 0 0 0 Qt::NoFocus &Basic &Find: find_work_area_ Enter the text to search for in this full-featured LyX editing area 0 0 192 57 0 0 Perform a case-sensitive search Case &sensitive true Restrict search to whole words only Whole &words Choose one of the pre-arranged regular expressions. Insert Re&gular Expression... &Replace with: replace_work_area_ Enter the text to replace in this full-featured LyX editing area 0 0 202 57 0 0 true Find previous occurrence [Shift+Enter] Find &Previous true true Find next occurrence [Enter] Find &Next true true Replace and find previous occurrence [Shift+Enter] Replace Pre&vious true Replace and find next occurrence [Enter] Replace Ne&xt false Replace all occurences at once Replace &All 0 0 &Advanced true 0 0 0 0 The scope to which the search horizon is restricted false Sco&pe false 3 0 false 0 0 Current paragraph Current &paragraph false true 0 0 Current &document true true 0 0 Current document and all related documents belonging to the same master document &Master document true 0 0 All open documents &Open documents true 0 0 All ma&nuals true 0 0 If unchecked, the search will be limited to occurrences of the selected text and paragraph style Ignore &format true 1 0 Keep the case of the replacement's first letter as in each matching text first letter &Preserve first case on replace false 0 0 &Expand macros Qt::Vertical 13 168 lyx::frontend::EmbeddedWorkArea QScrollArea