ColorUi 0 0 426 261 Qt::DefaultContextMenu Font colors true Main text: fontColorPB 16777215 16777215 Click to change the color Default... 23 23 Revert the color to the default R&eset Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly Qt::LeftArrow Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Greyed-out notes: fontColorPB 16777215 16777215 Click to change the color &Change... 23 23 Revert the color to the default R&eset Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly Qt::LeftArrow Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Background colors true Page: backgroundPB 16777215 16777215 Click to change the color Default... 23 23 Revert the color to the default R&eset Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly Qt::LeftArrow Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Shaded boxes: backgroundPB 16777215 16777215 Click to change the color &Change... 23 23 Revert the color to the default R&eset Qt::ToolButtonTextOnly Qt::LeftArrow Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical 385 22 qt_i18n.h