BoxUi 0 0 531 381 true Type and Size true Width value &Height: false false &Width: false false Inner Bo&x: innerBoxCO Inner box type None Parbox Minipage Check this if the box should break across pages Allow &page breaks false false Height value Alignment true Horizontal alignment of the content inside the box Horizontal Vertical alignment of the content inside the box Vertical Co&ntent: ialignCO Vertical alignment of the box (with regard to baseline) &Box: valignCO true 0 0 Vertical alignment of the content inside the box Top Middle Bottom Stretch true Vertical alignment of the box (with regard to baseline) Top Middle Bottom true 0 0 Horizontal alignment of the content inside the box Left Center Right Qt::Vertical 20 40 Decoration true Decoration box types false Thickness value &Line thickness: thicknessED false Separation value Box s&eparation: separationED &Decoration: typeCO &Shadow size: shadowsizeED false false false false Size value Color true Qt::Vertical 20 40 Back&ground: backgroundColorCO &Frame: frameColorCO lyx::frontend::LengthCombo QComboBox
innerBoxCO widthCB widthED widthUnitsLC heightCB heightED heightUnitsLC pagebreakCB ialignCO halignCO valignCO typeCO thicknessED thicknessUnitsLC separationED separationUnitsLC shadowsizeED shadowsizeUnitsLC qt_i18n.h heightCB toggled(bool) heightED setEnabled(bool) 75 83 171 83 heightCB toggled(bool) heightUnitsLC setEnabled(bool) 86 100 283 100