BiblioUi 0 0 418 394 Citation Style true 6 0 0 0 0 Sty&le Engine: citeEngineCO A selection of different style engines (such as natbib) that respectively provide support for specific citytion and bibliography styles. Expand to get more information. false &Variant: citeStyleCO false 0 0 Provides available cite style variants. Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Bibliography Style true Default st&yle: bibtexStyleLE Define the default BibTeX style Select this if you want to split your bibliography into sections S&ectioned bibliography Here you can define an alternative program to or specific options of BibTeX. Bibliography Generation true &Processor: bibtexCO Select a processor Qt::Horizontal 183 20 Op&tions: bibtexOptionsLE Define options such as --min-crossrefs (see the documentation of BibTeX) Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Expanding 20 20 qt_i18n.h