/** * \file iconpalette.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Edwin Leuven * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "iconpalette.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "controllers/ControlMath.h" // for find_xpm #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace lyx { namespace frontend { IconPalette::IconPalette(QWidget * parent) : QWidget(parent, Qt::Popup) { layout_ = new QGridLayout(this); layout_->setSpacing(0); layout_->setMargin(3); setLayout(layout_); } void IconPalette::addButton(QAction * action) { actions_.push_back(action); QToolButton * tb = new QToolButton; tb->setAutoRaise(true); tb->setDefaultAction(action); connect(tb, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction *)), this, SLOT(clicked(QAction *))); QToolBar * toolbar = qobject_cast(parentWidget()->parentWidget()); connect(toolbar, SIGNAL(iconSizeChanged(const QSize &)), tb, SLOT(setIconSize(const QSize &))); int const i = actions_.size(); int const ncols = qMin(6, i); int const row = (i - 1)/ncols + 1; int const col = qMax(1, i - (row - 1) * 6); layout_->addWidget(tb, row, col); } void IconPalette::clicked(QAction * action) { triggered(action); setVisible(false); } void IconPalette::showEvent(QShowEvent * event) { int hoffset = - parentWidget()->pos().x(); int voffset = - parentWidget()->pos().y(); int const parwidth = parentWidget()->geometry().width(); int const parheight = parentWidget()->geometry().height(); // vertical toolbar? QToolBar * toolbar = qobject_cast(parentWidget()->parentWidget()); if (toolbar && toolbar->orientation() == Qt::Vertical) { hoffset += parwidth; voffset -= parheight; } QRect const screen = qApp->desktop()->availableGeometry(this); QPoint const gpos = parentWidget()->mapToGlobal( parentWidget()->geometry().bottomLeft()); // space to the right? if (gpos.x() + hoffset + width() > screen.width()) { hoffset -= width(); if (toolbar && toolbar->orientation() == Qt::Vertical) hoffset -= parwidth; else hoffset += parwidth; } // space at the bottom? if (gpos.y() + voffset + height() > screen.height()) { voffset -= height(); if (toolbar && toolbar->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal) voffset -= parheight; else voffset += parheight; } move(gpos.x() + hoffset, gpos.y() + voffset); QWidget::showEvent(event); } void IconPalette::hideEvent(QHideEvent * event ) { visible(false); QWidget::hideEvent(event); } void IconPalette::updateParent() { bool enable = false; for (int i = 0; i < actions_.size(); ++i) if (actions_.at(i)->isEnabled()) { enable = true; break; } parentWidget()->setEnabled(enable); } void IconPalette::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * event) { // draw border QPainter p(this); QRegion emptyArea = QRegion(rect()); const int fw = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuPanelWidth, 0, this); if (fw) { QRegion borderReg; borderReg += QRect(0, 0, fw, height()); //left borderReg += QRect(width()-fw, 0, fw, height()); //right borderReg += QRect(0, 0, width(), fw); //top borderReg += QRect(0, height()-fw, width(), fw); //bottom p.setClipRegion(borderReg); emptyArea -= borderReg; QStyleOptionFrame frame; frame.rect = rect(); frame.palette = palette(); frame.state = QStyle::State_None; frame.lineWidth = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_MenuPanelWidth); frame.midLineWidth = 0; style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_FrameMenu, &frame, &p, this); } p.end(); // draw the rest (buttons) QWidget::paintEvent(event); } ButtonMenu::ButtonMenu(const QString & title, QWidget * parent) : QMenu(title, parent) { } void ButtonMenu::add(QAction * action) { addAction(action); actions_.push_back(action); } void ButtonMenu::updateParent() { bool enable = false; for (int i = 0; i < actions_.size(); ++i) if (actions_.at(i)->isEnabled()) { enable = true; break; } parentWidget()->setEnabled(enable); } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx #include "iconpalette_moc.cpp"