/** * \file QWorkArea.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author John Levon * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "frontends/LyXView.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "QWorkArea.h" #include "lcolorcache.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "debug.h" #include "funcrequest.h" #include "LColor.h" #include "support/os.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef Q_WS_X11 #include #endif #ifdef Q_WS_MACX #include #endif #ifdef Q_OS_MAC #include using lyx::support::subst; #endif using std::endl; using std::string; namespace os = lyx::support::os; namespace { QWorkArea * wa_ptr = 0; } QWorkArea::QWorkArea(LyXView & owner, int, int) : WorkArea(), QWidget(qApp->mainWidget()), owner_(owner), painter_(*this) { scrollbar_ = new QScrollBar(QScrollBar::Vertical, this); content_ = new QContentPane(this); (static_cast(qApp->mainWidget()))->setCentralWidget(this); setFocusProxy(content_); setAcceptDrops(true); content_->show(); // It is said that this helps reduce flicker content_->setBackgroundMode(NoBackground); QHBoxLayout * vl = new QHBoxLayout(this); vl->addWidget(content_, 5); vl->addWidget(scrollbar_, 0); #ifdef Q_WS_MACX wa_ptr = this; #endif show(); } QWorkArea::~QWorkArea() { } void QWorkArea::setScrollbarParams(int h, int pos, int line_h) { // do what cursor movement does (some grey) h += height() / 4; int max = std::max(0, h - height()); scrollbar_->setRange(0, max); content_->trackScrollbar(false); scrollbar_->setValue(pos); content_->trackScrollbar(true); scrollbar_->setLineStep(line_h); scrollbar_->setPageStep(height()); } #ifdef Q_WS_X11 bool lyxX11EventFilter(XEvent * xev) { switch (xev->type) { case SelectionRequest: lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "X requested selection." << endl; if (wa_ptr) wa_ptr->view().view()->selectionRequested(); break; case SelectionClear: lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "Lost selection." << endl; if (wa_ptr) wa_ptr->view().view()->selectionLost(); break; } return false; } #endif #ifdef Q_WS_MACX namespace{ OSErr checkAppleEventForMissingParams(const AppleEvent& theAppleEvent) { DescType returnedType; Size actualSize; OSErr err = AEGetAttributePtr(&theAppleEvent, keyMissedKeywordAttr, typeWildCard, &returnedType, nil, 0, &actualSize); switch (err) { case errAEDescNotFound: return noErr; case noErr: return errAEEventNotHandled; default: return err; } } } pascal OSErr handleOpenDocuments(const AppleEvent* inEvent, AppleEvent* /*reply*/, long /*refCon*/) { QString s_arg; AEDescList documentList; OSErr err = AEGetParamDesc(inEvent, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &documentList); if (err != noErr) return err; err = checkAppleEventForMissingParams(*inEvent); if (err == noErr) { long documentCount; err = AECountItems(&documentList, &documentCount); for (long documentIndex = 1; err == noErr && documentIndex <= documentCount; documentIndex++) { DescType returnedType; Size actualSize; AEKeyword keyword; FSRef ref; char qstr_buf[1024]; err = AESizeOfNthItem(&documentList, documentIndex, &returnedType, &actualSize); if (err == noErr) { err = AEGetNthPtr(&documentList, documentIndex, typeFSRef, &keyword, &returnedType, (Ptr)&ref, sizeof(FSRef), &actualSize); if (err == noErr) { FSRefMakePath(&ref, (UInt8*)qstr_buf, 1024); s_arg=QString::fromUtf8(qstr_buf); wa_ptr->view().view()->workAreaDispatch( FuncRequest(LFUN_FILE_OPEN, fromqstr(s_arg))); break; } } } // for ... } AEDisposeDesc(&documentList); return err; } #endif // Q_WS_MACX void QWorkArea::haveSelection(bool own) const { wa_ptr = const_cast(this); if (!QApplication::clipboard()->supportsSelection()) return; if (own) { QApplication::clipboard()->setSelectionMode(true); QApplication::clipboard()->setText(QString()); } // We don't need to do anything if own = false, as this case is // handled by QT. } string const QWorkArea::getClipboard() const { QApplication::clipboard()->setSelectionMode(true); QString str = QApplication::clipboard()->text(); if (str.isNull()) return string(); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC // The MAC clipboard uses \r for lineendings, and we use \n return subst(fromqstr(str), '\r', '\n'); #else return fromqstr(str); #endif } void QWorkArea::putClipboard(string const & str) const { QApplication::clipboard()->setSelectionMode(true); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC // The MAC clipboard uses \r for lineendings, and we use \n QApplication::clipboard()->setText(toqstr(subst(str, '\n', '\r'))); #else QApplication::clipboard()->setText(toqstr(str)); #endif } void QWorkArea::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent * event) { event->accept(QUriDrag::canDecode(event)); } void QWorkArea::dropEvent(QDropEvent * event) { QStringList files; if (QUriDrag::decodeLocalFiles(event, files)) { lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "QWorkArea::dropEvent: got URIs!" << endl; for (QStringList::Iterator i = files.begin(); i != files.end(); ++i) { string const file = os::internal_path(fromqstr(*i)); view().view()->workAreaDispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_FILE_OPEN, file)); } } }