QSendtoDialogBase config.h qt_helpers.h QDialog name QSendtoDialogBase geometry 0 0 276 262 caption Custom Export sizeGripEnabled true margin 11 spacing 6 QLabel name commandLA text &Command: buddy commandCO QLabel name formatLA text &Export formats: buddy formatLB QLayoutWidget name Layout6 margin 0 spacing 6 QPushButton name okPB text OK autoDefault true default false QPushButton name applyPB text &Apply QPushButton name closePB text Cancel QComboBox name commandCO sizePolicy 3 0 focusPolicy StrongFocus editable true sizeLimit 10 maxCount 666 insertionPolicy AtTop autoCompletion true duplicatesEnabled false toolTip Process the converted file with this command ($$FName = file name) QListBox text New Item name formatLB maximumSize 32767 32767 toolTip Available export converters formatLB highlighted(const QString&) QSendtoDialogBase slotFormatHighlighted(const QString&) formatLB selected(const QString&) QSendtoDialogBase slotFormatSelected(const QString&) formatLB highlighted(const QString&) QSendtoDialogBase changed_adaptor() commandCO textChanged(const QString&) QSendtoDialogBase changed_adaptor() changed_adaptor() slotFormatHighlighted(const QString&) slotFormatSelected(const QString&) formatLB okPB applyPB closePB