QGraphicsDialogBase config.h gettext.h QDialog name QGraphicsDialogBase geometry 0 0 379 390 caption Form1 sizeGripEnabled true margin 11 spacing 6 QTabWidget name TabWidget toolTip QWidget name tab title &Graphics margin 11 spacing 6 QLayoutWidget name Layout2 margin 0 spacing 6 QLabel name filenameL text &File: buddy filename toolTip File name of image QLineEdit name filename toolTip File name of image QPushButton name browsePB text &Browse ... toolTip Select an image file QGroupBox name GroupBox5 title LyX display margin 11 spacing 6 QCheckBox name displayCB text &Show in LyX toolTip Display image in LyX QLabel name TextLabel1 text Display : buddy showCB toolTip Screen display QComboBox text Default text Monochrome text Grayscale text Color name showCB toolTip Screen display QLabel name scaleLA text Scale : buddy displayscale toolTip Percentage to scale by in LyX QLabel name displayscaleL enabled true focusPolicy NoFocus text % QLineEdit name displayscale enabled true sizePolicy 5 0 toolTip Percentage to scale by in LyX QGroupBox name GroupBox11 title Output margin 11 spacing 6 QLayoutWidget name Layout7 margin 0 spacing 6 QLayoutWidget name Layout4 margin 0 spacing 6 QLineEdit name height enabled true toolTip Height of image in output LengthCombo name heightUnit sizePolicy 3 0 minimumSize 80 22 focusPolicy StrongFocus toolTip Units of height value QLabel name sizeheightL_2 enabled true text &Height buddy height QLayoutWidget name Layout3 margin 0 spacing 6 QLineEdit name width enabled true toolTip Width of image in output QComboBox name widthUnit QLabel name sizewidthL_2 enabled true text &Width buddy width QCheckBox name aspectratio enabled true text &Maintain aspect ratio toolTip Maintain aspect ratio with largest dimension QGroupBox name rotateGB title Rotation margin 11 spacing 6 QLayoutWidget name Layout6 margin 0 spacing 6 QLabel name angleL_2 text A&ngle: buddy angle toolTip Angle to rotate image by QLineEdit name angle sizePolicy 3 0 toolTip Angle to rotate image by QLabel name originL_2 text &Origin: buddy origin toolTip The origin of the rotation QComboBox name origin toolTip The origin of the rotation QWidget name tab title &Clipping margin 11 spacing 6 QLayoutWidget name Layout7 margin 0 spacing 6 QCheckBox name clip text Clip to &bounding box toolTip Clip to bounding box values name Spacer48 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QPushButton name getPB text &Get from file toolTip Get bounding box from the (EPS) file QFrame name Frame3 enabled true sizePolicy 5 7 frameShape StyledPanel frameShadow Raised margin 11 spacing 6 QLabel name rtL text Right &top: buddy rtX QLabel name yL_2 text y QLineEdit name rtY QComboBox name rtYunit QLabel name xL_2 text x QLineEdit name rtX QComboBox name rtXunit QComboBox name lbXunit QLabel name yL text y QComboBox name lbYunit QLabel name xL text x QLineEdit name lbY QLineEdit name lbX toolTip QLabel name lbL text &Left bottom: buddy lbX name Spacer48_2 orientation Vertical sizeType MinimumExpanding sizeHint 20 20 QWidget name tab title E&xtra options margin 11 spacing 6 QCheckBox name subfigure text Su&bfigure toolTip Is this just one part of a figure float ? QCheckBox name unzipCB text Don't un&zip on export toolTip Don't uncompress image before exporting to LaTeX QLabel name latexoptionsLA text LaTeX &options: buddy latexoptions toolTip Additional LaTeX options QLineEdit name latexoptions toolTip Additional LaTeX options QCheckBox name draftCB text &Draft mode toolTip Draft mode name Spacer37 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer38 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 name Spacer36 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QLabel name CaptionLA text Ca&ption : buddy subcaption toolTip The caption for the sub-figure QLineEdit name subcaption enabled false toolTip The caption for the sub-figure name Spacer76 orientation Vertical sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QLayoutWidget name Layout20 margin 0 spacing 6 QPushButton name restorePB text &Restore autoDefault false default false name Spacer3 orientation Horizontal sizeType Expanding sizeHint 20 20 QPushButton name okPB text OK autoDefault true default true QPushButton name applyPB sizePolicy 1 0 text &Apply autoDefault false default false QPushButton name closePB sizePolicy 1 0 text Close autoDefault false LengthCombo
-1 -1 0 5 5 image0 selectionChanged(LyXLength::UNIT)
image0 789c6dd2c10ac2300c00d07bbf2234b7229d1be245fc04c5a3201e4615f430059d0711ff5ddb2e6bb236ec90eed134cb5a19d8ef36602af5ecdbfeeac05dda0798d3abebde87e3faa374d3807fa0d633a52d38d8de6f679fe33fc776e196f53cd010188256a3600a292882096246517815ca99884606e18044a3a40d91824820924265a7923a2e8bcd05f33db1173e002913175f2a6be6d3294871a2d95fa00e8a94ee017b69d339d90df1e77c57ea072ede6758 subfigure toggled(bool) subcaption setEnabled(bool) browsePB clicked() QGraphicsDialogBase browse_clicked() filename textChanged(const QString&) QGraphicsDialogBase change_adaptor() subcaption textChanged(const QString&) QGraphicsDialogBase change_adaptor() subfigure stateChanged(int) QGraphicsDialogBase change_adaptor() latexoptions textChanged(const QString&) QGraphicsDialogBase change_adaptor() clip stateChanged(int) QGraphicsDialogBase change_adaptor() lbX textChanged(const QString&) QGraphicsDialogBase change_bb() showCB activated(int) QGraphicsDialogBase change_adaptor() displayscale textChanged(const QString&) QGraphicsDialogBase change_adaptor() width textChanged(const QString&) QGraphicsDialogBase change_adaptor() widthUnit activated(int) QGraphicsDialogBase change_WUnit() aspectratio stateChanged(int) QGraphicsDialogBase change_adaptor() displayCB stateChanged(int) QGraphicsDialogBase change_adaptor() draftCB stateChanged(int) QGraphicsDialogBase change_adaptor() unzipCB stateChanged(int) QGraphicsDialogBase change_adaptor() displayCB toggled(bool) showCB setEnabled(bool) displayCB toggled(bool) displayscale setEnabled(bool) height textChanged(const QString&) QGraphicsDialogBase change_adaptor() angle textChanged(const QString&) QGraphicsDialogBase change_adaptor() origin activated(int) QGraphicsDialogBase change_adaptor() getPB clicked() QGraphicsDialogBase getBB_clicked() getPB clicked() QGraphicsDialogBase change_adaptor() lbY textChanged(const QString&) QGraphicsDialogBase change_bb() rtX textChanged(const QString&) QGraphicsDialogBase change_bb() rtY textChanged(const QString&) QGraphicsDialogBase change_bb() lbXunit activated(int) QGraphicsDialogBase change_bb() lbYunit activated(int) QGraphicsDialogBase change_bb() rtXunit activated(int) QGraphicsDialogBase change_bb() rtYunit activated(int) QGraphicsDialogBase change_bb() browse_clicked() getBB_clicked() change_adaptor() change_bb() change_WUnit() TabWidget filename browsePB displayCB showCB displayscale width height aspectratio angle origin lbX lbXunit lbY lbYunit rtX rtXunit rtY rtYunit getPB subfigure subcaption latexoptions draftCB unzipCB restorePB okPB applyPB closePB clip