/** * \file QExternalDialog.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author John Levon * \author Angus Leeming * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include // Qt defines a macro 'signals' that clashes with a boost namespace. // All is well if the namespace is visible first. #include "insets/ExternalTemplate.h" #include "controllers/ButtonController.h" #include "controllers/ControlExternal.h" #include "support/convert.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/lyxlib.h" #include "QExternalDialog.h" #include "lengthcombo.h" #include "lengthvalidator.h" #include "qt_helpers.h" #include "QExternal.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using lyx::support::float_equal; using lyx::support::isStrDbl; using std::string; namespace lyx { namespace frontend { namespace { LengthValidator * unsignedLengthValidator(QLineEdit * ed) { LengthValidator * v = new LengthValidator(ed); v->setBottom(LyXLength()); return v; } } // namespace anon QExternalDialog::QExternalDialog(QExternal * form) : QExternalDialogBase(0, 0, false, 0), form_(form) { connect(okPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), form, SLOT(slotOK())); connect(applyPB, SIGNAL(clicked()), form, SLOT(slotApply())); connect(closePB, SIGNAL(clicked()), form, SLOT(slotClose())); QIntValidator * validator = new QIntValidator(displayscaleED); validator->setBottom(1); displayscaleED->setValidator(validator); angleED->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(-360, 360, 2, angleED)); xlED->setValidator(new QIntValidator(xlED)); ybED->setValidator(new QIntValidator(ybED)); xrED->setValidator(new QIntValidator(xrED)); ytED->setValidator(new QIntValidator(ytED)); widthED->setValidator(unsignedLengthValidator(widthED)); heightED->setValidator(unsignedLengthValidator(heightED)); } void QExternalDialog::show() { QExternalDialogBase::show(); fileED->setFocus(); } bool QExternalDialog::activateAspectratio() const { if (widthUnitCO->currentItem() == 0) return false; string const wstr = fromqstr(widthED->text()); if (wstr.empty()) return false; bool const wIsDbl = isStrDbl(wstr); if (wIsDbl && float_equal(convert(wstr), 0.0, 0.05)) return false; LyXLength l; if (!wIsDbl && (!isValidLength(wstr, &l) || l.zero())) return false; string const hstr = fromqstr(heightED->text()); if (hstr.empty()) return false; bool const hIsDbl = isStrDbl(hstr); if (hIsDbl && float_equal(convert(hstr), 0.0, 0.05)) return false; if (!hIsDbl && (!isValidLength(hstr, &l) || l.zero())) return false; return true; } void QExternalDialog::bbChanged() { form_->controller().bbChanged(true); form_->changed(); } void QExternalDialog::browseClicked() { int const choice = externalCO->currentItem(); string const template_name = form_->controller().getTemplate(choice).lyxName; string const str = form_->controller().browse(fromqstr(fileED->text()), template_name); fileED->setText(toqstr(str)); form_->changed(); } void QExternalDialog::change_adaptor() { form_->changed(); } void QExternalDialog::closeEvent(QCloseEvent * e) { form_->slotWMHide(); e->accept(); } void QExternalDialog::editClicked() { form_->controller().editExternal(); } void QExternalDialog::extraChanged(const QString& text) { std::string const format = fromqstr(extraFormatCO->currentText()); form_->extra_[format] = text; form_->changed(); } void QExternalDialog::formatChanged(const QString& format) { extraED->setText(form_->extra_[fromqstr(format)]); } void QExternalDialog::getbbClicked() { form_->getBB(); } void QExternalDialog::sizeChanged() { aspectratioCB->setEnabled(activateAspectratio()); form_->changed(); } void QExternalDialog::templateChanged() { form_->updateTemplate(); form_->changed(); } void QExternalDialog::widthUnitChanged() { bool useHeight = (widthUnitCO->currentItem() > 0); if (useHeight) widthED->setValidator(unsignedLengthValidator(widthED)); else widthED->setValidator(new QDoubleValidator(0, 1000, 2, widthED)); heightED->setEnabled(useHeight); heightUnitCO->setEnabled(useHeight); form_->changed(); } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx