/** * \file QDelimiterDialog.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author John Levon * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS */ #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "support/filetools.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "debug.h" #include "QMath.h" #include "QDelimiterDialog.h" #include "iconpalette.h" #include #include #include #include namespace { char const * delim[] = { "(", ")", "{", "}", "[", "]", "lceil", "rceil", "lfloor", "rfloor", "langle", "rangle", "uparrow", "Uparrow", "downarrow", "Downarrow", "|", "Vert", "slash", "backslash", "" }; string do_match(string const & str) { if (str == "(") return ")"; if (str == ")") return "("; if (str == "[") return "]"; if (str == "]") return "["; if (str == "{") return "}"; if (str == "}") return "{"; if (str == "l") return "r"; if (str == "rceil") return "lceil"; if (str == "lceil") return "rceil"; if (str == "rfloor") return "lfloor"; if (str == "lfloor") return "rfloor"; if (str == "rangle") return "langle"; if (str == "langle") return "rangle"; if (str == "backslash") return "slash"; if (str == "slash") return "backslash"; return str; } string fix_name(string const & str) { if (str == "slash") return "/"; if (str == "backslash") return "\\"; if (str == "empty") return "."; return str; } } // namespace anon QDelimiterDialog::QDelimiterDialog(QMath * form) : QDelimiterDialogBase(0, 0, false, 0), form_(form) { setCaption(_("LyX: Delimiters")); for (int i = 0; *delim[i]; ++i) { string xpm_name = LibFileSearch("images/math/", delim[i], "xpm"); leftIP->add(QPixmap(xpm_name.c_str()), delim[i], delim[i]); } leftIP->add(QPixmap(LibFileSearch("images/math/", "empty", "xpm").c_str()), "empty", "empty"); connect(leftIP, SIGNAL(button_clicked(string)), this, SLOT(ldelim_clicked(string))); ldelim_clicked("("); for (int i = 0; *delim[i]; ++i) { string xpm_name = LibFileSearch("images/math/", delim[i], "xpm"); rightIP->add(QPixmap(xpm_name.c_str()), delim[i], delim[i]); } rightIP->add(QPixmap(LibFileSearch("images/math/", "empty", "xpm").c_str()), "empty", "empty"); connect(rightIP, SIGNAL(button_clicked(string)), this, SLOT(rdelim_clicked(string))); rdelim_clicked(")"); } void QDelimiterDialog::insertClicked() { form_->insertDelim(fix_name(left_) + " " + fix_name(right_)); } void QDelimiterDialog::set_label(QLabel * label, string const & str) { string xpm_name = LibFileSearch("images/math/", str, "xpm"); label->setUpdatesEnabled(false); label->setPixmap(QPixmap(xpm_name.c_str())); label->setUpdatesEnabled(true); label->update(); } void QDelimiterDialog::ldelim_clicked(string str) { left_ = str; set_label(leftPI, left_); if (matchCB->isChecked()) { right_ = do_match(left_); set_label(rightPI, right_); } } void QDelimiterDialog::rdelim_clicked(string str) { right_ = str; set_label(rightPI, right_); if (matchCB->isChecked()) { left_ = do_match(right_); set_label(leftPI, left_); } }