/** * \file QContentPane.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author John Levon * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include // Qt defines a macro 'signals' that clashes with a boost namespace. // All is well if the namespace is visible first. #include "QWorkArea.h" #include "QContentPane.h" #include "QLyXKeySym.h" #include #include #include #include namespace { /// return the LyX key state from Qt's key_modifier::state q_key_state(Qt::ButtonState state) { key_modifier::state k = key_modifier::none; if (state & Qt::ControlButton) k |= key_modifier::ctrl; if (state & Qt::ShiftButton) k |= key_modifier::shift; if (state & Qt::AltButton) k |= key_modifier::alt; return k; } /// return the LyX mouse button state from Qt's mouse_button::state q_button_state(Qt::ButtonState button) { mouse_button::state b = mouse_button::none; switch (button) { case Qt::LeftButton: b = mouse_button::button1; break; case Qt::MidButton: b = mouse_button::button2; break; case Qt::RightButton: b = mouse_button::button3; break; default: break; } return b; } /// return the LyX mouse button state from Qt's mouse_button::state q_motion_state(Qt::ButtonState state) { mouse_button::state b = mouse_button::none; if (state & Qt::LeftButton) b |= mouse_button::button1; if (state & Qt::MidButton) b |= mouse_button::button2; if (state & Qt::RightButton) b |= mouse_button::button3; return b; } } // namespace anon SyntheticMouseEvent::SyntheticMouseEvent() : timeout(200), restart_timeout(true), x_old(-1), y_old(-1), scrollbar_value_old(-1.0) {} QContentPane::QContentPane(QWorkArea * parent) : QWidget(parent, "content_pane", WRepaintNoErase), track_scrollbar_(true), wa_(parent) { synthetic_mouse_event_.timeout.timeout.connect( boost::bind(&QContentPane::generateSyntheticMouseEvent, this)); setFocusPolicy(QWidget::WheelFocus); setFocus(); setCursor(ibeamCursor); // stupid moc strikes again connect(wa_->scrollbar_, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(scrollBarChanged(int))); } void QContentPane::generateSyntheticMouseEvent() { // Set things off to generate the _next_ 'pseudo' event. if (synthetic_mouse_event_.restart_timeout) synthetic_mouse_event_.timeout.start(); // Has anything changed on-screen since the last timeout signal // was received? double const scrollbar_value = wa_->scrollbar_->value(); if (scrollbar_value != synthetic_mouse_event_.scrollbar_value_old) { // Yes it has. Store the params used to check this. synthetic_mouse_event_.scrollbar_value_old = scrollbar_value; // ... and dispatch the event to the LyX core. wa_->dispatch(synthetic_mouse_event_.cmd); } } void QContentPane::scrollBarChanged(int val) { if (track_scrollbar_) wa_->scrollDocView(val); } void QContentPane::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * e) { if (dc_event_.active && dc_event_ == *e) { dc_event_.active = false; FuncRequest cmd(LFUN_MOUSE_TRIPLE, dc_event_.x, dc_event_.y, q_button_state(dc_event_.state)); wa_->dispatch(cmd); return; } FuncRequest const cmd(LFUN_MOUSE_PRESS, e->x(), e->y(), q_button_state(e->button())); wa_->dispatch(cmd); } void QContentPane::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent * e) { if (synthetic_mouse_event_.timeout.running()) synthetic_mouse_event_.timeout.stop(); FuncRequest const cmd(LFUN_MOUSE_RELEASE, e->x(), e->y(), q_button_state(e->button())); wa_->dispatch(cmd); } void QContentPane::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent * e) { FuncRequest const cmd(LFUN_MOUSE_MOTION, e->x(), e->y(), q_motion_state(e->state())); // If we're above or below the work area... if (e->y() <= 0 || e->y() >= height()) { // Store the event, to be handled when the timeout expires. synthetic_mouse_event_.cmd = cmd; if (synthetic_mouse_event_.timeout.running()) // Discard the event. Note that it _may_ be handled // when the timeout expires if // synthetic_mouse_event_.cmd has not been overwritten. // Ie, when the timeout expires, we handle the // most recent event but discard all others that // occurred after the one used to start the timeout // in the first place. return; else { synthetic_mouse_event_.restart_timeout = true; synthetic_mouse_event_.timeout.start(); // Fall through to handle this event... } } else if (synthetic_mouse_event_.timeout.running()) { // Store the event, to be possibly handled when the timeout // expires. // Once the timeout has expired, normal control is returned // to mouseMoveEvent (restart_timeout = false). // This results in a much smoother 'feel' when moving the // mouse back into the work area. synthetic_mouse_event_.cmd = cmd; synthetic_mouse_event_.restart_timeout = false; return; } // Has anything changed on-screen since the last QMouseEvent // was received? double const scrollbar_value = wa_->scrollbar_->value(); if (e->x() != synthetic_mouse_event_.x_old || e->y() != synthetic_mouse_event_.y_old || scrollbar_value != synthetic_mouse_event_.scrollbar_value_old) { // Yes it has. Store the params used to check this. synthetic_mouse_event_.x_old = e->x(); synthetic_mouse_event_.y_old = e->y(); synthetic_mouse_event_.scrollbar_value_old = scrollbar_value; // ... and dispatch the event to the LyX core. wa_->dispatch(cmd); } } void QContentPane::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent * e) { wa_->scrollbar_->setValue(wa_->scrollbar_->value() - e->delta()); } void QContentPane::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent * e) { boost::shared_ptr sym(new QLyXKeySym); sym->set(e); wa_->workAreaKeyPress(sym, q_key_state(e->state())); } void QContentPane::doubleClickTimeout() { if (!dc_event_.active) return; dc_event_.active = false; FuncRequest cmd(LFUN_MOUSE_DOUBLE, dc_event_.x, dc_event_.y, q_button_state(dc_event_.state)); wa_->dispatch(cmd); } void QContentPane::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent * e) { dc_event_ = double_click(e); // doubleClickInterval() is just too long. QTimer::singleShot(int(QApplication::doubleClickInterval() / 1.5), this, SLOT(doubleClickTimeout())); } void QContentPane::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) { if (!pixmap_.get()) { pixmap_.reset(new QPixmap(width(), height())); } pixmap_->resize(width(), height()); wa_->workAreaResize(); } void QContentPane::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * e) { if (!pixmap_.get()) { pixmap_.reset(new QPixmap(width(), height())); wa_->workAreaResize(); return; } QRect r(e->rect()); QPainter q(this); q.drawPixmap(QPoint(r.x(), r.y()), *pixmap_.get(), r); } void QContentPane::trackScrollbar(bool track_on) { track_scrollbar_ = track_on; }