SearchUi 0 0 678 135 0 0 false &Case sensitive[[search]] Match &whole words only Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding 89 0 false Find previous occurrence (Shift+Enter) Find[[Previous]] .. false Replace all occurrences Replace &All 0 0 Qt::StrongFocus true 666 QComboBox::InsertAtTop false Hide replace and option widgets &Minimize Rep&lace with: replaceCO &Search: findCO 0 0 true 666 QComboBox::InsertAtTop false false Replace and find next occurrence Qt::RightToLeft &Replace[[Next]] .. false Replace and find previous occurrence Re&place[[Previous]] .. false Find next occurrence (Enter) Qt::RightToLeft Find[[Next]] .. true qt_i18n.h