SearchUi 0 0 706 135 0 0 false false Find previous occurrence (Shift+Enter) < Find false Replace all occurrences Replace &All 0 0 Qt::StrongFocus true 666 QComboBox::InsertAtTop false Hide replace and option widgets &Minimize Rep&lace with: replaceCO &Search: findCO 0 0 true 666 QComboBox::InsertAtTop false false Replace and find next occurrence Qt::LeftToRight &Replace > false Replace and find previous occurrence < Re&place false Find next occurrence (Enter) Qt::LeftToRight Find > true 0 0 0 0 0 &Case sensitive[[search]] &Whole words If this is checked, LyX will search forward immediately Search as you t&ype Qt::Horizontal 40 20 qt_i18n.h