PrefLatexUi 0 0 425 582 0 0 0 0 &DVI viewer paper size options: latexDviPaperED Optional paper size flag (-paper) for some DVI viewers Qt::Horizontal 33 20 Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 5 Bibliography Generation true P&rocessor: latexBibtexCO Op&tions: latexBibtexED BibTeX command and options Processor for &Japanese: latexJBibtexCO Options: latexJBibtexED Specific BibTeX command and options for pLaTeX (Japanese) Qt::Horizontal 52 20 Qt::Horizontal 49 20 Index Generation true &Processor: latexIndexCO Op&tions: latexIndexED Index command and options (makeindex, xindy) Processor for &Japanese: latexJIndexED Specific index command and options for pLaTeX (Japanese) Qt::Horizontal 52 20 true Command and options for nomencl (usually makeindex) CheckTeX start options and flags &CheckTeX command: latexChecktexED &Nomenclature command: latexNomenclED true Select whether LyX should output Windows or Cygwin style paths to LaTeX files. Change the default only if the TeX engine was not correctly detected at configure time. Warning: Your changes here will not be saved. Qt::LeftToRight &Use Windows-style paths in LaTeX files Set class options to default on class change R&eset class options when document class changes Qt::Vertical 20 40 qt_i18n.h