PrefEditUi 0 0 494 583 0 0 Editing Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop true Scroll &below end of document Sort &environments alphabetically Qt::Horizontal 200 20 Cursor &follows scrollbar Configure the width of the text cursor. Automatic zoom-controlled cursor width used when set to 0. Cursor width (&pixels): cursorWidthSB 0 10 1 1 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 &Group environments by their category Skip trailing non-word characters Use M&ac-style cursor movement Edit Math Macros inline with a box around Edit Math Macros inline with the name in the status bar Edit Math Macros with a parameter list (like in LyX < 1.6) If this is checked, deleted and added text in change tracking mde will not be resolved on copy/paste operations and when moving content from/to insets &Keep change tracking markup on copy and paste Fullscreen Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignTop true 0 0 &Hide toolbars Hide scr&ollbar Hide &tabbar Hide &menubar Hide sta&tusbar &Limit text width true true Screen used (&pixels): fullscreenWidthSB 0 10000 10 700 Qt::Horizontal 157 20 Qt::Vertical 0 0 cursorFollowsCB cursorWidthSB scrollBelowCB macLikeCursorMovementCB sortEnvironmentsCB groupEnvironmentsCB macroEditStyleCO qt_i18n.h