OutputUi 0 0 510 504 Form DocBook Output Options true 50 false &Table output: tableoutCB 50 false Format to use for math output. HTML CALS Qt::Horizontal 40 20 50 false &MathML namespace prefix: mathmlprefixCB 50 false Namespace prefix to use for MathML formulae. No prefix (namespace defined inline for each tag) m (default) mml Qt::Horizontal 40 20 LyX Format true false Save all parameters in the LyX file, including ones that are frequently switched or that are specific to the user (such as the output of the tracked changes, or the document directory path). Disabling this option plays nicer in collaborative settings and with version control systems. Save &transient properties Output Format true 9 9 9 9 6 6 0 0 0 0 Specify the default output format (for view/update) De&fault output format: defaultFormatCO Specify the default output format (for view/update) Qt::Horizontal 40 20 XHTML Output Options true 50 false Format to use for math output. MathML HTML Images LaTeX Write CSS to file 50 false &Math output: tableoutCB 50 false Math &image scaling: mathimgSB Whether to comply strictly with XHTML 1.1. &Strict XHTML 1.1 50 false Scaling factor for images used for math output. 0.100000000000000 10.000000000000000 0.100000000000000 1.000000000000000 Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Runs the LaTeX backend with the -shell-escape option (Warning: use only when really necessary) &Allow running external programs LaTeX Output Options Enable forward/reverse search between editor and output (e.g., SyncTeX) S&ynchronize with output Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 20 C&ustom macro: synccustomCB Custom LaTeX preamble macro true Qt::Horizontal 40 20 If this is checked, fragile items such as labels and index entries are moved out of moving arguments such as sections and captions. This prevents LaTeX errors that can happen in such cases. It is recommended to keep this on. Put fra&gile content out of moving arguments Qt::Vertical 20 40 qt_i18n.h