ListingsUi 0 0 753 397 Listing 0 &Main Settings Placement true Check for inline listings &Inline listing Check for floating listings &Float Pla&cement: false placementLE Specify placement (htbp) for floating listings Line numbering true &Side: numberSideCO On which side should line numbers be printed? None Left Right S&tep: false numberStepLE Difference between two numbered lines Qt::AlignLeading Font si&ze: false numberFontSizeCO 0 0 Choose the font size for line numbers false false Style true F&ont size: false fontsizeCO 0 0 The content's base font size false false Font Famil&y: false fontstyleCO 0 0 The content's base font style false false Break lines longer than the linewidth &Break long lines 276824130 Make spaces visible by a special symbol S&pace as symbol 276824147 Make spaces in strings visible by a special symbol Space i&n string as symbol 276824147 Tab&ulator size: tabsizeSB true Use extended character table &Extended character table 276824133 Language[[Programming]] true Lan&guage[[Programming]]: languageCO Select the programming language &Dialect: dialectCO Select the dialect of the programming language, if available Range true Fi&rst line: false firstlineLE The first line to be printed Qt::AlignLeading &Last line: false lastlineLE The last line to be printed Qt::AlignLeading Ad&vanced 0 0 More Parameters true Qt::Horizontal 16777215 16777215 false Feedback window QFrame::Box QFrame::Plain false 0 0 Input listing parameters here. Enter ? for a list of parameters. Check it to enter parameters that are not recognizable by LyX &Bypass validation QDialogButtonBox::Apply|QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok listingsTW inlineCB floatCB placementLE languageCO dialectCO numberSideCO numberStepLE numberFontSizeCO firstlineLE lastlineLE fontsizeCO fontstyleCO breaklinesCB spaceCB spaceInStringCB extendedcharsCB listingsTB listingsED qt_i18n.h