FindAndReplaceUi 0 0 394 664 TabWidget 0 Sear&ch 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 6 Search fo&r: find_work_area_ 0 0 6 6 6 Replace &with: replace_work_area_ 0 0 6 6 6 6 6 Shift+Enter search backwards directly Search &backwards true Restrict search to whole words only Wh&ole words Perform a case-sensitive search Case &sensitive Qt::Horizontal 0 0 6 6 6 6 6 true Find next occurrence (Enter, backwards: Shift+Enter) Find &> true true Replace and find next occurrence (Enter, backwards: Shift+Enter) Rep&lace > true Replace all occurrences at once Replace &All Qt::Vertical 0 0 Settin&gs true 0 0 The scope to which the search horizon is restricted false Scope true true C&urrent document true true 0 0 Current document and all related documents belonging to the same master document &Master document true All open documents &Open documents true &All manuals Qt::Vertical 0 0 QLayout::SetMinimumSize false E&xpand macros Restrict search to math environments only Search onl&y in maths Keep the case of the replacement's first letter as in each matching text first letter &Preserve first case on replace Qt::Vertical 0 0 Do not search in content that is not output (e.g., notes) Ignore &non-output content Qt::Vertical 20 8 If the search string is formatted in a non-default way, only find strings formatted like the search string in the checked respects Adhe&re to search string formatting of true false Strike-through Font series[[FindReplaceAdv]] Font color Emph/noun Dese&lect all Font family Language Sectioning markup Deletion (change) Underlining Font shape &Select all Font size Qt::Vertical 0 0 lyx::frontend::EmbeddedWorkArea QWidget