CompareUi 0 0 622 348 true 24 Qt::Horizontal Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 4 0 0 Select the document from which the settings should be taken Document Settings true O&ld document New docu&ment Qt::Horizontal 40 20 Turns on the change tracking and showing changes in LaTeX output for the resulting document &Enable change tracking features in the output false Qt::Vertical 20 4 Old documen&t: oldFileCB 0 0 Specify the original version of the document here (comparison source) true Bro&wse... false &New document: newFileCB 0 0 Specify the modified version of the document here (comparison target) true &Browse... false false QDialogButtonBox::Cancel|QDialogButtonBox::Ok Changes in the workarea are allocated to the selected author or category Changes mar&kup: authorCO Changes in the workarea are allocated to the selected author or category Qt::Horizontal 0 0 qt_i18n.h