/** * \file GTexinfo.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author John Spray * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include // Too hard to make concept checks work with this file #ifdef _GLIBCXX_CONCEPT_CHECKS #undef _GLIBCXX_CONCEPT_CHECKS #endif #ifdef _GLIBCPP_CONCEPT_CHECKS #undef _GLIBCPP_CONCEPT_CHECKS #endif #include "GTexinfo.h" #include "ghelpers.h" #include "support/filetools.h" using std::string; namespace lyx { using support::OnlyFilename; namespace frontend { GTexinfo::GTexinfo(Dialog & parent) : GViewCB(parent, _("TeX Information"), false), activeStyle(ControlTexinfo::cls) {} void GTexinfo::doBuild() { string const gladeName = findGladeFile("texinfo"); xml_ = Gnome::Glade::Xml::create(gladeName); Gtk::Button * button; xml_->get_widget("Close", button); setCancel(button); xml_->get_widget("Refresh", button); button->signal_clicked().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, >exinfo::onRefresh)); xml_->get_widget("FullPath", fullpathcheck_); fullpathcheck_->signal_toggled().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, >exinfo::updateStyles)); // For both liststores listCols_.add(listCol_); listCols_.add(listColIndex_); // Items ListView xml_->get_widget("Items", itemsview_); itemsstore_ = Gtk::ListStore::create(listCols_); itemsview_->set_model(itemsstore_); itemsview_->append_column("Item", listCol_); listSel_ = itemsview_->get_selection(); itemsview_->signal_row_activated().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, >exinfo::onItemActivate)); // Type Selection Combobox xml_->get_widget("Type", typecombo_); typestore_ = Gtk::ListStore::create(listCols_); typecombo_->set_model(typestore_); Gtk::CellRendererText * cell = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::CellRendererText); typecombo_->pack_start(*cell, true); typecombo_->add_attribute(*cell, "text", 0); typecombo_->signal_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, >exinfo::onTypeComboChanged)); Gtk::TreeModel::iterator row = typestore_->append(); (*row)[listCol_] = _("LaTeX classes"); (*row)[listColIndex_] = ControlTexinfo::cls; // This is the default selection typecombo_->set_active(row); activeStyle = ControlTexinfo::cls; row = typestore_->append(); (*row)[listCol_] = _("LaTeX styles"); (*row)[listColIndex_] = ControlTexinfo::sty; row = typestore_->append(); (*row)[listCol_] = _("BibTeX styles"); (*row)[listColIndex_] = ControlTexinfo::bst; updateStyles(); } void GTexinfo::onItemActivate( Gtk::TreeModel::Path const & path, Gtk::TreeViewColumn * /* col */) { int const choice = (*itemsstore_->get_iter(path))[listColIndex_]; ContentsType const & data = texdata_[activeStyle]; if (choice >= 0 && choice <= data.size() - 1) controller().viewFile(data[choice]); } void GTexinfo::onTypeComboChanged() { int const typeindex = (*typecombo_->get_active())[listColIndex_]; activeStyle = static_cast(typeindex); updateStyles(); } void GTexinfo::onRefresh() { // makes sense only if the rights are set well for // users (/var/lib/texmf/ls-R) texhash(); rescanTexStyles(); updateStyles(); } void GTexinfo::updateStyles() { ContentsType & data = texdata_[activeStyle]; getTexFileList(activeStyle, data); bool const withFullPath = fullpathcheck_->get_active(); itemsstore_->clear(); ContentsType::const_iterator it = data.begin(); ContentsType::const_iterator end = data.end(); for (int rowindex = 0; it != end; ++it, ++rowindex) { string const line = withFullPath ? *it : OnlyFilename(*it); Gtk::TreeModel::iterator row = itemsstore_->append(); (*row)[listCol_] = line; (*row)[listColIndex_] = rowindex; } } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx