/** * \file GErrorList.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author John Spray * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "GErrorList.h" #include "ControlErrorList.h" #include "ghelpers.h" using std::string; namespace lyx { namespace frontend { GErrorList::GErrorList(Dialog & parent) : GViewCB(parent, _("Errors"), false) {} void GErrorList::doBuild() { string const gladeName = findGladeFile("errors"); xml_ = Gnome::Glade::Xml::create(gladeName); Gtk::Button * closebutton; xml_->get_widget("Close", closebutton); setCancel(closebutton); xml_->get_widget("ErrorList", errlistview_); listCols_.add(listCol_); listCols_.add(listColIndex_); errliststore_ = Gtk::ListStore::create(listCols_); errlistview_->set_model(errliststore_); errlistview_->append_column("Error", listCol_); errlistsel_ = errlistview_->get_selection(); xml_->get_widget("ErrorDescription", errdescview_); errlistsel_->signal_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &GErrorList::onErrListSelection)); } void GErrorList::update() { setTitle(controller().name()); updateContents(); } void GErrorList::onErrListSelection() { int const choice = (*errlistsel_->get_selected())[listColIndex_]; ErrorList const & errors = controller().errorList(); errdescview_->get_buffer()->set_text(errors[choice].description); } void GErrorList::updateContents() { errliststore_->clear(); ErrorList const & errors = controller().errorList(); if (errors.empty()) { (*errliststore_->append())[listCol_] = _("*** No Errors ***"); errlistview_->set_sensitive(false); return; } errlistview_->set_sensitive(true); ErrorList::const_iterator cit = errors.begin(); ErrorList::const_iterator end = errors.end(); for (int rowindex = 0; cit != end; ++cit, ++rowindex) { Gtk::ListStore::Row row = *errliststore_->append(); if (rowindex == 0) errlistsel_->select(*row); (*row)[listCol_] = cit->error; (*row)[listColIndex_] = rowindex; } } } // namespace frontend } // namespace lyx