This directory provides the controllers that act as an interface between the LyX kernel and the GUI-specific implementations of each popup. It also provides abstract base classes from which GUI-specific implemetations of the ButtonController and each separate popup should be derived (see ButtonControlBase.[Ch] and ViewBase.h respectively). The Controller connects the GUI-specific popup to any appropriate signals and dispatches any changes in the data to the kernel. It has no knowledge of the actual instantiation of the GUI-dependent View and ButtonController, which should therefore be created elsewhere. Once created, the Controller will take care of their initialisation, management and, ultimately, destruction. This leaves the GUI-specific popup (and its author!) to worry only about the data that it has been created to input/modify. This concept has been instatiated for the Citation dialog only at the moment. See xforms-new/FormCitation.[Ch] for an xforms-specific View of the dialog.