/** * \file ControlSpellchecker.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Edwin Leuven * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "ControlSpellchecker.h" #include "ViewBase.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "bufferparams.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "bufferview_funcs.h" #include "debug.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "language.h" #include "lyxrc.h" #include "PosIterator.h" #include "paragraph.h" #include "ispell.h" #ifdef USE_PSPELL # include "pspell.h" #else #ifdef USE_ASPELL # include "aspell_local.h" #endif #endif #include "support/tostr.h" #include "frontends/Alert.h" using lyx::support::bformat; using std::advance; using std::distance; using std::endl; using std::string; ControlSpellchecker::ControlSpellchecker(LyXView & lv, Dialogs & d) : ControlDialogBD(lv, d), oldval_(0), newvalue_(0), count_(0) {} ControlSpellchecker::~ControlSpellchecker() {} void ControlSpellchecker::setParams() { lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "spell setParams" << endl; startSession(); } void ControlSpellchecker::clearParams() { lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "spell clearParams" << endl; endSession(); } namespace { SpellBase * getSpeller(BufferParams const & bp) { string lang = (lyxrc.isp_use_alt_lang) ? lyxrc.isp_alt_lang : bp.language->code(); #ifdef USE_ASPELL if (lyxrc.use_spell_lib) return new ASpell(bp, lang); #endif #ifdef USE_PSPELL if (lyxrc.use_spell_lib) return new PSpell(bp, lang); #endif lang = (lyxrc.isp_use_alt_lang) ? lyxrc.isp_alt_lang : bp.language->lang(); return new ISpell(bp, lang); } } void ControlSpellchecker::startSession() { lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "spell startSession" << endl; if (speller_.get()) { lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "startSession: speller exists" << endl; speller_.reset(0); return; } speller_.reset(getSpeller(buffer()->params())); // reset values to initial oldval_ = 0; newvalue_ = 0; count_ = 0; emergency_exit_ = false; // start off the check if (speller_->error().empty()) { check(); return; } emergency_exit_ = true; string message = speller_->error(); if (message.empty()) message = _("The spell-checker could not be started.\n" "Maybe it is mis-configured."); Alert::error(_("The spell-checker has failed"), message); speller_.reset(0); } void ControlSpellchecker::endSession() { lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "spell endSession" << endl; emergency_exit_ = true; if (!speller_.get()) { lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "endSession with no speller" << endl; return; } speller_.reset(0); } namespace { bool isLetter(PosIterator & cur) { return !cur.at_end() && cur.pit()->isLetter(cur.pos()) && !isDeletedText(*cur.pit(), cur.pos()) && (!cur.inset() || cur.inset()->allowSpellCheck()); } WordLangTuple nextWord(PosIterator & cur, PosIterator const & end, int & progress, BufferParams & bp) { // skip until we have real text (will jump paragraphs) for (; cur != end && !isLetter(cur); ++cur, ++progress); if (cur == end) return WordLangTuple(string(), string()); string lang_code = cur.pit()->getFontSettings(bp, cur.pos()).language()->code(); string str; // and find the end of the word (insets like optional hyphens // and ligature break are part of a word) for (; cur != end && isLetter(cur); ++cur, ++progress) { if (!cur.pit()->isInset(cur.pos())) str += cur.pit()->getChar(cur.pos()); } return WordLangTuple(str, lang_code); } } //namespace anon void ControlSpellchecker::check() { lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "spell check a word" << endl; SpellBase::Result res = SpellBase::OK; PosIterator cur(*bufferview()); PosIterator const beg = buffer()->pos_iterator_begin(); PosIterator const end = buffer()->pos_iterator_end(); int start = distance(beg, cur); int const total = start + distance(cur, end); if (cur != buffer()->pos_iterator_begin()) for (; cur != end && isLetter(cur); ++cur, ++start); while (res == SpellBase::OK || res == SpellBase::IGNORE) { word_ = nextWord(cur, end, start, buffer()->params()); // end of document if (word_.word().empty()) break; ++count_; // Update slider if and only if value has changed float progress = total ? float(start)/total : 1; newvalue_ = int(100.0 * progress); if (newvalue_!= oldval_) { lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "Updating spell progress." << endl; oldval_ = newvalue_; // set progress bar view().partialUpdate(SPELL_PROGRESSED); } // speller might be dead ... if (!checkAlive()) return; res = speller_->check(word_); // ... or it might just be reporting an error if (!checkAlive()) return; } lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "Found word \"" << word_.word() << "\"" << endl; if (!word_.word().empty()) { int const size = word_.word().size(); advance(cur, -size); bufferview()->putSelectionAt(cur, size, false); advance(cur, size); } else { showSummary(); endSession(); return; } // set suggestions if (res != SpellBase::OK && res != SpellBase::IGNORE) { lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "Found a word needing checking." << endl; view().partialUpdate(SPELL_FOUND_WORD); } } bool ControlSpellchecker::checkAlive() { if (speller_->alive() && speller_->error().empty()) return true; string message = speller_->error(); if (message.empty()) message = _("The spell-checker has died for some reason.\n" "Maybe it has been killed."); view().hide(); speller_.reset(0); Alert::error(_("The spell-checker has failed"), message); return false; } void ControlSpellchecker::showSummary() { if (!checkAlive() || count_ == 0) { view().hide(); return; } string message; if (count_ != 1) message = bformat(_("%1$s words checked."), tostr(count_)); else message = _("One word checked."); view().hide(); Alert::information(_("Spell-checking is complete"), message); } void ControlSpellchecker::replace(string const & replacement) { bufferview()->replaceWord(replacement); // fix up the count --count_; check(); } void ControlSpellchecker::replaceAll(string const & replacement) { // TODO: add to list replace(replacement); } void ControlSpellchecker::insert() { speller_->insert(word_); check(); } string const ControlSpellchecker::getSuggestion() const { return speller_->nextMiss(); } string const ControlSpellchecker::getWord() const { return word_.word(); } void ControlSpellchecker::ignoreAll() { speller_->accept(word_); check(); }