/** * \file errorlist.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Alfredo Braunstein * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS */ #include #include "errorlist.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "LaTeX.h" ErrorItem::ErrorItem(string const & error, string const & description, int par_id, int pos_start, int pos_end) : error(error), description(description), par_id(par_id), pos_start(pos_start), pos_end(pos_end) {} ErrorItem::ErrorItem() : par_id(-1), pos_start(0), pos_end(0) {} ErrorList::ErrorList(Buffer const & buf, TeXErrors const & terr) { TeXErrors::Errors::const_iterator cit = terr.begin(); TeXErrors::Errors::const_iterator end = terr.end(); for (; cit != end; ++cit) { int par_id = -1; int posstart = -1; int const errorrow = cit->error_in_line; buf.texrow.getIdFromRow(errorrow, par_id, posstart); int posend = -1; buf.texrow.getIdFromRow(errorrow + 1, par_id, posend); push_back(ErrorItem(cit->error_desc, cit->error_text, par_id, posstart, posend)); } }