/** * \file cursor.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Alejandro Aguilar Sierra * \author Alfredo Braunstein * \author André Pönitz * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "BufferView.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "CutAndPaste.h" #include "debug.h" #include "dispatchresult.h" #include "encoding.h" #include "funcrequest.h" #include "language.h" #include "lfuns.h" #include "lyxfont.h" #include "lyxfunc.h" // only for setMessage() #include "lyxrc.h" #include "lyxrow.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "paragraph.h" #include "paragraph_funcs.h" #include "pariterator.h" #include "insets/updatableinset.h" #include "insets/insettabular.h" #include "insets/insettext.h" #include "mathed/math_data.h" #include "mathed/math_inset.h" #include "mathed/math_macrotable.h" #include "support/limited_stack.h" #include "frontends/LyXView.h" #include #include using lyx::par_type; using std::string; using std::vector; using std::endl; #ifndef CXX_GLOBAL_CSTD using std::isalpha; #endif using std::min; using std::swap; namespace { bool positionable (DocIterator const & cursor, DocIterator const & anchor) { // avoid deeper nested insets when selecting if (cursor.size() > anchor.size()) return false; // anchor might be deeper, should have same path then for (size_t i = 0; i < cursor.size(); ++i) if (&cursor[i].inset() != &anchor[i].inset()) return false; // position should be ok. return true; } // Find position closest to (x, y) in cell given by iter. DocIterator bruteFind2(LCursor const & c, int x, int y) { double best_dist = 1e10; DocIterator result; DocIterator it = c; it.back().pos() = 0; DocIterator et = c; et.back().pos() = et.back().asMathInset()->cell(et.back().idx()).size(); for (int i = 0; ; ++i) { int xo, yo; LCursor cur = c; cur.setCursor(it, false); cur.inset().getCursorPos(cur, xo, yo); double d = (x - xo) * (x - xo) + (y - yo) * (y - yo); // '<=' in order to take the last possible position // this is important for clicking behind \sum in e.g. '\sum_i a' lyxerr << "i: " << i << " d: " << d << " best: " << best_dist << endl; if (d <= best_dist) { best_dist = d; result = it; } if (it == et) break; it.forwardPos(); } return result; } /// moves position closest to (x, y) in given box bool bruteFind(LCursor & cursor, int x, int y, int xlow, int xhigh, int ylow, int yhigh) { BOOST_ASSERT(!cursor.empty()); par_type beg, end; CursorSlice bottom = cursor[0]; LyXText * text = bottom.text(); BOOST_ASSERT(text); getParsInRange(text->paragraphs(), ylow, yhigh, beg, end); DocIterator it = doc_iterator_begin(cursor.bv().buffer()->inset()); DocIterator et = doc_iterator_end(cursor.bv().buffer()->inset()); //lyxerr << "x: " << x << " y: " << y << endl; //lyxerr << "xlow: " << xlow << " ylow: " << ylow << endl; //lyxerr << "xhigh: " << xhigh << " yhigh: " << yhigh << endl; it.par() = beg; //et.par() = text->parOffset(end); double best_dist = 10e10; DocIterator best_cursor = it; for ( ; it != et; it.forwardPos()) { // avoid invalid nesting when selecting if (!cursor.selection() || positionable(it, cursor.anchor_)) { int xo = 0, yo = 0; LCursor cur = cursor; cur.setCursor(it, false); cur.inset().getCursorPos(cur, xo, yo); if (xlow <= xo && xo <= xhigh && ylow <= yo && yo <= yhigh) { double d = (x - xo) * (x - xo) + (y - yo) * (y - yo); //lyxerr << "xo: " << xo << " yo: " << yo << " d: " << d << endl; // '<=' in order to take the last possible position // this is important for clicking behind \sum in e.g. '\sum_i a' if (d <= best_dist) { //lyxerr << "*" << endl; best_dist = d; best_cursor = it; } } } } //lyxerr << "best_dist: " << best_dist << " cur:\n" << best_cursor << endl; if (best_dist < 1e10) cursor.setCursor(best_cursor, false); return best_dist < 1e10; } } // namespace anon LCursor::LCursor(BufferView & bv) : DocIterator(), bv_(&bv), anchor_(), x_target_(-1), selection_(false), mark_(false) {} void LCursor::reset(InsetBase & inset) { clear(); push_back(CursorSlice(inset)); anchor_ = DocIterator(inset); clearTargetX(); selection_ = false; mark_ = false; } void LCursor::setCursor(DocIterator const & cur, bool sel) { // this (intentionally) does not touch the anchor DocIterator::operator=(cur); selection() = sel; } void LCursor::dispatch(FuncRequest const & cmd0) { lyxerr[Debug::DEBUG] << "LCursor::dispatch: cmd: " << cmd0 << endl << *this << endl; if (empty()) return; FuncRequest cmd = cmd0; LCursor safe = *this; for ( ; size(); pop()) { lyxerr << "LCursor::dispatch: cmd: " << cmd0 << endl << *this << endl; BOOST_ASSERT(pos() <= lastpos()); BOOST_ASSERT(idx() <= lastidx()); BOOST_ASSERT(par() <= lastpar()); // The common case is 'LFUN handled, need update', so make the // LFUN handler's life easier by assuming this as default value. // The handler can reset the update and val flags if necessary. disp_.update(true); disp_.dispatched(true); inset().dispatch(*this, cmd); if (disp_.dispatched()) break; } // it completely to get a 'bomb early' behaviour in case this // object will be used again. if (!disp_.dispatched()) { lyxerr[Debug::DEBUG] << "RESTORING OLD CURSOR!" << endl; operator=(safe); disp_.dispatched(false); } } DispatchResult LCursor::result() const { return disp_; } bool LCursor::getStatus(FuncRequest const & cmd, FuncStatus & status) { // This is, of course, a mess. Better create a new doc iterator and use // this in Inset::getStatus. This might require an additional // BufferView * arg, though (which should be avoided) LCursor safe = *this; bool res = false; for ( ; size(); pop()) { //lyxerr << "\nLCursor::getStatus: cmd: " << cmd << endl << *this << endl; BOOST_ASSERT(pos() <= lastpos()); BOOST_ASSERT(idx() <= lastidx()); BOOST_ASSERT(par() <= lastpar()); // The inset's getStatus() will return 'true' if it made // a definitive decision on whether it want to handle the // request or not. The result of this decision is put into // the 'status' parameter. if (inset().getStatus(*this, cmd, status)) { res = true; break; } } operator=(safe); return res; } BufferView & LCursor::bv() const { BOOST_ASSERT(bv_); return *bv_; } Buffer & LCursor::buffer() const { BOOST_ASSERT(bv_); BOOST_ASSERT(bv_->buffer()); return *bv_->buffer(); } void LCursor::pop() { BOOST_ASSERT(size() >= 1); pop_back(); } void LCursor::push(InsetBase & p) { push_back(CursorSlice(p)); } void LCursor::pushLeft(InsetBase & p) { BOOST_ASSERT(!empty()); //lyxerr << "Entering inset " << t << " left" << endl; push(p); p.idxFirst(*this); } bool LCursor::popLeft() { BOOST_ASSERT(!empty()); //lyxerr << "Leaving inset to the left" << endl; inset().notifyCursorLeaves(*this); if (depth() == 1) return false; pop(); return true; } bool LCursor::popRight() { BOOST_ASSERT(!empty()); //lyxerr << "Leaving inset to the right" << endl; inset().notifyCursorLeaves(*this); if (depth() == 1) return false; pop(); ++pos(); return true; } int LCursor::currentMode() { BOOST_ASSERT(!empty()); for (int i = size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { int res = operator[](i).inset().currentMode(); if (res != InsetBase::UNDECIDED_MODE) return res; } return InsetBase::TEXT_MODE; } void LCursor::getDim(int & asc, int & des) const { if (inMathed()) { BOOST_ASSERT(inset().asMathInset()); //inset().asMathInset()->getCursorDim(asc, des); asc = 10; des = 10; } else if (inTexted()) { Row const & row = textRow(); asc = row.baseline(); des = row.height() - asc; } else { lyxerr << "should this happen?" << endl; asc = 10; des = 10; } } void LCursor::getPos(int & x, int & y) const { x = 0; y = 0; if (!empty()) inset().getCursorPos(*this, x, y); } void LCursor::paste(string const & data) { dispatch(FuncRequest(LFUN_PASTE, data)); } void LCursor::resetAnchor() { anchor_ = *this; } bool LCursor::posLeft() { if (pos() == 0) return false; --pos(); return true; } bool LCursor::posRight() { if (pos() == lastpos()) return false; ++pos(); return true; } CursorSlice LCursor::anchor() const { BOOST_ASSERT(anchor_.size() >= size()); CursorSlice normal = anchor_[size() - 1]; if (size() < anchor_.size() && back() <= normal) { // anchor is behind cursor -> move anchor behind the inset ++normal.pos(); } return normal; } CursorSlice LCursor::selBegin() const { if (!selection()) return back(); return anchor() < back() ? anchor() : back(); } CursorSlice LCursor::selEnd() const { if (!selection()) return back(); return anchor() > back() ? anchor() : back(); } DocIterator LCursor::selectionBegin() const { if (!selection()) return *this; return anchor() < back() ? anchor_ : *this; } DocIterator LCursor::selectionEnd() const { if (!selection()) return *this; return anchor() > back() ? anchor_ : *this; } void LCursor::setSelection() { selection() = true; // a selection with no contents is not a selection #ifdef WITH_WARNINGS #warning doesnt look ok #endif if (par() == anchor().par() && pos() == anchor().pos()) selection() = false; } void LCursor::setSelection(DocIterator const & where, size_t n) { setCursor(where, true); anchor_ = where; pos() += n; } void LCursor::clearSelection() { selection() = false; mark() = false; resetAnchor(); bv().unsetXSel(); } int & LCursor::x_target() { return x_target_; } int LCursor::x_target() const { return x_target_; } void LCursor::clearTargetX() { x_target_ = -1; } void LCursor::info(std::ostream & os) const { for (int i = 1, n = depth(); i < n; ++i) { operator[](i).inset().infoize(os); os << " "; } if (pos() != 0) prevInset()->infoize2(os); // overwite old message os << " "; } void LCursor::selHandle(bool sel) { //lyxerr << "LCursor::selHandle" << endl; if (sel == selection()) return; resetAnchor(); selection() = sel; } std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, LCursor const & cur) { os << "\n cursor: | anchor:\n"; for (size_t i = 0, n = cur.size(); i != n; ++i) { os << " " << cur.operator[](i) << " | "; if (i < cur.anchor_.size()) os << cur.anchor_[i]; else os << "-------------------------------"; os << "\n"; } for (size_t i = cur.size(), n = cur.anchor_.size(); i < n; ++i) { os << "------------------------------- | " << cur.anchor_[i] << "\n"; } os << " selection: " << cur.selection_ << " x_target: " << cur.x_target_ << endl; return os; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // The part below is the non-integrated rest of the original math // cursor. This should be either generalized for texted or moved // back to mathed (in most cases to MathNestInset). // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "mathed/math_charinset.h" #include "mathed/math_factory.h" #include "mathed/math_gridinset.h" #include "mathed/math_macroarg.h" #include "mathed/math_mathmlstream.h" #include "mathed/math_scriptinset.h" #include "mathed/math_support.h" #include "mathed/math_unknowninset.h" //#define FILEDEBUG 1 bool LCursor::isInside(InsetBase const * p) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < depth(); ++i) if (&operator[](i).inset() == p) return true; return false; } bool LCursor::openable(MathAtom const & t) const { if (!t->isActive()) return false; if (t->lock()) return false; if (!selection()) return true; // we can't move into anything new during selection if (depth() >= anchor_.size()) return false; if (!ptr_cmp(t.nucleus(), &anchor_[depth()].inset())) return false; return true; } void LCursor::setScreenPos(int x, int y) { x_target() = x; bruteFind(*this, x, y, 0, bv().workWidth(), 0, bv().workHeight()); } void LCursor::plainErase() { cell().erase(pos()); } void LCursor::markInsert() { insert(char(0)); } void LCursor::markErase() { cell().erase(pos()); } void LCursor::plainInsert(MathAtom const & t) { cell().insert(pos(), t); ++pos(); } void LCursor::insert(string const & str) { //lyxerr << "LCursor::insert str '" << str << "'" << endl; for (string::const_iterator it = str.begin(); it != str.end(); ++it) insert(*it); } void LCursor::insert(char c) { //lyxerr << "LCursor::insert char '" << c << "'" << endl; BOOST_ASSERT(!empty()); if (inMathed()) { lyx::cap::selClearOrDel(*this); insert(new MathCharInset(c)); } else { text()->insertChar(*this, c); } } void LCursor::insert(MathAtom const & t) { //lyxerr << "LCursor::insert MathAtom '" << t << "'" << endl; macroModeClose(); lyx::cap::selClearOrDel(*this); plainInsert(t); } void LCursor::insert(InsetBase * inset) { if (inMathed()) insert(MathAtom(inset)); else text()->insertInset(*this, inset); } void LCursor::niceInsert(string const & t) { MathArray ar; asArray(t, ar); if (ar.size() == 1) niceInsert(ar[0]); else insert(ar); } void LCursor::niceInsert(MathAtom const & t) { macroModeClose(); string safe = lyx::cap::grabAndEraseSelection(*this); plainInsert(t); // enter the new inset and move the contents of the selection if possible if (t->isActive()) { posLeft(); // be careful here: don't use 'pushLeft(t)' as this we need to // push the clone, not the original pushLeft(*nextInset()); paste(safe); } } void LCursor::insert(MathArray const & ar) { macroModeClose(); if (selection()) lyx::cap::eraseSelection(*this); cell().insert(pos(), ar); pos() += ar.size(); } bool LCursor::backspace() { autocorrect() = false; if (selection()) { lyx::cap::selDel(*this); return true; } if (pos() == 0) { if (inset().nargs() == 1 && depth() == 1 && lastpos() == 0) return false; pullArg(); return true; } if (inMacroMode()) { MathUnknownInset * p = activeMacro(); if (p->name().size() > 1) { p->setName(p->name().substr(0, p->name().size() - 1)); return true; } } if (pos() != 0 && prevAtom()->nargs() > 0) { // let's require two backspaces for 'big stuff' and // highlight on the first resetAnchor(); selection() = true; --pos(); } else { --pos(); plainErase(); } return true; } bool LCursor::erase() { autocorrect() = false; if (inMacroMode()) return true; if (selection()) { lyx::cap::selDel(*this); return true; } // delete empty cells if possible if (pos() == lastpos() && inset().idxDelete(idx())) return true; // special behaviour when in last position of cell if (pos() == lastpos()) { bool one_cell = inset().nargs() == 1; if (one_cell && depth() == 1 && lastpos() == 0) return false; // remove markup if (one_cell) pullArg(); else inset().idxGlue(idx()); return true; } // 'clever' UI hack: only erase large items if previously slected if (pos() != lastpos() && inset().nargs() > 0) { resetAnchor(); selection() = true; ++pos(); } else { plainErase(); } return true; } bool LCursor::up() { macroModeClose(); DocIterator save = *this; if (goUpDown(true)) return true; setCursor(save, false); autocorrect() = false; return selection(); } bool LCursor::down() { macroModeClose(); DocIterator save = *this; if (goUpDown(false)) return true; setCursor(save, false); autocorrect() = false; return selection(); } void LCursor::macroModeClose() { if (!inMacroMode()) return; MathUnknownInset * p = activeMacro(); p->finalize(); string s = p->name(); --pos(); cell().erase(pos()); // do nothing if the macro name is empty if (s == "\\") return; string const name = s.substr(1); // prevent entering of recursive macros // FIXME: this is only a weak attempt... only prevents immediate // recursion InsetBase const * macro = innerInsetOfType(InsetBase::MATHMACRO_CODE); if (macro && macro->getInsetName() == name) lyxerr << "can't enter recursive macro" << endl; plainInsert(createMathInset(name)); } string LCursor::macroName() { return inMacroMode() ? activeMacro()->name() : string(); } void LCursor::handleNest(MathAtom const & a, int c) { //lyxerr << "LCursor::handleNest: " << c << endl; MathAtom t = a; asArray(lyx::cap::grabAndEraseSelection(*this), t.nucleus()->cell(c)); insert(t); posLeft(); pushLeft(*nextInset()); } int LCursor::targetX() const { if (x_target() != -1) return x_target(); int x = 0; int y = 0; getPos(x, y); return x; } bool LCursor::inMacroMode() const { if (pos() == 0) return false; MathUnknownInset const * p = prevAtom()->asUnknownInset(); return p && !p->final(); } MathUnknownInset * LCursor::activeMacro() { return inMacroMode() ? prevAtom().nucleus()->asUnknownInset() : 0; } void LCursor::pullArg() { #ifdef WITH_WARNINGS #warning Look here #endif MathArray ar = cell(); if (popLeft() && inMathed()) { plainErase(); cell().insert(pos(), ar); resetAnchor(); } else { //formula()->mutateToText(); } } void LCursor::touch() { #ifdef WITH_WARNINGS #warning look here #endif #if 0 DocIterator::const_iterator it = begin(); DocIterator::const_iterator et = end(); for ( ; it != et; ++it) it->cell().touch(); #endif } void LCursor::normalize() { if (idx() >= nargs()) { lyxerr << "this should not really happen - 1: " << idx() << ' ' << nargs() << " in: " << &inset() << endl; } idx() = min(idx(), lastidx()); if (pos() > lastpos()) { lyxerr << "this should not really happen - 2: " << pos() << ' ' << lastpos() << " in idx: " << idx() << " in atom: '"; WriteStream wi(lyxerr, false, true); inset().asMathInset()->write(wi); lyxerr << endl; } pos() = min(pos(), lastpos()); } bool LCursor::goUpDown(bool up) { // Be warned: The 'logic' implemented in this function is highly // fragile. A distance of one pixel or a '<' vs '<=' _really // matters. So fiddle around with it only if you think you know // what you are doing! int xo = 0; int yo = 0; getPos(xo, yo); // check if we had something else in mind, if not, this is the future goal if (x_target() == -1) x_target() = xo; else xo = x_target(); // try neigbouring script insets if (!selection()) { // try left if (pos() != 0) { MathScriptInset const * p = prevAtom()->asScriptInset(); if (p && p->has(up)) { --pos(); push(inset()); idx() = up; // the superscript has index 1 pos() = lastpos(); //lyxerr << "updown: handled by scriptinset to the left" << endl; return true; } } // try right if (pos() != lastpos()) { MathScriptInset const * p = nextAtom()->asScriptInset(); if (p && p->has(up)) { push(inset()); idx() = up; pos() = 0; //lyxerr << "updown: handled by scriptinset to the right" << endl; return true; } } } // try current cell for e.g. text insets if (inset().idxUpDown2(*this, up)) return true; //xarray().boundingBox(xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh); //if (up) // yhigh = yo - 4; //else // ylow = yo + 4; //if (bruteFind(*this, xo, yo, xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh)) { // lyxerr << "updown: handled by brute find in the same cell" << endl; // return true; //} // try to find an inset that knows better then we while (1) { //lyxerr << "updown: We are in " << &inset() << " idx: " << idx() << endl; // ask inset first if (inset().idxUpDown(*this, up)) { // try to find best position within this inset if (!selection()) setCursor(bruteFind2(*this, xo, yo), false); return true; } // no such inset found, just take something "above" //lyxerr << "updown: handled by strange case" << endl; if (!popLeft()) { int ylow = up ? 0 : yo + 1; int yhigh = up ? yo - 1 : bv().workHeight(); return bruteFind(*this, xo, yo, 0, bv().workWidth(), ylow, yhigh); } // any improvement so far? int xnew, ynew; getPos(xnew, ynew); if (up ? ynew < yo : ynew > yo) return true; } // we should not come here. BOOST_ASSERT(false); } void LCursor::handleFont(string const & font) { lyxerr << "LCursor::handleFont: " << font << endl; string safe; if (selection()) { macroModeClose(); safe = lyx::cap::grabAndEraseSelection(*this); } if (lastpos() != 0) { // something left in the cell if (pos() == 0) { // cursor in first position popLeft(); } else if (pos() == lastpos()) { // cursor in last position popRight(); } else { // cursor in between. split cell MathArray::iterator bt = cell().begin(); MathAtom at = createMathInset(font); at.nucleus()->cell(0) = MathArray(bt, bt + pos()); cell().erase(bt, bt + pos()); popLeft(); plainInsert(at); } } else { // nothing left in the cell pullArg(); plainErase(); } insert(safe); } void LCursor::message(string const & msg) const { bv().owner()->getLyXFunc().setMessage(msg); } void LCursor::errorMessage(string const & msg) const { bv().owner()->getLyXFunc().setErrorMessage(msg); } string LCursor::selectionAsString(bool label) const { if (!selection()) return string(); if (inTexted()) { Buffer const & buffer = *bv().buffer(); ParagraphList & pars = text()->paragraphs(); // should be const ... par_type startpit = selBegin().par(); par_type endpit = selEnd().par(); size_t const startpos = selBegin().pos(); size_t const endpos = selEnd().pos(); if (startpit == endpit) return pars[startpit].asString(buffer, startpos, endpos, label); // First paragraph in selection string result = pars[startpit]. asString(buffer, startpos, pars[startpit].size(), label) + "\n\n"; // The paragraphs in between (if any) for (par_type pit = startpit + 1; pit != endpit; ++pit) { Paragraph & par = pars[pit]; result += par.asString(buffer, 0, par.size(), label) + "\n\n"; } // Last paragraph in selection result += pars[endpit].asString(buffer, 0, endpos, label); return result; } #ifdef WITH_WARNINGS #warning and mathed? #endif return string(); } string LCursor::currentState() { if (inMathed()) { std::ostringstream os; info(os); return os.str(); } if (inTexted()) return text()->currentState(*this); return string(); } string LCursor::getPossibleLabel() { return inMathed() ? "eq:" : text()->getPossibleLabel(*this); } Encoding const * LCursor::getEncoding() const { if (empty()) return 0; if (!bv().buffer()) return 0; int s = 0; // go up until first non-0 text is hit // (innermost text is 0 in mathed) for (s = size() - 1; s >= 0; --s) if (operator[](s).text()) break; CursorSlice const & sl = operator[](s); LyXText & text = *sl.text(); LyXFont font = text.getPar(sl.par()).getFont( bv().buffer()->params(), sl.pos(), outerFont(sl.par(), text.paragraphs())); return font.language()->encoding(); } void LCursor::undispatched() { disp_.dispatched(false); } void LCursor::dispatched() { disp_.dispatched(true); } void LCursor::needsUpdate() { disp_.update(true); } void LCursor::noUpdate() { disp_.update(false); }