#include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include #include "chset.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/LRegex.h" #include "support/LSubstring.h" #include "debug.h" bool CharacterSet::loadFile(string const & fname) { map_.clear(); name_.clear(); if (fname.empty() || fname == "ascii") return true; // ascii 7-bit // open definition file lyxerr[Debug::KBMAP] << "Reading keymap file " << fname << ".cdef" << endl; string filename = LibFileSearch("kbd", fname.c_str(), "cdef"); ifstream ifs(filename.c_str()); if (!ifs) { lyxerr << "Unable to open keymap file" << endl; return true; // no definition, use 7-bit ascii } name_ = fname; string str; int n; string line; LRegex reg("^([12][0-9][0-9])[ \t]+\"([^ ]+)\".*"); while(getline(ifs, line)) { if (reg.exact_match(line)) { LRegex::SubMatches const & sub = reg.exec(line); n = atoi(line.substr(sub[1].first, sub[1].second).c_str()); str = LSubstring(line, sub[2].first, sub[2].second); if (lyxerr.debugging(Debug::KBMAP)) lyxerr << "Chardef: " << n << " to [" << str << "]" << endl; map_[str] = n; } } lyxerr[Debug::KBMAP] << "End of parsing of .cdef file." << endl; return false; } bool CharacterSet::encodeString(string & str) const { Cdef::const_iterator cit = map_.find(str); if (cit != map_.end()) return true; return false; } string const & CharacterSet::getName() const { return name_; }