/* This file is part of * ====================================================== * * LyX, The Document Processor * * Copyright 1995 Matthias Ettrich * Copyright 1995-2000 The LyX Team. * * This file is Copyright 1996-1999 * Lars Gullik Bjønnes * * ====================================================== */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LOCALE #include #endif #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation "buffer.h" #endif #include "buffer.h" #include "bufferlist.h" #include "lyx_main.h" #include "lyx_gui_misc.h" #include "LyXAction.h" #include "lyxrc.h" #include "lyxlex.h" #include "tex-strings.h" #include "layout.h" #include "bufferview_funcs.h" #include "minibuffer.h" #include "lyxfont.h" #include "version.h" #include "mathed/formulamacro.h" #include "insets/lyxinset.h" #include "insets/inseterror.h" #include "insets/insetlabel.h" #include "insets/insetref.h" #include "insets/inseturl.h" #include "insets/insetinfo.h" #include "insets/insetquotes.h" #include "insets/insetlatexaccent.h" #include "insets/insetbib.h" #include "insets/insetcite.h" #include "insets/insetexternal.h" #include "insets/insetindex.h" #include "insets/insetinclude.h" #include "insets/insettoc.h" #include "insets/insetparent.h" #include "insets/insetspecialchar.h" #include "insets/figinset.h" #include "insets/insettext.h" #include "insets/insetert.h" #include "insets/insetgraphics.h" #include "insets/insetfoot.h" #include "insets/insetmarginal.h" #include "insets/insetminipage.h" #include "insets/insetfloat.h" #include "insets/insetlist.h" #include "insets/insettabular.h" #include "insets/insettheorem.h" #include "insets/insetcaption.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/path.h" #include "LaTeX.h" #include "Chktex.h" #include "LyXView.h" #include "debug.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "support/syscall.h" #include "support/lyxlib.h" #include "support/FileInfo.h" #include "support/lyxmanip.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "language.h" #include "lyx_gui_misc.h" // WarnReadonly() #include "frontends/Dialogs.h" #include "encoding.h" #include "exporter.h" #include "Lsstream.h" #include "converter.h" using std::stringstream; using std::ostream; using std::ofstream; using std::ifstream; using std::fstream; using std::ios; using std::setw; using std::endl; using std::pair; using std::make_pair; using std::vector; using std::map; using std::max; using std::set; using std::stack; using std::list; // all these externs should eventually be removed. extern BufferList bufferlist; extern LyXAction lyxaction; namespace { const int LYX_FORMAT = 218; } // namespace anon extern int tex_code_break_column; Buffer::Buffer(string const & file, bool ronly) { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "Buffer::Buffer()" << endl; filename = file; filepath = OnlyPath(file); paragraph = 0; lyx_clean = true; bak_clean = true; dep_clean = 0; read_only = ronly; unnamed = false; users = 0; lyxvc.buffer(this); if (read_only || (lyxrc.use_tempdir)) { tmppath = CreateBufferTmpDir(); } else tmppath.erase(); } Buffer::~Buffer() { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "Buffer::~Buffer()" << endl; // here the buffer should take care that it is // saved properly, before it goes into the void. // make sure that views using this buffer // forgets it. if (users) users->buffer(0); if (!tmppath.empty()) { DestroyBufferTmpDir(tmppath); } LyXParagraph * par = paragraph; LyXParagraph * tmppar; #ifndef NEW_INSETS while (par) { tmppar = par->next_; delete par; par = tmppar; } #else while (par) { tmppar = par->next(); delete par; par = tmppar; } #endif paragraph = 0; } string const Buffer::getLatexName(bool no_path) const { if (no_path) return OnlyFilename(ChangeExtension(MakeLatexName(filename), ".tex")); else return ChangeExtension(MakeLatexName(filename), ".tex"); } pair const Buffer::getLogName(void) const { string const filename = getLatexName(false); if (filename.empty()) return make_pair(Buffer::latexlog, string()); string path = OnlyPath(filename); if (lyxrc.use_tempdir || (IsDirWriteable(path) < 1)) path = tmppath; string const fname = AddName(path, OnlyFilename(ChangeExtension(filename, ".log"))); string const bname = AddName(path, OnlyFilename( ChangeExtension(filename, formats.Extension("literate") + ".out"))); // If no Latex log or Build log is newer, show Build log FileInfo const f_fi(fname); FileInfo const b_fi(bname); if (b_fi.exist() && (!f_fi.exist() || f_fi.getModificationTime() < b_fi.getModificationTime())) { lyxerr[Debug::FILES] << "Log name calculated as : " << bname << endl; return make_pair(Buffer::buildlog, bname); } lyxerr[Debug::FILES] << "Log name calculated as : " << fname << endl; return make_pair(Buffer::latexlog, fname); } void Buffer::setReadonly(bool flag) { if (read_only != flag) { read_only = flag; updateTitles(); users->owner()->getDialogs()->updateBufferDependent(false); } if (read_only) { WarnReadonly(filename); } } bool Buffer::saveParamsAsDefaults() // const { string const fname = AddName(AddPath(user_lyxdir, "templates/"), "defaults.lyx"); Buffer defaults = Buffer(fname); // Use the current buffer's parameters as default defaults.params = params; // add an empty paragraph. Is this enough? defaults.paragraph = new LyXParagraph; return defaults.writeFile(defaults.filename, false); } /// Update window titles of all users // Should work on a list void Buffer::updateTitles() const { if (users) users->owner()->updateWindowTitle(); } /// Reset autosave timer of all users // Should work on a list void Buffer::resetAutosaveTimers() const { if (users) users->owner()->resetAutosaveTimer(); } void Buffer::setFileName(string const & newfile) { filename = MakeAbsPath(newfile); filepath = OnlyPath(filename); setReadonly(IsFileWriteable(filename) == 0); updateTitles(); } // candidate for move to BufferView // (at least some parts in the beginning of the func) // // Uwe C. Schroeder // changed to be public and have one parameter // if par = 0 normal behavior // else insert behavior // Returns false if "\the_end" is not read for formats >= 2.13. (Asger) bool Buffer::readLyXformat2(LyXLex & lex, LyXParagraph * par) { int pos = 0; char depth = 0; // signed or unsigned? #ifndef NEW_INSETS LyXParagraph::footnote_flag footnoteflag = LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE; LyXParagraph::footnote_kind footnotekind = LyXParagraph::FOOTNOTE; #endif bool the_end_read = false; LyXParagraph * return_par = 0; LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_INHERIT, params.language); if (file_format < 216 && params.language->lang() == "hebrew") font.setLanguage(default_language); // If we are inserting, we cheat and get a token in advance bool has_token = false; string pretoken; if (!par) { par = new LyXParagraph; } else { users->text->BreakParagraph(users); return_par = users->text->FirstParagraph(); pos = 0; markDirty(); // We don't want to adopt the parameters from the // document we insert, so we skip until the text begins: while (lex.IsOK()) { lex.nextToken(); pretoken = lex.GetString(); if (pretoken == "\\layout") { has_token = true; break; } } } while (lex.IsOK()) { if (has_token) { has_token = false; } else { lex.nextToken(); pretoken = lex.GetString(); } if (pretoken.empty()) continue; the_end_read = parseSingleLyXformat2Token(lex, par, return_par, pretoken, pos, depth, font #ifndef NEW_INSETS , footnoteflag, footnotekind #endif ); } if (!return_par) return_par = par; paragraph = return_par; return the_end_read; } // We'll remove this later. (Lgb) namespace { string last_inset_read; } // anon bool Buffer::parseSingleLyXformat2Token(LyXLex & lex, LyXParagraph *& par, LyXParagraph *& return_par, string const & token, int & pos, char & depth, LyXFont & font #ifndef NEW_INSETS , LyXParagraph::footnote_flag & footnoteflag, LyXParagraph::footnote_kind & footnotekind #endif ) { bool the_end_read = false; #ifndef NO_PEXTRA_REALLY #ifdef NEW_INSETS // This is super temporary but is needed to get the compability // mode for minipages work correctly together with new tabulars. static int call_depth = 0; ++call_depth; #endif bool checkminipage = false; static LyXParagraph * minipar = 0; static LyXParagraph * parBeforeMinipage = 0; #endif if (token[0] != '\\') { for (string::const_iterator cit = token.begin(); cit != token.end(); ++cit) { par->InsertChar(pos, (*cit), font); ++pos; } checkminipage = true; } else if (token == "\\i") { Inset * inset = new InsetLatexAccent; inset->Read(this, lex); par->InsertInset(pos, inset, font); ++pos; } else if (token == "\\layout") { #ifndef NEW_INSETS if (!return_par) return_par = par; else { par->fitToSize(); par = new LyXParagraph(par); } pos = 0; lex.EatLine(); string const layoutname = lex.GetString(); pair pp = textclasslist.NumberOfLayout(params.textclass, layoutname); if (pp.first) { par->layout = pp.second; } else { // layout not found // use default layout "Standard" (0) par->layout = 0; } // Test whether the layout is obsolete. LyXLayout const & layout = textclasslist.Style(params.textclass, par->layout); if (!layout.obsoleted_by().empty()) par->layout = textclasslist.NumberOfLayout(params.textclass, layout.obsoleted_by()).second; par->footnoteflag = footnoteflag; par->footnotekind = footnotekind; par->params.depth(depth); font = LyXFont(LyXFont::ALL_INHERIT, params.language); if (file_format < 216 && params.language->lang() == "hebrew") font.setLanguage(default_language); #else lex.EatLine(); string const layoutname = lex.GetString(); pair pp = textclasslist.NumberOfLayout(params.textclass, layoutname); #ifdef USE_CAPTION // The is the compability reading of layout caption. // It can be removed in LyX version 1.3.0. (Lgb) if (compare_no_case(layoutname, "caption") == 0) { // We expect that the par we are now working on is // really inside a InsetText inside a InsetFloat. // We also know that captions can only be // one paragraph. (Lgb) // We should now read until the next "\layout" // is reached. // This is probably not good enough, what if the // caption is the last par in the document (Lgb) istream & ist = lex.getStream(); stringstream ss; string line; int begin = 0; while (true) { getline(ist, line); if (prefixIs(line, "\\layout")) { lex.pushToken(line); break; } if (prefixIs(line, "\\begin_inset")) ++begin; if (prefixIs(line, "\\end_inset")) { if (begin) --begin; else { lex.pushToken(line); break; } } ss << line << '\n'; } // Now we should have the whole layout in ss // we should now be able to give this to the // caption inset. ss << "\\end_inset\n"; // This seems like a bug in stringstream. // We really should be able to use ss // directly. (Lgb) istringstream is(ss.str()); LyXLex tmplex(0, 0); tmplex.setStream(is); Inset * inset = new InsetCaption; inset->Read(this, tmplex); par->InsertInset(pos, inset, font); ++pos; } else { #endif if (!return_par) return_par = par; else { par->fitToSize(); par = new LyXParagraph(par); } pos = 0; if (pp.first) { par->layout = pp.second; } else { // layout not found // use default layout "Standard" (0) par->layout = 0; } // Test whether the layout is obsolete. LyXLayout const & layout = textclasslist.Style(params.textclass, par->layout); if (!layout.obsoleted_by().empty()) par->layout = textclasslist .NumberOfLayout(params.textclass, layout.obsoleted_by()) .second; par->params.depth(depth); font = LyXFont(LyXFont::ALL_INHERIT, params.language); if (file_format < 216 && params.language->lang() == "hebrew") font.setLanguage(default_language); #if USE_CAPTION } #endif #endif #ifndef NEW_INSETS } else if (token == "\\end_float") { if (!return_par) return_par = par; else { par->fitToSize(); par = new LyXParagraph(par); } footnotekind = LyXParagraph::FOOTNOTE; footnoteflag = LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE; pos = 0; lex.EatLine(); par->layout = LYX_DUMMY_LAYOUT; font = LyXFont(LyXFont::ALL_INHERIT, params.language); if (file_format < 216 && params.language->lang() == "hebrew") font.setLanguage(default_language); } else if (token == "\\begin_float") { int tmpret = lex.FindToken(string_footnotekinds); if (tmpret == -1) ++tmpret; if (tmpret != LYX_LAYOUT_DEFAULT) footnotekind = static_cast(tmpret); // bad if (footnotekind == LyXParagraph::FOOTNOTE || footnotekind == LyXParagraph::MARGIN) footnoteflag = LyXParagraph::CLOSED_FOOTNOTE; else footnoteflag = LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE; #else } else if (token == "\\begin_float") { // This is the compability reader. It can be removed in // LyX version 1.3.0. (Lgb) lex.next(); string const tmptok = lex.GetString(); //lyxerr << "old float: " << tmptok << endl; Inset * inset = 0; stringstream old_float; if (tmptok == "footnote") { inset = new InsetFoot; } else if (tmptok == "margin") { inset = new InsetMarginal; } else if (tmptok == "fig") { inset = new InsetFloat("figure"); old_float << "placement htbp\n"; } else if (tmptok == "tab") { inset = new InsetFloat("table"); old_float << "placement htbp\n"; } else if (tmptok == "alg") { inset = new InsetFloat("algorithm"); old_float << "placement htbp\n"; } else if (tmptok == "wide-fig") { InsetFloat * tmp = new InsetFloat("figure"); tmp->wide(true); inset = tmp; old_float << "placement htbp\n"; } else if (tmptok == "wide-tab") { InsetFloat * tmp = new InsetFloat("table"); tmp->wide(true); inset = tmp; old_float << "placement htbp\n"; } if (!inset) { --call_depth; return false; // no end read yet } old_float << "collapsed true\n"; // Here we need to check for \end_deeper and handle that // before we do the footnote parsing. // This _is_ a hack! (Lgb) while (true) { lex.next(); string const tmp = lex.GetString(); if (tmp == "\\end_deeper") { //lyxerr << "\\end_deeper caught!" << endl; if (!depth) { lex.printError("\\end_deeper: " "depth is already null"); } else --depth; } else { old_float << tmp << ' '; break; } } old_float << lex.getLongString("\\end_float") << "\n\\end_inset\n"; //lyxerr << "Float Body:\n" << old_float.str() << endl; // That this does not work seems like a bug // in stringstream. (Lgb) istringstream istr(old_float.str()); LyXLex nylex(0, 0); nylex.setStream(istr); inset->Read(this, nylex); par->InsertInset(pos, inset, font); ++pos; #endif } else if (token == "\\begin_deeper") { ++depth; } else if (token == "\\end_deeper") { if (!depth) { lex.printError("\\end_deeper: " "depth is already null"); } else --depth; } else if (token == "\\begin_preamble") { params.readPreamble(lex); } else if (token == "\\textclass") { lex.EatLine(); pair pp = textclasslist.NumberOfClass(lex.GetString()); if (pp.first) { params.textclass = pp.second; } else { WriteAlert(string(_("Textclass error")), string(_("The document uses an unknown textclass \"")) + lex.GetString() + string("\"."), string(_("LyX will not be able to produce output correctly."))); params.textclass = 0; } if (!textclasslist.Load(params.textclass)) { // if the textclass wasn't loaded properly // we need to either substitute another // or stop loading the file. // I can substitute but I don't see how I can // stop loading... ideas?? ARRae980418 WriteAlert(_("Textclass Loading Error!"), string(_("Can't load textclass ")) + textclasslist.NameOfClass(params.textclass), _("-- substituting default")); params.textclass = 0; } } else if (token == "\\options") { lex.EatLine(); params.options = lex.GetString(); } else if (token == "\\language") { params.readLanguage(lex); } else if (token == "\\fontencoding") { lex.EatLine(); } else if (token == "\\inputencoding") { lex.EatLine(); params.inputenc = lex.GetString(); } else if (token == "\\graphics") { params.readGraphicsDriver(lex); } else if (token == "\\fontscheme") { lex.EatLine(); params.fonts = lex.GetString(); } else if (token == "\\noindent") { par->params.noindent(true); } else if (token == "\\fill_top") { par->params.spaceTop(VSpace(VSpace::VFILL)); } else if (token == "\\fill_bottom") { par->params.spaceBottom(VSpace(VSpace::VFILL)); } else if (token == "\\line_top") { par->params.lineTop(true); } else if (token == "\\line_bottom") { par->params.lineBottom(true); } else if (token == "\\pagebreak_top") { par->params.pagebreakTop(true); } else if (token == "\\pagebreak_bottom") { par->params.pagebreakBottom(true); } else if (token == "\\start_of_appendix") { par->params.startOfAppendix(true); } else if (token == "\\paragraph_separation") { int tmpret = lex.FindToken(string_paragraph_separation); if (tmpret == -1) ++tmpret; if (tmpret != LYX_LAYOUT_DEFAULT) params.paragraph_separation = static_cast(tmpret); } else if (token == "\\defskip") { lex.nextToken(); params.defskip = VSpace(lex.GetString()); } else if (token == "\\epsfig") { // obsolete // Indeed it is obsolete, but we HAVE to be backwards // compatible until 0.14, because otherwise all figures // in existing documents are irretrivably lost. (Asger) params.readGraphicsDriver(lex); } else if (token == "\\quotes_language") { int tmpret = lex.FindToken(string_quotes_language); if (tmpret == -1) ++tmpret; if (tmpret != LYX_LAYOUT_DEFAULT) { InsetQuotes::quote_language tmpl = InsetQuotes::EnglishQ; switch (tmpret) { case 0: tmpl = InsetQuotes::EnglishQ; break; case 1: tmpl = InsetQuotes::SwedishQ; break; case 2: tmpl = InsetQuotes::GermanQ; break; case 3: tmpl = InsetQuotes::PolishQ; break; case 4: tmpl = InsetQuotes::FrenchQ; break; case 5: tmpl = InsetQuotes::DanishQ; break; } params.quotes_language = tmpl; } } else if (token == "\\quotes_times") { lex.nextToken(); switch (lex.GetInteger()) { case 1: params.quotes_times = InsetQuotes::SingleQ; break; case 2: params.quotes_times = InsetQuotes::DoubleQ; break; } } else if (token == "\\papersize") { int tmpret = lex.FindToken(string_papersize); if (tmpret == -1) ++tmpret; else params.papersize2 = tmpret; } else if (token == "\\paperpackage") { int tmpret = lex.FindToken(string_paperpackages); if (tmpret == -1) { ++tmpret; params.paperpackage = BufferParams::PACKAGE_NONE; } else params.paperpackage = tmpret; } else if (token == "\\use_geometry") { lex.nextToken(); params.use_geometry = lex.GetInteger(); } else if (token == "\\use_amsmath") { lex.nextToken(); params.use_amsmath = lex.GetInteger(); } else if (token == "\\paperorientation") { int tmpret = lex.FindToken(string_orientation); if (tmpret == -1) ++tmpret; if (tmpret != LYX_LAYOUT_DEFAULT) params.orientation = static_cast(tmpret); } else if (token == "\\paperwidth") { lex.next(); params.paperwidth = lex.GetString(); } else if (token == "\\paperheight") { lex.next(); params.paperheight = lex.GetString(); } else if (token == "\\leftmargin") { lex.next(); params.leftmargin = lex.GetString(); } else if (token == "\\topmargin") { lex.next(); params.topmargin = lex.GetString(); } else if (token == "\\rightmargin") { lex.next(); params.rightmargin = lex.GetString(); } else if (token == "\\bottommargin") { lex.next(); params.bottommargin = lex.GetString(); } else if (token == "\\headheight") { lex.next(); params.headheight = lex.GetString(); } else if (token == "\\headsep") { lex.next(); params.headsep = lex.GetString(); } else if (token == "\\footskip") { lex.next(); params.footskip = lex.GetString(); } else if (token == "\\paperfontsize") { lex.nextToken(); params.fontsize = strip(lex.GetString()); } else if (token == "\\papercolumns") { lex.nextToken(); params.columns = lex.GetInteger(); } else if (token == "\\papersides") { lex.nextToken(); switch (lex.GetInteger()) { default: case 1: params.sides = LyXTextClass::OneSide; break; case 2: params.sides = LyXTextClass::TwoSides; break; } } else if (token == "\\paperpagestyle") { lex.nextToken(); params.pagestyle = strip(lex.GetString()); } else if (token == "\\bullet") { lex.nextToken(); int const index = lex.GetInteger(); lex.nextToken(); int temp_int = lex.GetInteger(); params.user_defined_bullets[index].setFont(temp_int); params.temp_bullets[index].setFont(temp_int); lex.nextToken(); temp_int = lex.GetInteger(); params.user_defined_bullets[index].setCharacter(temp_int); params.temp_bullets[index].setCharacter(temp_int); lex.nextToken(); temp_int = lex.GetInteger(); params.user_defined_bullets[index].setSize(temp_int); params.temp_bullets[index].setSize(temp_int); lex.nextToken(); string const temp_str = lex.GetString(); if (temp_str != "\\end_bullet") { // this element isn't really necessary for // parsing but is easier for humans // to understand bullets. Put it back and // set a debug message? lex.printError("\\end_bullet expected, got" + temp_str); //how can I put it back? } } else if (token == "\\bulletLaTeX") { lex.nextToken(); int const index = lex.GetInteger(); lex.next(); string temp_str = lex.GetString(); string sum_str; while (temp_str != "\\end_bullet") { // this loop structure is needed when user // enters an empty string since the first // thing returned will be the \\end_bullet // OR // if the LaTeX entry has spaces. Each element // therefore needs to be read in turn sum_str += temp_str; lex.next(); temp_str = lex.GetString(); } params.user_defined_bullets[index].setText(sum_str); params.temp_bullets[index].setText(sum_str); } else if (token == "\\secnumdepth") { lex.nextToken(); params.secnumdepth = lex.GetInteger(); } else if (token == "\\tocdepth") { lex.nextToken(); params.tocdepth = lex.GetInteger(); } else if (token == "\\spacing") { lex.next(); string const tmp = strip(lex.GetString()); Spacing::Space tmp_space = Spacing::Default; float tmp_val = 0.0; if (tmp == "single") { tmp_space = Spacing::Single; } else if (tmp == "onehalf") { tmp_space = Spacing::Onehalf; } else if (tmp == "double") { tmp_space = Spacing::Double; } else if (tmp == "other") { lex.next(); tmp_space = Spacing::Other; tmp_val = lex.GetFloat(); } else { lex.printError("Unknown spacing token: '$$Token'"); } // Small hack so that files written with klyx will be // parsed correctly. if (return_par) { par->params.spacing(Spacing(tmp_space, tmp_val)); } else { params.spacing.set(tmp_space, tmp_val); } } else if (token == "\\paragraph_spacing") { lex.next(); string const tmp = strip(lex.GetString()); if (tmp == "single") { par->params.spacing(Spacing(Spacing::Single)); } else if (tmp == "onehalf") { par->params.spacing(Spacing(Spacing::Onehalf)); } else if (tmp == "double") { par->params.spacing(Spacing(Spacing::Double)); } else if (tmp == "other") { lex.next(); par->params.spacing(Spacing(Spacing::Other, lex.GetFloat())); } else { lex.printError("Unknown spacing token: '$$Token'"); } } else if (token == "\\float_placement") { lex.nextToken(); params.float_placement = lex.GetString(); } else if (token == "\\family") { lex.next(); font.setLyXFamily(lex.GetString()); } else if (token == "\\series") { lex.next(); font.setLyXSeries(lex.GetString()); } else if (token == "\\shape") { lex.next(); font.setLyXShape(lex.GetString()); } else if (token == "\\size") { lex.next(); font.setLyXSize(lex.GetString()); } else if (token == "\\latex") { lex.next(); string const tok = lex.GetString(); // This is dirty, but gone with LyX3. (Asger) if (tok == "no_latex") font.setLatex(LyXFont::OFF); else if (tok == "latex") font.setLatex(LyXFont::ON); else if (tok == "default") font.setLatex(LyXFont::INHERIT); else lex.printError("Unknown LaTeX font flag " "`$$Token'"); } else if (token == "\\lang") { lex.next(); string const tok = lex.GetString(); Language const * lang = languages.getLanguage(tok); if (lang) { font.setLanguage(lang); } else { font.setLanguage(params.language); lex.printError("Unknown language `$$Token'"); } } else if (token == "\\numeric") { lex.next(); font.setNumber(font.setLyXMisc(lex.GetString())); } else if (token == "\\emph") { lex.next(); font.setEmph(font.setLyXMisc(lex.GetString())); } else if (token == "\\bar") { lex.next(); string const tok = lex.GetString(); // This is dirty, but gone with LyX3. (Asger) if (tok == "under") font.setUnderbar(LyXFont::ON); else if (tok == "no") font.setUnderbar(LyXFont::OFF); else if (tok == "default") font.setUnderbar(LyXFont::INHERIT); else lex.printError("Unknown bar font flag " "`$$Token'"); } else if (token == "\\noun") { lex.next(); font.setNoun(font.setLyXMisc(lex.GetString())); } else if (token == "\\color") { lex.next(); font.setLyXColor(lex.GetString()); } else if (token == "\\align") { int tmpret = lex.FindToken(string_align); if (tmpret == -1) ++tmpret; if (tmpret != LYX_LAYOUT_DEFAULT) { // tmpret != 99 ??? int const tmpret2 = int(pow(2.0, tmpret)); //lyxerr << "Tmpret2 = " << tmpret2 << endl; par->params.align(LyXAlignment(tmpret2)); } } else if (token == "\\added_space_top") { lex.nextToken(); par->params.spaceTop(VSpace(lex.GetString())); } else if (token == "\\added_space_bottom") { lex.nextToken(); par->params.spaceBottom(VSpace(lex.GetString())); #ifndef NO_PEXTRA_REALLY } else if (token == "\\pextra_type") { lex.nextToken(); par->params.pextraType(lex.GetInteger()); } else if (token == "\\pextra_width") { lex.nextToken(); par->params.pextraWidth(lex.GetString()); } else if (token == "\\pextra_widthp") { lex.nextToken(); par->params.pextraWidthp(lex.GetString()); } else if (token == "\\pextra_alignment") { lex.nextToken(); par->params.pextraAlignment(lex.GetInteger()); } else if (token == "\\pextra_hfill") { lex.nextToken(); par->params.pextraHfill(lex.GetInteger()); } else if (token == "\\pextra_start_minipage") { lex.nextToken(); par->params.pextraStartMinipage(lex.GetInteger()); #endif } else if (token == "\\labelwidthstring") { lex.EatLine(); par->params.labelWidthString(lex.GetString()); // do not delete this token, it is still needed! } else if (token == "\\end_inset") { lyxerr << "Solitary \\end_inset. Missing \\begin_inset?.\n" << "Last inset read was: " << last_inset_read << endl; // Simply ignore this. The insets do not have // to read this. // But insets should read it, it is a part of // the inset isn't it? Lgb. } else if (token == "\\begin_inset") { readInset(lex, par, pos, font); } else if (token == "\\SpecialChar") { LyXLayout const & layout = textclasslist.Style(params.textclass, par->GetLayout()); // Insets don't make sense in a free-spacing context! ---Kayvan if (layout.free_spacing) { if (lex.IsOK()) { lex.next(); string next_token = lex.GetString(); if (next_token == "\\-") { par->InsertChar(pos, '-', font); } else if (next_token == "\\protected_separator" || next_token == "~") { par->InsertChar(pos, ' ', font); } else { lex.printError("Token `$$Token' " "is in free space " "paragraph layout!"); --pos; } } } else { Inset * inset = new InsetSpecialChar; inset->Read(this, lex); par->InsertInset(pos, inset, font); } ++pos; } else if (token == "\\newline") { par->InsertChar(pos, LyXParagraph::META_NEWLINE, font); ++pos; } else if (token == "\\LyXTable") { Inset * inset = new InsetTabular(*this); inset->Read(this, lex); par->InsertInset(pos, inset, font); ++pos; // because of OLD_TABULAR_READ where tabulars have been // one paragraph. checkminipage = true; } else if (token == "\\hfill") { par->InsertChar(pos, LyXParagraph::META_HFILL, font); ++pos; } else if (token == "\\protected_separator") { // obsolete // This is a backward compability thingie. (Lgb) // Remove it later some time...introduced with fileformat // 2.16. (Lgb) LyXLayout const & layout = textclasslist.Style(params.textclass, par->GetLayout()); if (layout.free_spacing) { par->InsertChar(pos, ' ', font); } else { Inset * inset = new InsetSpecialChar(InsetSpecialChar::PROTECTED_SEPARATOR); par->InsertInset(pos, inset, font); } ++pos; } else if (token == "\\bibitem") { // ale970302 if (!par->bibkey) { InsetCommandParams p("bibitem", "dummy"); par->bibkey = new InsetBibKey(p); } par->bibkey->Read(this, lex); } else if (token == "\\backslash") { par->InsertChar(pos, '\\', font); ++pos; } else if (token == "\\the_end") { the_end_read = true; minipar = parBeforeMinipage = 0; } else { // This should be insurance for the future: (Asger) lex.printError("Unknown token `$$Token'. " "Inserting as text."); string::const_iterator cit = token.begin(); string::const_iterator end = token.end(); for (; cit != end; ++cit) { par->InsertChar(pos, (*cit), font); ++pos; } } #ifndef NO_PEXTRA_REALLY // now check if we have a minipage paragraph as at this // point we already read all the necessary data! // this cannot be done in layout because there we did // not read yet the paragraph PEXTRA-params (Jug) // // BEGIN pextra_minipage compability // This should be removed in 1.3.x (Lgb) // This compability code is not perfect. In a couple // of rand cases it fails. When the minipage par is // the first par in the document, and when there are // none or only one regular paragraphs after the // minipage. Currently I am not investing any effort // in fixing those cases. //lyxerr << "Call depth: " << call_depth << endl; if (checkminipage && (call_depth == 1)) { checkminipage = false; if (minipar && (minipar != par) && (par->params.pextraType()==LyXParagraph::PEXTRA_MINIPAGE)) { lyxerr << "minipages in a row" << endl; if (par->params.pextraStartMinipage()) { lyxerr << "start new minipage" << endl; // minipages in a row par->previous()->next(0); par->previous(0); LyXParagraph * tmp = minipar; while (tmp) { tmp->params.pextraType(0); tmp->params.pextraWidth(string()); tmp->params.pextraWidthp(string()); tmp->params.pextraAlignment(0); tmp->params.pextraHfill(false); tmp->params.pextraStartMinipage(false); tmp = tmp->next(); } // create a new paragraph to insert the // minipages in the following case if (par->params.pextraStartMinipage() && !par->params.pextraHfill()) { LyXParagraph * p = new LyXParagraph; p->layout = 0; p->previous(parBeforeMinipage); parBeforeMinipage->next(p); p->next(0); p->params.depth(parBeforeMinipage->params.depth()); parBeforeMinipage = p; } InsetMinipage * mini = new InsetMinipage; mini->pos(static_cast(par->params.pextraAlignment())); mini->width(par->params.pextraWidth()); if (!par->params.pextraWidthp().empty()) { lyxerr << "WP:" << mini->width() << endl; mini->width(tostr(par->params.pextraWidthp())+"%"); } mini->inset.par = par; // Insert the minipage last in the // previous paragraph. if (par->params.pextraHfill()) { parBeforeMinipage->InsertChar (parBeforeMinipage->size(), LyXParagraph::META_HFILL); } parBeforeMinipage->InsertInset (parBeforeMinipage->size(), mini); minipar = par; } else { lyxerr << "new minipage par" << endl; //nothing to do just continue reading } } else if (minipar && (minipar != par)) { lyxerr << "last minipage par read" << endl; // The last paragraph read was not part of a // minipage but the par linked list is... // So we need to remove the last par from the // rest if (par->previous()) par->previous()->next(0); par->previous(parBeforeMinipage); parBeforeMinipage->next(par); LyXParagraph * tmp = minipar; while (tmp) { tmp->params.pextraType(0); tmp->params.pextraWidth(string()); tmp->params.pextraWidthp(string()); tmp->params.pextraAlignment(0); tmp->params.pextraHfill(false); tmp->params.pextraStartMinipage(false); tmp = tmp->next(); } depth = parBeforeMinipage->params.depth(); minipar = parBeforeMinipage = 0; } else if (!minipar && (par->params.pextraType() == LyXParagraph::PEXTRA_MINIPAGE)) { // par is the first paragraph in a minipage lyxerr << "begin minipage" << endl; // To minimize problems for // the users we will insert // the first minipage in // a sequence of minipages // in its own paragraph. LyXParagraph * p = new LyXParagraph; p->layout = 0; p->previous(par->previous()); p->next(0); p->params.depth(depth); par->params.depth(0); depth = 0; if (par->previous()) par->previous()->next(p); par->previous(0); parBeforeMinipage = p; minipar = par; if (!return_par || (return_par == par)) return_par = p; InsetMinipage * mini = new InsetMinipage; mini->pos(static_cast(minipar->params.pextraAlignment())); mini->width(minipar->params.pextraWidth()); if (!par->params.pextraWidthp().empty()) { lyxerr << "WP:" << mini->width() << endl; mini->width(tostr(par->params.pextraWidthp())+"%"); } mini->inset.par = minipar; // Insert the minipage last in the // previous paragraph. if (minipar->params.pextraHfill()) { parBeforeMinipage->InsertChar (parBeforeMinipage->size(),LyXParagraph::META_HFILL); } parBeforeMinipage->InsertInset (parBeforeMinipage->size(), mini); } } // End of pextra_minipage compability #endif --call_depth; return the_end_read; } void Buffer::readInset(LyXLex & lex, LyXParagraph *& par, int & pos, LyXFont & font) { // consistency check if (lex.GetString() != "\\begin_inset") { lyxerr << "Buffer::readInset: Consistency check failed." << endl; } Inset * inset = 0; lex.next(); string const tmptok = lex.GetString(); last_inset_read = tmptok; // test the different insets if (tmptok == "LatexCommand") { InsetCommandParams inscmd; inscmd.Read(lex); if (inscmd.getCmdName() == "cite") { inset = new InsetCitation(inscmd); } else if (inscmd.getCmdName() == "bibitem") { lex.printError("Wrong place for bibitem"); inset = new InsetBibKey(inscmd); } else if (inscmd.getCmdName() == "BibTeX") { inset = new InsetBibtex(inscmd); } else if (inscmd.getCmdName() == "index") { inset = new InsetIndex(inscmd); } else if (inscmd.getCmdName() == "include") { inset = new InsetInclude(inscmd, *this); } else if (inscmd.getCmdName() == "label") { inset = new InsetLabel(inscmd); } else if (inscmd.getCmdName() == "url" || inscmd.getCmdName() == "htmlurl") { inset = new InsetUrl(inscmd); } else if (inscmd.getCmdName() == "ref" || inscmd.getCmdName() == "pageref" || inscmd.getCmdName() == "vref" || inscmd.getCmdName() == "vpageref" || inscmd.getCmdName() == "prettyref") { if (!inscmd.getOptions().empty() || !inscmd.getContents().empty()) { inset = new InsetRef(inscmd, *this); } } else if (inscmd.getCmdName() == "tableofcontents" || inscmd.getCmdName() == "listofalgorithms" || inscmd.getCmdName() == "listoffigures" || inscmd.getCmdName() == "listoftables") { inset = new InsetTOC(inscmd); } else if (inscmd.getCmdName() == "printindex") { inset = new InsetPrintIndex(inscmd); } else if (inscmd.getCmdName() == "lyxparent") { inset = new InsetParent(inscmd, *this); } } else { if (tmptok == "Quotes") { inset = new InsetQuotes; } else if (tmptok == "External") { inset = new InsetExternal; } else if (tmptok == "FormulaMacro") { inset = new InsetFormulaMacro; } else if (tmptok == "Formula") { inset = new InsetFormula; } else if (tmptok == "Figure") { inset = new InsetFig(100, 100, *this); } else if (tmptok == "Info") { inset = new InsetInfo; } else if (tmptok == "Include") { InsetCommandParams p( "Include" ); inset = new InsetInclude(p, *this); } else if (tmptok == "ERT") { inset = new InsetERT; } else if (tmptok == "Tabular") { inset = new InsetTabular(*this); } else if (tmptok == "Text") { inset = new InsetText; } else if (tmptok == "Foot") { inset = new InsetFoot; } else if (tmptok == "Marginal") { inset = new InsetMarginal; } else if (tmptok == "Minipage") { inset = new InsetMinipage; } else if (tmptok == "Float") { lex.next(); string tmptok = lex.GetString(); inset = new InsetFloat(tmptok); } else if (tmptok == "List") { inset = new InsetList; } else if (tmptok == "Theorem") { inset = new InsetList; } else if (tmptok == "Caption") { inset = new InsetCaption; } else if (tmptok == "GRAPHICS") { inset = new InsetGraphics; } if (inset) inset->Read(this, lex); } if (inset) { par->InsertInset(pos, inset, font); ++pos; } } bool Buffer::readFile(LyXLex & lex, LyXParagraph * par) { if (lex.IsOK()) { lex.next(); string const token(lex.GetString()); if (token == "\\lyxformat") { // the first token _must_ be... lex.EatLine(); string tmp_format = lex.GetString(); //lyxerr << "LyX Format: `" << tmp_format << "'" << endl; // if present remove ".," from string. string::size_type dot = tmp_format.find_first_of(".,"); //lyxerr << " dot found at " << dot << endl; if (dot != string::npos) tmp_format.erase(dot, 1); file_format = strToInt(tmp_format); if (file_format == LYX_FORMAT) { // current format } else if (file_format > LYX_FORMAT) { // future format WriteAlert(_("Warning!"), _("LyX file format is newer that what"), _("is supported in this LyX version. Expect some problems.")); } else if (file_format < LYX_FORMAT) { // old formats if (file_format < 200) { WriteAlert(_("ERROR!"), _("Old LyX file format found. " "Use LyX 0.10.x to read this!")); return false; } } bool the_end = readLyXformat2(lex, par); setPaperStuff(); // the_end was added in 213 if (file_format < 213) the_end = true; if (!the_end) WriteAlert(_("Warning!"), _("Reading of document is not complete"), _("Maybe the document is truncated")); return true; } else { // "\\lyxformat" not found WriteAlert(_("ERROR!"), _("Not a LyX file!")); } } else WriteAlert(_("ERROR!"), _("Unable to read file!")); return false; } // Should probably be moved to somewhere else: BufferView? LyXView? bool Buffer::save() const { // We don't need autosaves in the immediate future. (Asger) resetAutosaveTimers(); // make a backup string s; if (lyxrc.make_backup) { s = fileName() + '~'; if (!lyxrc.backupdir_path.empty()) s = AddName(lyxrc.backupdir_path, subst(CleanupPath(s),'/','!')); // Rename is the wrong way of making a backup, // this is the correct way. /* truss cp fil fil2: lstat("LyXVC3.lyx", 0xEFFFF898) Err#2 ENOENT stat("LyXVC.lyx", 0xEFFFF688) = 0 open("LyXVC.lyx", O_RDONLY) = 3 open("LyXVC3.lyx", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0600) = 4 fstat(4, 0xEFFFF508) = 0 fstat(3, 0xEFFFF508) = 0 read(3, " # T h i s f i l e w".., 8192) = 5579 write(4, " # T h i s f i l e w".., 5579) = 5579 read(3, 0xEFFFD4A0, 8192) = 0 close(4) = 0 close(3) = 0 chmod("LyXVC3.lyx", 0100644) = 0 lseek(0, 0, SEEK_CUR) = 46440 _exit(0) */ // Should proabaly have some more error checking here. // Should be cleaned up in 0.13, at least a bit. // Doing it this way, also makes the inodes stay the same. // This is still not a very good solution, in particular we // might loose the owner of the backup. FileInfo finfo(fileName()); if (finfo.exist()) { mode_t fmode = finfo.getMode(); struct utimbuf times = { finfo.getAccessTime(), finfo.getModificationTime() }; ifstream ifs(fileName().c_str()); ofstream ofs(s.c_str(), ios::out|ios::trunc); if (ifs && ofs) { ofs << ifs.rdbuf(); ifs.close(); ofs.close(); ::chmod(s.c_str(), fmode); if (::utime(s.c_str(), ×)) { lyxerr << "utime error." << endl; } } else { lyxerr << "LyX was not able to make " "backupcopy. Beware." << endl; } } } if (writeFile(fileName(), false)) { markLyxClean(); removeAutosaveFile(fileName()); } else { // Saving failed, so backup is not backup if (lyxrc.make_backup) { lyx::rename(s, fileName()); } return false; } return true; } // Returns false if unsuccesful bool Buffer::writeFile(string const & fname, bool flag) const { // if flag is false writeFile will not create any GUI // warnings, only cerr. // Needed for autosave in background or panic save (Matthias 120496) if (read_only && (fname == filename)) { // Here we should come with a question if we should // perform the write anyway. if (flag) lyxerr << _("Error! Document is read-only: ") << fname << endl; else WriteAlert(_("Error! Document is read-only: "), fname); return false; } FileInfo finfo(fname); if (finfo.exist() && !finfo.writable()) { // Here we should come with a question if we should // try to do the save anyway. (i.e. do a chmod first) if (flag) lyxerr << _("Error! Cannot write file: ") << fname << endl; else WriteFSAlert(_("Error! Cannot write file: "), fname); return false; } ofstream ofs(fname.c_str()); if (!ofs) { if (flag) lyxerr << _("Error! Cannot open file: ") << fname << endl; else WriteFSAlert(_("Error! Cannot open file: "), fname); return false; } #ifdef HAVE_LOCALE // Use the standard "C" locale for file output. ofs.imbue(std::locale::classic()); #endif // The top of the file should not be written by params. // write out a comment in the top of the file ofs << '#' << LYX_DOCVERSION << " created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/\n" << "\\lyxformat " << LYX_FORMAT << "\n"; // now write out the buffer paramters. params.writeFile(ofs); char footnoteflag = 0; char depth = 0; // this will write out all the paragraphs // using recursive descent. paragraph->writeFile(this, ofs, params, footnoteflag, depth); // Write marker that shows file is complete ofs << "\n\\the_end" << endl; ofs.close(); // how to check if close went ok? // Following is an attempt... (BE 20001011) // good() returns false if any error occured, including some // formatting error. // bad() returns true if something bad happened in the buffer, // which should include file system full errors. bool status = true; if (!ofs.good()) { status = false; #if 0 if (ofs.bad()) { lyxerr << "Buffer::writeFile: BAD ERROR!" << endl; } else { lyxerr << "Buffer::writeFile: NOT SO BAD ERROR!" << endl; } #endif } return status; } string const Buffer::asciiParagraph(LyXParagraph const * par, unsigned int linelen) const { ostringstream buffer; LyXFont font1; LyXFont font2; Inset const * inset; char c; #ifndef NEW_INSETS LyXParagraph::footnote_flag footnoteflag = LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE; #endif char depth = 0; int ltype = 0; int ltype_depth = 0; unsigned int currlinelen = 0; bool ref_printed = false; int noparbreak = 0; int islatex = 0; #ifndef NEW_INSETS if (par->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE || !par->previous_ || par->previous()->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE) { /* begins a footnote environment ? */ if (footnoteflag != par->footnoteflag) { footnoteflag = par->footnoteflag; if (footnoteflag) { size_t const j = strlen(string_footnotekinds[par->footnotekind]) + 4; if ((linelen > 0) && ((currlinelen + j) > linelen)) { buffer << "\n"; currlinelen = 0; } buffer << "([" << string_footnotekinds[par->footnotekind] << "] "; currlinelen += j; } } #else if (!par->previous()) { #endif /* begins or ends a deeper area ?*/ if (depth != par->params.depth()) { if (par->params.depth() > depth) { while (par->params.depth() > depth) { ++depth; } } else { while (par->params.depth() < depth) { --depth; } } } /* First write the layout */ string const tmp = textclasslist.NameOfLayout(params.textclass, par->layout); if (tmp == "Itemize") { ltype = 1; ltype_depth = depth + 1; } else if (tmp == "Enumerate") { ltype = 2; ltype_depth = depth + 1; } else if (strstr(tmp.c_str(), "ection")) { ltype = 3; ltype_depth = depth + 1; } else if (strstr(tmp.c_str(), "aragraph")) { ltype = 4; ltype_depth = depth + 1; } else if (tmp == "Description") { ltype = 5; ltype_depth = depth + 1; } else if (tmp == "Abstract") { ltype = 6; ltype_depth = 0; } else if (tmp == "Bibliography") { ltype = 7; ltype_depth = 0; } else { ltype = 0; ltype_depth = 0; } /* maybe some vertical spaces */ /* the labelwidthstring used in lists */ /* some lines? */ /* some pagebreaks? */ /* noindent ? */ /* what about the alignment */ } else { #ifndef NEW_INSETS /* dummy layout, that means a footnote ended */ footnoteflag = LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE; buffer << ") "; noparbreak = 1; #else lyxerr << "Should this ever happen?" << endl; #endif } font1 = LyXFont(LyXFont::ALL_INHERIT, params.language); for (LyXParagraph::size_type i = 0; i < par->size(); ++i) { if (!i && #ifndef NEW_INSETS !footnoteflag && #endif !noparbreak) { if (linelen > 0) buffer << "\n\n"; for (char j = 0; j < depth; ++j) buffer << " "; currlinelen = depth * 2; switch (ltype) { case 0: /* Standard */ case 4: /* (Sub)Paragraph */ case 5: /* Description */ break; case 6: /* Abstract */ if (linelen > 0) buffer << "Abstract\n\n"; else buffer << "Abstract: "; break; case 7: /* Bibliography */ if (!ref_printed) { if (linelen > 0) buffer << "References\n\n"; else buffer << "References: "; ref_printed = true; } break; default: buffer << par->params.labelString() << " "; break; } if (ltype_depth > depth) { for (char j = ltype_depth - 1; j > depth; --j) buffer << " "; currlinelen += (ltype_depth-depth)*2; } } font2 = par->GetFontSettings(params, i); if (font1.latex() != font2.latex()) { if (font2.latex() == LyXFont::OFF) islatex = 0; else islatex = 1; } else { islatex = 0; } c = par->GetUChar(params, i); if (islatex) continue; switch (c) { case LyXParagraph::META_INSET: if ((inset = par->GetInset(i))) { if (!inset->Ascii(this, buffer)) { string dummy; string s = rsplit(buffer.str().c_str(), dummy, '\n'); currlinelen += s.length(); } else { // to be sure it breaks paragraph currlinelen += linelen; } } break; case LyXParagraph::META_NEWLINE: if (linelen > 0) { buffer << "\n"; for (char j = 0; j < depth; ++j) buffer << " "; } currlinelen = depth * 2; if (ltype_depth > depth) { for (char j = ltype_depth; j > depth; --j) buffer << " "; currlinelen += (ltype_depth - depth) * 2; } break; case LyXParagraph::META_HFILL: buffer << "\t"; break; case '\\': buffer << "\\"; break; default: if ((linelen > 0) && (currlinelen > (linelen - 10)) && (c == ' ') && ((i + 2) < par->size())) { buffer << "\n"; for (char j = 0; j < depth; ++j) buffer << " "; currlinelen = depth * 2; if (ltype_depth > depth) { for (char j = ltype_depth; j > depth; --j) buffer << " "; currlinelen += (ltype_depth-depth)*2; } } else if (c != '\0') buffer << c; else if (c == '\0') lyxerr.debug() << "writeAsciiFile: NULL char in structure." << endl; ++currlinelen; break; } } return buffer.str().c_str(); } void Buffer::writeFileAscii(string const & fname, int linelen) { ofstream ofs(fname.c_str()); if (!ofs) { WriteFSAlert(_("Error: Cannot write file:"), fname); return; } writeFileAscii(ofs, linelen); } void Buffer::writeFileAscii(ostream & ofs, int linelen) { LyXParagraph * par = paragraph; while (par) { ofs << asciiParagraph(par, linelen); par = par->next(); } ofs << "\n"; } bool use_babel; void Buffer::makeLaTeXFile(string const & fname, string const & original_path, bool nice, bool only_body) { lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "makeLaTeXFile..." << endl; niceFile = nice; // this will be used by Insetincludes. tex_code_break_column = lyxrc.ascii_linelen; LyXTextClass const & tclass = textclasslist.TextClass(params.textclass); ofstream ofs(fname.c_str()); if (!ofs) { WriteFSAlert(_("Error: Cannot open file: "), fname); return; } // validate the buffer. lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << " Validating buffer..." << endl; LaTeXFeatures features(params, tclass.numLayouts()); validate(features); lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << " Buffer validation done." << endl; texrow.reset(); // The starting paragraph of the coming rows is the // first paragraph of the document. (Asger) texrow.start(paragraph, 0); if (!only_body && nice) { ofs << "%% " LYX_DOCVERSION " created this file. " "For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.\n" "%% Do not edit unless you really know what " "you are doing.\n"; texrow.newline(); texrow.newline(); } lyxerr.debug() << "lyx header finished" << endl; // There are a few differences between nice LaTeX and usual files: // usual is \batchmode and has a // special input@path to allow the including of figures // with either \input or \includegraphics (what figinsets do). // batchmode is not set if there is a tex_code_break_column. // In this case somebody is interested in the generated LaTeX, // so this is OK. input@path is set when the actual parameter // original_path is set. This is done for usual tex-file, but not // for nice-latex-file. (Matthias 250696) if (!only_body) { if (!nice){ // code for usual, NOT nice-latex-file ofs << "\\batchmode\n"; // changed // from \nonstopmode texrow.newline(); } if (!original_path.empty()) { ofs << "\\makeatletter\n" << "\\def\\input@path{{" << original_path << "/}}\n" << "\\makeatother\n"; texrow.newline(); texrow.newline(); texrow.newline(); } ofs << "\\documentclass"; string options; // the document class options. if (tokenPos(tclass.opt_fontsize(), '|', params.fontsize) >= 0) { // only write if existing in list (and not default) options += params.fontsize; options += "pt,"; } if (!params.use_geometry && (params.paperpackage == BufferParams::PACKAGE_NONE)) { switch (params.papersize) { case BufferParams::PAPER_A4PAPER: options += "a4paper,"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_USLETTER: options += "letterpaper,"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_A5PAPER: options += "a5paper,"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_B5PAPER: options += "b5paper,"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_EXECUTIVEPAPER: options += "executivepaper,"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_LEGALPAPER: options += "legalpaper,"; break; } } // if needed if (params.sides != tclass.sides()) { switch (params.sides) { case LyXTextClass::OneSide: options += "oneside,"; break; case LyXTextClass::TwoSides: options += "twoside,"; break; } } // if needed if (params.columns != tclass.columns()) { if (params.columns == 2) options += "twocolumn,"; else options += "onecolumn,"; } if (!params.use_geometry && params.orientation == BufferParams::ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) options += "landscape,"; // language should be a parameter to \documentclass use_babel = false; string language_options; if (params.language->babel() == "hebrew" && default_language->babel() != "hebrew") // This seems necessary features.UsedLanguages.insert(default_language); if (lyxrc.language_use_babel || params.language->lang() != lyxrc.default_language || !features.UsedLanguages.empty()) { use_babel = true; for (LaTeXFeatures::LanguageList::const_iterator cit = features.UsedLanguages.begin(); cit != features.UsedLanguages.end(); ++cit) language_options += (*cit)->babel() + ','; language_options += params.language->babel(); if (lyxrc.language_global_options) options += language_options + ','; } // the user-defined options if (!params.options.empty()) { options += params.options + ','; } if (!options.empty()){ options = strip(options, ','); ofs << '[' << options << ']'; } ofs << '{' << textclasslist.LatexnameOfClass(params.textclass) << "}\n"; texrow.newline(); // end of \documentclass defs // font selection must be done before loading fontenc.sty // The ae package is not needed when using OT1 font encoding. if (params.fonts != "default" && (params.fonts != "ae" || lyxrc.fontenc != "default")) { ofs << "\\usepackage{" << params.fonts << "}\n"; texrow.newline(); if (params.fonts == "ae") { ofs << "\\usepackage{aecompl}\n"; texrow.newline(); } } // this one is not per buffer if (lyxrc.fontenc != "default") { ofs << "\\usepackage[" << lyxrc.fontenc << "]{fontenc}\n"; texrow.newline(); } if (params.inputenc == "auto") { string const doc_encoding = params.language->encoding()->LatexName(); // Create a list with all the input encodings used // in the document set encodings; for (LaTeXFeatures::LanguageList::const_iterator it = features.UsedLanguages.begin(); it != features.UsedLanguages.end(); ++it) if ((*it)->encoding()->LatexName() != doc_encoding) encodings.insert((*it)->encoding()->LatexName()); ofs << "\\usepackage["; std::copy(encodings.begin(), encodings.end(), std::ostream_iterator(ofs, ",")); ofs << doc_encoding << "]{inputenc}\n"; texrow.newline(); } else if (params.inputenc != "default") { ofs << "\\usepackage[" << params.inputenc << "]{inputenc}\n"; texrow.newline(); } // At the very beginning the text parameters. if (params.paperpackage != BufferParams::PACKAGE_NONE) { switch (params.paperpackage) { case BufferParams::PACKAGE_A4: ofs << "\\usepackage{a4}\n"; texrow.newline(); break; case BufferParams::PACKAGE_A4WIDE: ofs << "\\usepackage{a4wide}\n"; texrow.newline(); break; case BufferParams::PACKAGE_WIDEMARGINSA4: ofs << "\\usepackage[widemargins]{a4}\n"; texrow.newline(); break; } } if (params.use_geometry) { ofs << "\\usepackage{geometry}\n"; texrow.newline(); ofs << "\\geometry{verbose"; if (params.orientation == BufferParams::ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) ofs << ",landscape"; switch (params.papersize2) { case BufferParams::VM_PAPER_CUSTOM: if (!params.paperwidth.empty()) ofs << ",paperwidth=" << params.paperwidth; if (!params.paperheight.empty()) ofs << ",paperheight=" << params.paperheight; break; case BufferParams::VM_PAPER_USLETTER: ofs << ",letterpaper"; break; case BufferParams::VM_PAPER_USLEGAL: ofs << ",legalpaper"; break; case BufferParams::VM_PAPER_USEXECUTIVE: ofs << ",executivepaper"; break; case BufferParams::VM_PAPER_A3: ofs << ",a3paper"; break; case BufferParams::VM_PAPER_A4: ofs << ",a4paper"; break; case BufferParams::VM_PAPER_A5: ofs << ",a5paper"; break; case BufferParams::VM_PAPER_B3: ofs << ",b3paper"; break; case BufferParams::VM_PAPER_B4: ofs << ",b4paper"; break; case BufferParams::VM_PAPER_B5: ofs << ",b5paper"; break; default: // default papersize ie BufferParams::VM_PAPER_DEFAULT switch (lyxrc.default_papersize) { case BufferParams::PAPER_DEFAULT: // keep compiler happy case BufferParams::PAPER_USLETTER: ofs << ",letterpaper"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_LEGALPAPER: ofs << ",legalpaper"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_EXECUTIVEPAPER: ofs << ",executivepaper"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_A3PAPER: ofs << ",a3paper"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_A4PAPER: ofs << ",a4paper"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_A5PAPER: ofs << ",a5paper"; break; case BufferParams::PAPER_B5PAPER: ofs << ",b5paper"; break; } } if (!params.topmargin.empty()) ofs << ",tmargin=" << params.topmargin; if (!params.bottommargin.empty()) ofs << ",bmargin=" << params.bottommargin; if (!params.leftmargin.empty()) ofs << ",lmargin=" << params.leftmargin; if (!params.rightmargin.empty()) ofs << ",rmargin=" << params.rightmargin; if (!params.headheight.empty()) ofs << ",headheight=" << params.headheight; if (!params.headsep.empty()) ofs << ",headsep=" << params.headsep; if (!params.footskip.empty()) ofs << ",footskip=" << params.footskip; ofs << "}\n"; texrow.newline(); } if (features.amsstyle && !tclass.provides(LyXTextClass::amsmath)) { ofs << "\\usepackage{amsmath}\n"; texrow.newline(); } if (tokenPos(tclass.opt_pagestyle(), '|', params.pagestyle) >= 0) { if (params.pagestyle == "fancy") { ofs << "\\usepackage{fancyhdr}\n"; texrow.newline(); } ofs << "\\pagestyle{" << params.pagestyle << "}\n"; texrow.newline(); } // We try to load babel late, in case it interferes // with other packages. if (use_babel) { string tmp = lyxrc.language_package; if (!lyxrc.language_global_options && tmp == "\\usepackage{babel}") tmp = "\\usepackage[" + language_options + "]{babel}"; ofs << tmp << "\n"; texrow.newline(); } if (params.secnumdepth != tclass.secnumdepth()) { ofs << "\\setcounter{secnumdepth}{" << params.secnumdepth << "}\n"; texrow.newline(); } if (params.tocdepth != tclass.tocdepth()) { ofs << "\\setcounter{tocdepth}{" << params.tocdepth << "}\n"; texrow.newline(); } if (params.paragraph_separation) { switch (params.defskip.kind()) { case VSpace::SMALLSKIP: ofs << "\\setlength\\parskip{\\smallskipamount}\n"; break; case VSpace::MEDSKIP: ofs << "\\setlength\\parskip{\\medskipamount}\n"; break; case VSpace::BIGSKIP: ofs << "\\setlength\\parskip{\\bigskipamount}\n"; break; case VSpace::LENGTH: ofs << "\\setlength\\parskip{" << params.defskip.length().asLatexString() << "}\n"; break; default: // should never happen // Then delete it. ofs << "\\setlength\\parskip{\\medskipamount}\n"; break; } texrow.newline(); ofs << "\\setlength\\parindent{0pt}\n"; texrow.newline(); } // Now insert the LyX specific LaTeX commands... // The optional packages; string preamble(features.getPackages()); // this might be useful... preamble += "\n\\makeatletter\n"; // Some macros LyX will need string tmppreamble(features.getMacros()); if (!tmppreamble.empty()) { preamble += "\n%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% " "LyX specific LaTeX commands.\n" + tmppreamble + '\n'; } // the text class specific preamble tmppreamble = features.getTClassPreamble(); if (!tmppreamble.empty()) { preamble += "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% " "Textclass specific LaTeX commands.\n" + tmppreamble + '\n'; } /* the user-defined preamble */ if (!params.preamble.empty()) { preamble += "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% " "User specified LaTeX commands.\n" + params.preamble + '\n'; } preamble += "\\makeatother\n"; // Itemize bullet settings need to be last in case the user // defines their own bullets that use a package included // in the user-defined preamble -- ARRae // Actually it has to be done much later than that // since some packages like frenchb make modifications // at \begin{document} time -- JMarc string bullets_def; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (params.user_defined_bullets[i] != ITEMIZE_DEFAULTS[i]) { if (bullets_def.empty()) bullets_def="\\AtBeginDocument{\n"; bullets_def += " \\renewcommand{\\labelitemi"; switch (i) { // `i' is one less than the item to modify case 0: break; case 1: bullets_def += 'i'; break; case 2: bullets_def += "ii"; break; case 3: bullets_def += 'v'; break; } bullets_def += "}{" + params.user_defined_bullets[i].getText() + "}\n"; } } if (!bullets_def.empty()) preamble += bullets_def + "}\n\n"; for (int j = countChar(preamble, '\n'); j-- ;) { texrow.newline(); } ofs << preamble; // make the body. ofs << "\\begin{document}\n"; texrow.newline(); } // only_body lyxerr.debug() << "preamble finished, now the body." << endl; if (!lyxrc.language_auto_begin) { ofs << subst(lyxrc.language_command_begin, "$$lang", params.language->babel()) << endl; texrow.newline(); } latexParagraphs(ofs, paragraph, 0, texrow); // add this just in case after all the paragraphs ofs << endl; texrow.newline(); if (!lyxrc.language_auto_end) { ofs << subst(lyxrc.language_command_end, "$$lang", params.language->babel()) << endl; texrow.newline(); } if (!only_body) { ofs << "\\end{document}\n"; texrow.newline(); lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "makeLaTeXFile...done" << endl; } else { lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "LaTeXFile for inclusion made." << endl; } // Just to be sure. (Asger) texrow.newline(); // tex_code_break_column's value is used to decide // if we are in batchmode or not (within mathed_write() // in math_write.C) so we must set it to a non-zero // value when we leave otherwise we save incorrect .lyx files. tex_code_break_column = lyxrc.ascii_linelen; ofs.close(); if (ofs.fail()) { lyxerr << "File was not closed properly." << endl; } lyxerr.debug() << "Finished making latex file." << endl; } // // LaTeX all paragraphs from par to endpar, if endpar == 0 then to the end // void Buffer::latexParagraphs(ostream & ofs, LyXParagraph * par, LyXParagraph * endpar, TexRow & texrow) const { bool was_title = false; bool already_title = false; std::ostringstream ftnote; TexRow ft_texrow; int ftcount = 0; // if only_body while (par != endpar) { #ifndef NEW_INSETS if (par->IsDummy()) lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Error in latexParagraphs." << endl; #endif LyXLayout const & layout = textclasslist.Style(params.textclass, par->layout); if (layout.intitle) { if (already_title) { lyxerr <<"Error in latexParagraphs: You" " should not mix title layouts" " with normal ones." << endl; } else was_title = true; } else if (was_title && !already_title) { ofs << "\\maketitle\n"; texrow.newline(); already_title = true; was_title = false; } // We are at depth 0 so we can just use // ordinary \footnote{} generation // flag this with ftcount ftcount = -1; if (layout.isEnvironment() #ifndef NEW_INSETS || par->params.pextraType() != LyXParagraph::PEXTRA_NONE #endif ) { par = par->TeXEnvironment(this, params, ofs, texrow #ifndef NEW_INSETS ,ftnote, ft_texrow, ftcount #endif ); } else { par = par->TeXOnePar(this, params, ofs, texrow, false #ifndef NEW_INSETS , ftnote, ft_texrow, ftcount #endif ); } // Write out what we've generated... if (ftcount >= 1) { if (ftcount > 1) { ofs << "\\addtocounter{footnote}{-" << ftcount - 1 << '}'; } ofs << ftnote.str(); texrow += ft_texrow; // The extra .c_str() is needed when we use // lyxstring instead of the STL string class. ftnote.str(string().c_str()); ft_texrow.reset(); ftcount = 0; } } // It might be that we only have a title in this document if (was_title && !already_title) { ofs << "\\maketitle\n"; texrow.newline(); } } bool Buffer::isLatex() const { return textclasslist.TextClass(params.textclass).outputType() == LATEX; } bool Buffer::isLinuxDoc() const { return textclasslist.TextClass(params.textclass).outputType() == LINUXDOC; } bool Buffer::isLiterate() const { return textclasslist.TextClass(params.textclass).outputType() == LITERATE; } bool Buffer::isDocBook() const { return textclasslist.TextClass(params.textclass).outputType() == DOCBOOK; } bool Buffer::isSGML() const { return textclasslist.TextClass(params.textclass).outputType() == LINUXDOC || textclasslist.TextClass(params.textclass).outputType() == DOCBOOK; } void Buffer::sgmlOpenTag(ostream & os, int depth, string const & latexname) const { if (!latexname.empty() && latexname != "!-- --") os << string(depth, ' ') << "<" << latexname << ">\n"; } void Buffer::sgmlCloseTag(ostream & os, int depth, string const & latexname) const { if (!latexname.empty() && latexname != "!-- --") os << string(depth, ' ') << "\n"; } void Buffer::makeLinuxDocFile(string const & fname, bool nice, bool body_only) { ofstream ofs(fname.c_str()); if (!ofs) { WriteAlert(_("LYX_ERROR:"), _("Cannot write file"), fname); return; } niceFile = nice; // this will be used by included files. LyXTextClass const & tclass = textclasslist.TextClass(params.textclass); LaTeXFeatures features(params, tclass.numLayouts()); validate(features); texrow.reset(); string top_element = textclasslist.LatexnameOfClass(params.textclass); if (!body_only) { string sgml_includedfiles=features.getIncludedFiles(fname); if (params.preamble.empty() && sgml_includedfiles.empty()) { ofs << "\n\n"; } else { ofs << "\n\n"; } if (params.options.empty()) sgmlOpenTag(ofs, 0, top_element); else { string top = top_element; top += " "; top += params.options; sgmlOpenTag(ofs, 0, top); } } ofs << "\n"; int depth = 0; // paragraph depth LyXParagraph * par = paragraph; string item_name; vector environment_stack(5); while (par) { LyXLayout const & style = textclasslist.Style(params.textclass, par->layout); // treat as a special case for compatibility with old code if (par->GetChar(0) == LyXParagraph::META_INSET) { Inset * inset = par->GetInset(0); Inset::Code lyx_code = inset->LyxCode(); if (lyx_code == Inset::TOC_CODE){ string const temp = "toc"; sgmlOpenTag(ofs, depth, temp); #ifndef NEW_INSETS par = par->next_; linuxDocHandleFootnote(ofs, par, depth); #else par = par->next(); #endif continue; } } // environment tag closing for (; depth > par->params.depth(); --depth) { sgmlCloseTag(ofs, depth, environment_stack[depth]); environment_stack[depth].erase(); } // write opening SGML tags switch (style.latextype) { case LATEX_PARAGRAPH: if (depth == par->params.depth() && !environment_stack[depth].empty()) { sgmlCloseTag(ofs, depth, environment_stack[depth]); environment_stack[depth].erase(); if (depth) --depth; else ofs << "

"; } sgmlOpenTag(ofs, depth, style.latexname()); break; case LATEX_COMMAND: if (depth!= 0) LinuxDocError(par, 0, _("Error : Wrong depth for" " LatexType Command.\n")); if (!environment_stack[depth].empty()){ sgmlCloseTag(ofs, depth, environment_stack[depth]); ofs << "

"; } environment_stack[depth].erase(); sgmlOpenTag(ofs, depth, style.latexname()); break; case LATEX_ENVIRONMENT: case LATEX_ITEM_ENVIRONMENT: if (depth == par->params.depth() && environment_stack[depth] != style.latexname()) { sgmlCloseTag(ofs, depth, environment_stack[depth]); environment_stack[depth].erase(); } if (depth < par->params.depth()) { depth = par->params.depth(); environment_stack[depth].erase(); } if (environment_stack[depth] != style.latexname()) { if (depth == 0) { sgmlOpenTag(ofs, depth, "p"); } sgmlOpenTag(ofs, depth, style.latexname()); if (environment_stack.size() == depth+1) environment_stack.push_back("!-- --"); environment_stack[depth] = style.latexname(); } if (style.latexparam() == "CDATA") ofs << "next_; linuxDocHandleFootnote(ofs, par, depth); } while(par && par->IsDummy()); #else SimpleLinuxDocOnePar(ofs, par, depth); par = par->next(); #endif ofs << "\n"; // write closing SGML tags switch (style.latextype) { case LATEX_COMMAND: break; case LATEX_ENVIRONMENT: case LATEX_ITEM_ENVIRONMENT: if (style.latexparam() == "CDATA") ofs << "]]>"; break; default: sgmlCloseTag(ofs, depth, style.latexname()); break; } } // Close open tags for (int i=depth; i >= 0; --i) sgmlCloseTag(ofs, depth, environment_stack[i]); if (!body_only) { ofs << "\n\n"; sgmlCloseTag(ofs, 0, top_element); } ofs.close(); // How to check for successful close } #ifndef NEW_INSETS void Buffer::linuxDocHandleFootnote(ostream & os, LyXParagraph * & par, int depth) { string const tag = "footnote"; while (par && par->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE) { sgmlOpenTag(os, depth + 1, tag); SimpleLinuxDocOnePar(os, par, 0, depth + 1); sgmlCloseTag(os, depth + 1, tag); par = par->next_; } } #endif void Buffer::DocBookHandleCaption(ostream & os, string & inner_tag, int depth, int desc_on, LyXParagraph * & par) { LyXParagraph * tpar = par; #ifndef NEW_INSETS while (tpar && (tpar->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE) && (tpar->layout != textclasslist.NumberOfLayout(params.textclass, "Caption").second)) tpar = tpar->next_; #else while (tpar && (tpar->layout != textclasslist.NumberOfLayout(params.textclass, "Caption").second)) tpar = tpar->next(); #endif if (tpar && tpar->layout == textclasslist.NumberOfLayout(params.textclass, "Caption").second) { sgmlOpenTag(os, depth + 1, inner_tag); string extra_par; SimpleDocBookOnePar(os, extra_par, tpar, desc_on, depth + 2); sgmlCloseTag(os, depth+1, inner_tag); if (!extra_par.empty()) os << extra_par; } } #ifndef NEW_INSETS void Buffer::DocBookHandleFootnote(ostream & os, LyXParagraph * & par, int depth) { string tag, inner_tag; string tmp_par, extra_par; bool inner_span = false; int desc_on = 4; // Someone should give this enum a proper name (Lgb) enum SOME_ENUM { NO_ONE, FOOTNOTE_LIKE, MARGIN_LIKE, FIG_LIKE, TAB_LIKE }; SOME_ENUM last = NO_ONE; SOME_ENUM present = FOOTNOTE_LIKE; while (par && par->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE) { if (last == present) { if (inner_span) { if (!tmp_par.empty()) { os << tmp_par; tmp_par.erase(); sgmlCloseTag(os, depth + 1, inner_tag); sgmlOpenTag(os, depth + 1, inner_tag); } } else { os << "\n"; } } else { os << tmp_par; if (!inner_tag.empty()) sgmlCloseTag(os, depth + 1, inner_tag); if (!extra_par.empty()) os << extra_par; if (!tag.empty()) sgmlCloseTag(os, depth, tag); extra_par.erase(); switch (par->footnotekind) { case LyXParagraph::FOOTNOTE: case LyXParagraph::ALGORITHM: tag = "footnote"; inner_tag = "para"; present = FOOTNOTE_LIKE; inner_span = true; break; case LyXParagraph::MARGIN: tag = "sidebar"; inner_tag = "para"; present = MARGIN_LIKE; inner_span = true; break; case LyXParagraph::FIG: case LyXParagraph::WIDE_FIG: tag = "figure"; inner_tag = "title"; present = FIG_LIKE; inner_span = false; break; case LyXParagraph::TAB: case LyXParagraph::WIDE_TAB: tag = "table"; inner_tag = "title"; present = TAB_LIKE; inner_span = false; break; } sgmlOpenTag(os, depth, tag); if ((present == TAB_LIKE) || (present == FIG_LIKE)) { DocBookHandleCaption(os, inner_tag, depth, desc_on, par); inner_tag.erase(); } else { sgmlOpenTag(os, depth + 1, inner_tag); } } // ignore all caption here, we processed them above!!! if (par->layout != textclasslist .NumberOfLayout(params.textclass, "Caption").second) { std::ostringstream ost; SimpleDocBookOnePar(ost, extra_par, par, desc_on, depth + 2); tmp_par += ost.str().c_str(); } tmp_par = frontStrip(strip(tmp_par)); last = present; par = par->next_; } os << tmp_par; if (!inner_tag.empty()) sgmlCloseTag(os, depth + 1, inner_tag); if (!extra_par.empty()) os << extra_par; if (!tag.empty()) sgmlCloseTag(os, depth, tag); } #endif // checks, if newcol chars should be put into this line // writes newline, if necessary. namespace { void linux_doc_line_break(ostream & os, string::size_type & colcount, string::size_type newcol) { colcount += newcol; if (colcount > lyxrc.ascii_linelen) { os << "\n"; colcount = newcol; // assume write after this call } } enum PAR_TAG { NONE=0, TT = 1, SF = 2, BF = 4, IT = 8, SL = 16, EM = 32 }; string tag_name(PAR_TAG const & pt) { switch (pt) { case NONE: return "!-- --"; case TT: return "tt"; case SF: return "sf"; case BF: return "bf"; case IT: return "it"; case SL: return "sl"; case EM: return "em"; } return ""; } inline void operator|=(PAR_TAG & p1, PAR_TAG const & p2) { p1 = static_cast(p1 | p2); } inline void reset(PAR_TAG & p1, PAR_TAG const & p2) { p1 = static_cast( p1 & ~p2); } } // namespace anon // Handle internal paragraph parsing -- layout already processed. void Buffer::SimpleLinuxDocOnePar(ostream & os, LyXParagraph * par, int /*depth*/) { LyXLayout const & style = textclasslist.Style(params.textclass, par->GetLayout()); string::size_type char_line_count = 5; // Heuristic choice ;-) // gets paragraph main font LyXFont font_old; bool desc_on; if (style.labeltype == LABEL_MANUAL) { font_old = style.labelfont; desc_on = true; } else { font_old = style.font; desc_on = false; } LyXFont::FONT_FAMILY family_type = LyXFont::ROMAN_FAMILY; LyXFont::FONT_SERIES series_type = LyXFont::MEDIUM_SERIES; LyXFont::FONT_SHAPE shape_type = LyXFont::UP_SHAPE; bool is_em = false; stack < PAR_TAG > tag_state; // parsing main loop for (LyXParagraph::size_type i = 0; i < par->size(); ++i) { PAR_TAG tag_close = NONE; list < PAR_TAG > tag_open; LyXFont const font = par->getFont(params, i); if (font_old.family() != font.family()) { switch (family_type) { case LyXFont::SANS_FAMILY: tag_close |= SF; break; case LyXFont::TYPEWRITER_FAMILY: tag_close |= TT; break; default: break; } family_type = font.family(); switch (family_type) { case LyXFont::SANS_FAMILY: tag_open.push_back(SF); break; case LyXFont::TYPEWRITER_FAMILY: tag_open.push_back(TT); break; default: break; } } if (font_old.series() != font.series()) { switch (series_type) { case LyXFont::BOLD_SERIES: tag_close |= BF; break; default: break; } series_type = font.series(); switch (series_type) { case LyXFont::BOLD_SERIES: tag_open.push_back(BF); break; default: break; } } if (font_old.shape() != font.shape()) { switch (shape_type) { case LyXFont::ITALIC_SHAPE: tag_close |= IT; break; case LyXFont::SLANTED_SHAPE: tag_close |= SL; break; default: break; } shape_type = font.shape(); switch (shape_type) { case LyXFont::ITALIC_SHAPE: tag_open.push_back(IT); break; case LyXFont::SLANTED_SHAPE: tag_open.push_back(SL); break; default: break; } } // handle tag if (font_old.emph() != font.emph()) { if (font.emph() == LyXFont::ON) { tag_open.push_back(EM); is_em = true; } else if (is_em) { tag_close |= EM; is_em = false; } } list < PAR_TAG > temp; while(!tag_state.empty() && tag_close ) { PAR_TAG k = tag_state.top(); tag_state.pop(); os << ""; if (tag_close & k) reset(tag_close,k); else temp.push_back(k); } for(list< PAR_TAG >::const_iterator j = temp.begin(); j != temp.end(); ++j) { tag_state.push(*j); os << "<" << tag_name(*j) << ">"; } for(list< PAR_TAG >::const_iterator j = tag_open.begin(); j != tag_open.end(); ++j) { tag_state.push(*j); os << "<" << tag_name(*j) << ">"; } char c = par->GetChar(i); if (c == LyXParagraph::META_INSET) { Inset * inset = par->GetInset(i); inset->Linuxdoc(this, os); font_old = font; continue; } if (font.latex() == LyXFont::ON || style.latexparam() == "CDATA") { // "TeX"-Mode on == > SGML-Mode on. if (c != '\0') os << c; ++char_line_count; } else { string sgml_string; if (par->linuxDocConvertChar(c, sgml_string) && !style.free_spacing) { // in freespacing mode, spaces are // non-breaking characters if (desc_on) {// if char is ' ' then... ++char_line_count; linux_doc_line_break(os, char_line_count, 6); os << ""; desc_on = false; } else { linux_doc_line_break(os, char_line_count, 1); os << c; } } else { os << sgml_string; char_line_count += sgml_string.length(); } } font_old = font; } while (!tag_state.empty()) { os << ""; tag_state.pop(); } // resets description flag correctly if (desc_on) { // not closed... linux_doc_line_break(os, char_line_count, 6); os << ""; } } // Print an error message. void Buffer::LinuxDocError(LyXParagraph * par, int pos, string const & message) { // insert an error marker in text InsetError * new_inset = new InsetError(message); par->InsertInset(pos, new_inset); } void Buffer::makeDocBookFile(string const & fname, bool nice, bool only_body) { ofstream ofs(fname.c_str()); if (!ofs) { WriteAlert(_("LYX_ERROR:"), _("Cannot write file"), fname); return; } LyXParagraph * par = paragraph; niceFile = nice; // this will be used by Insetincludes. LyXTextClass const & tclass = textclasslist.TextClass(params.textclass); LaTeXFeatures features(params, tclass.numLayouts()); validate(features); texrow.reset(); string top_element= textclasslist.LatexnameOfClass(params.textclass); if (!only_body) { string sgml_includedfiles=features.getIncludedFiles(fname); ofs << "\n\n"; else ofs << "\n [ " << params.preamble << sgml_includedfiles << " \n]>\n\n"; } string top = top_element; top += " lang=\""; top += params.language->code(); top += "\""; if (!params.options.empty()) { top += " "; top += params.options; } sgmlOpenTag(ofs, 0, top); ofs << "\n"; vector environment_stack(10); vector environment_inner(10); vector command_stack(10); bool command_flag= false; int command_depth= 0, command_base= 0, cmd_depth= 0; int depth = 0; // paragraph depth string item_name, command_name; while (par) { string sgmlparam, c_depth, c_params; int desc_on = 0; // description mode LyXLayout const & style = textclasslist.Style(params.textclass, par->layout); // environment tag closing for (; depth > par->params.depth(); --depth) { if (environment_inner[depth] != "!-- --") { item_name= "listitem"; sgmlCloseTag(ofs, command_depth + depth, item_name); if (environment_inner[depth] == "varlistentry") sgmlCloseTag(ofs, depth+command_depth, environment_inner[depth]); } sgmlCloseTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, environment_stack[depth]); environment_stack[depth].erase(); environment_inner[depth].erase(); } if (depth == par->params.depth() && environment_stack[depth] != style.latexname() && !environment_stack[depth].empty()) { if (environment_inner[depth] != "!-- --") { item_name= "listitem"; sgmlCloseTag(ofs, command_depth+depth, item_name); if (environment_inner[depth] == "varlistentry") sgmlCloseTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, environment_inner[depth]); } sgmlCloseTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, environment_stack[depth]); environment_stack[depth].erase(); environment_inner[depth].erase(); } // Write opening SGML tags. switch (style.latextype) { case LATEX_PARAGRAPH: sgmlOpenTag(ofs, depth+command_depth, style.latexname()); break; case LATEX_COMMAND: if (depth!= 0) LinuxDocError(par, 0, _("Error : Wrong depth for " "LatexType Command.\n")); command_name = style.latexname(); sgmlparam = style.latexparam(); c_params = split(sgmlparam, c_depth,'|'); cmd_depth= lyx::atoi(c_depth); if (command_flag) { if (cmd_depth= command_base; --j) sgmlCloseTag(ofs, j, command_stack[j]); command_depth= command_base= cmd_depth; } else if (cmd_depth <= command_depth) { for (int j = command_depth; j >= cmd_depth; --j) sgmlCloseTag(ofs, j, command_stack[j]); command_depth= cmd_depth; } else command_depth= cmd_depth; } else { command_depth = command_base = cmd_depth; command_flag = true; } if (command_stack.size() == command_depth +1) command_stack.push_back(""); command_stack[command_depth]= command_name; // treat label as a special case for // more WYSIWYM handling. if (par->GetChar(0) == LyXParagraph::META_INSET) { Inset * inset = par->GetInset(0); Inset::Code lyx_code = inset->LyxCode(); if (lyx_code == Inset::LABEL_CODE){ command_name += " id=\""; command_name += (static_cast(inset))->getContents(); command_name += "\""; desc_on = 3; } } sgmlOpenTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, command_name); if (c_params.empty()) item_name = "title"; else item_name = c_params; sgmlOpenTag(ofs, depth + 1 + command_depth, item_name); break; case LATEX_ENVIRONMENT: case LATEX_ITEM_ENVIRONMENT: if (depth < par->params.depth()) { depth = par->params.depth(); environment_stack[depth].erase(); } if (environment_stack[depth] != style.latexname()) { if(environment_stack.size() == depth+1) { environment_stack.push_back("!-- --"); environment_inner.push_back("!-- --"); } environment_stack[depth] = style.latexname(); environment_inner[depth] = "!-- --"; sgmlOpenTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, environment_stack[depth]); } else { if (environment_inner[depth] != "!-- --") { item_name= "listitem"; sgmlCloseTag(ofs, command_depth + depth, item_name); if (environment_inner[depth] == "varlistentry") sgmlCloseTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, environment_inner[depth]); } } if (style.latextype == LATEX_ENVIRONMENT) { if (!style.latexparam().empty()) { if(style.latexparam() == "CDATA") ofs << "next_; DocBookHandleFootnote(ofs, par, depth + 1 + command_depth); } while(par && par->IsDummy()); #else string extra_par; SimpleDocBookOnePar(ofs, extra_par, par, desc_on, depth + 1 + command_depth); par = par->next(); #endif string end_tag; // write closing SGML tags switch (style.latextype) { case LATEX_COMMAND: if (c_params.empty()) end_tag = "title"; else end_tag = c_params; sgmlCloseTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, end_tag); break; case LATEX_ENVIRONMENT: if (!style.latexparam().empty()) { if(style.latexparam() == "CDATA") ofs << "]]>"; else sgmlCloseTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, style.latexparam()); } break; case LATEX_ITEM_ENVIRONMENT: if (desc_on == 1) break; end_tag= "para"; sgmlCloseTag(ofs, depth + 1 + command_depth, end_tag); break; case LATEX_PARAGRAPH: sgmlCloseTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, style.latexname()); break; default: sgmlCloseTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, style.latexname()); break; } } // Close open tags for (; depth >= 0; --depth) { if (!environment_stack[depth].empty()) { if (environment_inner[depth] != "!-- --") { item_name= "listitem"; sgmlCloseTag(ofs, command_depth + depth, item_name); if (environment_inner[depth] == "varlistentry") sgmlCloseTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, environment_inner[depth]); } sgmlCloseTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, environment_stack[depth]); } } for (int j = command_depth; j >= command_base; --j) if (!command_stack[j].empty()) sgmlCloseTag(ofs, j, command_stack[j]); ofs << "\n\n"; sgmlCloseTag(ofs, 0, top_element); ofs.close(); // How to check for successful close } void Buffer::SimpleDocBookOnePar(ostream & os, string & extra, LyXParagraph * par, int & desc_on, int depth) const { bool emph_flag = false; LyXLayout const & style = textclasslist.Style(params.textclass, par->GetLayout()); LyXFont font_old = style.labeltype == LABEL_MANUAL ? style.labelfont : style.font; int char_line_count = depth; if (!style.free_spacing) os << string(depth,' '); // parsing main loop for (LyXParagraph::size_type i = 0; i < par->size(); ++i) { LyXFont font = par->getFont(params, i); // handle tag if (font_old.emph() != font.emph()) { if (font.emph() == LyXFont::ON) { os << ""; emph_flag = true; }else if(i) { os << ""; emph_flag = false; } } char c = par->GetChar(i); if (c == LyXParagraph::META_INSET) { Inset * inset = par->GetInset(i); std::ostringstream ost; inset->DocBook(this, ost); string tmp_out = ost.str().c_str(); // // This code needs some explanation: // Two insets are treated specially // label if it is the first element in a command paragraph // desc_on == 3 // graphics inside tables or figure floats can't go on // title (the equivalente in latex for this case is caption // and title should come first // desc_on == 4 // if (desc_on!= 3 || i!= 0) { if (!tmp_out.empty() && tmp_out[0] == '@') { if (desc_on == 4) extra += frontStrip(tmp_out, '@'); else os << frontStrip(tmp_out, '@'); } else os << tmp_out; } } else if (font.latex() == LyXFont::ON) { // "TeX"-Mode on ==> SGML-Mode on. if (c != '\0') os << c; ++char_line_count; } else { string sgml_string; if (par->linuxDocConvertChar(c, sgml_string) && !style.free_spacing) { // in freespacing // mode, spaces are // non-breaking characters // char is ' ' if (desc_on == 1) { ++char_line_count; os << "\n"; desc_on = 2; } else { os << c; } } else { os << sgml_string; } } font_old = font; } if (emph_flag) { os << ""; } // resets description flag correctly if (desc_on == 1) { // not closed... os << ""; } os << '\n'; } // This should be enabled when the Chktex class is implemented. (Asger) // chktex should be run with these flags disabled: 3, 22, 25, 30, 38(?) // Other flags: -wall -v0 -x int Buffer::runChktex() { if (!users->text) return 0; ProhibitInput(users); // get LaTeX-Filename string const name = getLatexName(); string path = OnlyPath(filename); string const org_path = path; if (lyxrc.use_tempdir || (IsDirWriteable(path) < 1)) { path = tmppath; } Path p(path); // path to LaTeX file users->owner()->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Running chktex...")); // Remove all error insets bool const removedErrorInsets = users->removeAutoInsets(); // Generate the LaTeX file if neccessary makeLaTeXFile(name, org_path, false); TeXErrors terr; Chktex chktex(lyxrc.chktex_command, name, filepath); int res = chktex.run(terr); // run chktex if (res == -1) { WriteAlert(_("chktex did not work!"), _("Could not run with file:"), name); } else if (res > 0) { // Insert all errors as errors boxes users->insertErrors(terr); } // if we removed error insets before we ran chktex or if we inserted // error insets after we ran chktex, this must be run: if (removedErrorInsets || res){ users->redraw(); users->fitCursor(users->text); } AllowInput(users); return res; } void Buffer::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { LyXParagraph * par = paragraph; LyXTextClass const & tclass = textclasslist.TextClass(params.textclass); // AMS Style is at document level features.amsstyle = (params.use_amsmath || tclass.provides(LyXTextClass::amsmath)); while (par) { // We don't use "lyxerr.debug" because of speed. (Asger) if (lyxerr.debugging(Debug::LATEX)) lyxerr << "Paragraph: " << par << endl; // Now just follow the list of paragraphs and run // validate on each of them. par->validate(features); // and then the next paragraph #ifndef NEW_INSETS par = par->next_; #else par = par->next(); #endif } // the bullet shapes are buffer level not paragraph level // so they are tested here for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (params.user_defined_bullets[i] != ITEMIZE_DEFAULTS[i]) { int const font = params.user_defined_bullets[i].getFont(); if (font == 0) { int const c = params .user_defined_bullets[i] .getCharacter(); if (c == 16 || c == 17 || c == 25 || c == 26 || c == 31) { features.latexsym = true; } } else if (font == 1) { features.amssymb = true; } else if ((font >= 2 && font <= 5)) { features.pifont = true; } } } if (lyxerr.debugging(Debug::LATEX)) { features.showStruct(); } } void Buffer::setPaperStuff() { params.papersize = BufferParams::PAPER_DEFAULT; char const c1 = params.paperpackage; if (c1 == BufferParams::PACKAGE_NONE) { char const c2 = params.papersize2; if (c2 == BufferParams::VM_PAPER_USLETTER) params.papersize = BufferParams::PAPER_USLETTER; else if (c2 == BufferParams::VM_PAPER_USLEGAL) params.papersize = BufferParams::PAPER_LEGALPAPER; else if (c2 == BufferParams::VM_PAPER_USEXECUTIVE) params.papersize = BufferParams::PAPER_EXECUTIVEPAPER; else if (c2 == BufferParams::VM_PAPER_A3) params.papersize = BufferParams::PAPER_A3PAPER; else if (c2 == BufferParams::VM_PAPER_A4) params.papersize = BufferParams::PAPER_A4PAPER; else if (c2 == BufferParams::VM_PAPER_A5) params.papersize = BufferParams::PAPER_A5PAPER; else if ((c2 == BufferParams::VM_PAPER_B3) || (c2 == BufferParams::VM_PAPER_B4) || (c2 == BufferParams::VM_PAPER_B5)) params.papersize = BufferParams::PAPER_B5PAPER; } else if ((c1 == BufferParams::PACKAGE_A4) || (c1 == BufferParams::PACKAGE_A4WIDE) || (c1 == BufferParams::PACKAGE_WIDEMARGINSA4)) params.papersize = BufferParams::PAPER_A4PAPER; } // This function should be in Buffer because it's a buffer's property (ale) string const Buffer::getIncludeonlyList(char delim) { string lst; for (inset_iterator it = inset_iterator_begin(); it != inset_iterator_end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->LyxCode() == Inset::INCLUDE_CODE) { InsetInclude * insetinc = static_cast(*it); if (insetinc->isIncludeOnly()) { if (!lst.empty()) lst += delim; lst += insetinc->getRelFileBaseName(); } } } lyxerr.debug() << "Includeonly(" << lst << ')' << endl; return lst; } vector const Buffer::getLabelList() { /// if this is a child document and the parent is already loaded /// Use the parent's list instead [ale990407] if (!params.parentname.empty() && bufferlist.exists(params.parentname)) { Buffer * tmp = bufferlist.getBuffer(params.parentname); if (tmp) return tmp->getLabelList(); } vector label_list; for (inset_iterator it = inset_iterator_begin(); it != inset_iterator_end(); ++it) { vector const l = (*it)->getLabelList(); label_list.insert(label_list.end(), l.begin(), l.end()); } return label_list; } Buffer::Lists const Buffer::getLists() const { Lists l; LyXParagraph * par = paragraph; #ifdef NEW_INSETS bool found; LyXTextClassList::size_type cap; boost::tie(found, cap) = textclasslist .NumberOfLayout(params.textclass, "Caption"); #endif while (par) { #ifndef NEW_INSETS if (par->footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::NO_FOOTNOTE) { if (textclasslist.Style(params.textclass, par->GetLayout()).labeltype == LABEL_SENSITIVE) { string type; switch (par->footnotekind) { case LyXParagraph::FIG: case LyXParagraph::WIDE_FIG: type = "LOF"; break; case LyXParagraph::TAB: case LyXParagraph::WIDE_TAB: type = "LOT"; break; case LyXParagraph::ALGORITHM: type = "LOA"; break; case LyXParagraph::FOOTNOTE: case LyXParagraph::MARGIN: break; } if (!type.empty()) { SingleList & item = l[type]; string const str = tostr(item.size()+1) + ". " + par->String(this, false); item.push_back(TocItem(par, 0, str)); } } } else if (!par->IsDummy()) { #endif char const labeltype = textclasslist.Style(params.textclass, par->GetLayout()).labeltype; if (labeltype >= LABEL_COUNTER_CHAPTER && labeltype <= LABEL_COUNTER_CHAPTER + params.tocdepth) { // insert this into the table of contents SingleList & item = l["TOC"]; int depth = max(0, labeltype - textclasslist.TextClass(params.textclass).maxcounter()); item.push_back(TocItem(par, depth, par->String(this, true))); } #ifdef NEW_INSETS // For each paragrph, traverse its insets and look for // FLOAT_CODE if (found) { LyXParagraph::inset_iterator it = par->inset_iterator_begin(); LyXParagraph::inset_iterator end = par->inset_iterator_end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { if ((*it)->LyxCode() == Inset::FLOAT_CODE) { InsetFloat * il = static_cast(*it); string const type = il->type(); // Now find the caption in the float... // We now tranverse the paragraphs of // the inset... LyXParagraph * tmp = il->inset.par; while (tmp) { if (tmp->layout == cap) { SingleList & item = l[type]; string const str = tostr(item.size()+1) + ". " + tmp->String(this, false); item.push_back(TocItem(tmp, 0 , str)); } tmp = tmp->next(); } } } } else { lyxerr << "caption not found" << endl; } #endif #ifndef NEW_INSETS } par = par->next_; #else par = par->next(); #endif } return l; } // This is also a buffer property (ale) vector > const Buffer::getBibkeyList() { /// if this is a child document and the parent is already loaded /// Use the parent's list instead [ale990412] if (!params.parentname.empty() && bufferlist.exists(params.parentname)) { Buffer * tmp = bufferlist.getBuffer(params.parentname); if (tmp) return tmp->getBibkeyList(); } vector > keys; LyXParagraph * par = paragraph; while (par) { if (par->bibkey) keys.push_back(pair(par->bibkey->getContents(), par->String(this, false))); #ifndef NEW_INSETS par = par->next_; #else par = par->next(); #endif } // Might be either using bibtex or a child has bibliography if (keys.empty()) { for (inset_iterator it = inset_iterator_begin(); it != inset_iterator_end(); ++it) { // Search for Bibtex or Include inset if ((*it)->LyxCode() == Inset::BIBTEX_CODE) { vector > tmp = static_cast(*it)->getKeys(this); keys.insert(keys.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); } else if ((*it)->LyxCode() == Inset::INCLUDE_CODE) { vector > const tmp = static_cast(*it)->getKeys(); keys.insert(keys.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); } } } return keys; } bool Buffer::isDepClean(string const & name) const { DEPCLEAN * item = dep_clean; while (item && item->master != name) item = item->next; if (!item) return true; return item->clean; } void Buffer::markDepClean(string const & name) { if (!dep_clean) { dep_clean = new DEPCLEAN; dep_clean->clean = true; dep_clean->master = name; dep_clean->next = 0; } else { DEPCLEAN * item = dep_clean; while (item && item->master != name) item = item->next; if (item) { item->clean = true; } else { item = new DEPCLEAN; item->clean = true; item->master = name; item->next = 0; } } } bool Buffer::Dispatch(string const & command) { // Split command string into command and argument string cmd; string line = frontStrip(command); string const arg = strip(frontStrip(split(line, cmd, ' '))); return Dispatch(lyxaction.LookupFunc(cmd), arg); } bool Buffer::Dispatch(int action, string const & argument) { bool dispatched = true; switch (action) { case LFUN_EXPORT: Exporter::Export(this, argument, false); break; default: dispatched = false; } return dispatched; } void Buffer::resize() { /// resize the BufferViews! if (users) users->resize(); } void Buffer::resizeInsets(BufferView * bv) { /// then remove all LyXText in text-insets LyXParagraph * par = paragraph; #ifndef NEW_INSETS for (; par; par = par->next_) { par->resizeInsetsLyXText(bv); } #else for (; par; par = par->next()) { par->resizeInsetsLyXText(bv); } #endif } void Buffer::ChangeLanguage(Language const * from, Language const * to) { LyXParagraph * par = paragraph; while (par) { par->ChangeLanguage(params, from, to); #ifndef NEW_INSETS par = par->next_; #else par = par->next(); #endif } } bool Buffer::isMultiLingual() { LyXParagraph * par = paragraph; while (par) { if (par->isMultiLingual(params)) return true; #ifndef NEW_INSETS par = par->next_; #else par = par->next(); #endif } return false; } Buffer::inset_iterator::inset_iterator(LyXParagraph * paragraph, LyXParagraph::size_type pos) : par(paragraph) { it = par->InsetIterator(pos); if (it == par->inset_iterator_end()) { #ifndef NEW_INSETS par = par->next_; #else par = par->next(); #endif SetParagraph(); } } void Buffer::inset_iterator::SetParagraph() { while (par) { it = par->inset_iterator_begin(); if (it != par->inset_iterator_end()) return; #ifndef NEW_INSETS par = par->next_; #else par = par->next(); #endif } //it = 0; // We maintain an invariant that whenever par = 0 then it = 0 }