/* This file is part of * ====================================================== * * LyX, The Document Processor * * Copyright 1995 Matthias Ettrich * Copyright 1995-2001 The LyX Team. * * This file is Copyright 1996-2001 * Lars Gullik Bjønnes * * ====================================================== */ #include #include "buffer.h" #include "bufferlist.h" #include "LyXAction.h" #include "lyxrc.h" #include "lyxlex.h" #include "tex-strings.h" #include "layout.h" #include "bufferview_funcs.h" #include "lyxfont.h" #include "version.h" #include "LaTeX.h" #include "Chktex.h" #include "debug.h" #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "language.h" #include "exporter.h" #include "Lsstream.h" #include "converter.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "ParagraphParameters.h" #include "iterators.h" #include "lyxtextclasslist.h" #include "sgml.h" #include "paragraph_funcs.h" #include "author.h" #include "frontends/LyXView.h" #include "mathed/formulamacro.h" #include "mathed/formula.h" #include "insets/inset.h" #include "insets/inseterror.h" #include "insets/insetlabel.h" #include "insets/insetref.h" #include "insets/inseturl.h" #include "insets/insetnote.h" #include "insets/insetquotes.h" #include "insets/insetlatexaccent.h" #include "insets/insetbib.h" #include "insets/insetcite.h" #include "insets/insetexternal.h" #include "insets/insetindex.h" #include "insets/insetinclude.h" #include "insets/insettoc.h" #include "insets/insetparent.h" #include "insets/insetspecialchar.h" #include "insets/insettext.h" #include "insets/insetert.h" #include "insets/insetgraphics.h" #include "insets/insetfoot.h" #include "insets/insetmarginal.h" #include "insets/insetoptarg.h" #include "insets/insetminipage.h" #include "insets/insetfloat.h" #include "insets/insetwrap.h" #include "insets/insettabular.h" #if 0 #include "insets/insettheorem.h" #include "insets/insetlist.h" #endif #include "insets/insetcaption.h" #include "insets/insetfloatlist.h" #include "frontends/Dialogs.h" #include "frontends/Alert.h" #include "graphics/Previews.h" #include "support/textutils.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/path.h" #include "support/os.h" #include "support/lyxlib.h" #include "support/FileInfo.h" #include "support/lyxmanip.h" #include "support/lyxtime.h" #include #include #include "BoostFormat.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_LOCALE #include #endif #ifndef CXX_GLOBAL_CSTD using std::pow; #endif using std::ostream; using std::ofstream; using std::ifstream; using std::fstream; using std::ios; using std::setw; using std::endl; using std::pair; using std::make_pair; using std::vector; using std::map; using std::max; using std::stack; using std::list; using std::for_each; using lyx::pos_type; using lyx::textclass_type; // all these externs should eventually be removed. extern BufferList bufferlist; namespace { const int LYX_FORMAT = 222; } // namespace anon Buffer::Buffer(string const & file, bool ronly) : niceFile(true), lyx_clean(true), bak_clean(true), unnamed(false), read_only(ronly), filename_(file), users(0) { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "Buffer::Buffer()" << endl; filepath_ = OnlyPath(file); lyxvc.buffer(this); if (read_only || lyxrc.use_tempdir) { tmppath = CreateBufferTmpDir(); } else { tmppath.erase(); } // set initial author authorlist.record(Author(lyxrc.user_name, lyxrc.user_email)); } Buffer::~Buffer() { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "Buffer::~Buffer()" << endl; // here the buffer should take care that it is // saved properly, before it goes into the void. // make sure that views using this buffer // forgets it. if (users) users->buffer(0); if (!tmppath.empty()) { DestroyBufferTmpDir(tmppath); } paragraphs.clear(); // Remove any previewed LaTeX snippets assocoated with this buffer. grfx::Previews::get().removeLoader(this); } string const Buffer::getLatexName(bool no_path) const { string const name = ChangeExtension(MakeLatexName(fileName()), ".tex"); if (no_path) return OnlyFilename(name); else return name; } pair const Buffer::getLogName() const { string const filename = getLatexName(false); if (filename.empty()) return make_pair(Buffer::latexlog, string()); string path = OnlyPath(filename); if (lyxrc.use_tempdir || !IsDirWriteable(path)) path = tmppath; string const fname = AddName(path, OnlyFilename(ChangeExtension(filename, ".log"))); string const bname = AddName(path, OnlyFilename( ChangeExtension(filename, formats.extension("literate") + ".out"))); // If no Latex log or Build log is newer, show Build log FileInfo const f_fi(fname); FileInfo const b_fi(bname); if (b_fi.exist() && (!f_fi.exist() || f_fi.getModificationTime() < b_fi.getModificationTime())) { lyxerr[Debug::FILES] << "Log name calculated as: " << bname << endl; return make_pair(Buffer::buildlog, bname); } lyxerr[Debug::FILES] << "Log name calculated as: " << fname << endl; return make_pair(Buffer::latexlog, fname); } void Buffer::setReadonly(bool flag) { if (read_only != flag) { read_only = flag; updateTitles(); users->owner()->getDialogs().updateBufferDependent(false); } } AuthorList & Buffer::authors() { return authorlist; } /// Update window titles of all users // Should work on a list void Buffer::updateTitles() const { if (users) users->owner()->updateWindowTitle(); } /// Reset autosave timer of all users // Should work on a list void Buffer::resetAutosaveTimers() const { if (users) users->owner()->resetAutosaveTimer(); } void Buffer::setFileName(string const & newfile) { filename_ = MakeAbsPath(newfile); filepath_ = OnlyPath(filename_); setReadonly(IsFileWriteable(filename_) == 0); updateTitles(); } // We'll remove this later. (Lgb) namespace { string last_inset_read; #ifdef WITH_WARNINGS #warning And _why_ is this here? (Lgb) #endif int unknown_layouts; int unknown_tokens; vector author_ids; } // anon // candidate for move to BufferView // (at least some parts in the beginning of the func) // // Uwe C. Schroeder // changed to be public and have one parameter // if par = 0 normal behavior // else insert behavior // Returns false if "\the_end" is not read (Asger) bool Buffer::readLyXformat2(LyXLex & lex, Paragraph * par) { unknown_layouts = 0; unknown_tokens = 0; author_ids.clear(); int pos = 0; Paragraph::depth_type depth = 0; bool the_end_read = false; Paragraph * first_par = 0; LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_INHERIT, params.language); if (!par) { par = new Paragraph; par->layout(params.getLyXTextClass().defaultLayout()); } else { // We are inserting into an existing document users->text->breakParagraph(users); first_par = users->text->ownerParagraph(); pos = 0; markDirty(); // We don't want to adopt the parameters from the // document we insert, so we skip until the text begins: while (lex.isOK()) { lex.nextToken(); string const pretoken = lex.getString(); if (pretoken == "\\layout") { lex.pushToken(pretoken); break; } } } while (lex.isOK()) { lex.nextToken(); string const token = lex.getString(); if (token.empty()) continue; lyxerr[Debug::PARSER] << "Handling token: `" << token << '\'' << endl; the_end_read = parseSingleLyXformat2Token(lex, par, first_par, token, pos, depth, font); } if (!first_par) first_par = par; paragraphs.set(first_par); if (unknown_layouts > 0) { string s = _("Couldn't set the layout for "); if (unknown_layouts == 1) { s += _("one paragraph"); } else { s += tostr(unknown_layouts); s += _(" paragraphs"); } #if USE_BOOST_FORMAT Alert::alert(_("Textclass Loading Error!"), s, boost::io::str(boost::format(_("When reading %1$s")) % fileName())); #else Alert::alert(_("Textclass Loading Error!"), s, _("When reading ") + fileName()); #endif } if (unknown_tokens > 0) { string s = _("Encountered "); if (unknown_tokens == 1) { s += _("one unknown token"); } else { s += tostr(unknown_tokens); s += _(" unknown tokens"); } #if USE_BOOST_FORMAT Alert::alert(_("Textclass Loading Error!"), s, boost::io::str(boost::format(_("When reading %1$s")) % fileName())); #else Alert::alert(_("Textclass Loading Error!"), s, _("When reading ") + fileName()); #endif } return the_end_read; } namespace { // This stuff is, in the traditional LyX terminology, Super UGLY // but this code is too b0rken to admit of a better solution yet Change current_change; }; bool Buffer::parseSingleLyXformat2Token(LyXLex & lex, Paragraph *& par, Paragraph *& first_par, string const & token, int & pos, Paragraph::depth_type & depth, LyXFont & font ) { bool the_end_read = false; // The order of the tags tested may seem unnatural, but this // has been done in order to reduce the number of string // comparisons needed to recognize a given token. This leads // on large documents like UserGuide to a reduction of a // factor 5! (JMarc) if (token[0] != '\\') { for (string::const_iterator cit = token.begin(); cit != token.end(); ++cit) { par->insertChar(pos, (*cit), font, current_change); ++pos; } } else if (token == "\\layout") { // reset the font as we start a new layout and if the font is // not ALL_INHERIT,document_language then it will be set to the // right values after this tag (Jug 20020420) font = LyXFont(LyXFont::ALL_INHERIT, params.language); lex.eatLine(); string layoutname = lex.getString(); LyXTextClass const & tclass = params.getLyXTextClass(); if (layoutname.empty()) { layoutname = tclass.defaultLayoutName(); } bool hasLayout = tclass.hasLayout(layoutname); if (!hasLayout) { lyxerr << "Layout '" << layoutname << "' does not" << " exist in textclass '" << tclass.name() << "'." << endl; lyxerr << "Trying to use default layout instead." << endl; layoutname = tclass.defaultLayoutName(); } #ifdef USE_CAPTION // The is the compability reading of layout caption. // It can be removed in LyX version 1.3.0. (Lgb) if (compare_ascii_no_case(layoutname, "caption") == 0) { // We expect that the par we are now working on is // really inside a InsetText inside a InsetFloat. // We also know that captions can only be // one paragraph. (Lgb) // We should now read until the next "\layout" // is reached. // This is probably not good enough, what if the // caption is the last par in the document (Lgb) istream & ist = lex.getStream(); stringstream ss; string line; int begin = 0; while (true) { getline(ist, line); if (prefixIs(line, "\\layout")) { lex.pushToken(line); break; } if (prefixIs(line, "\\begin_inset")) ++begin; if (prefixIs(line, "\\end_inset")) { if (begin) --begin; else { lex.pushToken(line); break; } } ss << line << '\n'; } // Now we should have the whole layout in ss // we should now be able to give this to the // caption inset. ss << "\\end_inset\n"; // This seems like a bug in stringstream. // We really should be able to use ss // directly. (Lgb) istringstream is(ss.str()); LyXLex tmplex(0, 0); tmplex.setStream(is); Inset * inset = new InsetCaption; inset->Read(this, tmplex); par->InsertInset(pos, inset, font); ++pos; } else { #endif if (!first_par) first_par = par; else { par = new Paragraph(par); par->layout(params.getLyXTextClass().defaultLayout()); if (params.tracking_changes) par->trackChanges(); } pos = 0; par->layout(params.getLyXTextClass()[layoutname]); // Test whether the layout is obsolete. LyXLayout_ptr const & layout = par->layout(); if (!layout->obsoleted_by().empty()) par->layout(params.getLyXTextClass()[layout->obsoleted_by()]); par->params().depth(depth); #if USE_CAPTION } #endif } else if (token == "\\end_inset") { lyxerr << "Solitary \\end_inset. Missing \\begin_inset?.\n" << "Last inset read was: " << last_inset_read << endl; // Simply ignore this. The insets do not have // to read this. // But insets should read it, it is a part of // the inset isn't it? Lgb. } else if (token == "\\begin_inset") { readInset(lex, par, pos, font); } else if (token == "\\family") { lex.next(); font.setLyXFamily(lex.getString()); } else if (token == "\\series") { lex.next(); font.setLyXSeries(lex.getString()); } else if (token == "\\shape") { lex.next(); font.setLyXShape(lex.getString()); } else if (token == "\\size") { lex.next(); font.setLyXSize(lex.getString()); } else if (token == "\\lang") { lex.next(); string const tok = lex.getString(); Language const * lang = languages.getLanguage(tok); if (lang) { font.setLanguage(lang); } else { font.setLanguage(params.language); lex.printError("Unknown language `$$Token'"); } } else if (token == "\\numeric") { lex.next(); font.setNumber(font.setLyXMisc(lex.getString())); } else if (token == "\\emph") { lex.next(); font.setEmph(font.setLyXMisc(lex.getString())); } else if (token == "\\bar") { lex.next(); string const tok = lex.getString(); // This is dirty, but gone with LyX3. (Asger) if (tok == "under") font.setUnderbar(LyXFont::ON); else if (tok == "no") font.setUnderbar(LyXFont::OFF); else if (tok == "default") font.setUnderbar(LyXFont::INHERIT); else lex.printError("Unknown bar font flag " "`$$Token'"); } else if (token == "\\noun") { lex.next(); font.setNoun(font.setLyXMisc(lex.getString())); } else if (token == "\\color") { lex.next(); font.setLyXColor(lex.getString()); } else if (token == "\\SpecialChar") { LyXLayout_ptr const & layout = par->layout(); // Insets don't make sense in a free-spacing context! ---Kayvan if (layout->free_spacing || par->isFreeSpacing()) { if (lex.isOK()) { lex.next(); string const next_token = lex.getString(); if (next_token == "\\-") { par->insertChar(pos, '-', font, current_change); } else if (next_token == "~") { par->insertChar(pos, ' ', font, current_change); } else { lex.printError("Token `$$Token' " "is in free space " "paragraph layout!"); --pos; } } } else { Inset * inset = new InsetSpecialChar; inset->read(this, lex); par->insertInset(pos, inset, font, current_change); } ++pos; } else if (token == "\\i") { Inset * inset = new InsetLatexAccent; inset->read(this, lex); par->insertInset(pos, inset, font, current_change); ++pos; } else if (token == "\\backslash") { par->insertChar(pos, '\\', font, current_change); ++pos; } else if (token == "\\begin_deeper") { ++depth; } else if (token == "\\end_deeper") { if (!depth) { lex.printError("\\end_deeper: " "depth is already null"); } else --depth; } else if (token == "\\begin_preamble") { params.readPreamble(lex); } else if (token == "\\textclass") { lex.eatLine(); pair pp = textclasslist.NumberOfClass(lex.getString()); if (pp.first) { params.textclass = pp.second; } else { #if USE_BOOST_FORMAT Alert::alert(_("Textclass error"), boost::io::str(boost::format(_("The document uses an unknown textclass \"%1$s\".")) % lex.getString()), _("-- substituting default.")); #else Alert::alert( _("Textclass error"), _("The document uses an unknown textclass ") + lex.getString(), _("-- substituting default.")); #endif params.textclass = 0; } if (!params.getLyXTextClass().load()) { // if the textclass wasn't loaded properly // we need to either substitute another // or stop loading the file. // I can substitute but I don't see how I can // stop loading... ideas?? ARRae980418 #if USE_BOOST_FORMAT Alert::alert(_("Textclass Loading Error!"), boost::io::str(boost::format(_("Can't load textclass %1$s")) % params.getLyXTextClass().name()), _("-- substituting default.")); #else Alert::alert(_("Textclass Loading Error!"), _("Can't load textclass ") + params.getLyXTextClass().name(), _("-- substituting default.")); #endif params.textclass = 0; } } else if (token == "\\options") { lex.eatLine(); params.options = lex.getString(); } else if (token == "\\language") { params.readLanguage(lex); } else if (token == "\\fontencoding") { lex.eatLine(); } else if (token == "\\inputencoding") { lex.eatLine(); params.inputenc = lex.getString(); } else if (token == "\\graphics") { params.readGraphicsDriver(lex); } else if (token == "\\fontscheme") { lex.eatLine(); params.fonts = lex.getString(); } else if (token == "\\noindent") { par->params().noindent(true); } else if (token == "\\leftindent") { lex.nextToken(); LyXLength value(lex.getString()); par->params().leftIndent(value); } else if (token == "\\fill_top") { par->params().spaceTop(VSpace(VSpace::VFILL)); } else if (token == "\\fill_bottom") { par->params().spaceBottom(VSpace(VSpace::VFILL)); } else if (token == "\\line_top") { par->params().lineTop(true); } else if (token == "\\line_bottom") { par->params().lineBottom(true); } else if (token == "\\pagebreak_top") { par->params().pagebreakTop(true); } else if (token == "\\pagebreak_bottom") { par->params().pagebreakBottom(true); } else if (token == "\\start_of_appendix") { par->params().startOfAppendix(true); } else if (token == "\\paragraph_separation") { int tmpret = lex.findToken(string_paragraph_separation); if (tmpret == -1) ++tmpret; params.paragraph_separation = static_cast(tmpret); } else if (token == "\\defskip") { lex.nextToken(); params.defskip = VSpace(lex.getString()); } else if (token == "\\quotes_language") { int tmpret = lex.findToken(string_quotes_language); if (tmpret == -1) ++tmpret; InsetQuotes::quote_language tmpl = InsetQuotes::EnglishQ; switch (tmpret) { case 0: tmpl = InsetQuotes::EnglishQ; break; case 1: tmpl = InsetQuotes::SwedishQ; break; case 2: tmpl = InsetQuotes::GermanQ; break; case 3: tmpl = InsetQuotes::PolishQ; break; case 4: tmpl = InsetQuotes::FrenchQ; break; case 5: tmpl = InsetQuotes::DanishQ; break; } params.quotes_language = tmpl; } else if (token == "\\quotes_times") { lex.nextToken(); switch (lex.getInteger()) { case 1: params.quotes_times = InsetQuotes::SingleQ; break; case 2: params.quotes_times = InsetQuotes::DoubleQ; break; } } else if (token == "\\papersize") { int tmpret = lex.findToken(string_papersize); if (tmpret == -1) ++tmpret; else params.papersize2 = tmpret; } else if (token == "\\paperpackage") { int tmpret = lex.findToken(string_paperpackages); if (tmpret == -1) { ++tmpret; params.paperpackage = BufferParams::PACKAGE_NONE; } else params.paperpackage = tmpret; } else if (token == "\\use_geometry") { lex.nextToken(); params.use_geometry = lex.getInteger(); } else if (token == "\\use_amsmath") { lex.nextToken(); params.use_amsmath = lex.getInteger(); } else if (token == "\\use_natbib") { lex.nextToken(); params.use_natbib = lex.getInteger(); } else if (token == "\\use_numerical_citations") { lex.nextToken(); params.use_numerical_citations = lex.getInteger(); } else if (token == "\\tracking_changes") { lex.nextToken(); params.tracking_changes = lex.getInteger(); // mark the first paragraph if (params.tracking_changes) par->trackChanges(); } else if (token == "\\author") { lex.nextToken(); istringstream ss(lex.getString()); Author a; ss >> a; int aid(authorlist.record(a)); lyxerr << "aid is " << aid << endl; lyxerr << "listed aid is " << author_ids.size() << endl; author_ids.push_back(authorlist.record(a)); } else if (token == "\\paperorientation") { int tmpret = lex.findToken(string_orientation); if (tmpret == -1) ++tmpret; params.orientation = static_cast(tmpret); } else if (token == "\\paperwidth") { lex.next(); params.paperwidth = lex.getString(); } else if (token == "\\paperheight") { lex.next(); params.paperheight = lex.getString(); } else if (token == "\\leftmargin") { lex.next(); params.leftmargin = lex.getString(); } else if (token == "\\topmargin") { lex.next(); params.topmargin = lex.getString(); } else if (token == "\\rightmargin") { lex.next(); params.rightmargin = lex.getString(); } else if (token == "\\bottommargin") { lex.next(); params.bottommargin = lex.getString(); } else if (token == "\\headheight") { lex.next(); params.headheight = lex.getString(); } else if (token == "\\headsep") { lex.next(); params.headsep = lex.getString(); } else if (token == "\\footskip") { lex.next(); params.footskip = lex.getString(); } else if (token == "\\paperfontsize") { lex.nextToken(); params.fontsize = rtrim(lex.getString()); } else if (token == "\\papercolumns") { lex.nextToken(); params.columns = lex.getInteger(); } else if (token == "\\papersides") { lex.nextToken(); switch (lex.getInteger()) { default: case 1: params.sides = LyXTextClass::OneSide; break; case 2: params.sides = LyXTextClass::TwoSides; break; } } else if (token == "\\paperpagestyle") { lex.nextToken(); params.pagestyle = rtrim(lex.getString()); } else if (token == "\\bullet") { lex.nextToken(); int const index = lex.getInteger(); lex.nextToken(); int temp_int = lex.getInteger(); params.user_defined_bullets[index].setFont(temp_int); params.temp_bullets[index].setFont(temp_int); lex.nextToken(); temp_int = lex.getInteger(); params.user_defined_bullets[index].setCharacter(temp_int); params.temp_bullets[index].setCharacter(temp_int); lex.nextToken(); temp_int = lex.getInteger(); params.user_defined_bullets[index].setSize(temp_int); params.temp_bullets[index].setSize(temp_int); lex.nextToken(); string const temp_str = lex.getString(); if (temp_str != "\\end_bullet") { // this element isn't really necessary for // parsing but is easier for humans // to understand bullets. Put it back and // set a debug message? lex.printError("\\end_bullet expected, got" + temp_str); //how can I put it back? } } else if (token == "\\bulletLaTeX") { // The bullet class should be able to read this. lex.nextToken(); int const index = lex.getInteger(); lex.next(); string temp_str = lex.getString(); string sum_str; while (temp_str != "\\end_bullet") { // this loop structure is needed when user // enters an empty string since the first // thing returned will be the \\end_bullet // OR // if the LaTeX entry has spaces. Each element // therefore needs to be read in turn sum_str += temp_str; lex.next(); temp_str = lex.getString(); } params.user_defined_bullets[index].setText(sum_str); params.temp_bullets[index].setText(sum_str); } else if (token == "\\secnumdepth") { lex.nextToken(); params.secnumdepth = lex.getInteger(); } else if (token == "\\tocdepth") { lex.nextToken(); params.tocdepth = lex.getInteger(); } else if (token == "\\spacing") { lex.next(); string const tmp = rtrim(lex.getString()); Spacing::Space tmp_space = Spacing::Default; float tmp_val = 0.0; if (tmp == "single") { tmp_space = Spacing::Single; } else if (tmp == "onehalf") { tmp_space = Spacing::Onehalf; } else if (tmp == "double") { tmp_space = Spacing::Double; } else if (tmp == "other") { lex.next(); tmp_space = Spacing::Other; tmp_val = lex.getFloat(); } else { lex.printError("Unknown spacing token: '$$Token'"); } // Small hack so that files written with klyx will be // parsed correctly. if (first_par) { par->params().spacing(Spacing(tmp_space, tmp_val)); } else { params.spacing.set(tmp_space, tmp_val); } } else if (token == "\\paragraph_spacing") { lex.next(); string const tmp = rtrim(lex.getString()); if (tmp == "single") { par->params().spacing(Spacing(Spacing::Single)); } else if (tmp == "onehalf") { par->params().spacing(Spacing(Spacing::Onehalf)); } else if (tmp == "double") { par->params().spacing(Spacing(Spacing::Double)); } else if (tmp == "other") { lex.next(); par->params().spacing(Spacing(Spacing::Other, lex.getFloat())); } else { lex.printError("Unknown spacing token: '$$Token'"); } } else if (token == "\\float_placement") { lex.nextToken(); params.float_placement = lex.getString(); } else if (token == "\\align") { int tmpret = lex.findToken(string_align); if (tmpret == -1) ++tmpret; int const tmpret2 = int(pow(2.0, tmpret)); par->params().align(LyXAlignment(tmpret2)); } else if (token == "\\added_space_top") { lex.nextToken(); VSpace value = VSpace(lex.getString()); // only add the length when value > 0 or // with option keep if ((value.length().len().value() != 0) || value.keep() || (value.kind() != VSpace::LENGTH)) par->params().spaceTop(value); } else if (token == "\\added_space_bottom") { lex.nextToken(); VSpace value = VSpace(lex.getString()); // only add the length when value > 0 or // with option keep if ((value.length().len().value() != 0) || value.keep() || (value.kind() != VSpace::LENGTH)) par->params().spaceBottom(value); } else if (token == "\\labelwidthstring") { lex.eatLine(); par->params().labelWidthString(lex.getString()); // do not delete this token, it is still needed! } else if (token == "\\newline") { par->insertChar(pos, Paragraph::META_NEWLINE, font, current_change); ++pos; } else if (token == "\\LyXTable") { Inset * inset = new InsetTabular(*this); inset->read(this, lex); par->insertInset(pos, inset, font, current_change); ++pos; } else if (token == "\\bibitem") { // ale970302 InsetCommandParams p("bibitem", "dummy"); InsetBibKey * inset = new InsetBibKey(p); inset->read(this, lex); par->insertInset(pos, inset, font, current_change); ++pos; } else if (token == "\\hfill") { par->insertChar(pos, Paragraph::META_HFILL, font, current_change); ++pos; } else if (token == "\\change_unchanged") { // Hack ! Needed for empty paragraphs :/ if (!pos) par->cleanChanges(); current_change = Change(Change::UNCHANGED); } else if (token == "\\change_inserted") { lex.nextToken(); istringstream istr(lex.getString()); int aid; lyx::time_type ct; istr >> aid; istr >> ct; current_change = Change(Change::INSERTED, author_ids[aid], ct); } else if (token == "\\change_deleted") { lex.nextToken(); istringstream istr(lex.getString()); int aid; lyx::time_type ct; istr >> aid; istr >> ct; current_change = Change(Change::DELETED, author_ids[aid], ct); } else if (token == "\\the_end") { the_end_read = true; } else { // This should be insurance for the future: (Asger) ++unknown_tokens; lex.eatLine(); #if USE_BOOST_FORMAT boost::format fmt(_("Unknown token: %1$s %2$s\n")); fmt % token % lex.text(); string const s = fmt.str(); #else string const s = _("Unknown token: ") + token + ' ' + lex.text() + '\n'; #endif // we can do this here this way because we're actually reading // the buffer and don't care about LyXText right now. InsetError * new_inset = new InsetError(s); par->insertInset(pos, new_inset, LyXFont(LyXFont::ALL_INHERIT, params.language)); } return the_end_read; } // needed to insert the selection void Buffer::insertStringAsLines(Paragraph *& par, pos_type & pos, LyXFont const & fn,string const & str) const { LyXLayout_ptr const & layout = par->layout(); LyXFont font = fn; par->checkInsertChar(font); // insert the string, don't insert doublespace bool space_inserted = true; bool autobreakrows = !par->inInset() || static_cast(par->inInset())->getAutoBreakRows(); for(string::const_iterator cit = str.begin(); cit != str.end(); ++cit) { if (*cit == '\n') { if (autobreakrows && (!par->empty() || layout->keepempty)) { breakParagraph(params, par, pos, layout->isEnvironment()); par = par->next(); pos = 0; space_inserted = true; } else { continue; } // do not insert consecutive spaces if !free_spacing } else if ((*cit == ' ' || *cit == '\t') && space_inserted && !layout->free_spacing && !par->isFreeSpacing()) { continue; } else if (*cit == '\t') { if (!layout->free_spacing && !par->isFreeSpacing()) { // tabs are like spaces here par->insertChar(pos, ' ', font, current_change); ++pos; space_inserted = true; } else { const pos_type nb = 8 - pos % 8; for (pos_type a = 0; a < nb ; ++a) { par->insertChar(pos, ' ', font, current_change); ++pos; } space_inserted = true; } } else if (!IsPrintable(*cit)) { // Ignore unprintables continue; } else { // just insert the character par->insertChar(pos, *cit, font); ++pos; space_inserted = (*cit == ' '); } } } void Buffer::readInset(LyXLex & lex, Paragraph *& par, int & pos, LyXFont & font) { // consistency check if (lex.getString() != "\\begin_inset") { lyxerr << "Buffer::readInset: Consistency check failed." << endl; } Inset * inset = 0; lex.next(); string const tmptok = lex.getString(); last_inset_read = tmptok; // test the different insets if (tmptok == "LatexCommand") { InsetCommandParams inscmd; inscmd.read(lex); string const cmdName = inscmd.getCmdName(); // This strange command allows LyX to recognize "natbib" style // citations: citet, citep, Citet etc. if (compare_ascii_no_case(cmdName.substr(0,4), "cite") == 0) { inset = new InsetCitation(inscmd); } else if (cmdName == "bibitem") { lex.printError("Wrong place for bibitem"); inset = new InsetBibKey(inscmd); } else if (cmdName == "BibTeX") { inset = new InsetBibtex(inscmd); } else if (cmdName == "index") { inset = new InsetIndex(inscmd); } else if (cmdName == "include") { inset = new InsetInclude(inscmd, *this); } else if (cmdName == "label") { inset = new InsetLabel(inscmd); } else if (cmdName == "url" || cmdName == "htmlurl") { inset = new InsetUrl(inscmd); } else if (cmdName == "ref" || cmdName == "pageref" || cmdName == "vref" || cmdName == "vpageref" || cmdName == "prettyref") { if (!inscmd.getOptions().empty() || !inscmd.getContents().empty()) { inset = new InsetRef(inscmd, *this); } } else if (cmdName == "tableofcontents") { inset = new InsetTOC(inscmd); } else if (cmdName == "listofalgorithms") { inset = new InsetFloatList("algorithm"); } else if (cmdName == "listoffigures") { inset = new InsetFloatList("figure"); } else if (cmdName == "listoftables") { inset = new InsetFloatList("table"); } else if (cmdName == "printindex") { inset = new InsetPrintIndex(inscmd); } else if (cmdName == "lyxparent") { inset = new InsetParent(inscmd, *this); } } else { bool alreadyread = false; if (tmptok == "Quotes") { inset = new InsetQuotes; } else if (tmptok == "External") { inset = new InsetExternal; } else if (tmptok == "FormulaMacro") { inset = new InsetFormulaMacro; } else if (tmptok == "Formula") { inset = new InsetFormula; } else if (tmptok == "Figure") { // Backward compatibility // inset = new InsetFig(100, 100, *this); inset = new InsetGraphics; } else if (tmptok == "Graphics") { inset = new InsetGraphics; } else if (tmptok == "Info") {// backwards compatibility inset = new InsetNote(this, lex.getLongString("\\end_inset"), true); alreadyread = true; } else if (tmptok == "Note") { inset = new InsetNote(params); } else if (tmptok == "Include") { InsetCommandParams p("Include"); inset = new InsetInclude(p, *this); } else if (tmptok == "ERT") { inset = new InsetERT(params); } else if (tmptok == "Tabular") { inset = new InsetTabular(*this); } else if (tmptok == "Text") { inset = new InsetText(params); } else if (tmptok == "Foot") { inset = new InsetFoot(params); } else if (tmptok == "Marginal") { inset = new InsetMarginal(params); } else if (tmptok == "OptArg") { inset = new InsetOptArg(params); } else if (tmptok == "Minipage") { inset = new InsetMinipage(params); } else if (tmptok == "Float") { lex.next(); string tmptok = lex.getString(); inset = new InsetFloat(params, tmptok); } else if (tmptok == "Wrap") { lex.next(); string tmptok = lex.getString(); inset = new InsetWrap(params, tmptok); #if 0 } else if (tmptok == "List") { inset = new InsetList; } else if (tmptok == "Theorem") { inset = new InsetList; #endif } else if (tmptok == "Caption") { inset = new InsetCaption(params); } else if (tmptok == "FloatList") { inset = new InsetFloatList; } if (inset && !alreadyread) inset->read(this, lex); } if (inset) { par->insertInset(pos, inset, font, current_change); ++pos; } } bool Buffer::readFile(LyXLex & lex, string const & filename, Paragraph * par) { if (lex.isOK()) { lex.next(); string const token(lex.getString()); if (token == "\\lyxformat") { // the first token _must_ be... lex.eatLine(); string tmp_format = lex.getString(); //lyxerr << "LyX Format: `" << tmp_format << '\'' << endl; // if present remove ".," from string. string::size_type dot = tmp_format.find_first_of(".,"); //lyxerr << " dot found at " << dot << endl; if (dot != string::npos) tmp_format.erase(dot, 1); file_format = strToInt(tmp_format); //lyxerr << "format: " << file_format << endl; if (file_format == LYX_FORMAT) { // current format } else if (file_format > LYX_FORMAT) { // future format Alert::alert(_("Warning!"), _("The file was created with a newer version of " "LyX. This is likely to cause problems.")); } else if (file_format < LYX_FORMAT) { // old formats if (file_format < 200) { Alert::alert(_("ERROR!"), _("Old LyX file format found. " "Use LyX 0.10.x to read this!")); return false; } else if (!filename.empty()) { string command = LibFileSearch("lyx2lyx", "lyx2lyx"); if (command.empty()) { Alert::alert(_("ERROR!"), _("Can't find conversion script.")); return false; } command += " -t" +tostr(LYX_FORMAT) + ' ' + QuoteName(filename); lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "Running '" << command << '\'' << endl; cmd_ret const ret = RunCommand(command); if (ret.first) { Alert::alert(_("ERROR!"), _("An error occured while " "running the conversion script.")); return false; } istringstream is(STRCONV(ret.second)); LyXLex tmplex(0, 0); tmplex.setStream(is); return readFile(tmplex, string(), par); } else { // This code is reached if lyx2lyx failed (for // some reason) to change the file format of // the file. lyx::Assert(false); return false; } } bool the_end = readLyXformat2(lex, par); params.setPaperStuff(); if (!the_end) { Alert::alert(_("Warning!"), _("Reading of document is not complete"), _("Maybe the document is truncated")); } return true; } else { // "\\lyxformat" not found Alert::alert(_("ERROR!"), _("Not a LyX file!")); } } else Alert::alert(_("ERROR!"), _("Unable to read file!")); return false; } // Should probably be moved to somewhere else: BufferView? LyXView? bool Buffer::save() const { // We don't need autosaves in the immediate future. (Asger) resetAutosaveTimers(); // make a backup string s; if (lyxrc.make_backup) { s = fileName() + '~'; if (!lyxrc.backupdir_path.empty()) s = AddName(lyxrc.backupdir_path, subst(os::slashify_path(s),'/','!')); // Rename is the wrong way of making a backup, // this is the correct way. /* truss cp fil fil2: lstat("LyXVC3.lyx", 0xEFFFF898) Err#2 ENOENT stat("LyXVC.lyx", 0xEFFFF688) = 0 open("LyXVC.lyx", O_RDONLY) = 3 open("LyXVC3.lyx", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0600) = 4 fstat(4, 0xEFFFF508) = 0 fstat(3, 0xEFFFF508) = 0 read(3, " # T h i s f i l e w".., 8192) = 5579 write(4, " # T h i s f i l e w".., 5579) = 5579 read(3, 0xEFFFD4A0, 8192) = 0 close(4) = 0 close(3) = 0 chmod("LyXVC3.lyx", 0100644) = 0 lseek(0, 0, SEEK_CUR) = 46440 _exit(0) */ // Should probably have some more error checking here. // Doing it this way, also makes the inodes stay the same. // This is still not a very good solution, in particular we // might loose the owner of the backup. FileInfo finfo(fileName()); if (finfo.exist()) { mode_t fmode = finfo.getMode(); struct utimbuf times = { finfo.getAccessTime(), finfo.getModificationTime() }; ifstream ifs(fileName().c_str()); ofstream ofs(s.c_str(), ios::out|ios::trunc); if (ifs && ofs) { ofs << ifs.rdbuf(); ifs.close(); ofs.close(); ::chmod(s.c_str(), fmode); if (::utime(s.c_str(), ×)) { lyxerr << "utime error." << endl; } } else { lyxerr << "LyX was not able to make " "backup copy. Beware." << endl; } } } if (writeFile(fileName())) { markClean(); removeAutosaveFile(fileName()); } else { // Saving failed, so backup is not backup if (lyxrc.make_backup) { lyx::rename(s, fileName()); } return false; } return true; } bool Buffer::writeFile(string const & fname) const { if (read_only && (fname == fileName())) { return false; } FileInfo finfo(fname); if (finfo.exist() && !finfo.writable()) { return false; } ofstream ofs(fname.c_str()); if (!ofs) { return false; } #ifdef HAVE_LOCALE // Use the standard "C" locale for file output. ofs.imbue(std::locale::classic()); #endif // The top of the file should not be written by params. // write out a comment in the top of the file ofs << '#' << lyx_docversion << " created this file. For more info see http://www.lyx.org/\n" << "\\lyxformat " << LYX_FORMAT << "\n"; // now write out the buffer paramters. params.writeFile(ofs); // if we're tracking, list all possible authors if (params.tracking_changes) { AuthorList::Authors::const_iterator it = authorlist.begin(); AuthorList::Authors::const_iterator end = authorlist.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { ofs << "\\author " << it->second << "\n"; } } Paragraph::depth_type depth = 0; // this will write out all the paragraphs // using recursive descent. ParagraphList::iterator pit = paragraphs.begin(); ParagraphList::iterator pend = paragraphs.end(); for (; pit != pend; ++pit) pit->write(this, ofs, params, depth); // Write marker that shows file is complete ofs << "\n\\the_end" << endl; ofs.close(); // how to check if close went ok? // Following is an attempt... (BE 20001011) // good() returns false if any error occured, including some // formatting error. // bad() returns true if something bad happened in the buffer, // which should include file system full errors. bool status = true; if (!ofs.good()) { status = false; #if 0 if (ofs.bad()) { lyxerr << "Buffer::writeFile: BAD ERROR!" << endl; } else { lyxerr << "Buffer::writeFile: NOT SO BAD ERROR!" << endl; } #endif } return status; } namespace { pair const addDepth(int depth, int ldepth) { int d = depth * 2; if (ldepth > depth) d += (ldepth - depth) * 2; return make_pair(d, string(d, ' ')); } } string const Buffer::asciiParagraph(Paragraph const & par, unsigned int linelen, bool noparbreak) const { ostringstream buffer; Paragraph::depth_type depth = 0; int ltype = 0; Paragraph::depth_type ltype_depth = 0; bool ref_printed = false; // if (!par->previous()) { #if 0 // begins or ends a deeper area ? if (depth != par->params().depth()) { if (par->params().depth() > depth) { while (par->params().depth() > depth) { ++depth; } } else { while (par->params().depth() < depth) { --depth; } } } #else depth = par.params().depth(); #endif // First write the layout string const & tmp = par.layout()->name(); if (compare_no_case(tmp, "itemize") == 0) { ltype = 1; ltype_depth = depth + 1; } else if (compare_ascii_no_case(tmp, "enumerate") == 0) { ltype = 2; ltype_depth = depth + 1; } else if (contains(ascii_lowercase(tmp), "ection")) { ltype = 3; ltype_depth = depth + 1; } else if (contains(ascii_lowercase(tmp), "aragraph")) { ltype = 4; ltype_depth = depth + 1; } else if (compare_ascii_no_case(tmp, "description") == 0) { ltype = 5; ltype_depth = depth + 1; } else if (compare_ascii_no_case(tmp, "abstract") == 0) { ltype = 6; ltype_depth = 0; } else if (compare_ascii_no_case(tmp, "bibliography") == 0) { ltype = 7; ltype_depth = 0; } else { ltype = 0; ltype_depth = 0; } /* maybe some vertical spaces */ /* the labelwidthstring used in lists */ /* some lines? */ /* some pagebreaks? */ /* noindent ? */ /* what about the alignment */ // } else { // lyxerr << "Should this ever happen?" << endl; // } // linelen <= 0 is special and means we don't have paragraph breaks string::size_type currlinelen = 0; if (!noparbreak) { if (linelen > 0) buffer << "\n\n"; buffer << string(depth * 2, ' '); currlinelen += depth * 2; //-- // we should probably change to the paragraph language in the // gettext here (if possible) so that strings are outputted in // the correct language! (20012712 Jug) //-- switch (ltype) { case 0: // Standard case 4: // (Sub)Paragraph case 5: // Description break; case 6: // Abstract if (linelen > 0) { buffer << _("Abstract") << "\n\n"; currlinelen = 0; } else { string const abst = _("Abstract: "); buffer << abst; currlinelen += abst.length(); } break; case 7: // Bibliography if (!ref_printed) { if (linelen > 0) { buffer << _("References") << "\n\n"; currlinelen = 0; } else { string const refs = _("References: "); buffer << refs; currlinelen += refs.length(); } ref_printed = true; } break; default: { string const parlab = par.params().labelString(); buffer << parlab << ' '; currlinelen += parlab.length() + 1; } break; } } if (!currlinelen) { pair p = addDepth(depth, ltype_depth); buffer << p.second; currlinelen += p.first; } // this is to change the linebreak to do it by word a bit more // intelligent hopefully! (only in the case where we have a // max linelenght!) (Jug) string word; for (pos_type i = 0; i < par.size(); ++i) { char c = par.getUChar(params, i); switch (c) { case Paragraph::META_INSET: { Inset const * inset = par.getInset(i); if (inset) { if (linelen > 0) { buffer << word; currlinelen += word.length(); word.erase(); } if (inset->ascii(this, buffer, linelen)) { // to be sure it breaks paragraph currlinelen += linelen; } } } break; case Paragraph::META_NEWLINE: if (linelen > 0) { buffer << word << "\n"; word.erase(); pair p = addDepth(depth, ltype_depth); buffer << p.second; currlinelen = p.first; } break; case Paragraph::META_HFILL: buffer << word << "\t"; currlinelen += word.length() + 1; word.erase(); break; default: if (c == ' ') { if (linelen > 0 && currlinelen + word.length() > linelen - 10) { buffer << "\n"; pair p = addDepth(depth, ltype_depth); buffer << p.second; currlinelen = p.first; } buffer << word << ' '; currlinelen += word.length() + 1; word.erase(); } else { if (c != '\0') { word += c; } else { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "writeAsciiFile: NULL char in structure." << endl; } if ((linelen > 0) && (currlinelen + word.length()) > linelen) { buffer << "\n"; pair p = addDepth(depth, ltype_depth); buffer << p.second; currlinelen = p.first; } } break; } } buffer << word; return STRCONV(buffer.str()); } void Buffer::writeFileAscii(string const & fname, int linelen) { ofstream ofs(fname.c_str()); if (!ofs) { Alert::err_alert(_("Error: Cannot write file:"), fname); return; } writeFileAscii(ofs, linelen); } void Buffer::writeFileAscii(ostream & os, int linelen) { ParagraphList::iterator beg = paragraphs.begin(); ParagraphList::iterator end = paragraphs.end(); ParagraphList::iterator it = beg; for (; it != end; ++it) { os << asciiParagraph(*it, linelen, it == beg); } os << "\n"; } void Buffer::makeLaTeXFile(string const & fname, string const & original_path, bool nice, bool only_body, bool only_preamble) { lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "makeLaTeXFile..." << endl; ofstream ofs(fname.c_str()); if (!ofs) { Alert::err_alert(_("Error: Cannot open file: "), fname); return; } makeLaTeXFile(ofs, original_path, nice, only_body, only_preamble); ofs.close(); if (ofs.fail()) { lyxerr << "File was not closed properly." << endl; } } void Buffer::makeLaTeXFile(ostream & os, string const & original_path, bool nice, bool only_body, bool only_preamble) { niceFile = nice; // this will be used by Insetincludes. // validate the buffer. lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << " Validating buffer..." << endl; LaTeXFeatures features(params); validate(features); lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << " Buffer validation done." << endl; texrow.reset(); // The starting paragraph of the coming rows is the // first paragraph of the document. (Asger) texrow.start(&*(paragraphs.begin()), 0); if (!only_body && nice) { os << "%% " << lyx_docversion << " created this file. " "For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/.\n" "%% Do not edit unless you really know what " "you are doing.\n"; texrow.newline(); texrow.newline(); } lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "lyx header finished" << endl; // There are a few differences between nice LaTeX and usual files: // usual is \batchmode and has a // special input@path to allow the including of figures // with either \input or \includegraphics (what figinsets do). // input@path is set when the actual parameter // original_path is set. This is done for usual tex-file, but not // for nice-latex-file. (Matthias 250696) if (!only_body) { if (!nice) { // code for usual, NOT nice-latex-file os << "\\batchmode\n"; // changed // from \nonstopmode texrow.newline(); } if (!original_path.empty()) { string inputpath = os::external_path(original_path); subst(inputpath, "~", "\\string~"); os << "\\makeatletter\n" << "\\def\\input@path{{" << inputpath << "/}}\n" << "\\makeatother\n"; texrow.newline(); texrow.newline(); texrow.newline(); } // Write the preamble params.writeLaTeX(os, features, texrow); if (only_preamble) return; // make the body. os << "\\begin{document}\n"; texrow.newline(); } // only_body lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "preamble finished, now the body." << endl; if (!lyxrc.language_auto_begin) { os << subst(lyxrc.language_command_begin, "$$lang", params.language->babel()) << endl; texrow.newline(); } latexParagraphs(os, &*(paragraphs.begin()), 0, texrow); // add this just in case after all the paragraphs os << endl; texrow.newline(); if (!lyxrc.language_auto_end) { os << subst(lyxrc.language_command_end, "$$lang", params.language->babel()) << endl; texrow.newline(); } if (!only_body) { os << "\\end{document}\n"; texrow.newline(); lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "makeLaTeXFile...done" << endl; } else { lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "LaTeXFile for inclusion made." << endl; } // Just to be sure. (Asger) texrow.newline(); lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "Finished making LaTeX file." << endl; lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "Row count was " << texrow.rows() - 1 << '.' << endl; // we want this to be true outside previews (for insetexternal) niceFile = true; } // // LaTeX all paragraphs from par to endpar, if endpar == 0 then to the end // void Buffer::latexParagraphs(ostream & ofs, Paragraph * par, Paragraph * endpar, TexRow & texrow, bool moving_arg) const { bool was_title = false; bool already_title = false; LyXTextClass const & tclass = params.getLyXTextClass(); // if only_body while (par != endpar) { Inset * in = par->inInset(); // well we have to check if we are in an inset with unlimited // length (all in one row) if that is true then we don't allow // any special options in the paragraph and also we don't allow // any environment other then "Standard" to be valid! if ((in == 0) || !in->forceDefaultParagraphs(in)) { LyXLayout_ptr const & layout = par->layout(); if (layout->intitle) { if (already_title) { lyxerr <<"Error in latexParagraphs: You" " should not mix title layouts" " with normal ones." << endl; } else if (!was_title) { was_title = true; if (tclass.titletype() == TITLE_ENVIRONMENT) { ofs << "\\begin{" << tclass.titlename() << "}\n"; texrow.newline(); } } } else if (was_title && !already_title) { if (tclass.titletype() == TITLE_ENVIRONMENT) { ofs << "\\end{" << tclass.titlename() << "}\n"; } else { ofs << "\\" << tclass.titlename() << "\n"; } texrow.newline(); already_title = true; was_title = false; } if (layout->isEnvironment() || !par->params().leftIndent().zero()) { par = par->TeXEnvironment(this, params, ofs, texrow); } else { par = par->TeXOnePar(this, params, ofs, texrow, moving_arg); } } else { par = par->TeXOnePar(this, params, ofs, texrow, moving_arg); } } // It might be that we only have a title in this document if (was_title && !already_title) { if (tclass.titletype() == TITLE_ENVIRONMENT) { ofs << "\\end{" << tclass.titlename() << "}\n"; } else { ofs << "\\" << tclass.titlename() << "\n"; } texrow.newline(); } } bool Buffer::isLatex() const { return params.getLyXTextClass().outputType() == LATEX; } bool Buffer::isLinuxDoc() const { return params.getLyXTextClass().outputType() == LINUXDOC; } bool Buffer::isLiterate() const { return params.getLyXTextClass().outputType() == LITERATE; } bool Buffer::isDocBook() const { return params.getLyXTextClass().outputType() == DOCBOOK; } bool Buffer::isSGML() const { LyXTextClass const & tclass = params.getLyXTextClass(); return tclass.outputType() == LINUXDOC || tclass.outputType() == DOCBOOK; } void Buffer::makeLinuxDocFile(string const & fname, bool nice, bool body_only) { ofstream ofs(fname.c_str()); if (!ofs) { Alert::alert(_("LYX_ERROR:"), _("Cannot write file"), fname); return; } niceFile = nice; // this will be used by included files. LaTeXFeatures features(params); validate(features); texrow.reset(); LyXTextClass const & tclass = params.getLyXTextClass(); string top_element = tclass.latexname(); if (!body_only) { ofs << "\n\n"; if (params.options.empty()) sgml::openTag(ofs, 0, false, top_element); else { string top = top_element; top += ' '; top += params.options; sgml::openTag(ofs, 0, false, top); } } ofs << "\n"; Paragraph::depth_type depth = 0; // paragraph depth Paragraph * par = &*(paragraphs.begin()); string item_name; vector environment_stack(5); while (par) { LyXLayout_ptr const & style = par->layout(); // treat as a special case for compatibility with old code if (par->isInset(0)) { Inset * inset = par->getInset(0); Inset::Code lyx_code = inset->lyxCode(); if (lyx_code == Inset::TOC_CODE) { string const temp = "toc"; sgml::openTag(ofs, depth, false, temp); par = par->next(); continue; } } // environment tag closing for (; depth > par->params().depth(); --depth) { sgml::closeTag(ofs, depth, false, environment_stack[depth]); environment_stack[depth].erase(); } // write opening SGML tags switch (style->latextype) { case LATEX_PARAGRAPH: if (depth == par->params().depth() && !environment_stack[depth].empty()) { sgml::closeTag(ofs, depth, false, environment_stack[depth]); environment_stack[depth].erase(); if (depth) --depth; else ofs << "

"; } sgml::openTag(ofs, depth, false, style->latexname()); break; case LATEX_COMMAND: if (depth!= 0) sgmlError(par, 0, _("Error: Wrong depth for LatexType Command.\n")); if (!environment_stack[depth].empty()) { sgml::closeTag(ofs, depth, false, environment_stack[depth]); ofs << "

"; } environment_stack[depth].erase(); sgml::openTag(ofs, depth, false, style->latexname()); break; case LATEX_ENVIRONMENT: case LATEX_ITEM_ENVIRONMENT: case LATEX_BIB_ENVIRONMENT: { string const & latexname = style->latexname(); if (depth == par->params().depth() && environment_stack[depth] != latexname) { sgml::closeTag(ofs, depth, false, environment_stack[depth]); environment_stack[depth].erase(); } if (depth < par->params().depth()) { depth = par->params().depth(); environment_stack[depth].erase(); } if (environment_stack[depth] != latexname) { if (depth == 0) { sgml::openTag(ofs, depth, false, "p"); } sgml::openTag(ofs, depth, false, latexname); if (environment_stack.size() == depth + 1) environment_stack.push_back("!-- --"); environment_stack[depth] = latexname; } if (style->latexparam() == "CDATA") ofs << "latextype == LATEX_ENVIRONMENT) break; if (style->labeltype == LABEL_MANUAL) item_name = "tag"; else item_name = "item"; sgml::openTag(ofs, depth + 1, false, item_name); } break; default: sgml::openTag(ofs, depth, false, style->latexname()); break; } simpleLinuxDocOnePar(ofs, par, depth); par = par->next(); ofs << "\n"; // write closing SGML tags switch (style->latextype) { case LATEX_COMMAND: break; case LATEX_ENVIRONMENT: case LATEX_ITEM_ENVIRONMENT: case LATEX_BIB_ENVIRONMENT: if (style->latexparam() == "CDATA") ofs << "]]>"; break; default: sgml::closeTag(ofs, depth, false, style->latexname()); break; } } // Close open tags for (int i = depth; i >= 0; --i) sgml::closeTag(ofs, depth, false, environment_stack[i]); if (!body_only) { ofs << "\n\n"; sgml::closeTag(ofs, 0, false, top_element); } ofs.close(); // How to check for successful close // we want this to be true outside previews (for insetexternal) niceFile = true; } // checks, if newcol chars should be put into this line // writes newline, if necessary. namespace { void sgmlLineBreak(ostream & os, string::size_type & colcount, string::size_type newcol) { colcount += newcol; if (colcount > lyxrc.ascii_linelen) { os << "\n"; colcount = newcol; // assume write after this call } } enum PAR_TAG { NONE=0, TT = 1, SF = 2, BF = 4, IT = 8, SL = 16, EM = 32 }; string tag_name(PAR_TAG const & pt) { switch (pt) { case NONE: return "!-- --"; case TT: return "tt"; case SF: return "sf"; case BF: return "bf"; case IT: return "it"; case SL: return "sl"; case EM: return "em"; } return ""; } inline void operator|=(PAR_TAG & p1, PAR_TAG const & p2) { p1 = static_cast(p1 | p2); } inline void reset(PAR_TAG & p1, PAR_TAG const & p2) { p1 = static_cast(p1 & ~p2); } } // anon // Handle internal paragraph parsing -- layout already processed. void Buffer::simpleLinuxDocOnePar(ostream & os, Paragraph * par, Paragraph::depth_type /*depth*/) { LyXLayout_ptr const & style = par->layout(); string::size_type char_line_count = 5; // Heuristic choice ;-) // gets paragraph main font LyXFont font_old; bool desc_on; if (style->labeltype == LABEL_MANUAL) { font_old = style->labelfont; desc_on = true; } else { font_old = style->font; desc_on = false; } LyXFont::FONT_FAMILY family_type = LyXFont::ROMAN_FAMILY; LyXFont::FONT_SERIES series_type = LyXFont::MEDIUM_SERIES; LyXFont::FONT_SHAPE shape_type = LyXFont::UP_SHAPE; bool is_em = false; stack tag_state; // parsing main loop for (pos_type i = 0; i < par->size(); ++i) { PAR_TAG tag_close = NONE; list < PAR_TAG > tag_open; LyXFont const font = par->getFont(params, i); if (font_old.family() != font.family()) { switch (family_type) { case LyXFont::SANS_FAMILY: tag_close |= SF; break; case LyXFont::TYPEWRITER_FAMILY: tag_close |= TT; break; default: break; } family_type = font.family(); switch (family_type) { case LyXFont::SANS_FAMILY: tag_open.push_back(SF); break; case LyXFont::TYPEWRITER_FAMILY: tag_open.push_back(TT); break; default: break; } } if (font_old.series() != font.series()) { switch (series_type) { case LyXFont::BOLD_SERIES: tag_close |= BF; break; default: break; } series_type = font.series(); switch (series_type) { case LyXFont::BOLD_SERIES: tag_open.push_back(BF); break; default: break; } } if (font_old.shape() != font.shape()) { switch (shape_type) { case LyXFont::ITALIC_SHAPE: tag_close |= IT; break; case LyXFont::SLANTED_SHAPE: tag_close |= SL; break; default: break; } shape_type = font.shape(); switch (shape_type) { case LyXFont::ITALIC_SHAPE: tag_open.push_back(IT); break; case LyXFont::SLANTED_SHAPE: tag_open.push_back(SL); break; default: break; } } // handle tag if (font_old.emph() != font.emph()) { if (font.emph() == LyXFont::ON) { tag_open.push_back(EM); is_em = true; } else if (is_em) { tag_close |= EM; is_em = false; } } list < PAR_TAG > temp; while (!tag_state.empty() && tag_close) { PAR_TAG k = tag_state.top(); tag_state.pop(); os << "'; if (tag_close & k) reset(tag_close,k); else temp.push_back(k); } for(list< PAR_TAG >::const_iterator j = temp.begin(); j != temp.end(); ++j) { tag_state.push(*j); os << '<' << tag_name(*j) << '>'; } for(list< PAR_TAG >::const_iterator j = tag_open.begin(); j != tag_open.end(); ++j) { tag_state.push(*j); os << '<' << tag_name(*j) << '>'; } char c = par->getChar(i); if (c == Paragraph::META_INSET) { Inset * inset = par->getInset(i); inset->linuxdoc(this, os); font_old = font; continue; } if (style->latexparam() == "CDATA") { // "TeX"-Mode on == > SGML-Mode on. if (c != '\0') os << c; ++char_line_count; } else { bool ws; string str; boost::tie(ws, str) = sgml::escapeChar(c); if (ws && !style->free_spacing && !par->isFreeSpacing()) { // in freespacing mode, spaces are // non-breaking characters if (desc_on) {// if char is ' ' then... ++char_line_count; sgmlLineBreak(os, char_line_count, 6); os << ""; desc_on = false; } else { sgmlLineBreak(os, char_line_count, 1); os << c; } } else { os << str; char_line_count += str.length(); } } font_old = font; } while (!tag_state.empty()) { os << "'; tag_state.pop(); } // resets description flag correctly if (desc_on) { // not closed... sgmlLineBreak(os, char_line_count, 6); os << ""; } } // Print an error message. void Buffer::sgmlError(Paragraph * /*par*/, int /*pos*/, string const & /*message*/) const { #ifdef WITH_WARNINGS #warning This is wrong we cannot insert an inset like this!!! // I guess this was Jose' so I explain you more or less why this // is wrong. This way you insert something in the paragraph and // don't tell it to LyXText (row rebreaking and undo handling!!!) // I deactivate this code, have a look at BufferView::insertErrors // how you should do this correctly! (Jug 20020315) #endif #if 0 // insert an error marker in text InsetError * new_inset = new InsetError(message); par->insertInset(pos, new_inset, LyXFont(LyXFont::ALL_INHERIT, params.language)); #endif } void Buffer::makeDocBookFile(string const & fname, bool nice, bool only_body) { ofstream ofs(fname.c_str()); if (!ofs) { Alert::alert(_("LYX_ERROR:"), _("Cannot write file"), fname); return; } Paragraph * par = &*(paragraphs.begin()); niceFile = nice; // this will be used by Insetincludes. LaTeXFeatures features(params); validate(features); texrow.reset(); LyXTextClass const & tclass = params.getLyXTextClass(); string top_element = tclass.latexname(); if (!only_body) { ofs << "\n\n"; } string top = top_element; top += " lang=\""; top += params.language->code(); top += '"'; if (!params.options.empty()) { top += ' '; top += params.options; } sgml::openTag(ofs, 0, false, top); ofs << "\n"; vector environment_stack(10); vector environment_inner(10); vector command_stack(10); bool command_flag = false; Paragraph::depth_type command_depth = 0; Paragraph::depth_type command_base = 0; Paragraph::depth_type cmd_depth = 0; Paragraph::depth_type depth = 0; // paragraph depth string item_name; string command_name; while (par) { string sgmlparam; string c_depth; string c_params; int desc_on = 0; // description mode LyXLayout_ptr const & style = par->layout(); // environment tag closing for (; depth > par->params().depth(); --depth) { if (environment_inner[depth] != "!-- --") { item_name = "listitem"; sgml::closeTag(ofs, command_depth + depth, false, item_name); if (environment_inner[depth] == "varlistentry") sgml::closeTag(ofs, depth+command_depth, false, environment_inner[depth]); } sgml::closeTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, false, environment_stack[depth]); environment_stack[depth].erase(); environment_inner[depth].erase(); } if (depth == par->params().depth() && environment_stack[depth] != style->latexname() && !environment_stack[depth].empty()) { if (environment_inner[depth] != "!-- --") { item_name= "listitem"; sgml::closeTag(ofs, command_depth+depth, false, item_name); if (environment_inner[depth] == "varlistentry") sgml::closeTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, false, environment_inner[depth]); } sgml::closeTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, false, environment_stack[depth]); environment_stack[depth].erase(); environment_inner[depth].erase(); } // Write opening SGML tags. switch (style->latextype) { case LATEX_PARAGRAPH: sgml::openTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, false, style->latexname()); break; case LATEX_COMMAND: if (depth != 0) sgmlError(par, 0, _("Error: Wrong depth for LatexType Command.\n")); command_name = style->latexname(); sgmlparam = style->latexparam(); c_params = split(sgmlparam, c_depth,'|'); cmd_depth = lyx::atoi(c_depth); if (command_flag) { if (cmd_depth < command_base) { for (Paragraph::depth_type j = command_depth; j >= command_base; --j) { sgml::closeTag(ofs, j, false, command_stack[j]); ofs << endl; } command_depth = command_base = cmd_depth; } else if (cmd_depth <= command_depth) { for (int j = command_depth; j >= int(cmd_depth); --j) { sgml::closeTag(ofs, j, false, command_stack[j]); ofs << endl; } command_depth = cmd_depth; } else command_depth = cmd_depth; } else { command_depth = command_base = cmd_depth; command_flag = true; } if (command_stack.size() == command_depth + 1) command_stack.push_back(string()); command_stack[command_depth] = command_name; // treat label as a special case for // more WYSIWYM handling. // This is a hack while paragraphs can't have // attributes, like id in this case. if (par->isInset(0)) { Inset * inset = par->getInset(0); Inset::Code lyx_code = inset->lyxCode(); if (lyx_code == Inset::LABEL_CODE) { command_name += " id=\""; command_name += (static_cast(inset))->getContents(); command_name += '"'; desc_on = 3; } } sgml::openTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, false, command_name); item_name = c_params.empty() ? "title" : c_params; sgml::openTag(ofs, depth + 1 + command_depth, false, item_name); break; case LATEX_ENVIRONMENT: case LATEX_ITEM_ENVIRONMENT: if (depth < par->params().depth()) { depth = par->params().depth(); environment_stack[depth].erase(); } if (environment_stack[depth] != style->latexname()) { if (environment_stack.size() == depth + 1) { environment_stack.push_back("!-- --"); environment_inner.push_back("!-- --"); } environment_stack[depth] = style->latexname(); environment_inner[depth] = "!-- --"; sgml::openTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, false, environment_stack[depth]); } else { if (environment_inner[depth] != "!-- --") { item_name= "listitem"; sgml::closeTag(ofs, command_depth + depth, false, item_name); if (environment_inner[depth] == "varlistentry") sgml::closeTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, false, environment_inner[depth]); } } if (style->latextype == LATEX_ENVIRONMENT) { if (!style->latexparam().empty()) { if (style->latexparam() == "CDATA") ofs << "latexparam()); } break; } desc_on = (style->labeltype == LABEL_MANUAL); environment_inner[depth] = desc_on ? "varlistentry" : "listitem"; sgml::openTag(ofs, depth + 1 + command_depth, false, environment_inner[depth]); item_name = desc_on ? "term" : "para"; sgml::openTag(ofs, depth + 1 + command_depth, false, item_name); break; default: sgml::openTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, false, style->latexname()); break; } simpleDocBookOnePar(ofs, par, desc_on, depth + 1 + command_depth); par = par->next(); string end_tag; // write closing SGML tags switch (style->latextype) { case LATEX_COMMAND: end_tag = c_params.empty() ? "title" : c_params; sgml::closeTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, false, end_tag); break; case LATEX_ENVIRONMENT: if (!style->latexparam().empty()) { if (style->latexparam() == "CDATA") ofs << "]]>"; else sgml::closeTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, false, style->latexparam()); } break; case LATEX_ITEM_ENVIRONMENT: if (desc_on == 1) break; end_tag = "para"; sgml::closeTag(ofs, depth + 1 + command_depth, false, end_tag); break; case LATEX_PARAGRAPH: sgml::closeTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, false, style->latexname()); break; default: sgml::closeTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, false, style->latexname()); break; } } // Close open tags for (int d = depth; d >= 0; --d) { if (!environment_stack[depth].empty()) { if (environment_inner[depth] != "!-- --") { item_name = "listitem"; sgml::closeTag(ofs, command_depth + depth, false, item_name); if (environment_inner[depth] == "varlistentry") sgml::closeTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, false, environment_inner[depth]); } sgml::closeTag(ofs, depth + command_depth, false, environment_stack[depth]); } } for (int j = command_depth; j >= 0 ; --j) if (!command_stack[j].empty()) { sgml::closeTag(ofs, j, false, command_stack[j]); ofs << endl; } ofs << "\n\n"; sgml::closeTag(ofs, 0, false, top_element); ofs.close(); // How to check for successful close // we want this to be true outside previews (for insetexternal) niceFile = true; } void Buffer::simpleDocBookOnePar(ostream & os, Paragraph * par, int & desc_on, Paragraph::depth_type depth) const { bool emph_flag = false; LyXLayout_ptr const & style = par->layout(); LyXFont font_old = (style->labeltype == LABEL_MANUAL ? style->labelfont : style->font); int char_line_count = depth; //if (!style.free_spacing) // os << string(depth,' '); // parsing main loop for (pos_type i = 0; i < par->size(); ++i) { LyXFont font = par->getFont(params, i); // handle tag if (font_old.emph() != font.emph()) { if (font.emph() == LyXFont::ON) { if (style->latexparam() == "CDATA") os << "]]>"; os << ""; if (style->latexparam() == "CDATA") os << "latexparam() == "CDATA") os << "]]>"; os << ""; if (style->latexparam() == "CDATA") os << "isInset(i)) { Inset * inset = par->getInset(i); // don't print the inset in position 0 if desc_on == 3 (label) if (i || desc_on != 3) { if (style->latexparam() == "CDATA") os << "]]>"; inset->docbook(this, os, false); if (style->latexparam() == "CDATA") os << "getChar(i); bool ws; string str; boost::tie(ws, str) = sgml::escapeChar(c); if (style->pass_thru) { os << c; } else if (style->free_spacing || par->isFreeSpacing() || c != ' ') { os << str; } else if (desc_on ==1) { ++char_line_count; os << "\n"; desc_on = 2; } else { os << ' '; } } font_old = font; } if (emph_flag) { if (style->latexparam() == "CDATA") os << "]]>"; os << ""; if (style->latexparam() == "CDATA") os << " not closed... os << "\n "; } if (style->free_spacing) os << '\n'; } // chktex should be run with these flags disabled: 3, 22, 25, 30, 38(?) // Other flags: -wall -v0 -x int Buffer::runChktex() { if (!users->text) return 0; users->owner()->busy(true); // get LaTeX-Filename string const name = getLatexName(); string path = filePath(); string const org_path = path; if (lyxrc.use_tempdir || !IsDirWriteable(path)) { path = tmppath; } Path p(path); // path to LaTeX file users->owner()->message(_("Running chktex...")); // Remove all error insets bool const removedErrorInsets = users->removeAutoInsets(); // Generate the LaTeX file if neccessary makeLaTeXFile(name, org_path, false); TeXErrors terr; Chktex chktex(lyxrc.chktex_command, name, filePath()); int res = chktex.run(terr); // run chktex if (res == -1) { Alert::alert(_("chktex did not work!"), _("Could not run with file:"), name); } else if (res > 0) { // Insert all errors as errors boxes users->insertErrors(terr); } // if we removed error insets before we ran chktex or if we inserted // error insets after we ran chktex, this must be run: if (removedErrorInsets || res) { #warning repaint needed here, or do you mean update() ? users->repaint(); users->fitCursor(); } users->owner()->busy(false); return res; } void Buffer::validate(LaTeXFeatures & features) const { LyXTextClass const & tclass = params.getLyXTextClass(); if (params.tracking_changes) { features.require("dvipost"); features.require("color"); } // AMS Style is at document level if (params.use_amsmath || tclass.provides(LyXTextClass::amsmath)) features.require("amsmath"); for_each(paragraphs.begin(), paragraphs.end(), boost::bind(&Paragraph::validate, _1, boost::ref(features))); // the bullet shapes are buffer level not paragraph level // so they are tested here for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (params.user_defined_bullets[i] != ITEMIZE_DEFAULTS[i]) { int const font = params.user_defined_bullets[i].getFont(); if (font == 0) { int const c = params .user_defined_bullets[i] .getCharacter(); if (c == 16 || c == 17 || c == 25 || c == 26 || c == 31) { features.require("latexsym"); } } else if (font == 1) { features.require("amssymb"); } else if ((font >= 2 && font <= 5)) { features.require("pifont"); } } } if (lyxerr.debugging(Debug::LATEX)) { features.showStruct(); } } vector const Buffer::getLabelList() const { /// if this is a child document and the parent is already loaded /// Use the parent's list instead [ale990407] if (!params.parentname.empty() && bufferlist.exists(params.parentname)) { Buffer const * tmp = bufferlist.getBuffer(params.parentname); if (tmp) return tmp->getLabelList(); } vector label_list; for (inset_iterator it = inset_const_iterator_begin(); it != inset_const_iterator_end(); ++it) { vector const l = it->getLabelList(); label_list.insert(label_list.end(), l.begin(), l.end()); } return label_list; } // This is also a buffer property (ale) vector > const Buffer::getBibkeyList() const { typedef pair StringPair; /// if this is a child document and the parent is already loaded /// Use the parent's list instead [ale990412] if (!params.parentname.empty() && bufferlist.exists(params.parentname)) { Buffer const * tmp = bufferlist.getBuffer(params.parentname); if (tmp) return tmp->getBibkeyList(); } vector keys; ParagraphList::iterator pit = paragraphs.begin(); ParagraphList::iterator pend = paragraphs.end(); for (; pit != pend; ++pit) { InsetBibKey * bib = pit->bibkey(); if (bib) { string const key = bib->getContents(); string const opt = bib->getOptions(); string const ref = pit->asString(this, false); string const info = opt + "TheBibliographyRef" + ref; keys.push_back(StringPair(key, info)); } } if (!keys.empty()) return keys; // Might be either using bibtex or a child has bibliography for (inset_iterator it = inset_const_iterator_begin(); it != inset_const_iterator_end(); ++it) { // Search for Bibtex or Include inset if (it->lyxCode() == Inset::BIBTEX_CODE) { vector tmp = static_cast(*it).getKeys(this); keys.insert(keys.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); } else if (it->lyxCode() == Inset::INCLUDE_CODE) { vector const tmp = static_cast(*it).getKeys(); keys.insert(keys.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); } } return keys; } bool Buffer::isDepClean(string const & name) const { DepClean::const_iterator it = dep_clean_.find(name); if (it == dep_clean_.end()) return true; return it->second; } void Buffer::markDepClean(string const & name) { dep_clean_[name] = true; } bool Buffer::dispatch(string const & command, bool * result) { // Split command string into command and argument string cmd; string line = ltrim(command); string const arg = trim(split(line, cmd, ' ')); return dispatch(lyxaction.LookupFunc(cmd), arg, result); } bool Buffer::dispatch(int action, string const & argument, bool * result) { bool dispatched = true; switch (action) { case LFUN_EXPORT: { bool const tmp = Exporter::Export(this, argument, false); if (result) *result = tmp; break; } default: dispatched = false; } return dispatched; } void Buffer::resizeInsets(BufferView * bv) { /// then remove all LyXText in text-insets for_each(paragraphs.begin(), paragraphs.end(), boost::bind(&Paragraph::resizeInsetsLyXText, _1, bv)); } void Buffer::redraw() { #warning repaint needed here, or do you mean update() ? users->repaint(); users->fitCursor(); } void Buffer::changeLanguage(Language const * from, Language const * to) { ParIterator end = par_iterator_end(); for (ParIterator it = par_iterator_begin(); it != end; ++it) (*it)->changeLanguage(params, from, to); } bool Buffer::isMultiLingual() { ParIterator end = par_iterator_end(); for (ParIterator it = par_iterator_begin(); it != end; ++it) if ((*it)->isMultiLingual(params)) return true; return false; } void Buffer::inset_iterator::setParagraph() { while (pit != pend) { it = pit->insetlist.begin(); if (it != pit->insetlist.end()) return; ++pit; } } Inset * Buffer::getInsetFromID(int id_arg) const { for (inset_iterator it = inset_const_iterator_begin(); it != inset_const_iterator_end(); ++it) { if (it->id() == id_arg) return &(*it); Inset * in = it->getInsetFromID(id_arg); if (in) return in; } return 0; } Paragraph * Buffer::getParFromID(int id) const { if (id < 0) return 0; // why should we allow < 0 ?? //lyx::Assert(id >= 0); ParConstIterator it(par_iterator_begin()); ParConstIterator end(par_iterator_end()); for (; it != end; ++it) { // go on then, show me how to remove // the cast if ((*it)->id() == id) { return const_cast(*it); } } return 0; } ParIterator Buffer::par_iterator_begin() { return ParIterator(&*(paragraphs.begin())); } ParIterator Buffer::par_iterator_end() { return ParIterator(); } ParConstIterator Buffer::par_iterator_begin() const { return ParConstIterator(&*(paragraphs.begin())); } ParConstIterator Buffer::par_iterator_end() const { return ParConstIterator(); } void Buffer::addUser(BufferView * u) { users = u; } void Buffer::delUser(BufferView *) { users = 0; } Language const * Buffer::getLanguage() const { return params.language; } bool Buffer::isClean() const { return lyx_clean; } bool Buffer::isBakClean() const { return bak_clean; } void Buffer::markClean() const { if (!lyx_clean) { lyx_clean = true; updateTitles(); } // if the .lyx file has been saved, we don't need an // autosave bak_clean = true; } void Buffer::markBakClean() { bak_clean = true; } void Buffer::setUnnamed(bool flag) { unnamed = flag; } bool Buffer::isUnnamed() { return unnamed; } void Buffer::markDirty() { if (lyx_clean) { lyx_clean = false; updateTitles(); } bak_clean = false; DepClean::iterator it = dep_clean_.begin(); DepClean::const_iterator const end = dep_clean_.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) { it->second = false; } } string const & Buffer::fileName() const { return filename_; } string const & Buffer::filePath() const { return filepath_; } bool Buffer::isReadonly() const { return read_only; } BufferView * Buffer::getUser() const { return users; } void Buffer::setParentName(string const & name) { params.parentname = name; } Buffer::inset_iterator::inset_iterator() : pit(0), pend(0) {} Buffer::inset_iterator::inset_iterator(base_type p, base_type e) : pit(p), pend(e) { setParagraph(); } Buffer::inset_iterator & Buffer::inset_iterator::operator++() { if (pit != pend) { ++it; if (it == pit->insetlist.end()) { ++pit; setParagraph(); } } return *this; } Buffer::inset_iterator Buffer::inset_iterator::operator++(int) { inset_iterator tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; } Buffer::inset_iterator::reference Buffer::inset_iterator::operator*() { return *it.getInset(); } Buffer::inset_iterator::pointer Buffer::inset_iterator::operator->() { return it.getInset(); } Paragraph * Buffer::inset_iterator::getPar() { return &(*pit); } lyx::pos_type Buffer::inset_iterator::getPos() const { return it.getPos(); } bool operator==(Buffer::inset_iterator const & iter1, Buffer::inset_iterator const & iter2) { return iter1.pit == iter2.pit && (iter1.pit == iter1.pend || iter1.it == iter2.it); } bool operator!=(Buffer::inset_iterator const & iter1, Buffer::inset_iterator const & iter2) { return !(iter1 == iter2); }