# vi:filetype=python:expandtab:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2 # file SConscript # # This file is part of LyX, the document processor. # Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. # # \author Bo Peng # Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. Import('env') print "Entering src" # building all the libraries env.SConscript( dirs = [ 'mathed', 'insets', 'frontends', 'frontends/controllers', 'graphics', 'support', 'frontends/$frontend' ] ) if env['INCLUDED_BOOST']: env.SConscript(dirs = ['#boost/libs']) # # Start in src directory # env.substFile('version.C', 'version.C.in') lyx_source = Split(''' Bidi.C BufferView.C BufferView_pimpl.C Bullet.C BranchList.C Chktex.C Color.C CutAndPaste.C DepTable.C FloatList.C Floating.C FontIterator.C FuncStatus.C InsetList.C LColor.C LaTeX.C LaTeXFeatures.C LyXAction.C MenuBackend.C ParagraphParameters.C PrinterParams.C Spacing.C Thesaurus.C ToolbarBackend.C author.C boost.C box.C buffer.C buffer_funcs.C bufferlist.C bufferparams.C bufferview_funcs.C changes.C chset.C converter.C counters.C coordcache.C cursor.C cursor_slice.C debug.C dimension.C dociterator.C encoding.C errorlist.C exporter.C gettext.C factory.C format.C funcrequest.C graph.C importer.C intl.C insetiterator.C kbmap.C kbsequence.C language.C session.C lengthcommon.C lyx_cb.C lyx_main.C lyx_sty.C lyxfont.C lyxfind.C lyxfunc.C lyxgluelength.C lyxlayout.C lyxlength.C lyxlex.C lyxlex_pimpl.C lyxrc.C lyxrow.C lyxrow_funcs.C lyxserver.C lyxsocket.C lyxtextclass.C lyxtextclasslist.C lyxvc.C messages.C metricsinfo.C mover.C output.C outputparams.C output_docbook.C output_latex.C output_linuxdoc.C output_plaintext.C paragraph.C paragraph_funcs.C paragraph_pimpl.C pariterator.C SpellBase.C rowpainter.C sgml.C tabular.C tex-accent.C tex-strings.C texrow.C text.C text2.C text3.C TocBackend.C toc.C trans.C trans_mgr.C undo.C vc-backend.C version.C vspace.C ''') if env.has_key('USE_ASPELL') and env['USE_ASPELL']: lyx_source += ['aspell.C'] elif env.has_key('USE_PSPELL') and env['USE_PSPELL']: lyx_source += ['pspell.C'] elif env.has_key('USE_ISPELL') and env['USE_ISPELL']: lyx_source += ['ispell.C'] # # Create a static library for this directory as well # lyx_base = env.StaticLibrary( target = '$LOCALLIBPATH/lyx_base', source = lyx_source ) # # Build lyx with given frontend # lyx = env.Program( target = 'lyx', source = ['main.C'], LIBS = [ 'lyx_base', 'mathed', 'insets', 'frontends', env['frontend'], 'controllers', 'graphics', 'supports', 'z' ] + env['EXTRA_LIBS'] + env['BOOST_LIBRARIES'] ) # Return program Return('lyx')