/** * \file LaTeXFeatures.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author José Matos * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes * \author Jean-Marc Lasgouttes * \author Jürgen Vigna * \author André Pönitz * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "LaTeXFeatures.h" #include "bufferparams.h" #include "debug.h" #include "encoding.h" #include "Floating.h" #include "FloatList.h" #include "language.h" #include "lyx_sty.h" #include "lyxrc.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/std_sstream.h" using lyx::support::IsSGMLFilename; using lyx::support::MakeRelPath; using lyx::support::OnlyPath; using std::endl; using std::find; using std::string; using std::list; using std::ostream; using std::ostringstream; using std::set; namespace biblio = lyx::biblio; LaTeXFeatures::LaTeXFeatures(Buffer const & b, BufferParams const & p, bool n) : buffer_(&b), params_(p), nice_(n) {} bool LaTeXFeatures::useBabel() const { return lyxrc.language_use_babel || bufferParams().language->lang() != lyxrc.default_language || this->hasLanguages(); } void LaTeXFeatures::require(string const & name) { if (isRequired(name)) return; features_.push_back(name); } void LaTeXFeatures::useLayout(string const & layoutname) { // Some code to avoid loops in dependency definition static int level = 0; const int maxlevel = 30; if (level > maxlevel) { lyxerr << "LaTeXFeatures::useLayout: maximum level of " << "recursion attained by layout " << layoutname << endl; return; } LyXTextClass const & tclass = params_.getLyXTextClass(); if (tclass.hasLayout(layoutname)) { // Is this layout already in usedLayouts? list::const_iterator cit = usedLayouts_.begin(); list::const_iterator end = usedLayouts_.end(); for (; cit != end; ++cit) { if (layoutname == *cit) return; } LyXLayout_ptr const & lyt = tclass[layoutname]; if (!lyt->depends_on().empty()) { ++level; useLayout(lyt->depends_on()); --level; } usedLayouts_.push_back(layoutname); } else { lyxerr << "LaTeXFeatures::useLayout: layout `" << layoutname << "' does not exist in this class" << endl; } --level; } bool LaTeXFeatures::isRequired(string const & name) const { return find(features_.begin(), features_.end(), name) != features_.end(); } void LaTeXFeatures::addExternalPreamble(string const & preamble) { FeaturesList::const_iterator begin = preamble_snippets_.begin(); FeaturesList::const_iterator end = preamble_snippets_.end(); if (find(begin, end, preamble) == end) preamble_snippets_.push_back(preamble); } void LaTeXFeatures::useFloat(string const & name) { usedFloats_.insert(name); // We only need float.sty if we use non builtin floats, or if we // use the "H" modifier. This includes modified table and // figure floats. (Lgb) Floating const & fl = params_.getLyXTextClass().floats().getType(name); if (!fl.type().empty() && !fl.builtin()) { require("float"); } } void LaTeXFeatures::useLanguage(Language const * lang) { UsedLanguages_.insert(lang); } void LaTeXFeatures::includeFile(string const & key, string const & name) { IncludedFiles_[key] = name; } bool LaTeXFeatures::hasLanguages() const { return !UsedLanguages_.empty(); } string LaTeXFeatures::getLanguages() const { ostringstream languages; for (LanguageList::const_iterator cit = UsedLanguages_.begin(); cit != UsedLanguages_.end(); ++cit) languages << (*cit)->babel() << ','; return languages.str(); } set LaTeXFeatures::getEncodingSet(string const & doc_encoding) const { set encodings; LanguageList::const_iterator it = UsedLanguages_.begin(); LanguageList::const_iterator end = UsedLanguages_.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) if ((*it)->encoding()->LatexName() != doc_encoding) encodings.insert((*it)->encoding()->LatexName()); return encodings; } namespace { char const * simplefeatures[] = { "array", "verbatim", "longtable", "rotating", "latexsym", "pifont", "subfigure", "floatflt", "varioref", "prettyref", "float", "wasy", "dvipost", "fancybox", "calc", "jurabib" }; int const nb_simplefeatures = sizeof(simplefeatures) / sizeof(char const *); } string const LaTeXFeatures::getPackages() const { ostringstream packages; LyXTextClass const & tclass = params_.getLyXTextClass(); // // These are all the 'simple' includes. i.e // packages which we just \usepackage{package} // for (int i = 0; i < nb_simplefeatures; ++i) { if (isRequired(simplefeatures[i])) packages << "\\usepackage{" << simplefeatures[i] << "}\n"; } // // The rest of these packages are somewhat more complicated // than those above. // if (isRequired("amsmath") && !tclass.provides(LyXTextClass::amsmath) && params_.use_amsmath != BufferParams::AMS_OFF) { packages << "\\usepackage{amsmath}\n"; } // color.sty if (isRequired("color")) { if (params_.graphicsDriver == "default") packages << "\\usepackage[usenames]{color}\n"; else packages << "\\usepackage[" << params_.graphicsDriver << ",usenames" << "]{color}\n"; } // makeidx.sty if (isRequired("makeidx")) { if (! tclass.provides(LyXTextClass::makeidx)) packages << "\\usepackage{makeidx}\n"; packages << "\\makeindex\n"; } // graphicx.sty if (isRequired("graphicx") && params_.graphicsDriver != "none") { if (params_.graphicsDriver == "default") packages << "\\usepackage{graphicx}\n"; else packages << "\\usepackage[" << params_.graphicsDriver << "]{graphicx}\n"; } //if (algorithm) { // packages << "\\usepackage{algorithm}\n"; //} // lyxskak.sty --- newer chess support based on skak.sty if (isRequired("chess")) { packages << "\\usepackage[ps,mover]{lyxskak}\n"; } // setspace.sty if ((params_.spacing().getSpace() != Spacing::Single && !params_.spacing().isDefault()) || isRequired("setspace")) { packages << "\\usepackage{setspace}\n"; } switch (params_.spacing().getSpace()) { case Spacing::Default: case Spacing::Single: // we dont use setspace.sty so dont print anything //packages += "\\singlespacing\n"; break; case Spacing::Onehalf: packages << "\\onehalfspacing\n"; break; case Spacing::Double: packages << "\\doublespacing\n"; break; case Spacing::Other: packages << "\\setstretch{" << params_.spacing().getValue() << "}\n"; break; } // amssymb.sty if (isRequired("amssymb") || params_.use_amsmath == BufferParams::AMS_ON) packages << "\\usepackage{amssymb}\n"; // url.sty if (isRequired("url") && ! tclass.provides(LyXTextClass::url)) packages << "\\IfFileExists{url.sty}{\\usepackage{url}}\n" " {\\newcommand{\\url}{\\texttt}}\n"; // float.sty // natbib.sty if (isRequired("natbib") && ! tclass.provides(LyXTextClass::natbib)) { packages << "\\usepackage["; if (params_.cite_engine == biblio::ENGINE_NATBIB_NUMERICAL) { packages << "numbers"; } else { packages << "authoryear"; } packages << "]{natbib}\n"; } // bibtopic -- the dot provides the aux file naming which // LyX can detect. if (isRequired("bibtopic")) { packages << "\\usepackage[dot]{bibtopic}\n"; } return packages.str(); } string const LaTeXFeatures::getMacros() const { ostringstream macros; if (!preamble_snippets_.empty()) macros << '\n'; FeaturesList::const_iterator pit = preamble_snippets_.begin(); FeaturesList::const_iterator pend = preamble_snippets_.end(); for (; pit != pend; ++pit) { macros << *pit << '\n'; } if (isRequired("LyX")) macros << lyx_def << '\n'; if (isRequired("lyxline")) macros << lyxline_def << '\n'; if (isRequired("noun")) macros << noun_def << '\n'; if (isRequired("lyxarrow")) macros << lyxarrow_def << '\n'; // quotes. if (isRequired("quotesinglbase")) macros << quotesinglbase_def << '\n'; if (isRequired("quotedblbase")) macros << quotedblbase_def << '\n'; if (isRequired("guilsinglleft")) macros << guilsinglleft_def << '\n'; if (isRequired("guilsinglright")) macros << guilsinglright_def << '\n'; if (isRequired("guillemotleft")) macros << guillemotleft_def << '\n'; if (isRequired("guillemotright")) macros << guillemotright_def << '\n'; // Math mode if (isRequired("boldsymbol") && !isRequired("amsmath")) macros << boldsymbol_def << '\n'; if (isRequired("binom") && !isRequired("amsmath")) macros << binom_def << '\n'; if (isRequired("mathcircumflex")) macros << mathcircumflex_def << '\n'; // other if (isRequired("ParagraphLeftIndent")) macros << paragraphleftindent_def; if (isRequired("NeedLyXFootnoteCode")) macros << floatingfootnote_def; // some problems with tex->html converters if (isRequired("NeedTabularnewline")) macros << tabularnewline_def; // greyedout environment (note inset) if (isRequired("lyxgreyedout")) macros << lyxgreyedout_def; if (isRequired("lyxdot")) macros << lyxdot_def << '\n'; // floats getFloatDefinitions(macros); return macros.str(); } string const LaTeXFeatures::getBabelOptions() const { ostringstream tmp; LanguageList::const_iterator it = UsedLanguages_.begin(); LanguageList::const_iterator end = UsedLanguages_.end(); for (; it != end; ++it) if (!(*it)->latex_options().empty()) tmp << (*it)->latex_options() << '\n'; if (!params_.language->latex_options().empty()) tmp << params_.language->latex_options() << '\n'; return tmp.str(); } string const LaTeXFeatures::getTClassPreamble() const { // the text class specific preamble LyXTextClass const & tclass = params_.getLyXTextClass(); ostringstream tcpreamble; tcpreamble << tclass.preamble(); list::const_iterator cit = usedLayouts_.begin(); list::const_iterator end = usedLayouts_.end(); for (; cit != end; ++cit) { tcpreamble << tclass[*cit]->preamble(); } CharStyles::iterator cs = tclass.charstyles().begin(); CharStyles::iterator csend = tclass.charstyles().end(); for (; cs != csend; ++cs) { if (isRequired(cs->name)) tcpreamble << cs->preamble; } return tcpreamble.str(); } string const LaTeXFeatures::getLyXSGMLEntities() const { // Definition of entities used in the document that are LyX related. ostringstream entities; if (isRequired("lyxarrow")) { entities << "" << '\n'; } return entities.str(); } string const LaTeXFeatures::getIncludedFiles(string const & fname) const { ostringstream sgmlpreamble; string const basename = OnlyPath(fname); FileMap::const_iterator end = IncludedFiles_.end(); for (FileMap::const_iterator fi = IncludedFiles_.begin(); fi != end; ++fi) sgmlpreamble << "\nfirst << (IsSGMLFilename(fi->second) ? " SYSTEM \"" : " \"") << MakeRelPath(fi->second, basename) << "\">"; return sgmlpreamble.str(); } void LaTeXFeatures::showStruct() const { lyxerr << "LyX needs the following commands when LaTeXing:" << "\n***** Packages:" << getPackages() << "\n***** Macros:" << getMacros() << "\n***** Textclass stuff:" << getTClassPreamble() << "\n***** done." << endl; } Buffer const & LaTeXFeatures::buffer() const { return *buffer_; } void LaTeXFeatures::setBuffer(Buffer const & buffer) { buffer_ = &buffer; } BufferParams const & LaTeXFeatures::bufferParams() const { return params_; } void LaTeXFeatures::getFloatDefinitions(ostream & os) const { FloatList const & floats = params_.getLyXTextClass().floats(); // Here we will output the code to create the needed float styles. // We will try to do this as minimal as possible. // \floatstyle{ruled} // \newfloat{algorithm}{htbp}{loa} // \floatname{algorithm}{Algorithm} UsedFloats::const_iterator cit = usedFloats_.begin(); UsedFloats::const_iterator end = usedFloats_.end(); // ostringstream floats; for (; cit != end; ++cit) { Floating const & fl = floats.getType((*cit)); // For builtin floats we do nothing. if (fl.builtin()) continue; // We have to special case "table" and "figure" if (fl.type() == "tabular" || fl.type() == "figure") { // Output code to modify "table" or "figure" // but only if builtin == false // and that have to be true at this point in the // function. string const type = fl.type(); string const placement = fl.placement(); string const style = fl.style(); if (!style.empty()) { os << "\\floatstyle{" << style << "}\n" << "\\restylefloat{" << type << "}\n"; } if (!placement.empty()) { os << "\\floatplacement{" << type << "}{" << placement << "}\n"; } } else { // The other non builtin floats. string const type = fl.type(); string const placement = fl.placement(); string const ext = fl.ext(); string const within = fl.within(); string const style = fl.style(); string const name = fl.name(); os << "\\floatstyle{" << style << "}\n" << "\\newfloat{" << type << "}{" << placement << "}{" << ext << '}'; if (!within.empty()) os << '[' << within << ']'; os << '\n' << "\\floatname{" << type << "}{" << name << "}\n"; // What missing here is to code to minimalize the code // output so that the same floatstyle will not be // used several times, when the same style is still in // effect. (Lgb) } } }