/** * \file LaTeX.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Alfredo Braunstein * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes * \author Jean-Marc Lasgouttes * \author Angus Leeming * \author Dekel Tsur * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "bufferlist.h" #include "LaTeX.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "lyxrc.h" #include "debug.h" #include "DepTable.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/convert.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include "support/lyxlib.h" #include "support/systemcall.h" #include "support/os.h" #include #include #include namespace lyx { using support::absolutePath; using support::bformat; using support::changeExtension; using support::contains; using support::FileName; using support::findtexfile; using support::getcwd; using support::makeAbsPath; using support::onlyFilename; using support::prefixIs; using support::quoteName; using support::removeExtension; using support::rtrim; using support::split; using support::subst; using support::suffixIs; using support::Systemcall; using support::unlink; using support::trim; namespace os = support::os; namespace fs = boost::filesystem; using boost::regex; using boost::smatch; #ifndef CXX_GLOBAL_CSTD using std::sscanf; #endif using std::endl; using std::getline; using std::string; using std::ifstream; using std::set; using std::vector; // TODO: in no particular order // - get rid of the call to // BufferList::updateIncludedTeXfiles, this should either // be done before calling LaTeX::funcs or in a completely // different way. // - the makeindex style files should be taken care of with // the dependency mechanism. // - makeindex commandline options should be supported // - somewhere support viewing of bibtex and makeindex log files. // - we should perhaps also scan the bibtex log file namespace { docstring runMessage(unsigned int count) { return bformat(_("Waiting for LaTeX run number %1$d"), count); } } // anon namespace /* * CLASS TEXERRORS */ void TeXErrors::insertError(int line, docstring const & error_desc, docstring const & error_text) { Error newerr(line, error_desc, error_text); errors.push_back(newerr); } bool operator==(Aux_Info const & a, Aux_Info const & o) { return a.aux_file == o.aux_file && a.citations == o.citations && a.databases == o.databases && a.styles == o.styles; } bool operator!=(Aux_Info const & a, Aux_Info const & o) { return !(a == o); } /* * CLASS LaTeX */ LaTeX::LaTeX(string const & latex, OutputParams const & rp, FileName const & f) : cmd(latex), file(f), runparams(rp) { num_errors = 0; if (prefixIs(cmd, "pdf")) { // Do we use pdflatex ? depfile = FileName(file.absFilename() + ".dep-pdf"); output_file = FileName(changeExtension(file.absFilename(), ".pdf")); } else { depfile = FileName(file.absFilename() + ".dep"); output_file = FileName(changeExtension(file.absFilename(), ".dvi")); } } void LaTeX::deleteFilesOnError() const { // currently just a dummy function. // What files do we have to delete? // This will at least make latex do all the runs unlink(depfile); // but the reason for the error might be in a generated file... // bibtex file FileName const bbl(changeExtension(file.absFilename(), ".bbl")); unlink(bbl); // makeindex file FileName const ind(changeExtension(file.absFilename(), ".ind")); unlink(ind); // nomencl file FileName const nls(changeExtension(file.absFilename(), ".nls")); unlink(nls); // Also remove the aux file FileName const aux(changeExtension(file.absFilename(), ".aux")); unlink(aux); } int LaTeX::run(TeXErrors & terr) // We know that this function will only be run if the lyx buffer // has been changed. We also know that a newly written .tex file // is always different from the previous one because of the date // in it. However it seems safe to run latex (at least) on time each // time the .tex file changes. { int scanres = NO_ERRORS; unsigned int count = 0; // number of times run num_errors = 0; // just to make sure. unsigned int const MAX_RUN = 6; DepTable head; // empty head bool rerun = false; // rerun requested // The class LaTeX does not know the temp path. theBufferList().updateIncludedTeXfiles(getcwd().absFilename(), runparams); // Never write the depfile if an error was encountered. // 0 // first check if the file dependencies exist: // ->If it does exist // check if any of the files mentioned in it have // changed (done using a checksum). // -> if changed: // run latex once and // remake the dependency file // -> if not changed: // just return there is nothing to do for us. // ->if it doesn't exist // make it and // run latex once (we need to run latex once anyway) and // remake the dependency file. // bool had_depfile = fs::exists(depfile.toFilesystemEncoding()); bool run_bibtex = false; FileName const aux_file(changeExtension(file.absFilename(), "aux")); if (had_depfile) { lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND] << "Dependency file exists" << endl; // Read the dep file: had_depfile = head.read(depfile); } if (had_depfile) { // Update the checksums head.update(); // Can't just check if anything has changed because it might have aborted // on error last time... in which cas we need to re-run latex // and collect the error messages (even if they are the same). if (!fs::exists(output_file.toFilesystemEncoding())) { lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND] << "re-running LaTeX because output file doesn't exist." << endl; } else if (!head.sumchange()) { lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND] << "return no_change" << endl; return NO_CHANGE; } else { lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND] << "Dependency file has changed" << endl; } if (head.extchanged(".bib") || head.extchanged(".bst")) run_bibtex = true; } else lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND] << "Dependency file does not exist, or has wrong format" << endl; /// We scan the aux file even when had_depfile = false, /// because we can run pdflatex on the file after running latex on it, /// in which case we will not need to run bibtex again. vector bibtex_info_old; if (!run_bibtex) bibtex_info_old = scanAuxFiles(aux_file); ++count; lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Run #" << count << endl; message(runMessage(count)); startscript(); scanres = scanLogFile(terr); if (scanres & ERROR_RERUN) { lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Rerunning LaTeX" << endl; startscript(); scanres = scanLogFile(terr); } if (scanres & ERRORS) { deleteFilesOnError(); return scanres; // return on error } vector const bibtex_info = scanAuxFiles(aux_file); if (!run_bibtex && bibtex_info_old != bibtex_info) run_bibtex = true; // update the dependencies. deplog(head); // reads the latex log head.update(); // 0.5 // At this point we must run external programs if needed. // makeindex will be run if a .idx file changed or was generated. // And if there were undefined citations or changes in references // the .aux file is checked for signs of bibtex. Bibtex is then run // if needed. // memoir (at least) writes an empty *idx file in the first place. // A second latex run is needed. FileName const idxfile(changeExtension(file.absFilename(), ".idx")); rerun = fs::exists(idxfile.toFilesystemEncoding()) && fs::is_empty(idxfile.toFilesystemEncoding()); // run makeindex if (head.haschanged(idxfile)) { // no checks for now lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Running MakeIndex." << endl; message(_("Running MakeIndex.")); // onlyFilename() is needed for cygwin rerun |= runMakeIndex(onlyFilename(idxfile.absFilename()), runparams); } if (head.haschanged(FileName(changeExtension(file.absFilename(), ".nlo")))) { lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Running MakeIndex for nomencl." << endl; message(_("Running MakeIndex for nomencl.")); // onlyFilename() is needed for cygwin string const nomenclstr = " -s nomencl.ist -o " + onlyFilename(changeExtension(file.toFilesystemEncoding(), ".nls")); rerun |= runMakeIndex(onlyFilename(changeExtension(file.absFilename(), ".nlo")), runparams, nomenclstr); } // run bibtex // if (scanres & UNDEF_CIT || scanres & RERUN || run_bibtex) if (scanres & UNDEF_CIT || run_bibtex) { // Here we must scan the .aux file and look for // "\bibdata" and/or "\bibstyle". If one of those // tags is found -> run bibtex and set rerun = true; // no checks for now lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Running BibTeX." << endl; message(_("Running BibTeX.")); updateBibtexDependencies(head, bibtex_info); rerun |= runBibTeX(bibtex_info); } else if (!had_depfile) { /// If we run pdflatex on the file after running latex on it, /// then we do not need to run bibtex, but we do need to /// insert the .bib and .bst files into the .dep-pdf file. updateBibtexDependencies(head, bibtex_info); } // 1 // we know on this point that latex has been run once (or we just // returned) and the question now is to decide if we need to run // it any more. This is done by asking if any of the files in the // dependency file has changed. (remember that the checksum for // a given file is reported to have changed if it just was created) // -> if changed or rerun == true: // run latex once more and // update the dependency structure // -> if not changed: // we does nothing at this point // if (rerun || head.sumchange()) { rerun = false; ++count; lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND] << "Dep. file has changed or rerun requested" << endl; lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Run #" << count << endl; message(runMessage(count)); startscript(); scanres = scanLogFile(terr); if (scanres & ERRORS) { deleteFilesOnError(); return scanres; // return on error } // update the depedencies deplog(head); // reads the latex log head.update(); } else { lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND] << "Dep. file has NOT changed" << endl; } // 1.5 // The inclusion of files generated by external programs like // makeindex or bibtex might have done changes to pagenumbering, // etc. And because of this we must run the external programs // again to make sure everything is redone correctly. // Also there should be no need to run the external programs any // more after this. // run makeindex if the .idx has changed or was generated. if (head.haschanged(FileName(changeExtension(file.absFilename(), ".idx")))) { // no checks for now lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Running MakeIndex." << endl; message(_("Running MakeIndex.")); // onlyFilename() is needed for cygwin rerun = runMakeIndex(onlyFilename(changeExtension(file.absFilename(), ".idx")), runparams); } // I am not pretty sure if need this twice. if (head.haschanged(FileName(changeExtension(file.absFilename(), ".nlo")))) { lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Running MakeIndex for nomencl." << endl; message(_("Running MakeIndex for nomencl.")); // onlyFilename() is needed for cygwin string nomenclstr = " -s nomencl.ist -o " + onlyFilename(changeExtension(file.toFilesystemEncoding(), ".nls")); rerun |= runMakeIndex(onlyFilename(changeExtension(file.absFilename(), ".nlo")), runparams, nomenclstr); } // 2 // we will only run latex more if the log file asks for it. // or if the sumchange() is true. // -> rerun asked for: // run latex and // remake the dependency file // goto 2 or return if max runs are reached. // -> rerun not asked for: // just return (fall out of bottom of func) // while ((head.sumchange() || rerun || (scanres & RERUN)) && count < MAX_RUN) { // Yes rerun until message goes away, or until // MAX_RUNS are reached. rerun = false; ++count; lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Run #" << count << endl; message(runMessage(count)); startscript(); scanres = scanLogFile(terr); if (scanres & ERRORS) { deleteFilesOnError(); return scanres; // return on error } // keep this updated head.update(); } // Write the dependencies to file. head.write(depfile); lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Done." << endl; return scanres; } int LaTeX::startscript() { // onlyFilename() is needed for cygwin string tmp = cmd + ' ' + quoteName(onlyFilename(file.toFilesystemEncoding())) + " > " + os::nulldev(); Systemcall one; return one.startscript(Systemcall::Wait, tmp); } bool LaTeX::runMakeIndex(string const & f, OutputParams const & runparams, string const & params) { lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "idx file has been made, running makeindex on file " << f << endl; string tmp = lyxrc.index_command + ' '; tmp = subst(tmp, "$$lang", runparams.document_language); tmp += quoteName(f); tmp += params; Systemcall one; one.startscript(Systemcall::Wait, tmp); return true; } vector const LaTeX::scanAuxFiles(FileName const & file) { vector result; result.push_back(scanAuxFile(file)); string const basename = removeExtension(file.absFilename()); for (int i = 1; i < 1000; ++i) { FileName const file2(basename + '.' + convert(i) + ".aux"); if (!fs::exists(file2.toFilesystemEncoding())) break; result.push_back(scanAuxFile(file2)); } return result; } Aux_Info const LaTeX::scanAuxFile(FileName const & file) { Aux_Info result; result.aux_file = file; scanAuxFile(file, result); return result; } void LaTeX::scanAuxFile(FileName const & file, Aux_Info & aux_info) { lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Scanning aux file: " << file << endl; ifstream ifs(file.toFilesystemEncoding().c_str()); string token; static regex const reg1("\\\\citation\\{([^}]+)\\}"); static regex const reg2("\\\\bibdata\\{([^}]+)\\}"); static regex const reg3("\\\\bibstyle\\{([^}]+)\\}"); static regex const reg4("\\\\@input\\{([^}]+)\\}"); while (getline(ifs, token)) { token = rtrim(token, "\r"); smatch sub; if (regex_match(token, sub, reg1)) { string data = sub.str(1); while (!data.empty()) { string citation; data = split(data, citation, ','); lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Citation: " << citation << endl; aux_info.citations.insert(citation); } } else if (regex_match(token, sub, reg2)) { string data = sub.str(1); // data is now all the bib files separated by ',' // get them one by one and pass them to the helper while (!data.empty()) { string database; data = split(data, database, ','); database = changeExtension(database, "bib"); lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "BibTeX database: `" << database << '\'' << endl; aux_info.databases.insert(database); } } else if (regex_match(token, sub, reg3)) { string style = sub.str(1); // token is now the style file // pass it to the helper style = changeExtension(style, "bst"); lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "BibTeX style: `" << style << '\'' << endl; aux_info.styles.insert(style); } else if (regex_match(token, sub, reg4)) { string const file2 = sub.str(1); scanAuxFile(makeAbsPath(file2), aux_info); } } } void LaTeX::updateBibtexDependencies(DepTable & dep, vector const & bibtex_info) { // Since a run of Bibtex mandates more latex runs it is ok to // remove all ".bib" and ".bst" files. dep.remove_files_with_extension(".bib"); dep.remove_files_with_extension(".bst"); //string aux = OnlyFilename(ChangeExtension(file, ".aux")); for (vector::const_iterator it = bibtex_info.begin(); it != bibtex_info.end(); ++it) { for (set::const_iterator it2 = it->databases.begin(); it2 != it->databases.end(); ++it2) { FileName const file = findtexfile(*it2, "bib"); if (!file.empty()) dep.insert(file, true); } for (set::const_iterator it2 = it->styles.begin(); it2 != it->styles.end(); ++it2) { FileName const file = findtexfile(*it2, "bst"); if (!file.empty()) dep.insert(file, true); } } } bool LaTeX::runBibTeX(vector const & bibtex_info) { bool result = false; for (vector::const_iterator it = bibtex_info.begin(); it != bibtex_info.end(); ++it) { if (it->databases.empty()) continue; result = true; string tmp = lyxrc.bibtex_command + " "; // onlyFilename() is needed for cygwin tmp += quoteName(onlyFilename(removeExtension(it->aux_file.absFilename()))); Systemcall one; one.startscript(Systemcall::Wait, tmp); } // Return whether bibtex was run return result; } int LaTeX::scanLogFile(TeXErrors & terr) { int last_line = -1; int line_count = 1; int retval = NO_ERRORS; string tmp = onlyFilename(changeExtension(file.absFilename(), ".log")); lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Log file: " << tmp << endl; FileName const fn = FileName(makeAbsPath(tmp)); ifstream ifs(fn.toFilesystemEncoding().c_str()); string token; while (getline(ifs, token)) { // MikTeX sometimes inserts \0 in the log file. They can't be // removed directly with the existing string utility // functions, so convert them first to \r, and remove all // \r's afterwards, since we need to remove them anyway. token = subst(token, '\0', '\r'); token = subst(token, "\r", ""); lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Log line: " << token << endl; if (token.empty()) continue; if (prefixIs(token, "LaTeX Warning:") || prefixIs(token, "! pdfTeX warning")) { // Here shall we handle different // types of warnings retval |= LATEX_WARNING; lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "LaTeX Warning." << endl; if (contains(token, "Rerun to get cross-references")) { retval |= RERUN; lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "We should rerun." << endl; } else if (contains(token, "Citation") && contains(token, "on page") && contains(token, "undefined")) { retval |= UNDEF_CIT; } } else if (prefixIs(token, "Package")) { // Package warnings retval |= PACKAGE_WARNING; if (contains(token, "natbib Warning:")) { // Natbib warnings if (contains(token, "Citation") && contains(token, "on page") && contains(token, "undefined")) { retval |= UNDEF_CIT; } } else if (contains(token, "run BibTeX")) { retval |= UNDEF_CIT; } else if (contains(token, "Rerun LaTeX") || contains(token, "Rerun to get")) { // at least longtable.sty and bibtopic.sty // might use this. lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "We should rerun." << endl; retval |= RERUN; } } else if (token[0] == '(') { if (contains(token, "Rerun LaTeX") || contains(token, "Rerun to get")) { // Used by natbib lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "We should rerun." << endl; retval |= RERUN; } } else if (prefixIs(token, "! ")) { // Ok, we have something that looks like a TeX Error // but what do we really have. // Just get the error description: string desc(token, 2); if (contains(token, "LaTeX Error:")) retval |= LATEX_ERROR; // get the next line string tmp; int count = 0; do { if (!getline(ifs, tmp)) break; if (++count > 10) break; } while (!prefixIs(tmp, "l.")); if (prefixIs(tmp, "l.")) { // we have a latex error retval |= TEX_ERROR; if (contains(desc, "Package babel Error: You haven't defined the language")) retval |= ERROR_RERUN; // get the line number: int line = 0; sscanf(tmp.c_str(), "l.%d", &line); // get the rest of the message: string errstr(tmp, tmp.find(' ')); errstr += '\n'; getline(ifs, tmp); while (!contains(errstr, "l.") && !tmp.empty() && !prefixIs(tmp, "! ") && !contains(tmp, "(job aborted")) { errstr += tmp; errstr += "\n"; getline(ifs, tmp); } lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "line: " << line << '\n' << "Desc: " << desc << '\n' << "Text: " << errstr << endl; if (line == last_line) ++line_count; else { line_count = 1; last_line = line; } if (line_count <= 5) { // FIXME UNICODE // We have no idea what the encoding of // the log file is, but it is safe to // assume it is the current locale one. terr.insertError(line, from_local8bit(desc), from_local8bit(errstr)); ++num_errors; } } } else { // information messages, TeX warnings and other // warnings we have not caught earlier. if (prefixIs(token, "Overfull ")) { retval |= TEX_WARNING; } else if (prefixIs(token, "Underfull ")) { retval |= TEX_WARNING; } else if (contains(token, "Rerun to get citations")) { // Natbib seems to use this. retval |= UNDEF_CIT; } else if (contains(token, "No pages of output")) { // A dvi file was not created retval |= NO_OUTPUT; } else if (contains(token, "That makes 100 errors")) { // More than 100 errors were reprted retval |= TOO_MANY_ERRORS; } } } lyxerr[Debug::LATEX] << "Log line: " << token << endl; return retval; } namespace { void handleFoundFile(string const & ff, DepTable & head) { // convert from native os path to unix path string const foundfile = os::internal_path(trim(ff)); lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND] << "Found file: " << foundfile << endl; // Ok now we found a file. // Now we should make sure that this is a file that we can // access through the normal paths. // We will not try any fancy search methods to // find the file. // (1) foundfile is an // absolute path and should // be inserted. if (absolutePath(foundfile)) { lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND] << "AbsolutePath file: " << foundfile << endl; // On initial insert we want to do the update at once // since this file cannot be a file generated by // the latex run. FileName const absname(foundfile); if (fs::exists(absname.toFilesystemEncoding()) && !fs::is_directory(absname.toFilesystemEncoding())) head.insert(absname, true); return; } string const onlyfile = onlyFilename(foundfile); FileName const absname(makeAbsPath(onlyfile)); // (2) foundfile is in the tmpdir // insert it into head if (fs::exists(absname.toFilesystemEncoding())) { static regex unwanted("^.*\\.(aux|log|dvi|bbl|ind|glo)$"); if (regex_match(onlyfile, unwanted)) { lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND] << "We don't want " << onlyfile << " in the dep file" << endl; } else if (suffixIs(onlyfile, ".tex")) { // This is a tex file generated by LyX // and latex is not likely to change this // during its runs. lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND] << "Tmpdir TeX file: " << onlyfile << endl; head.insert(absname, true); } else { lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND] << "In tmpdir file:" << onlyfile << endl; head.insert(absname); } } else lyxerr[Debug::DEPEND] << "Not a file or we are unable to find it." << endl; } } // anon namespace void LaTeX::deplog(DepTable & head) { // This function reads the LaTeX log file end extracts all the external // files used by the LaTeX run. The files are then entered into the // dependency file. string const logfile = onlyFilename(changeExtension(file.absFilename(), ".log")); static regex reg1(".*\\([^)]+.*"); static regex reg2("File: ([^ ]+).*"); static regex reg3("No file ([^ ]+)\\..*"); static regex reg4("\\\\openout[0-9]+.*=.*`([^ ]+)'\\..*"); // If an index should be created, MikTex does not write a line like // \openout# = 'sample.idx'. // but instead only a line like this into the log: // Writing index file sample.idx static regex reg5("Writing index file ([^ ]+).*"); static regex regnomencl("Writing nomenclature file ([^ ]+).*"); // If a toc should be created, MikTex does not write a line like // \openout# = `sample.toc'. // but only a line like this into the log: // \tf@toc=\write# // This line is also written by tetex. // This line is not present if no toc should be created. static regex miktexTocReg("\\\\tf@toc=\\\\write.*"); FileName const fn(makeAbsPath(logfile)); ifstream ifs(fn.toFilesystemEncoding().c_str()); while (ifs) { // Ok, the scanning of files here is not sufficient. // Sometimes files are named by "File: xxx" only // So I think we should use some regexps to find files instead. // "(\([^ ]+\)" should match the "(file " variant, note // that we can have several of these on one line. // "File: \([^ ]+\)" should match the "File: file" variant string token; getline(ifs, token); // MikTeX sometimes inserts \0 in the log file. They can't be // removed directly with the existing string utility // functions, so convert them first to \r, and remove all // \r's afterwards, since we need to remove them anyway. token = subst(token, '\0', '\r'); token = subst(token, "\r", ""); if (token.empty()) continue; smatch sub; if (regex_match(token, sub, reg1)) { static regex reg1_1("\\(([^()]+)"); smatch what; string::const_iterator first = token.begin(); string::const_iterator end = token.end(); while (regex_search(first, end, what, reg1_1)) { first = what[0].second; handleFoundFile(what.str(1), head); } } else if (regex_match(token, sub, reg2)) handleFoundFile(sub.str(1), head); else if (regex_match(token, sub, reg3)) handleFoundFile(sub.str(1), head); else if (regex_match(token, sub, reg4)) handleFoundFile(sub.str(1), head); else if (regex_match(token, sub, reg5)) handleFoundFile(sub.str(1), head); else if (regex_match(token, sub, regnomencl)) handleFoundFile(sub.str(1), head); else if (regex_match(token, sub, miktexTocReg)) handleFoundFile(onlyFilename(changeExtension(file.absFilename(), ".toc")), head); } // Make sure that the main .tex file is in the dependancy file. head.insert(file, true); } } // namespace lyx