/* * \file CutAndPaste.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Jürgen Vigna * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes * \author Alfredo Braunstein * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "CutAndPaste.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "buffer_funcs.h" #include "bufferparams.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "debug.h" #include "errorlist.h" #include "funcrequest.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "insetiterator.h" #include "lfuns.h" #include "lyxrc.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "lyxtextclasslist.h" #include "paragraph.h" #include "paragraph_funcs.h" #include "ParagraphParameters.h" #include "ParagraphList_fwd.h" #include "pariterator.h" #include "undo.h" #include "insets/insetcharstyle.h" #include "insets/insettabular.h" #include "mathed/math_data.h" #include "mathed/math_inset.h" #include "mathed/math_support.h" #include "support/lstrings.h" #include using lyx::pos_type; using lyx::pit_type; using lyx::textclass_type; using lyx::support::bformat; using std::endl; using std::for_each; using std::make_pair; using std::pair; using std::vector; using std::string; namespace { typedef std::pair PitPosPair; typedef limited_stack > CutStack; CutStack theCuts(10); // store whether the tabular stack is newer than the normal copy stack // FIXME: this is a workaround for bug 1919. Should be removed for 1.5, // when we (hopefully) have a one-for-all paste mechanism. bool dirty_tabular_stack_; class resetOwnerAndChanges : public std::unary_function { public: void operator()(Paragraph & p) const { p.cleanChanges(); p.setInsetOwner(0); } }; void region(CursorSlice const & i1, CursorSlice const & i2, InsetBase::row_type & r1, InsetBase::row_type & r2, InsetBase::col_type & c1, InsetBase::col_type & c2) { InsetBase & p = i1.inset(); c1 = p.col(i1.idx()); c2 = p.col(i2.idx()); if (c1 > c2) std::swap(c1, c2); r1 = p.row(i1.idx()); r2 = p.row(i2.idx()); if (r1 > r2) std::swap(r1, r2); } bool checkPastePossible(int index) { return size_t(index) < theCuts.size() && !theCuts[index].first.empty(); } pair pasteSelectionHelper(Buffer const & buffer, ParagraphList & pars, pit_type pit, int pos, ParagraphList const & parlist, textclass_type textclass, ErrorList & errorlist) { if (parlist.empty()) return make_pair(PitPosPair(pit, pos), pit); BOOST_ASSERT (pos <= pars[pit].size()); // Make a copy of the CaP paragraphs. ParagraphList insertion = parlist; textclass_type const tc = buffer.params().textclass; // Now remove all out of the pars which is NOT allowed in the // new environment and set also another font if that is required. // Convert newline to paragraph break in ERT inset. // This should not be here! if (pars[pit].inInset() && pars[pit].inInset()->lyxCode() == InsetBase::ERT_CODE) { for (ParagraphList::size_type i = 0; i < insertion.size(); ++i) { for (pos_type j = 0; j < insertion[i].size(); ++j) { if (insertion[i].isNewline(j)) { insertion[i].erase(j); breakParagraphConservative( buffer.params(), insertion, i, j); } } } } // Make sure there is no class difference. lyx::cap::switchBetweenClasses(textclass, tc, insertion, errorlist); ParagraphList::iterator tmpbuf = insertion.begin(); int depth_delta = pars[pit].params().depth() - tmpbuf->params().depth(); Paragraph::depth_type max_depth = pars[pit].getMaxDepthAfter(); for (; tmpbuf != insertion.end(); ++tmpbuf) { // If we have a negative jump so that the depth would // go below 0 depth then we have to redo the delta to // this new max depth level so that subsequent // paragraphs are aligned correctly to this paragraph // at level 0. if (int(tmpbuf->params().depth()) + depth_delta < 0) depth_delta = 0; // Set the right depth so that we are not too deep or shallow. tmpbuf->params().depth(tmpbuf->params().depth() + depth_delta); if (tmpbuf->params().depth() > max_depth) tmpbuf->params().depth(max_depth); // Only set this from the 2nd on as the 2nd depends // for maxDepth still on pit. if (tmpbuf != insertion.begin()) max_depth = tmpbuf->getMaxDepthAfter(); // Set the inset owner of this paragraph. tmpbuf->setInsetOwner(pars[pit].inInset()); for (pos_type i = 0; i < tmpbuf->size(); ++i) { if (tmpbuf->getChar(i) == Paragraph::META_INSET && !pars[pit].insetAllowed(tmpbuf->getInset(i)->lyxCode())) tmpbuf->erase(i--); } // reset change tracking status if (buffer.params().tracking_changes) tmpbuf->cleanChanges(Paragraph::trackingOn); else tmpbuf->cleanChanges(Paragraph::trackingOff); } bool const empty = pars[pit].empty(); if (!empty) { // Make the buf exactly the same layout as the cursor // paragraph. insertion.begin()->makeSameLayout(pars[pit]); } // Prepare the paragraphs and insets for insertion. // A couple of insets store buffer references so need updating. InsetText in; std::swap(in.paragraphs(), insertion); ParIterator fpit = par_iterator_begin(in); ParIterator fend = par_iterator_end(in); for (; fpit != fend; ++fpit) { InsetList::iterator lit = fpit->insetlist.begin(); InsetList::iterator eit = fpit->insetlist.end(); for (; lit != eit; ++lit) { switch (lit->inset->lyxCode()) { case InsetBase::TABULAR_CODE: { InsetTabular * it = static_cast(lit->inset); it->buffer(&buffer); break; } default: break; // nothing } } } std::swap(in.paragraphs(), insertion); // Split the paragraph for inserting the buf if necessary. if (!empty) breakParagraphConservative(buffer.params(), pars, pit, pos); // Paste it! if (empty) { pars.insert(boost::next(pars.begin(), pit), insertion.begin(), insertion.end()); // merge the empty par with the last par of the insertion mergeParagraph(buffer.params(), pars, pit + insertion.size() - 1); } else { pars.insert(boost::next(pars.begin(), pit + 1), insertion.begin(), insertion.end()); // merge the first par of the insertion with the current par mergeParagraph(buffer.params(), pars, pit); } pit_type last_paste = pit + insertion.size() - 1; // Store the new cursor position. pit = last_paste; pos = pars[last_paste].size(); // Join (conditionally) last pasted paragraph with next one, i.e., // the tail of the spliced document paragraph if (!empty && last_paste + 1 != pit_type(pars.size())) { if (pars[last_paste + 1].hasSameLayout(pars[last_paste])) { mergeParagraph(buffer.params(), pars, last_paste); } else if (pars[last_paste + 1].empty()) { pars[last_paste + 1].makeSameLayout(pars[last_paste]); mergeParagraph(buffer.params(), pars, last_paste); } else if (pars[last_paste].empty()) { pars[last_paste].makeSameLayout(pars[last_paste + 1]); mergeParagraph(buffer.params(), pars, last_paste); } else { pars[last_paste + 1].stripLeadingSpaces(); ++last_paste; } } return make_pair(PitPosPair(pit, pos), last_paste + 1); } PitPosPair eraseSelectionHelper(BufferParams const & params, ParagraphList & pars, pit_type startpit, pit_type endpit, int startpos, int endpos, bool doclear) { // Start of selection is really invalid. if (startpit == pit_type(pars.size()) || (startpos > pars[startpit].size())) return PitPosPair(endpit, endpos); // Start and end is inside same paragraph if (endpit == pit_type(pars.size()) || startpit == endpit) { endpos -= pars[startpit].erase(startpos, endpos); return PitPosPair(endpit, endpos); } // A paragraph break has to be physically removed by merging, but // only if either (1) change tracking is off, or (2) the para break // is "blue" for (pit_type pit = startpit; pit != endpit + 1;) { bool const merge = !params.tracking_changes || pars[pit].lookupChange(pars[pit].size()) == Change::INSERTED; pos_type const left = ( pit == startpit ? startpos : 0 ); pos_type const right = ( pit == endpit ? endpos : pars[pit].size() + 1 ); // Logical erase only: pars[pit].erase(left, right); // Separate handling of para break: if (merge && pit != endpit && pars[pit].hasSameLayout(pars[pit + 1])) { pos_type const thissize = pars[pit].size(); if (doclear) pars[pit + 1].stripLeadingSpaces(); mergeParagraph(params, pars, pit); --endpit; if (pit == endpit) endpos += thissize; } else ++pit; } // Ensure legal cursor pos: endpit = startpit; endpos = startpos; return PitPosPair(endpit, endpos); } void copySelectionHelper(ParagraphList & pars, pit_type startpit, pit_type endpit, int start, int end, textclass_type tc) { BOOST_ASSERT(0 <= start && start <= pars[startpit].size()); BOOST_ASSERT(0 <= end && end <= pars[endpit].size()); BOOST_ASSERT(startpit != endpit || start <= end); // Clone the paragraphs within the selection. ParagraphList paragraphs(boost::next(pars.begin(), startpit), boost::next(pars.begin(), endpit + 1)); for_each(paragraphs.begin(), paragraphs.end(), resetOwnerAndChanges()); // Cut out the end of the last paragraph. Paragraph & back = paragraphs.back(); back.erase(end, back.size()); // Cut out the begin of the first paragraph Paragraph & front = paragraphs.front(); front.erase(0, start); theCuts.push(make_pair(paragraphs, tc)); } } // namespace anon namespace lyx { namespace cap { string grabAndEraseSelection(LCursor & cur) { if (!cur.selection()) return string(); string res = grabSelection(cur); eraseSelection(cur); return res; } void switchBetweenClasses(textclass_type c1, textclass_type c2, ParagraphList & pars, ErrorList & errorlist) { BOOST_ASSERT(!pars.empty()); if (c1 == c2) return; LyXTextClass const & tclass1 = textclasslist[c1]; LyXTextClass const & tclass2 = textclasslist[c2]; InsetText in; std::swap(in.paragraphs(), pars); // layouts ParIterator end = par_iterator_end(in); for (ParIterator it = par_iterator_begin(in); it != end; ++it) { string const name = it->layout()->name(); bool hasLayout = tclass2.hasLayout(name); if (hasLayout) it->layout(tclass2[name]); else it->layout(tclass2.defaultLayout()); if (!hasLayout && name != tclass1.defaultLayoutName()) { string const s = bformat( _("Layout had to be changed from\n%1$s to %2$s\n" "because of class conversion from\n%3$s to %4$s"), name, it->layout()->name(), tclass1.name(), tclass2.name()); // To warn the user that something had to be done. errorlist.push_back(ErrorItem(_("Changed Layout"), s, it->id(), 0, it->size())); } } // character styles InsetIterator const i_end = inset_iterator_end(in); for (InsetIterator it = inset_iterator_begin(in); it != i_end; ++it) { if (it->lyxCode() == InsetBase::CHARSTYLE_CODE) { InsetCharStyle & inset = static_cast(*it); string const name = inset.params().type; CharStyles::iterator const found_cs = tclass2.charstyle(name); if (found_cs == tclass2.charstyles().end()) { // The character style is undefined in tclass2 inset.setUndefined(); string const s = bformat(_( "Character style %1$s is " "undefined because of class " "conversion from\n%2$s to %3$s"), name, tclass1.name(), tclass2.name()); // To warn the user that something had to be done. errorlist.push_back(ErrorItem( _("Undefined character style"), s, it.paragraph().id(), it.pos(), it.pos() + 1)); } else if (inset.undefined()) { // The character style is undefined in // tclass1 and is defined in tclass2 inset.setDefined(found_cs); } } } std::swap(in.paragraphs(), pars); } std::vector const availableSelections(Buffer const & buffer) { vector selList; CutStack::const_iterator cit = theCuts.begin(); CutStack::const_iterator end = theCuts.end(); for (; cit != end; ++cit) { // we do not use cit-> here because gcc 2.9x does not // like it (JMarc) ParagraphList const & pars = (*cit).first; string asciiSel; ParagraphList::const_iterator pit = pars.begin(); ParagraphList::const_iterator pend = pars.end(); for (; pit != pend; ++pit) { asciiSel += pit->asString(buffer, false); if (asciiSel.size() > 25) { asciiSel.replace(22, string::npos, "..."); break; } } selList.push_back(asciiSel); } return selList; } lyx::size_type numberOfSelections() { return theCuts.size(); } void cutSelection(LCursor & cur, bool doclear, bool realcut) { // This doesn't make sense, if there is no selection if (!cur.selection()) return; // OK, we have a selection. This is always between cur.selBegin() // and cur.selEnd() if (cur.inTexted()) { LyXText * text = cur.text(); BOOST_ASSERT(text); // Stuff what we got on the clipboard. Even if there is no selection. // There is a problem with having the stuffing here in that the // larger the selection the slower LyX will get. This can be // solved by running the line below only when the selection has // finished. The solution used currently just works, to make it // faster we need to be more clever and probably also have more // calls to stuffClipboard. (Lgb) // cur.bv().stuffClipboard(cur.selectionAsString(true)); // make sure that the depth behind the selection are restored, too recordUndoSelection(cur); pit_type begpit = cur.selBegin().pit(); pit_type endpit = cur.selEnd().pit(); int endpos = cur.selEnd().pos(); BufferParams const & bp = cur.buffer().params(); if (realcut) { copySelectionHelper(text->paragraphs(), begpit, endpit, cur.selBegin().pos(), endpos, bp.textclass); } boost::tie(endpit, endpos) = eraseSelectionHelper(bp, text->paragraphs(), begpit, endpit, cur.selBegin().pos(), endpos, doclear); // sometimes necessary if (doclear) text->paragraphs()[begpit].stripLeadingSpaces(); // cutSelection can invalidate the cursor so we need to set // it anew. (Lgb) // we prefer the end for when tracking changes cur.pos() = endpos; cur.pit() = endpit; // need a valid cursor. (Lgb) cur.clearSelection(); updateLabels(cur.buffer()); // tell tabular that a recent copy happened dirtyTabularStack(false); } if (cur.inMathed()) { if (cur.selBegin().idx() != cur.selEnd().idx()) { // The current selection spans more than one cell. // Record all cells recordUndoInset(cur); } else { // Record only the current cell to avoid a jumping // cursor after undo recordUndo(cur); } if (realcut) copySelection(cur); eraseSelection(cur); } } void copySelection(LCursor & cur) { // stuff the selection onto the X clipboard, from an explicit copy request cur.bv().stuffClipboard(cur.selectionAsString(true)); // this doesn't make sense, if there is no selection if (!cur.selection()) return; if (cur.inTexted()) { LyXText * text = cur.text(); BOOST_ASSERT(text); // ok we have a selection. This is always between cur.selBegin() // and sel_end cursor // copy behind a space if there is one ParagraphList & pars = text->paragraphs(); pos_type pos = cur.selBegin().pos(); pit_type par = cur.selBegin().pit(); while (pos < pars[par].size() && pars[par].isLineSeparator(pos) && (par != cur.selEnd().pit() || pos < cur.selEnd().pos())) ++pos; copySelectionHelper(pars, par, cur.selEnd().pit(), pos, cur.selEnd().pos(), cur.buffer().params().textclass); } if (cur.inMathed()) { lyxerr << "copySelection in mathed" << endl; ParagraphList pars; pars.push_back(Paragraph()); BufferParams const & bp = cur.buffer().params(); pars.back().layout(bp.getLyXTextClass().defaultLayout()); for_each(pars.begin(), pars.end(), resetOwnerAndChanges()); pars.back().insert(0, grabSelection(cur), LyXFont()); theCuts.push(make_pair(pars, bp.textclass)); } // tell tabular that a recent copy happened dirtyTabularStack(false); } std::string getSelection(Buffer const & buf, size_t sel_index) { return sel_index < theCuts.size() ? theCuts[sel_index].first.back().asString(buf, false) : string(); } void pasteParagraphList(LCursor & cur, ParagraphList const & parlist, textclass_type textclass) { if (cur.inTexted()) { LyXText * text = cur.text(); BOOST_ASSERT(text); recordUndo(cur); pit_type endpit; PitPosPair ppp; ErrorList el; boost::tie(ppp, endpit) = pasteSelectionHelper(cur.buffer(), text->paragraphs(), cur.pit(), cur.pos(), parlist, textclass, el); bufferErrors(cur.buffer(), el); updateLabels(cur.buffer()); cur.clearSelection(); text->setCursor(cur, ppp.first, ppp.second); } // mathed is handled in MathNestInset/MathGridInset BOOST_ASSERT(!cur.inMathed()); } void pasteSelection(LCursor & cur, size_t sel_index) { // this does not make sense, if there is nothing to paste if (!checkPastePossible(sel_index)) return; pasteParagraphList(cur, theCuts[sel_index].first, theCuts[sel_index].second); cur.bv().showErrorList(_("Paste")); cur.setSelection(); } void setSelectionRange(LCursor & cur, pos_type length) { LyXText * text = cur.text(); BOOST_ASSERT(text); if (!length) return; cur.resetAnchor(); while (length--) text->cursorRight(cur); cur.setSelection(); } // simple replacing. The font of the first selected character is used void replaceSelectionWithString(LCursor & cur, string const & str) { LyXText * text = cur.text(); BOOST_ASSERT(text); recordUndo(cur); // Get font setting before we cut pos_type pos = cur.selEnd().pos(); Paragraph & par = text->getPar(cur.selEnd().pit()); LyXFont const font = par.getFontSettings(cur.buffer().params(), cur.selBegin().pos()); // Insert the new string string::const_iterator cit = str.begin(); string::const_iterator end = str.end(); for (; cit != end; ++cit, ++pos) par.insertChar(pos, (*cit), font); // Cut the selection cutSelection(cur, true, false); } void replaceSelection(LCursor & cur) { if (cur.selection()) cutSelection(cur, true, false); } // only used by the spellchecker void replaceWord(LCursor & cur, string const & replacestring) { LyXText * text = cur.text(); BOOST_ASSERT(text); replaceSelectionWithString(cur, replacestring); setSelectionRange(cur, replacestring.length()); // Go back so that replacement string is also spellchecked for (string::size_type i = 0; i < replacestring.length() + 1; ++i) text->cursorLeft(cur); } void eraseSelection(LCursor & cur) { //lyxerr << "LCursor::eraseSelection begin: " << cur << endl; CursorSlice const & i1 = cur.selBegin(); CursorSlice const & i2 = cur.selEnd(); if (i1.inset().asMathInset()) { cur.top() = i1; if (i1.idx() == i2.idx()) { i1.cell().erase(i1.pos(), i2.pos()); // We may have deleted i1.cell(cur.pos()). // Make sure that pos is valid. if (cur.pos() > cur.lastpos()) cur.pos() = cur.lastpos(); } else { MathInset * p = i1.asMathInset(); InsetBase::row_type r1, r2; InsetBase::col_type c1, c2; region(i1, i2, r1, r2, c1, c2); for (InsetBase::row_type row = r1; row <= r2; ++row) for (InsetBase::col_type col = c1; col <= c2; ++col) p->cell(p->index(row, col)).clear(); // We've deleted the whole cell. Only pos 0 is valid. cur.pos() = 0; } // need a valid cursor. (Lgb) cur.clearSelection(); } else { lyxerr << "can't erase this selection 1" << endl; } //lyxerr << "LCursor::eraseSelection end: " << cur << endl; } void selDel(LCursor & cur) { //lyxerr << "LCursor::selDel" << endl; if (cur.selection()) eraseSelection(cur); } void selClearOrDel(LCursor & cur) { //lyxerr << "LCursor::selClearOrDel" << endl; if (lyxrc.auto_region_delete) selDel(cur); else cur.selection() = false; } string grabSelection(LCursor const & cur) { if (!cur.selection()) return string(); // FIXME: What is wrong with the following? #if 0 std::ostringstream os; for (DocIterator dit = cur.selectionBegin(); dit != cur.selectionEnd(); dit.forwardPos()) os << asString(dit.cell()); return os.str(); #endif CursorSlice i1 = cur.selBegin(); CursorSlice i2 = cur.selEnd(); if (i1.idx() == i2.idx()) { if (i1.inset().asMathInset()) { MathArray::const_iterator it = i1.cell().begin(); return asString(MathArray(it + i1.pos(), it + i2.pos())); } else { return "unknown selection 1"; } } InsetBase::row_type r1, r2; InsetBase::col_type c1, c2; region(i1, i2, r1, r2, c1, c2); string data; if (i1.inset().asMathInset()) { for (InsetBase::row_type row = r1; row <= r2; ++row) { if (row > r1) data += "\\\\"; for (InsetBase::col_type col = c1; col <= c2; ++col) { if (col > c1) data += '&'; data += asString(i1.asMathInset()-> cell(i1.asMathInset()->index(row, col))); } } } else { data = "unknown selection 2"; } return data; } void dirtyTabularStack(bool b) { dirty_tabular_stack_ = b; } bool tabularStackDirty() { return dirty_tabular_stack_; } } // namespace cap } // namespace lyx