/** * \file BufferView_pimpl.C * This file is part of LyX, the document processor. * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. * * \author Asger Alstrup * \author Alfredo Braustein * \author Lars Gullik Bjønnes * \author Jean-Marc Lasgouttes * \author Angus Leeming * \author John Levon * \author André Pönitz * \author Dekel Tsur * \author Jürgen Vigna * * Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. */ #include #include "BufferView_pimpl.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "buffer_funcs.h" #include "bufferlist.h" #include "bufferparams.h" #include "cursor.h" #include "debug.h" #include "dispatchresult.h" #include "factory.h" #include "FloatList.h" #include "funcrequest.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "intl.h" #include "iterators.h" #include "lyx_cb.h" // added for Dispatch functions #include "lyx_main.h" #include "lyxfind.h" #include "lyxfunc.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "lyxrc.h" #include "lastfiles.h" #include "paragraph.h" #include "paragraph_funcs.h" #include "ParagraphParameters.h" #include "undo.h" #include "vspace.h" #include "insets/insetfloatlist.h" #include "insets/insetref.h" #include "frontends/Alert.h" #include "frontends/Dialogs.h" #include "frontends/FileDialog.h" #include "frontends/LyXView.h" #include "frontends/LyXScreenFactory.h" #include "frontends/screen.h" #include "frontends/WorkArea.h" #include "frontends/WorkAreaFactory.h" #include "graphics/Previews.h" #include "mathed/formulabase.h" #include "support/filetools.h" #include "support/path_defines.h" #include "support/tostr.h" #include using bv_funcs::currentState; using lyx::pos_type; using lyx::support::AddPath; using lyx::support::bformat; using lyx::support::FileSearch; using lyx::support::IsDirWriteable; using lyx::support::MakeDisplayPath; using lyx::support::strToUnsignedInt; using lyx::support::system_lyxdir; using std::endl; using std::make_pair; using std::min; using std::string; extern BufferList bufferlist; namespace { unsigned int const saved_positions_num = 20; // All the below connection objects are needed because of a bug in some // versions of GCC (<=2.96 are on the suspects list.) By having and assigning // to these connections we avoid a segfault upon startup, and also at exit. // (Lgb) boost::signals::connection dispatchcon; boost::signals::connection timecon; boost::signals::connection doccon; boost::signals::connection resizecon; boost::signals::connection kpresscon; boost::signals::connection selectioncon; boost::signals::connection lostcon; } // anon namespace BufferView::Pimpl::Pimpl(BufferView * bv, LyXView * owner, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height) : bv_(bv), owner_(owner), buffer_(0), cursor_timeout(400), using_xterm_cursor(false), cursor_(bv) { workarea_.reset(WorkAreaFactory::create(xpos, ypos, width, height)); screen_.reset(LyXScreenFactory::create(workarea())); // Setup the signals doccon = workarea().scrollDocView .connect(boost::bind(&BufferView::Pimpl::scrollDocView, this, _1)); resizecon = workarea().workAreaResize .connect(boost::bind(&BufferView::Pimpl::workAreaResize, this)); dispatchcon = workarea().dispatch .connect(boost::bind(&BufferView::Pimpl::workAreaDispatch, this, _1)); kpresscon = workarea().workAreaKeyPress .connect(boost::bind(&BufferView::Pimpl::workAreaKeyPress, this, _1, _2)); selectioncon = workarea().selectionRequested .connect(boost::bind(&BufferView::Pimpl::selectionRequested, this)); lostcon = workarea().selectionLost .connect(boost::bind(&BufferView::Pimpl::selectionLost, this)); timecon = cursor_timeout.timeout .connect(boost::bind(&BufferView::Pimpl::cursorToggle, this)); cursor_timeout.start(); saved_positions.resize(saved_positions_num); } void BufferView::Pimpl::addError(ErrorItem const & ei) { errorlist_.push_back(ei); } void BufferView::Pimpl::showReadonly(bool) { owner_->updateWindowTitle(); owner_->getDialogs().updateBufferDependent(false); } void BufferView::Pimpl::connectBuffer(Buffer & buf) { if (errorConnection_.connected()) disconnectBuffer(); errorConnection_ = buf.error.connect(boost::bind(&BufferView::Pimpl::addError, this, _1)); messageConnection_ = buf.message.connect(boost::bind(&LyXView::message, owner_, _1)); busyConnection_ = buf.busy.connect(boost::bind(&LyXView::busy, owner_, _1)); titleConnection_ = buf.updateTitles.connect(boost::bind(&LyXView::updateWindowTitle, owner_)); timerConnection_ = buf.resetAutosaveTimers.connect(boost::bind(&LyXView::resetAutosaveTimer, owner_)); readonlyConnection_ = buf.readonly.connect(boost::bind(&BufferView::Pimpl::showReadonly, this, _1)); closingConnection_ = buf.closing.connect(boost::bind(&BufferView::Pimpl::buffer, this, (Buffer *)0)); } void BufferView::Pimpl::disconnectBuffer() { errorConnection_.disconnect(); messageConnection_.disconnect(); busyConnection_.disconnect(); titleConnection_.disconnect(); timerConnection_.disconnect(); readonlyConnection_.disconnect(); closingConnection_.disconnect(); } bool BufferView::Pimpl::newFile(string const & filename, string const & tname, bool isNamed) { Buffer * b = ::newFile(filename, tname, isNamed); buffer(b); return true; } bool BufferView::Pimpl::loadLyXFile(string const & filename, bool tolastfiles) { // get absolute path of file and add ".lyx" to the filename if // necessary string s = FileSearch(string(), filename, "lyx"); bool const found = !s.empty(); if (!found) s = filename; // file already open? if (bufferlist.exists(s)) { string const file = MakeDisplayPath(s, 20); string text = bformat(_("The document %1$s is already " "loaded.\n\nDo you want to revert " "to the saved version?"), file); int const ret = Alert::prompt(_("Revert to saved document?"), text, 0, 1, _("&Revert"), _("&Switch to document")); if (ret != 0) { buffer(bufferlist.getBuffer(s)); return true; } else { // FIXME: should be LFUN_REVERT if (!bufferlist.close(bufferlist.getBuffer(s), false)) return false; // Fall through to new load. (Asger) } } Buffer * b; if (found) { b = bufferlist.newBuffer(s); connectBuffer(*b); if (!::loadLyXFile(b, s)) { bufferlist.release(b); return false; } } else { string text = bformat(_("The document %1$s does not yet " "exist.\n\nDo you want to create " "a new document?"), s); int const ret = Alert::prompt(_("Create new document?"), text, 0, 1, _("&Create"), _("Cancel")); if (ret == 0) b = ::newFile(s, string(), true); else return false; } buffer(b); bv_->showErrorList(_("Parse")); if (tolastfiles) LyX::ref().lastfiles().newFile(b->fileName()); return true; } WorkArea & BufferView::Pimpl::workarea() const { return *workarea_.get(); } LyXScreen & BufferView::Pimpl::screen() const { return *screen_.get(); } Painter & BufferView::Pimpl::painter() const { return workarea().getPainter(); } void BufferView::Pimpl::top_y(int y) { top_y_ = y; } int BufferView::Pimpl::top_y() const { return top_y_; } void BufferView::Pimpl::buffer(Buffer * b) { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "Setting buffer in BufferView (" << b << ')' << endl; if (buffer_) { disconnectBuffer(); //delete bv_->text(); //bv_->setText(0); } // set current buffer buffer_ = b; top_y_ = 0; // if we're quitting lyx, don't bother updating stuff if (quitting) return; // if we are closing the buffer, use the first buffer as current if (!buffer_) buffer_ = bufferlist.first(); if (buffer_) { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "Buffer addr: " << buffer_ << endl; connectBuffer(*buffer_); buffer_->text().init(bv_); buffer_->text().textwidth_ = workarea().workWidth(); buffer_->text().fullRebreak(); // If we don't have a text object for this, we make one if (bv_->text() == 0) resizeCurrentBuffer(); // FIXME: needed when ? fitCursor(); // Buffer-dependent dialogs should be updated or // hidden. This should go here because some dialogs (eg ToC) // require bv_->text. owner_->getDialogs().updateBufferDependent(true); } else { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << " No Buffer!" << endl; owner_->getDialogs().hideBufferDependent(); } update(); updateScrollbar(); owner_->updateMenubar(); owner_->updateToolbar(); owner_->updateLayoutChoice(); owner_->updateWindowTitle(); // Don't forget to update the Layout if (buffer_) owner_->setLayout(bv_->text()->cursorPar()->layout()->name()); if (lyx::graphics::Previews::activated() && buffer_) lyx::graphics::Previews::get().generateBufferPreviews(*buffer_); } bool BufferView::Pimpl::fitCursor() { lyxerr << "BufferView::Pimpl::fitCursor." << endl; if (screen().fitCursor(bv_)) { updateScrollbar(); return true; } return false; } void BufferView::Pimpl::redoCurrentBuffer() { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "BufferView::redoCurrentBuffer" << endl; if (buffer_ && bv_->text()) { resizeCurrentBuffer(); updateScrollbar(); owner_->updateLayoutChoice(); } } void BufferView::Pimpl::resizeCurrentBuffer() { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "resizeCurrentBuffer" << endl; int par = -1; int selstartpar = -1; int selendpar = -1; pos_type pos = 0; pos_type selstartpos = 0; pos_type selendpos = 0; bool selection = false; bool mark_set = false; owner_->busy(true); owner_->message(_("Formatting document...")); lyxerr << "### resizeCurrentBuffer: text" << bv_->text() << endl; if (!bv_->text()) return; //if (bv_->text()) { par = bv_->text()->cursor.par(); pos = bv_->text()->cursor.pos(); selstartpar = bv_->text()->selection.start.par(); selstartpos = bv_->text()->selection.start.pos(); selendpar = bv_->text()->selection.end.par(); selendpos = bv_->text()->selection.end.pos(); selection = bv_->text()->selection.set(); mark_set = bv_->text()->selection.mark(); bv_->text()->fullRebreak(); update(); //} else { // bv_->setText(new LyXText(bv_, 0, false, bv_->buffer()->paragraphs())); // bv_->text()->init(bv_); //} if (par != -1) { bv_->text()->selection.set(true); // At this point just to avoid the Delete-Empty-Paragraph- // Mechanism when setting the cursor. bv_->text()->selection.mark(mark_set); if (selection) { bv_->text()->setCursor(selstartpar, selstartpos); bv_->text()->selection.cursor = bv_->text()->cursor; bv_->text()->setCursor(selendpar, selendpos); bv_->text()->setSelection(); bv_->text()->setCursor(par, pos); } else { bv_->text()->setCursor(par, pos); bv_->text()->selection.cursor = bv_->text()->cursor; bv_->text()->selection.set(false); } } fitCursor(); switchKeyMap(); owner_->busy(false); // reset the "Formatting..." message owner_->clearMessage(); updateScrollbar(); } void BufferView::Pimpl::updateScrollbar() { if (!bv_->text()) { lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "no text in updateScrollbar" << endl; workarea().setScrollbarParams(0, 0, 0); return; } LyXText const & t = *bv_->text(); lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "Updating scrollbar: h " << t.height << ", top_y() " << top_y() << ", default height " << defaultRowHeight() << endl; workarea().setScrollbarParams(t.height, top_y(), defaultRowHeight()); } void BufferView::Pimpl::scrollDocView(int value) { lyxerr[Debug::GUI] << "scrollDocView of " << value << endl; if (!buffer_) return; screen().hideCursor(); top_y(value); screen().redraw(*bv_); if (!lyxrc.cursor_follows_scrollbar) return; int const height = defaultRowHeight(); int const first = top_y() + height; int const last = top_y() + workarea().workHeight() - height; LyXText * text = bv_->text(); if (text->cursor.y() < first) text->setCursorFromCoordinates(0, first); else if (text->cursor.y() > last) text->setCursorFromCoordinates(0, last); owner_->updateLayoutChoice(); } void BufferView::Pimpl::scroll(int lines) { if (!buffer_) return; LyXText const * t = bv_->text(); int const line_height = defaultRowHeight(); // The new absolute coordinate int new_top_y = top_y() + lines * line_height; // Restrict to a valid value new_top_y = std::min(t->height - 4 * line_height, new_top_y); new_top_y = std::max(0, new_top_y); scrollDocView(new_top_y); // Update the scrollbar. workarea().setScrollbarParams(t->height, top_y(), defaultRowHeight()); } void BufferView::Pimpl::workAreaKeyPress(LyXKeySymPtr key, key_modifier::state state) { bv_->owner()->getLyXFunc().processKeySym(key, state); /* This is perhaps a bit of a hack. When we move * around, or type, it's nice to be able to see * the cursor immediately after the keypress. So * we reset the toggle timeout and force the visibility * of the cursor. Note we cannot do this inside * dispatch() itself, because that's called recursively. */ if (available()) { cursor_timeout.restart(); screen().showCursor(*bv_); } } void BufferView::Pimpl::selectionRequested() { static string sel; if (!available()) return; LyXText * text = bv_->getLyXText(); if (text->selection.set() && (!bv_->text()->xsel_cache.set() || text->selection.start != bv_->text()->xsel_cache.start || text->selection.end != bv_->text()->xsel_cache.end)) { bv_->text()->xsel_cache = text->selection; sel = text->selectionAsString(*bv_->buffer(), false); } else if (!text->selection.set()) { sel = string(); bv_->text()->xsel_cache.set(false); } if (!sel.empty()) { workarea().putClipboard(sel); } } void BufferView::Pimpl::selectionLost() { if (available()) { screen().hideCursor(); bv_->getLyXText()->clearSelection(); bv_->text()->xsel_cache.set(false); } } void BufferView::Pimpl::workAreaResize() { static int work_area_width; static int work_area_height; bool const widthChange = workarea().workWidth() != work_area_width; bool const heightChange = workarea().workHeight() != work_area_height; // update from work area work_area_width = workarea().workWidth(); work_area_height = workarea().workHeight(); if (buffer_ != 0) { if (widthChange) { // The visible LyXView need a resize resizeCurrentBuffer(); } } if (widthChange || heightChange) update(); // always make sure that the scrollbar is sane. updateScrollbar(); owner_->updateLayoutChoice(); } void BufferView::Pimpl::update() { //lyxerr << "BufferView::update()" << endl; // fix cursor coordinate cache in case something went wrong // check needed to survive LyX startup if (bv_->getLyXText()) { // update all 'visible' paragraphs ParagraphList::iterator beg; ParagraphList::iterator end; getParsInRange(buffer_->paragraphs(), top_y(), top_y() + workarea().workHeight(), beg, end); bv_->text()->redoParagraphs(beg, end); bv_->getLyXText()->redoCursor(); updateScrollbar(); } screen().redraw(*bv_); } // Callback for cursor timer void BufferView::Pimpl::cursorToggle() { if (!buffer_) { cursor_timeout.restart(); return; } screen().toggleCursor(*bv_); cursor_timeout.restart(); } bool BufferView::Pimpl::available() const { return buffer_ && bv_->text(); } Change const BufferView::Pimpl::getCurrentChange() { if (!bv_->buffer()->params().tracking_changes) return Change(Change::UNCHANGED); LyXText * text = bv_->getLyXText(); if (!text->selection.set()) return Change(Change::UNCHANGED); return text->getPar(text->selection.start) ->lookupChangeFull(text->selection.start.pos()); } void BufferView::Pimpl::savePosition(unsigned int i) { if (i >= saved_positions_num) return; saved_positions[i] = Position(buffer_->fileName(), bv_->text()->cursorPar()->id(), bv_->text()->cursor.pos()); if (i > 0) owner_->message(bformat(_("Saved bookmark %1$s"), tostr(i))); } void BufferView::Pimpl::restorePosition(unsigned int i) { if (i >= saved_positions_num) return; string const fname = saved_positions[i].filename; bv_->text()->clearSelection(); if (fname != buffer_->fileName()) { Buffer * b = 0; if (bufferlist.exists(fname)) b = bufferlist.getBuffer(fname); else { b = bufferlist.newBuffer(fname); ::loadLyXFile(b, fname); // don't ask, just load it } if (b) buffer(b); } ParIterator par = buffer_->getParFromID(saved_positions[i].par_id); if (par == buffer_->par_iterator_end()) return; bv_->text()->setCursor(par.pit(), min(par->size(), saved_positions[i].par_pos)); if (i > 0) owner_->message(bformat(_("Moved to bookmark %1$s"), tostr(i))); } bool BufferView::Pimpl::isSavedPosition(unsigned int i) { return i < saved_positions_num && !saved_positions[i].filename.empty(); } void BufferView::Pimpl::switchKeyMap() { if (!lyxrc.rtl_support) return; Intl & intl = owner_->getIntl(); if (bv_->getLyXText()->real_current_font.isRightToLeft()) { if (intl.keymap == Intl::PRIMARY) intl.KeyMapSec(); } else { if (intl.keymap == Intl::SECONDARY) intl.KeyMapPrim(); } } void BufferView::Pimpl::center() { LyXText * text = bv_->text(); text->clearSelection(); int const half_height = workarea().workHeight() / 2; int new_y = std::max(0, text->cursor.y() - half_height); // FIXME: look at this comment again ... // This updates top_y() but means the fitCursor() call // from the update(FITCUR) doesn't realise that we might // have moved (e.g. from GOTOPARAGRAPH), so doesn't cause // the scrollbar to be updated as it should, so we have // to do it manually. Any operation that does a center() // and also might have moved top_y() must make sure to call // updateScrollbar() currently. Never mind that this is a // pretty obfuscated way of updating t->top_y() top_y(new_y); } void BufferView::Pimpl::stuffClipboard(string const & stuff) const { workarea().putClipboard(stuff); } InsetOld * BufferView::Pimpl::getInsetByCode(InsetOld::Code code) { #if 0 LyXCursor cursor = bv_->getLyXText()->cursor; Buffer::inset_iterator it = find_if(Buffer::inset_iterator( cursorPar(), cursor.pos()), buffer_->inset_iterator_end(), lyx::compare_memfun(&Inset::lyxCode, code)); return it != buffer_->inset_iterator_end() ? (*it) : 0; #else // Ok, this is a little bit too brute force but it // should work for now. Better infrastructure is coming. (Lgb) Buffer * b = bv_->buffer(); LyXText * text = bv_->getLyXText(); Buffer::inset_iterator beg = b->inset_iterator_begin(); Buffer::inset_iterator end = b->inset_iterator_end(); bool cursorPar_seen = false; for (; beg != end; ++beg) { if (beg.getPar() == text->cursorPar()) { cursorPar_seen = true; } if (cursorPar_seen) { if (beg.getPar() == text->cursorPar() && beg.getPos() >= text->cursor.pos()) { break; } else if (beg.getPar() != text->cursorPar()) { break; } } } if (beg != end) { // Now find the first inset that matches code. for (; beg != end; ++beg) { if (beg->lyxCode() == code) { return &(*beg); } } } return 0; #endif } void BufferView::Pimpl::MenuInsertLyXFile(string const & filen) { string filename = filen; if (filename.empty()) { // Launch a file browser string initpath = lyxrc.document_path; if (available()) { string const trypath = owner_->buffer()->filePath(); // If directory is writeable, use this as default. if (IsDirWriteable(trypath)) initpath = trypath; } FileDialog fileDlg(_("Select LyX document to insert"), LFUN_FILE_INSERT, make_pair(string(_("Documents|#o#O")), string(lyxrc.document_path)), make_pair(string(_("Examples|#E#e")), string(AddPath(system_lyxdir(), "examples")))); FileDialog::Result result = fileDlg.open(initpath, _("*.lyx| LyX Documents (*.lyx)")); if (result.first == FileDialog::Later) return; filename = result.second; // check selected filename if (filename.empty()) { owner_->message(_("Canceled.")); return; } } // get absolute path of file and add ".lyx" to the filename if // necessary filename = FileSearch(string(), filename, "lyx"); string const disp_fn = MakeDisplayPath(filename); owner_->message(bformat(_("Inserting document %1$s..."), disp_fn)); if (bv_->insertLyXFile(filename)) owner_->message(bformat(_("Document %1$s inserted."), disp_fn)); else owner_->message(bformat(_("Could not insert document %1$s"), disp_fn)); } void BufferView::Pimpl::trackChanges() { Buffer * buf(bv_->buffer()); bool const tracking(buf->params().tracking_changes); if (!tracking) { ParIterator const end = buf->par_iterator_end(); for (ParIterator it = buf->par_iterator_begin(); it != end; ++it) it->trackChanges(); buf->params().tracking_changes = true; // we cannot allow undos beyond the freeze point buf->undostack().clear(); } else { update(); bv_->text()->setCursor(0, 0); #warning changes FIXME bool found = lyx::find::findNextChange(bv_); if (found) { owner_->getDialogs().show("changes"); return; } ParIterator const end = buf->par_iterator_end(); for (ParIterator it = buf->par_iterator_begin(); it != end; ++it) it->untrackChanges(); buf->params().tracking_changes = false; } buf->redostack().clear(); } #warning remove me LCursor theTempCursor(0); namespace { InsetOld * insetFromCoords(BufferView * bv, int x, int y) { LyXText * text = bv->text(); InsetOld * inset = 0; theTempCursor = LCursor(bv); while (true) { InsetOld * inset_hit = text->checkInsetHit(x, y); if (!inset_hit) { lyxerr << "no further inset hit" << endl; break; } inset = inset_hit; if (!inset_hit->descendable()) { lyxerr << "not descendable" << endl; break; } text = inset_hit->getText(0); lyxerr << "Hit inset: " << inset << " at x: " << x << " text: " << text << " y: " << y << endl; theTempCursor.push(static_cast(inset)); } lyxerr << "theTempCursor: " << theTempCursor << endl; return inset; } } bool BufferView::Pimpl::workAreaDispatch(FuncRequest const & cmd) { switch (cmd.action) { case LFUN_MOUSE_MOTION: { FuncRequest cmd1(cmd, bv_); UpdatableInset * inset = bv_->cursor().innerInset(); DispatchResult res; if (inset) { cmd1.x -= inset->x(); cmd1.y -= inset->y(); res = inset->dispatch(cmd1); } else { cmd1.y += bv_->top_y(); res = bv_->cursor().innerText()->dispatch(cmd1); } if (bv_->fitCursor() || res.update()) { bv_->update(); bv_->cursor().updatePos(); } return true; } case LFUN_MOUSE_PRESS: case LFUN_MOUSE_RELEASE: case LFUN_MOUSE_DOUBLE: case LFUN_MOUSE_TRIPLE: { // We pass those directly to the Bufferview, since // otherwise selection handling breaks down // Doesn't go through lyxfunc, so we need to update // the layout choice etc. ourselves // e.g. Qt mouse press when no buffer if (!available()) return false; screen().hideCursor(); // either the inset under the cursor or the surrounding LyXText will // handle this event. // built temporary path to inset InsetOld * inset = insetFromCoords(bv_, cmd.x, cmd.y); FuncRequest cmd1(cmd, bv_); DispatchResult res; // try to dispatch to that inset if (inset) { FuncRequest cmd2 = cmd1; lyxerr << "dispatching action " << cmd2.action << " to inset " << inset << endl; cmd2.x -= inset->x(); cmd2.y -= inset->y(); res = inset->dispatch(cmd2); if (res.update()) { bv_->update(); bv_->cursor().updatePos(); } res.update(false); switch (res.val()) { case FINISHED: case FINISHED_RIGHT: case FINISHED_UP: case FINISHED_DOWN: theTempCursor.pop(); bv_->cursor() = theTempCursor; bv_->cursor().innerText()->setCursorFromCoordinates(cmd.x, top_y() + cmd.y); if (bv_->fitCursor()) bv_->update(); return true; default: lyxerr << "not dispatched by inner inset val: " << res.val() << endl; break; } } // otherwise set cursor to surrounding LyXText if (!res.dispatched()) { lyxerr << "temp cursor is: " << theTempCursor << endl; lyxerr << "dispatching " << cmd1 << " to surrounding LyXText " << theTempCursor.innerText() << endl; bv_->cursor() = theTempCursor; cmd1.y += bv_->top_y(); res = bv_->cursor().innerText()->dispatch(cmd1); if (bv_->fitCursor() || res.update()) bv_->update(); //return DispatchResult(true, true); } // see workAreaKeyPress cursor_timeout.restart(); screen().showCursor(*bv_); // skip these when selecting if (cmd.action != LFUN_MOUSE_MOTION) { owner_->updateLayoutChoice(); owner_->updateToolbar(); } // slight hack: this is only called currently when we // clicked somewhere, so we force through the display // of the new status here. owner_->clearMessage(); return true; } default: owner_->dispatch(cmd); return true; } } bool BufferView::Pimpl::dispatch(FuncRequest const & ev_in) { // Make sure that the cached BufferView is correct. FuncRequest ev = ev_in; ev.setView(bv_); lyxerr[Debug::ACTION] << "BufferView::Pimpl::Dispatch:" << " action[" << ev.action << ']' << " arg[" << ev.argument << ']' << " x[" << ev.x << ']' << " y[" << ev.y << ']' << " button[" << ev.button() << ']' << endl; LyXTextClass const & tclass = buffer_->params().getLyXTextClass(); switch (ev.action) { case LFUN_SCROLL_INSET: // this is not handled here as this function is only active // if we have a locking_inset and that one is (or contains) // a tabular-inset break; case LFUN_FILE_INSERT: MenuInsertLyXFile(ev.argument); break; case LFUN_FILE_INSERT_ASCII_PARA: InsertAsciiFile(bv_, ev.argument, true); break; case LFUN_FILE_INSERT_ASCII: InsertAsciiFile(bv_, ev.argument, false); break; case LFUN_FONT_STATE: owner_->getLyXFunc().setMessage(currentState(bv_)); break; case LFUN_INSERT_LABEL: { // Try and generate a valid label string const contents = ev.argument.empty() ? getPossibleLabel(*bv_) : ev.argument; InsetCommandParams icp("label", contents); string data = InsetCommandMailer::params2string("label", icp); owner_->getDialogs().show("label", data, 0); break; } case LFUN_BOOKMARK_SAVE: savePosition(strToUnsignedInt(ev.argument)); break; case LFUN_BOOKMARK_GOTO: restorePosition(strToUnsignedInt(ev.argument)); break; case LFUN_REF_GOTO: { string label = ev.argument; if (label.empty()) { InsetRef * inset = static_cast(getInsetByCode(InsetOld::REF_CODE)); if (inset) { label = inset->getContents(); savePosition(0); } } if (!label.empty()) bv_->gotoLabel(label); } break; // --- accented characters --------------------------- case LFUN_UMLAUT: case LFUN_CIRCUMFLEX: case LFUN_GRAVE: case LFUN_ACUTE: case LFUN_TILDE: case LFUN_CEDILLA: case LFUN_MACRON: case LFUN_DOT: case LFUN_UNDERDOT: case LFUN_UNDERBAR: case LFUN_CARON: case LFUN_SPECIAL_CARON: case LFUN_BREVE: case LFUN_TIE: case LFUN_HUNG_UMLAUT: case LFUN_CIRCLE: case LFUN_OGONEK: if (ev.argument.empty()) { // As always... owner_->getLyXFunc().handleKeyFunc(ev.action); } else { owner_->getLyXFunc().handleKeyFunc(ev.action); owner_->getIntl().getTransManager() .TranslateAndInsert(ev.argument[0], bv_->getLyXText()); update(); } break; case LFUN_MATH_MACRO: case LFUN_MATH_DELIM: case LFUN_INSERT_MATRIX: case LFUN_INSERT_MATH: case LFUN_MATH_IMPORT_SELECTION: // Imports LaTeX from the X selection case LFUN_MATH_DISPLAY: // Open or create a displayed math inset case LFUN_MATH_MODE: // Open or create an inlined math inset mathDispatch(ev); break; case LFUN_INSET_APPLY: { #warning is this code ever called? // Remove if not triggered. Mail lyx-devel if triggered. // This code was replaced by code in text3.C. BOOST_ASSERT(false); string const name = ev.getArg(0); InsetBase * inset = owner_->getDialogs().getOpenInset(name); if (inset) { // This works both for 'original' and 'mathed' insets. // Note that the localDispatch performs update also. FuncRequest fr(bv_, LFUN_INSET_MODIFY, ev.argument); inset->dispatch(fr); } else { FuncRequest fr(bv_, LFUN_INSET_INSERT, ev.argument); dispatch(fr); } } break; case LFUN_INSET_INSERT: { // Same as above. BOOST_ASSERT(false); InsetOld * inset = createInset(ev); if (!inset || !insertInset(inset)) delete inset; break; } case LFUN_FLOAT_LIST: if (tclass.floats().typeExist(ev.argument)) { InsetOld * inset = new InsetFloatList(ev.argument); if (!insertInset(inset, tclass.defaultLayoutName())) delete inset; } else { lyxerr << "Non-existent float type: " << ev.argument << endl; } break; case LFUN_LAYOUT_PARAGRAPH: { string data; params2string(*bv_->getLyXText()->cursorPar(), data); data = "show\n" + data; bv_->owner()->getDialogs().show("paragraph", data); break; } case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_UPDATE: updateParagraphDialog(); break; case LFUN_PARAGRAPH_APPLY: setParagraphParams(*bv_, ev.argument); break; case LFUN_THESAURUS_ENTRY: { string arg = ev.argument; if (arg.empty()) { arg = bv_->getLyXText()->selectionAsString(*buffer_, false); // FIXME if (arg.size() > 100 || arg.empty()) { // Get word or selection bv_->getLyXText()->selectWordWhenUnderCursor(lyx::WHOLE_WORD); arg = bv_->getLyXText()->selectionAsString(*buffer_, false); // FIXME: where is getLyXText()->unselect(bv_) ? } } bv_->owner()->getDialogs().show("thesaurus", arg); break; } case LFUN_TRACK_CHANGES: trackChanges(); break; case LFUN_MERGE_CHANGES: owner_->getDialogs().show("changes"); break; case LFUN_ACCEPT_ALL_CHANGES: { bv_->text()->setCursor(0, 0); #warning FIXME changes while (lyx::find::findNextChange(bv_)) bv_->getLyXText()->acceptChange(); update(); break; } case LFUN_REJECT_ALL_CHANGES: { bv_->text()->setCursor(0, 0); #warning FIXME changes while (lyx::find::findNextChange(bv_)) bv_->getLyXText()->rejectChange(); update(); break; } case LFUN_ACCEPT_CHANGE: { bv_->getLyXText()->acceptChange(); update(); break; } case LFUN_REJECT_CHANGE: { bv_->getLyXText()->rejectChange(); update(); break; } case LFUN_UNKNOWN_ACTION: ev.errorMessage(N_("Unknown function!")); break; default: return bv_->getLyXText()->dispatch(FuncRequest(ev, bv_)).dispatched(); } // end of switch return true; } bool BufferView::Pimpl::insertInset(InsetOld * inset, string const & lout) { #ifdef LOCK // if we are in a locking inset we should try to insert the // inset there otherwise this is a illegal function now if (bv_->theLockingInset()) { if (bv_->theLockingInset()->insetAllowed(inset)) return bv_->theLockingInset()->insertInset(bv_, inset); return false; } #endif // not quite sure if we want this... bv_->text()->recUndo(bv_->text()->cursor.par()); freezeUndo(); bv_->text()->clearSelection(); if (!lout.empty()) { bv_->text()->breakParagraph(bv_->buffer()->paragraphs()); if (!bv_->text()->cursorPar()->empty()) { bv_->text()->cursorLeft(bv_); bv_->text()->breakParagraph(bv_->buffer()->paragraphs()); } string lres = lout; LyXTextClass const & tclass = buffer_->params().getLyXTextClass(); bool hasLayout = tclass.hasLayout(lres); bv_->text()->setLayout(hasLayout ? lres : tclass.defaultLayoutName()); bv_->text()->setParagraph(Spacing(), LYX_ALIGN_LAYOUT, string(), 0); } bv_->cursor().innerText()->insertInset(inset); unFreezeUndo(); return true; } bool BufferView::Pimpl::ChangeInsets(InsetOld::Code code, string const & from, string const & to) { bool need_update = false; LyXCursor cursor = bv_->text()->cursor; LyXCursor tmpcursor = cursor; cursor.par(tmpcursor.par()); cursor.pos(tmpcursor.pos()); ParIterator end = bv_->buffer()->par_iterator_end(); for (ParIterator it = bv_->buffer()->par_iterator_begin(); it != end; ++it) { bool changed_inset = false; for (InsetList::iterator it2 = it->insetlist.begin(); it2 != it->insetlist.end(); ++it2) { if (it2->inset->lyxCode() == code) { InsetCommand * inset = static_cast(it2->inset); if (inset->getContents() == from) { inset->setContents(to); changed_inset = true; } } } if (changed_inset) { need_update = true; // FIXME // The test it.size()==1 was needed to prevent crashes. // How to set the cursor correctly when it.size()>1 ?? if (it.size() == 1) { bv_->text()->setCursorIntern(bv_->text()->parOffset(it.pit()), 0); bv_->text()->redoParagraph(bv_->text()->cursorPar()); } } } bv_->text()->setCursorIntern(cursor.par(), cursor.pos()); return need_update; } void BufferView::Pimpl::updateParagraphDialog() { if (!bv_->owner()->getDialogs().visible("paragraph")) return; Paragraph const & par = *bv_->getLyXText()->cursorPar(); string data; params2string(par, data); // Will the paragraph accept changes from the dialog? InsetOld * const inset = par.inInset(); bool const accept = !(inset && inset->forceDefaultParagraphs(inset)); data = "update " + tostr(accept) + '\n' + data; bv_->owner()->getDialogs().update("paragraph", data); }