#include #include #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "BufferView_pimpl.h" #include "WorkArea.h" #include "lyxscreen.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "lyxrow.h" #include "LyXView.h" #include "commandtags.h" #include "lyxfunc.h" #include "minibuffer.h" #include "font.h" #include "bufferview_funcs.h" #include "TextCache.h" #include "bufferlist.h" #include "insets/insetbib.h" #include "menus.h" #include "lyx_gui_misc.h" #include "lyxrc.h" #include "intl.h" #include "support/LAssert.h" using std::pair; using std::endl; /* the selection possible is needed, that only motion events are * used, where the bottom press event was on the drawing area too */ bool selection_possible = false; extern BufferList bufferlist; extern char ascii_type; extern void sigchldhandler(pid_t pid, int * status); extern int bibitemMaxWidth(Painter &, LyXFont const &); extern void FreeUpdateTimer(); extern "C" void C_BufferView_CursorToggleCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long buf); static inline void waitForX() { XSync(fl_get_display(), 0); } static void SetXtermCursor(Window win) { static Cursor cursor; static bool cursor_undefined = true; if (cursor_undefined){ cursor = XCreateFontCursor(fl_display, XC_xterm); XFlush(fl_display); cursor_undefined = false; } XDefineCursor(fl_display, win, cursor); XFlush(fl_display); } BufferView::Pimpl::Pimpl(BufferView * b, LyXView * o, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height) : bv_(b), owner_(o) { buffer_ = 0; workarea = new WorkArea(bv_, xpos, ypos, width, height); screen = 0; timer_cursor = 0; create_view(); current_scrollbar_value = 0; fl_set_timer(timer_cursor, 0.4); workarea->setFocus(); work_area_focus = true; lyx_focus = false; using_xterm_cursor = false; } Painter & BufferView::Pimpl::painter() { return workarea->getPainter(); } void BufferView::Pimpl::buffer(Buffer * b) { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "Setting buffer in BufferView (" << b << ")" << endl; if (buffer_) { bv_->insetSleep(); buffer_->delUser(bv_); // Put the old text into the TextCache, but // only if the buffer is still loaded. // Also set the owner of the test to 0 bv_->text->owner(0); textcache.add(bv_->text); if (lyxerr.debugging()) textcache.show(lyxerr, "BufferView::buffer"); bv_->text = 0; } // Set current buffer buffer_ = b; if (bufferlist.getState() == BufferList::CLOSING) return; // Nuke old image // screen is always deleted when the buffer is changed. delete screen; screen = 0; // If we are closing the buffer, use the first buffer as current if (!buffer_) { buffer_ = bufferlist.first(); } if (buffer_) { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "Buffer addr: " << buffer_ << endl; buffer_->addUser(bv_); owner_->getMenus()->showMenus(); // If we don't have a text object for this, we make one if (bv_->text == 0) resizeCurrentBuffer(); else { updateScreen(); updateScrollbar(); } screen->first = screen->TopCursorVisible(); redraw(); updateAllVisibleBufferRelatedPopups(); bv_->insetWakeup(); } else { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << " No Buffer!" << endl; owner_->getMenus()->hideMenus(); updateScrollbar(); workarea->redraw(); // Also remove all remaining text's from the testcache. // (there should not be any!) (if there is any it is a // bug!) if (lyxerr.debugging()) textcache.show(lyxerr, "buffer delete all"); textcache.clear(); } // should update layoutchoice even if we don't have a buffer. owner_->updateLayoutChoice(); owner_->getMiniBuffer()->Init(); owner_->updateWindowTitle(); } void BufferView::Pimpl::resize(int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height) { workarea->resize(xpos, ypos, width, height); update(3); redraw(); } void BufferView::Pimpl::resize() { // This will resize the buffer. (Asger) if (buffer_) resizeCurrentBuffer(); } void BufferView::Pimpl::redraw() { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "BufferView::redraw()" << endl; workarea->redraw(); } bool BufferView::Pimpl::fitCursor() { Assert(screen); // it is a programming error to call fitCursor // without a valid screen. bool ret = screen->FitCursor(); if (ret) updateScrollbar(); return ret; } void BufferView::Pimpl::redoCurrentBuffer() { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "BufferView::redoCurrentBuffer" << endl; if (buffer_ && bv_->text) { resize(); owner_->updateLayoutChoice(); } } int BufferView::Pimpl::resizeCurrentBuffer() { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "resizeCurrentBuffer" << endl; LyXParagraph * par = 0; LyXParagraph * selstartpar = 0; LyXParagraph * selendpar = 0; int pos = 0; int selstartpos = 0; int selendpos = 0; int selection = 0; int mark_set = 0; ProhibitInput(bv_); owner_->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Formatting document...")); if (bv_->text) { par = bv_->text->cursor.par; pos = bv_->text->cursor.pos; selstartpar = bv_->text->sel_start_cursor.par; selstartpos = bv_->text->sel_start_cursor.pos; selendpar = bv_->text->sel_end_cursor.par; selendpos = bv_->text->sel_end_cursor.pos; selection = bv_->text->selection; mark_set = bv_->text->mark_set; delete bv_->text; bv_->text = new LyXText(bv_, workarea->workWidth(), buffer_); } else { // See if we have a text in TextCache that fits // the new buffer_ with the correct width. bv_->text = textcache.findFit(buffer_, workarea->workWidth()); if (bv_->text) { if (lyxerr.debugging()) { lyxerr << "Found a LyXText that fits:\n"; textcache.show(lyxerr, bv_->text); } // Set the owner of the newly found text bv_->text->owner(bv_); if (lyxerr.debugging()) textcache.show(lyxerr, "resizeCurrentBuffer"); } else { bv_->text = new LyXText(bv_, workarea->workWidth(), buffer_); } } updateScreen(); if (par) { bv_->text->selection = true; /* at this point just to avoid the Delete-Empty-Paragraph * Mechanism when setting the cursor */ bv_->text->mark_set = mark_set; if (selection) { bv_->text->SetCursor(selstartpar, selstartpos); bv_->text->sel_cursor = bv_->text->cursor; bv_->text->SetCursor(selendpar, selendpos); bv_->text->SetSelection(); bv_->text->SetCursor(par, pos); } else { bv_->text->SetCursor(par, pos); bv_->text->sel_cursor = bv_->text->cursor; bv_->text->selection = false; } } screen->first = screen->TopCursorVisible(); /* this will scroll the * screen such that the * cursor becomes * visible */ updateScrollbar(); redraw(); owner_->getMiniBuffer()->Init(); bv_->setState(); AllowInput(bv_); // Now if the title form still exist kill it TimerCB(0, 0); return 0; } void BufferView::Pimpl::gotoError() { if (!screen) return; screen->HideCursor(); bv_->beforeChange(); update(-2); LyXCursor tmp; if (!bv_->text->GotoNextError()) { if (bv_->text->cursor.pos || bv_->text->cursor.par != bv_->text->FirstParagraph()) { tmp = bv_->text->cursor; bv_->text->cursor.par = bv_->text->FirstParagraph(); bv_->text->cursor.pos = 0; if (!bv_->text->GotoNextError()) { bv_->text->cursor = tmp; owner_->getMiniBuffer() ->Set(_("No more errors")); LyXBell(); } } else { owner_->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("No more errors")); LyXBell(); } } update(0); bv_->text->sel_cursor = bv_->text->cursor; } void BufferView::Pimpl::updateScreen() { // Regenerate the screen. delete screen; screen = new LyXScreen(*workarea, bv_->text); } void BufferView::Pimpl::create_view() { FL_OBJECT * obj; // // TIMERS // // timer_cursor timer_cursor = obj = fl_add_timer(FL_HIDDEN_TIMER, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Timer"); fl_set_object_callback(obj, C_BufferView_CursorToggleCB, 0); obj->u_vdata = bv_; } void BufferView::Pimpl::updateScrollbar() { /* If the text is smaller than the working area, the scrollbar * maximum must be the working area height. No scrolling will * be possible */ if (!buffer_) { workarea->setScrollbar(0, 1.0); return; } static unsigned long max2 = 0; static unsigned long height2 = 0; unsigned long cbth = 0; long cbsf = 0; if (bv_->text) cbth = bv_->text->height; if (screen) cbsf = screen->first; // check if anything has changed. if (max2 == cbth && height2 == workarea->height() && current_scrollbar_value == cbsf) return; // no max2 = cbth; height2 = workarea->height(); current_scrollbar_value = cbsf; if (cbth <= height2) { // text is smaller than screen workarea->setScrollbar(0, 1.0); // right? return; } long maximum_height = workarea->height() * 3 / 4 + cbth; long value = cbsf; // set the scrollbar double hfloat = workarea->height(); double maxfloat = maximum_height; float slider_size = 0.0; int slider_value = value; workarea->setScrollbarBounds(0, bv_->text->height - workarea->height()); double lineh = bv_->text->DefaultHeight(); workarea->setScrollbarIncrements(lineh); if (maxfloat > 0.0) { if ((hfloat / maxfloat) * float(height2) < 3) slider_size = 3.0/float(height2); else slider_size = hfloat / maxfloat; } else slider_size = hfloat; workarea->setScrollbar(slider_value, slider_size / workarea->height()); } // Callback for scrollbar slider void BufferView::Pimpl::scrollCB(double value) { extern bool cursor_follows_scrollbar; if (buffer_ == 0) return; current_scrollbar_value = long(value); if (current_scrollbar_value < 0) current_scrollbar_value = 0; if (!screen) return; screen->Draw(current_scrollbar_value); if (cursor_follows_scrollbar) { LyXText * vbt = bv_->text; unsigned int height = vbt->DefaultHeight(); if (vbt->cursor.y < screen->first + height) { vbt->SetCursorFromCoordinates(0, screen->first + height); } else if (vbt->cursor.y > screen->first + workarea->height() - height) { vbt->SetCursorFromCoordinates(0, screen->first + workarea->height() - height); } } waitForX(); } #if 0 // Callback for scrollbar down button void BufferView::Pimpl::downCB(long time, int button) { if (buffer_ == 0) return; switch (button) { case 2: scrollUpOnePage(); break; case 3: scrollDownOnePage(); break; default: scrollDown(time); break; } } #endif int BufferView::Pimpl::scrollUp(long time) { if (buffer_ == 0) return 0; if (!screen) return 0; double value = workarea->getScrollbarValue(); if (value == 0) return 0; float add_value = (bv_->text->DefaultHeight() + float(time) * float(time) * 0.125); if (add_value > workarea->height()) add_value = float(workarea->height() - bv_->text->DefaultHeight()); value -= add_value; if (value < 0) value = 0; workarea->setScrollbarValue(value); bv_->scrollCB(value); return 0; } int BufferView::Pimpl::scrollDown(long time) { if (buffer_ == 0) return 0; if (!screen) return 0; double value= workarea->getScrollbarValue(); pair p = workarea->getScrollbarBounds(); double max = p.second; if (value == max) return 0; float add_value = (bv_->text->DefaultHeight() + float(time) * float(time) * 0.125); if (add_value > workarea->height()) add_value = float(workarea->height() - bv_->text->DefaultHeight()); value += add_value; if (value > max) value = max; workarea->setScrollbarValue(value); bv_->scrollCB(value); return 0; } #if 0 void BufferView::Pimpl::scrollUpOnePage() { if (buffer_ == 0) return; if (!screen) return; long y = screen->first; if (!y) return; Row * row = bv_->text->GetRowNearY(y); y = y - workarea->height() + row->height; workarea->setScrollbarValue(y); bv_->scrollCB(y); } #endif #if 0 void BufferView::Pimpl::scrollDownOnePage() { if (buffer_ == 0) return; if (!screen) return; long y = screen->first; if (y > bv_->text->height - workarea->height()) return; y += workarea->height(); bv_->text->GetRowNearY(y); workarea->setScrollbarValue(y); bv_->scrollCB(y); } #endif void BufferView::Pimpl::workAreaMotionNotify(int x, int y, unsigned int state) { if (buffer_ == 0 || !screen) return; // Only use motion with button 1 if (!state & Button1MotionMask) return; // Check for inset locking if (bv_->the_locking_inset) { LyXCursor cursor = bv_->text->cursor; bv_->the_locking_inset-> InsetMotionNotify(bv_, x - cursor.x, y - cursor.y + screen->first, state); return; } /* The selection possible is needed, that only motion events are * used, where the bottom press event was on the drawing area too */ if (selection_possible) { screen->HideCursor(); bv_->text->SetCursorFromCoordinates(x, y + screen->first); if (!bv_->text->selection) update(-3); // Maybe an empty line was deleted bv_->text->SetSelection(); screen->ToggleToggle(); fitCursor(); screen->ShowCursor(); } return; } // Single-click on work area void BufferView::Pimpl::workAreaButtonPress(int xpos, int ypos, unsigned int button) { last_click_x = -1; last_click_y = -1; if (buffer_ == 0 || !screen) return; Inset * inset_hit = checkInsetHit(xpos, ypos, button); // ok ok, this is a hack. if (button == 4 || button == 5) { switch (button) { case 4: scrollUp(100); // This number is only temporary break; case 5: scrollDown(100); break; } } if (bv_->the_locking_inset) { // We are in inset locking mode /* Check whether the inset was hit. If not reset mode, otherwise give the event to the inset */ if (inset_hit == bv_->the_locking_inset) { bv_->the_locking_inset-> InsetButtonPress(bv_, xpos, ypos, button); return; } else { bv_->unlockInset(bv_->the_locking_inset); } } if (!inset_hit) selection_possible = true; screen->HideCursor(); // Right button mouse click on a table if (button == 3 && (bv_->text->cursor.par->table || bv_->text->MouseHitInTable(xpos, ypos + screen->first))) { // Set the cursor to the press-position bv_->text->SetCursorFromCoordinates(xpos, ypos + screen->first); bool doit = true; // Only show the table popup if the hit is in // the table, too if (!bv_->text->HitInTable(bv_->text->cursor.row, xpos)) doit = false; // Hit above or below the table? if (doit) { if (!bv_->text->selection) { screen->ToggleSelection(); bv_->text->ClearSelection(); bv_->text->FullRebreak(); screen->Update(); updateScrollbar(); } // Popup table popup when on a table. // This is obviously temporary, since we // should be able to popup various // context-sensitive-menus with the // the right mouse. So this should be done more // general in the future. Matthias. selection_possible = false; owner_->getLyXFunc() ->Dispatch(LFUN_LAYOUT_TABLE, "true"); return; } } int screen_first = screen->first; // Middle button press pastes if we have a selection bool paste_internally = false; if (button == 2 && bv_->text->selection) { owner_->getLyXFunc()->Dispatch(LFUN_COPY); paste_internally = true; } // Clear the selection screen->ToggleSelection(); bv_->text->ClearSelection(); bv_->text->FullRebreak(); screen->Update(); updateScrollbar(); // Single left click in math inset? if ((inset_hit != 0) && (inset_hit->Editable()==Inset::HIGHLY_EDITABLE)) { // Highly editable inset, like math UpdatableInset * inset = static_cast(inset_hit); selection_possible = false; owner_->updateLayoutChoice(); owner_->getMiniBuffer()->Set(inset->EditMessage()); inset->InsetButtonPress(bv_, xpos, ypos, button); inset->Edit(bv_, xpos, ypos, button); return; } // Right click on a footnote flag opens float menu if (button == 3) { selection_possible = false; return; } if (!inset_hit) // otherwise it was already set in checkInsetHit(...) bv_->text->SetCursorFromCoordinates(xpos, ypos + screen_first); bv_->text->FinishUndo(); bv_->text->sel_cursor = bv_->text->cursor; bv_->text->cursor.x_fix = bv_->text->cursor.x; owner_->updateLayoutChoice(); if (fitCursor()) { selection_possible = false; } // Insert primary selection with middle mouse // if there is a local selection in the current buffer, // insert this if (button == 2) { if (paste_internally) owner_->getLyXFunc()->Dispatch(LFUN_PASTE); else owner_->getLyXFunc()->Dispatch(LFUN_PASTESELECTION, "paragraph"); selection_possible = false; return; } } void BufferView::Pimpl::doubleClick(int /*x*/, int /*y*/, unsigned int button) { // select a word if (buffer_ && !bv_->the_locking_inset) { if (screen && button == 1) { screen->HideCursor(); screen->ToggleSelection(); bv_->text->SelectWord(); screen->ToggleSelection(false); /* This will fit the cursor on the screen * if necessary */ update(0); } } } void BufferView::Pimpl::tripleClick(int /*x*/, int /*y*/, unsigned int button) { // select a line if (buffer_ && screen && button == 1) { screen->HideCursor(); screen->ToggleSelection(); bv_->text->CursorHome(); bv_->text->sel_cursor = bv_->text->cursor; bv_->text->CursorEnd(); bv_->text->SetSelection(); screen->ToggleSelection(false); /* This will fit the cursor on the screen * if necessary */ update(0); } } void BufferView::Pimpl::enterView() { if (active() && available()) { SetXtermCursor(workarea->getWin()); using_xterm_cursor = true; } } void BufferView::Pimpl::leaveView() { if (using_xterm_cursor) { XUndefineCursor(fl_display, workarea->getWin()); using_xterm_cursor = false; } } void BufferView::Pimpl::workAreaButtonRelease(int x, int y, unsigned int button) { if (buffer_ == 0 || screen == 0) return; // If we hit an inset, we have the inset coordinates in these // and inset_hit points to the inset. If we do not hit an // inset, inset_hit is 0, and inset_x == x, inset_y == y. Inset * inset_hit = checkInsetHit(x, y, button); if (bv_->the_locking_inset) { // We are in inset locking mode. /* LyX does a kind of work-area grabbing for insets. Only a ButtonPress Event outside the inset will force a InsetUnlock. */ bv_->the_locking_inset-> InsetButtonRelease(bv_, x, y, button); return; } selection_possible = false; if (bv_->text->cursor.par->table) { int cell = bv_->text-> NumberOfCell(bv_->text->cursor.par, bv_->text->cursor.pos); if (bv_->text->cursor.par->table->IsContRow(cell) && bv_->text->cursor.par->table-> CellHasContRow(bv_->text->cursor.par->table-> GetCellAbove(cell))<0) { bv_->text->CursorUp(); } } if (button >= 2) return; bv_->setState(); owner_->getMiniBuffer()->Set(CurrentState(bv_)); // Did we hit an editable inset? if (inset_hit != 0) { // Inset like error, notes and figures selection_possible = false; // CHECK fix this proper in 0.13 // Following a ref shouldn't issue // a push on the undo-stack // anylonger, now that we have // keybindings for following // references and returning from // references. IMHO though, it // should be the inset's own business // to push or not push on the undo // stack. They don't *have* to // alter the document... // (Joacim) // ...or maybe the SetCursorParUndo() // below isn't necessary at all anylonger? if (inset_hit->LyxCode() == Inset::REF_CODE) { bv_->text->SetCursorParUndo(); } owner_->getMiniBuffer()->Set(inset_hit->EditMessage()); if (inset_hit->Editable()==Inset::HIGHLY_EDITABLE) { // Highly editable inset, like math UpdatableInset *inset = (UpdatableInset *)inset_hit; inset->InsetButtonRelease(bv_, x, y, button); } else { inset_hit->InsetButtonRelease(bv_, x, y, button); inset_hit->Edit(bv_, x, y, button); } return; } // check whether we want to open a float if (bv_->text) { bool hit = false; char c = ' '; if (bv_->text->cursor.pos < bv_->text->cursor.par->Last()) { c = bv_->text->cursor.par-> GetChar(bv_->text->cursor.pos); } if (c == LyXParagraph::META_FOOTNOTE || c == LyXParagraph::META_MARGIN || c == LyXParagraph::META_FIG || c == LyXParagraph::META_TAB || c == LyXParagraph::META_WIDE_FIG || c == LyXParagraph::META_WIDE_TAB || c == LyXParagraph::META_ALGORITHM){ hit = true; } else if (bv_->text->cursor.pos - 1 >= 0) { c = bv_->text->cursor.par-> GetChar(bv_->text->cursor.pos - 1); if (c == LyXParagraph::META_FOOTNOTE || c == LyXParagraph::META_MARGIN || c == LyXParagraph::META_FIG || c == LyXParagraph::META_TAB || c == LyXParagraph::META_WIDE_FIG || c == LyXParagraph::META_WIDE_TAB || c == LyXParagraph::META_ALGORITHM){ // We are one step too far to the right bv_->text->CursorLeft(); hit = true; } } if (hit == true) { bv_->toggleFloat(); selection_possible = false; return; } } // Do we want to close a float? (click on the float-label) if (bv_->text->cursor.row->par->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE //&& text->cursor.pos == 0 && bv_->text->cursor.row->previous && bv_->text->cursor.row->previous->par-> footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE){ LyXFont font(LyXFont::ALL_SANE); font.setSize(LyXFont::SIZE_FOOTNOTE); int box_x = 20; // LYX_PAPER_MARGIN; box_x += lyxfont::width(" wide-tab ", font); unsigned int screen_first = screen->first; if (x < box_x && y + screen_first > bv_->text->cursor.y - bv_->text->cursor.row->baseline && y + screen_first < bv_->text->cursor.y - bv_->text->cursor.row->baseline + lyxfont::maxAscent(font) * 1.2 + lyxfont::maxDescent(font) * 1.2) { bv_->toggleFloat(); selection_possible = false; return; } } // Maybe we want to edit a bibitem ale970302 if (bv_->text->cursor.par->bibkey && x < 20 + bibitemMaxWidth(bv_->painter(), textclasslist .TextClass(buffer_-> params.textclass).defaultfont())) { bv_->text->cursor.par->bibkey->Edit(bv_, 0, 0, 0); } return; } /* * Returns an inset if inset was hit. 0 otherwise. * If hit, the coordinates are changed relative to the inset. * Otherwise coordinates are not changed, and false is returned. */ Inset * BufferView::Pimpl::checkInsetHit(int & x, int & y, unsigned int /* button */) { if (!screen) return 0; unsigned int y_tmp = y + screen->first; LyXCursor cursor; bv_->text->SetCursorFromCoordinates(cursor, x, y_tmp); #if 0 // Are you planning to use this Jürgen? (Lgb) bool move_cursor = ((cursor.par != bv_->text->cursor.par) || (cursor.pos != bv_->text->cursor.pos)); #endif if (cursor.pos < cursor.par->Last() && cursor.par->GetChar(cursor.pos) == LyXParagraph::META_INSET && cursor.par->GetInset(cursor.pos) && cursor.par->GetInset(cursor.pos)->Editable()) { // Check whether the inset really was hit Inset * tmpinset = cursor.par->GetInset(cursor.pos); LyXFont font = bv_->text->GetFont(cursor.par, cursor.pos); bool is_rtl = font.isVisibleRightToLeft(); int start_x, end_x; if (is_rtl) { start_x = cursor.x - tmpinset->width(bv_->painter(), font); end_x = cursor.x; } else { start_x = cursor.x; end_x = cursor.x + tmpinset->width(bv_->painter(), font); } if (x > start_x && x < end_x && y_tmp > cursor.y - tmpinset->ascent(bv_->painter(), font) && y_tmp < cursor.y + tmpinset->descent(bv_->painter(), font)) { #if 0 if (move_cursor && (tmpinset != bv_->the_locking_inset)) #endif bv_->text->SetCursor(cursor.par,cursor.pos,true); x = x - start_x; // The origin of an inset is on the baseline y = y_tmp - (bv_->text->cursor.y); return tmpinset; } } if ((cursor.pos - 1 >= 0) && (cursor.par->GetChar(cursor.pos-1) == LyXParagraph::META_INSET) && (cursor.par->GetInset(cursor.pos - 1)) && (cursor.par->GetInset(cursor.pos - 1)->Editable())) { Inset * tmpinset = cursor.par->GetInset(cursor.pos-1); LyXFont font = bv_->text->GetFont(cursor.par, cursor.pos-1); bool is_rtl = font.isVisibleRightToLeft(); int start_x, end_x; if (!is_rtl) { start_x = cursor.x - tmpinset->width(bv_->painter(), font); end_x = cursor.x; } else { start_x = cursor.x; end_x = cursor.x + tmpinset->width(bv_->painter(), font); } if (x > start_x && x < end_x && y_tmp > cursor.y - tmpinset->ascent(bv_->painter(), font) && y_tmp < cursor.y + tmpinset->descent(bv_->painter(), font)) { #if 0 if (move_cursor && (tmpinset != bv_->the_locking_inset)) #endif bv_->text->SetCursor(cursor.par,cursor.pos-1,true); x = x - start_x; // The origin of an inset is on the baseline y = y_tmp - (bv_->text->cursor.y); return tmpinset; } } return 0; } void BufferView::Pimpl::workAreaExpose() { // this is a hack to ensure that we only call this through // BufferView::redraw(). //if (!lgb_hack) { // redraw(); //} static unsigned int work_area_width = 0; static unsigned int work_area_height = 0; bool widthChange = workarea->workWidth() != work_area_width; bool heightChange = workarea->height() != work_area_height; // update from work area work_area_width = workarea->workWidth(); work_area_height = workarea->height(); if (buffer_ != 0) { if (widthChange) { // All buffers need a resize bufferlist.resize(); // Remove all texts from the textcache // This is not _really_ what we want to do. What // we really want to do is to delete in textcache // that does not have a BufferView with matching // width, but as long as we have only one BufferView // deleting all gives the same result. if (lyxerr.debugging()) textcache.show(lyxerr, "Expose delete all"); textcache.clear(); } else if (heightChange) { // Rebuild image of current screen updateScreen(); // fitCursor() ensures we don't jump back // to the start of the document on vertical // resize fitCursor(); // The main window size has changed, repaint most stuff redraw(); // ...including the minibuffer owner_->getMiniBuffer()->Init(); } else if (screen) screen->Redraw(); } else { // Grey box when we don't have a buffer workarea->greyOut(); } // always make sure that the scrollbar is sane. updateScrollbar(); owner_->updateLayoutChoice(); return; } static string fromClipboard(Window win, XEvent * event) { string strret; if (event->xselection.type == XA_STRING && event->xselection.property) { Atom tmpatom; unsigned long ul1; unsigned long ul2; unsigned char * uc = 0; int tmpint; if (XGetWindowProperty( event->xselection.display, // display win, // w event->xselection.property, // property 0, // long_offset 0, // logn_length False, // delete XA_STRING, // req_type &tmpatom, // actual_type_return &tmpint, // actual_format_return &ul1, &ul2, &uc // prop_return ) != Success) { return strret; } if (uc) { free(uc); uc = 0; } if (XGetWindowProperty( event->xselection.display, // display win, // w event->xselection.property, // property 0, // long_offset ul2/4+1, // long_length True, // delete XA_STRING, // req_type &tmpatom, // actual_type_return &tmpint, // actual_format_return &ul1, // nitems_return &ul2, // bytes_after_return &uc // prop_return */ ) != Success) { return strret; } if (uc) { strret = reinterpret_cast(uc); free(uc); // yes free! uc = 0; } } return strret; } void BufferView::Pimpl::workAreaSelectionNotify(Window win, XEvent * event) { if (buffer_ == 0) return; screen->HideCursor(); bv_->beforeChange(); string clb = fromClipboard(win, event); if (!clb.empty()) { if (!ascii_type) bv_->text->InsertStringA(clb); else bv_->text->InsertStringB(clb); update(1); } } void BufferView::Pimpl::update() { if (screen) screen->Update(); } // Values used when calling update: // -3 - update // -2 - update, move sel_cursor if selection, fitcursor // -1 - update, move sel_cursor if selection, fitcursor, mark dirty // 0 - update, move sel_cursor if selection, fitcursor // 1 - update, move sel_cursor if selection, fitcursor, mark dirty // 3 - update, move sel_cursor if selection // // update - // a simple redraw of the parts that need refresh // // move sel_cursor if selection - // the text's sel_cursor is moved if there is selection is progress // // fitcursor - // fitCursor() is called and the scrollbar updated // // mark dirty - // the buffer is marked dirty. // // enum { // UPDATE = 0, // SELECT = 1, // FITCUR = 2, // CHANGE = 4 // }; // // UPDATE_ONLY = UPDATE; // UPDATE_SELECT = UPDATE | SELECT; // UPDATE_SELECT_MOVE = UPDATE | SELECT | FITCUR; // UPDATE_SELECT_MOVE_AFTER_CHANGE = UPDATE | SELECT | FITCUR | CHANGE; // // update(-3) -> update(0) -> update(0) -> update(UPDATE) // update(-2) -> update(1 + 2) -> update(3) -> update(SELECT|FITCUR) // update(-1) -> update(1 + 2 + 4) -> update(7) -> update(SELECT|FITCUR|CHANGE) // update(1) -> update(1 + 2 + 4) -> update(7) -> update(SELECT|FITCUR|CHANGE) // update(3) -> update(1) -> update(1) -> update(SELECT) void BufferView::Pimpl::update(signed char f) { #if 1 owner_->updateLayoutChoice(); if (!bv_->text->selection && f > -3) bv_->text->sel_cursor = bv_->text->cursor; FreeUpdateTimer(); bv_->text->FullRebreak(); update(); if (f != 3 && f != -3) { fitCursor(); //updateScrollbar(); } if (f == 1 || f == -1) { if (buffer_->isLyxClean()) { buffer_->markDirty(); owner_->getMiniBuffer()->setTimer(4); } else { buffer_->markDirty(); } } #else owner_->updateLayoutChoice(); if (!bv_->text->selection && (f & SELECT)) bv_->text->sel_cursor = bv_->text->cursor; FreeUpdateTimer(); bv_->text->FullRebreak(); update(); if ((f & FITCUR)) { fitCursor(); //updateScrollbar(); } if ((f & CHANGE)) { if (buffer_->isLyxClean()) { buffer_->markDirty(); owner_->getMiniBuffer()->setTimer(4); } else { buffer_->markDirty(); } } #endif } #if 0 void BufferView::Pimpl::smallUpdate(signed char f) { #if 1 update(f); #else screen->SmallUpdate(); if (screen->TopCursorVisible() != screen->first) { update(f); return; } fitCursor(); //updateScrollbar(); if (!bv_->text->selection) bv_->text->sel_cursor = bv_->text->cursor; if (f == 1 || f == -1) { if (buffer_->isLyxClean()) { buffer_->markDirty(); owner_->getMiniBuffer()->setTimer(4); } else { buffer_->markDirty(); } } #endif } #endif // Callback for cursor timer void BufferView::Pimpl::cursorToggle() { // Quite a nice place for asyncron Inset updating, isn't it? // Actually no! This is run even if no buffer exist... so (Lgb) if (!buffer_) { goto set_timer_and_return; } // NOTE: // On my quest to solve the gs render hangups I am now // disabling the SIGHUP completely, and will do a wait // now and then instead. If the guess that xforms somehow // destroys something is true, this is likely (hopefully) // to solve the problem...at least I hope so. Lgb // ...Ok this seems to work...at least it does not make things // worse so far. However I still see gs processes that hangs. // I would really like to know _why_ they are hanging. Anyway // the solution without the SIGCHLD handler seems to be easier // to debug. // When attaching gdb to a a running gs that hangs it shows // that it is waiting for input(?) Is it possible for us to // provide that input somehow? Or figure what it is expecing // to read? // One solution is to, after some time, look if there are some // old gs processes still running and if there are: kill them // and re render. // Another solution is to provide the user an option to rerender // a picture. This would, for the picture in question, check if // there is a gs running for it, if so kill it, and start a new // rendering process. // these comments posted to lyx@via { int status = 1; int pid = waitpid(static_cast(0), &status, WNOHANG); if (pid == -1) // error find out what is wrong ; // ignore it for now. else if (pid > 0) sigchldhandler(pid, &status); } updatelist.update(bv_); if (!screen) { goto set_timer_and_return; } if (lyx_focus && work_area_focus) { if (!bv_->the_locking_inset) { screen->CursorToggle(); } else { bv_->the_locking_inset-> ToggleInsetCursor(bv_); } goto set_timer_and_return; } else { // Make sure that the cursor is visible. if (!bv_->the_locking_inset) { screen->ShowCursor(); } else { if (!bv_->the_locking_inset->isCursorVisible()) bv_->the_locking_inset-> ToggleInsetCursor(bv_); } // This is only run when work_area_focus or lyx_focus is false. Window tmpwin; int tmp; XGetInputFocus(fl_display, &tmpwin, &tmp); // Commenting this out, we have not had problems with this // for a long time. We will probably work on this code later // and we can reenable this debug code then. Now it only // anoying when debugging. (Lgb) //if (lyxerr.debugging(Debug::INFO)) { // lyxerr << "tmpwin: " << tmpwin // << "\nwindow: " << view->owner_->getForm()->window // << "\nwork_area_focus: " << view->work_area_focus // << "\nlyx_focus : " << view->lyx_focus // << endl; //} if (tmpwin != owner_->getForm()->window) { lyx_focus = false; goto skip_timer; } else { lyx_focus = true; if (!work_area_focus) goto skip_timer; else goto set_timer_and_return; } } set_timer_and_return: fl_set_timer(timer_cursor, 0.4); skip_timer: return; } void BufferView::Pimpl::cursorPrevious() { if (!bv_->text->cursor.row->previous) return; long y = screen->first; Row * cursorrow = bv_->text->cursor.row; bv_->text->SetCursorFromCoordinates(bv_->text->cursor.x_fix, y); bv_->text->FinishUndo(); // This is to allow jumping over large insets if ((cursorrow == bv_->text->cursor.row)) bv_->text->CursorUp(); if (bv_->text->cursor.row->height < workarea->height()) screen->Draw(bv_->text->cursor.y - bv_->text->cursor.row->baseline + bv_->text->cursor.row->height - workarea->height() + 1 ); updateScrollbar(); } void BufferView::Pimpl::cursorNext() { if (!bv_->text->cursor.row->next) return; long y = screen->first; bv_->text->GetRowNearY(y); Row * cursorrow = bv_->text->cursor.row; bv_->text->SetCursorFromCoordinates(bv_->text->cursor.x_fix, y + workarea->height()); bv_->text->FinishUndo(); // This is to allow jumping over large insets if ((cursorrow == bv_->text->cursor.row)) bv_->text->CursorDown(); if (bv_->text->cursor.row->height < workarea->height()) screen->Draw(bv_->text->cursor.y - bv_->text->cursor.row->baseline); updateScrollbar(); } bool BufferView::Pimpl::available() const { if (buffer_ && bv_->text) return true; return false; } void BufferView::Pimpl::beforeChange() { toggleSelection(); bv_->text->ClearSelection(); FreeUpdateTimer(); } void BufferView::Pimpl::savePosition() { backstack.push(buffer_->fileName(), bv_->text->cursor.x, bv_->text->cursor.y); } void BufferView::Pimpl::restorePosition() { if (backstack.empty()) return; int x, y; string fname = backstack.pop(&x, &y); beforeChange(); Buffer * b = bufferlist.exists(fname) ? bufferlist.getBuffer(fname) : bufferlist.loadLyXFile(fname); // don't ask, just load it buffer(b); bv_->text->SetCursorFromCoordinates(x, y); update(0); } void BufferView::Pimpl::setState() { if (!lyxrc.rtl_support) return; if (bv_->text->real_current_font.isRightToLeft() && bv_->text->real_current_font.latex() != LyXFont::ON) { if (owner_->getIntl()->primarykeymap) owner_->getIntl()->KeyMapSec(); } else { if (!owner_->getIntl()->primarykeymap) owner_->getIntl()->KeyMapPrim(); } } void BufferView::Pimpl::insetSleep() { if (bv_->the_locking_inset && !bv_->inset_slept) { bv_->the_locking_inset->GetCursorPos(bv_->slx, bv_->sly); bv_->the_locking_inset->InsetUnlock(bv_); bv_->inset_slept = true; } } void BufferView::Pimpl::insetWakeup() { if (bv_->the_locking_inset && bv_->inset_slept) { bv_->the_locking_inset->Edit(bv_, bv_->slx, bv_->sly, 0); bv_->inset_slept = false; } } void BufferView::Pimpl::insetUnlock() { if (bv_->the_locking_inset) { if (!bv_->inset_slept) bv_->the_locking_inset->InsetUnlock(bv_); bv_->the_locking_inset = 0; bv_->text->FinishUndo(); bv_->inset_slept = false; } } bool BufferView::Pimpl::focus() const { return workarea->hasFocus(); } void BufferView::Pimpl::focus(bool f) { if (f) workarea->setFocus(); } bool BufferView::Pimpl::active() const { return workarea->active(); } bool BufferView::Pimpl::belowMouse() const { return workarea->belowMouse(); } void BufferView::Pimpl::showCursor() { if (screen) screen->ShowCursor(); } void BufferView::Pimpl::hideCursor() { if (screen) screen->HideCursor(); } void BufferView::Pimpl::toggleSelection(bool b) { if (screen) screen->ToggleSelection(b); } void BufferView::Pimpl::toggleToggle() { if (screen) screen->ToggleToggle(); } void BufferView::Pimpl::center() { beforeChange(); if (bv_->text->cursor.y > workarea->height() / 2) { screen->Draw(bv_->text->cursor.y - workarea->height() / 2); } else { screen->Draw(0); } update(0); redraw(); }