// -*- C++ -*- /* This file is part of * ====================================================== * * LyX, The Document Processor * * Copyright 1995 Matthias Ettrich * Copyright 1995-1999 The LyX Team. * * ====================================================== */ #include #include using std::for_each; #include #include #include #include #include "support/lstrings.h" #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "commandtags.h" #include "BufferView.h" #include "bufferlist.h" #include "LyXView.h" #include "lyxfunc.h" #include "insets/lyxinset.h" #include "minibuffer.h" #include "lyxscreen.h" #include "up.xpm" #include "down.xpm" #include "debug.h" #include "lyxdraw.h" #include "lyx_gui_misc.h" #include "BackStack.h" #include "lyxtext.h" #include "lyx_cb.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "layout.h" using std::find_if; extern BufferList bufferlist; void sigchldhandler(pid_t pid, int * status); extern void SetXtermCursor(Window win); extern bool input_prohibited; extern bool selection_possible; extern char ascii_type; //extern int UnlockInset(UpdatableInset * inset); extern void MenuPasteSelection(char at); extern InsetUpdateStruct * InsetUpdateList; extern void UpdateInsetUpdateList(); extern void FreeUpdateTimer(); // This is _very_ temporary FL_OBJECT * figinset_canvas; BufferView::BufferView(LyXView * o, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height) : owner_(o) { buffer_ = 0; text = 0; screen = 0; work_area = 0; figinset_canvas = 0; scrollbar = 0; button_down = 0; button_up = 0; timer_cursor = 0; current_scrollbar_value = 0; create_view(xpos, ypos, width, height); // Activate the timer for the cursor fl_set_timer(timer_cursor, 0.4); fl_set_focus_object(owner_->getForm(), work_area); work_area_focus = true; lyx_focus = false; the_locking_inset = 0; inset_slept = false; } BufferView::~BufferView() { delete text; } // This is only the very first implemetation and use of the TextCache, // operations on it needs to be put into a class or a namespace, that part // is _NOT_ finished so don't bother to come with too many comments on it // (unless you have some nice ideas on where/how to do it) // // I think we need a TextCache that is common for all BufferViews, // please tell if you don't agree. // // Q. What are we caching? // A. We are caching the screen representations (LyXText) of the // documents (Buffer,LyXParagraph) for specific BufferView widths. // Q. Why the cache? // A. It is not really needed, but it speeds things up a lot // when you have more than one document loaded at once since a total // rebreak (reformatting) need not be done when switching between // documents. When the cache is in function a document only needs to be // formatted upon loading and when the with of the BufferView changes. // Later it will also be unneccessary to reformat when having two // BufferViews of equal width with the same document, a simple copy // of the LyXText structure will do. // Invariant for the TextCache: // - The buffer of the text in the TextCache _must_ exists // in the bufferlist. // - For a text in the TextCache there _must not_ be an equivalent // text in any BufferView. (same buffer and width). // Among others this mean: // - When a document is closed all trace of it must be removed from // the TextCache. // Scenarios: // I believe there are only three possible scenarios where the two first // are also covered by the third. // - The simplest scenario is what we have now, a single // BufferView only. // o Opening // Nothing to do with the TextCache is done when opening a file. // o Switching // We switch from buffer A to buffer B. // * A's text is cached in TextCache. // * We make a search for a text in TextCache that fits B // (same buffer and same width). // o Horizontal resize // If the BufferView's width (LyXView) is horizontally changed all // the entries in the TextCache are deleted. (This causes // reformat of all loaded documents when next viewed) // o Close // When a buffer is closed we don't have to do anything, because // to close a single buffer it is required to only exist in the // BufferView and not in the TextCache. Upon LFUN_QUIT we // don't really care since everything is deleted anyway. // - The next scenario is when we have several BufferViews (in one or // more LyXViews) of equal width. // o Opening // Nothing to do with the TextCache is done when opening a file. // o Switching // We switch from buffer A to buffer B. // * If A is in another Bufferview we do not put it into TextCache. // else we put A into TextCache. // * If B is viewed in another BufferView we make a copy of its // text and use that, else we search in TextCache for a match. // (same buffer same width) // o Horizontal resize // If the BufferView's width (LyXView) is horisontaly changed all // the entries in the TextCache is deleted. (This causes // reformat of all loaded documents when next viewed) // o Close // - The last scenario should cover both the previous ones, this time // we have several BufferViews (in one or more LyXViews) with no // limitations on width. (And if you wonder why the two other // senarios are needed... I used them to get to this one.) // o Opening // Nothing to do with the TextCache is done when opening a file. // o Switching // We switch from buffer A to buffer B. // o Horisontal rezize // o Close typedef vector TextCache; TextCache textcache; class text_fits { public: text_fits(Buffer * b, unsigned short p) : buf(b), pw(p) {} bool operator()(TextCache::value_type & vt) { if (vt->params == buf && vt->paperWidth() == pw) return true; return false; } private: Buffer * buf; unsigned short pw; }; class show_text { public: show_text(ostream & o) : os(o) {} void operator()(TextCache::value_type & vt) { os << "Buffer: " << vt->params << "\nWidth: " << vt->paperWidth() << endl; } private: ostream & os; }; void showTextCache(string const & str) { lyxerr << "TextCache: " << str << endl; for_each(textcache.begin(), textcache.end(), show_text(lyxerr)); } void BufferView::buffer(Buffer * b) { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "Setting buffer in BufferView" << endl; if (buffer_) { insetSleep(); buffer_->delUser(this); // Put the old text into the TextCache. if (bufferlist.isLoaded(buffer_)) textcache.push_back(text); else delete text; if (lyxerr.debugging()) showTextCache("buffer"); text = 0; } // Set current buffer buffer_ = b; if (bufferlist.getState() == BufferList::CLOSING) return; // Nuke old image // screen is always deleted when the buffer is changed. if (screen) // DEL LINE delete screen; screen = 0; // If we are closing the buffer, use the first buffer as current if (!buffer_) { buffer_ = bufferlist.first(); } if (buffer_) { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << " Buffer addr: " << buffer_ << endl; buffer_->addUser(this); owner_->getMenus()->showMenus(); // If we don't have a text object for this, we make one if (text == 0) resizeCurrentBuffer(); else { updateScreen(); updateScrollbar(); } screen->first = screen->TopCursorVisible(); redraw(); updateAllVisibleBufferRelatedPopups(); insetWakeup(); } else { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << " No Buffer!" << endl; owner_->getMenus()->hideMenus(); updateScrollbar(); fl_redraw_object(work_area); // Also remove all remaining text's from the testcache. if (lyxerr.debugging()) showTextCache("buffer delete all"); while (!textcache.empty()) { LyXText * tt = textcache.front(); textcache.erase(textcache.begin()); delete tt; } } // should update layoutchoice even if we don't have a buffer. owner_->updateLayoutChoice(); owner_->getMiniBuffer()->Init(); owner_->updateWindowTitle(); } void BufferView::updateScreen() { // Regenerate the screen. if (screen) // DEL LINE delete screen; screen = new LyXScreen(FL_ObjWin(work_area), work_area->w, work_area->h, work_area->x, work_area->y, text); } void BufferView::resize() { // This will resize the buffer. (Asger) if (buffer_) resizeCurrentBuffer(); } static bool lgb_hack = false; void BufferView::redraw() { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "BufferView::redraw()" << endl; lgb_hack = true; fl_redraw_object(work_area); fl_redraw_object(scrollbar); fl_redraw_object(button_down); fl_redraw_object(button_up); lgb_hack = false; } void BufferView::fitCursor() { if (screen) screen->FitCursor(); } void BufferView::update() { if (screen) screen->Update(); } void BufferView::updateScrollbar() { /* If the text is smaller than the working area, the scrollbar * maximum must be the working area height. No scrolling will * be possible */ if (!buffer_) { fl_set_slider_value(scrollbar, 0); fl_set_slider_size(scrollbar, scrollbar->h); return; } static long max2 = 0; static long height2 = 0; long cbth = 0; long cbsf = 0; if (text) cbth = text->height; if (screen) cbsf = screen->first; // check if anything has changed. if (max2 == cbth && height2 == work_area->h && current_scrollbar_value == cbsf) return; // no max2 = cbth; height2 = work_area->h; current_scrollbar_value = cbsf; if (cbth <= height2) { // text is smaller than screen fl_set_slider_size(scrollbar, scrollbar->h); return; } long maximum_height = work_area->h * 3 / 4 + cbth; long value = cbsf; // set the scrollbar double hfloat = work_area->h; double maxfloat = maximum_height; fl_set_slider_value(scrollbar, value); fl_set_slider_bounds(scrollbar, 0, maximum_height - work_area->h); #if FL_REVISION > 85 double lineh = text->DefaultHeight(); fl_set_slider_increment(scrollbar, work_area->h-lineh, lineh); #endif if (maxfloat > 0){ if ((hfloat / maxfloat) * float(height2) < 3) fl_set_slider_size(scrollbar, 3 / float(height2)); else fl_set_slider_size(scrollbar, hfloat / maxfloat); } else fl_set_slider_size(scrollbar, hfloat); fl_set_slider_precision(scrollbar, 0); } void BufferView::redoCurrentBuffer() { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "BufferView::redoCurrentBuffer" << endl; if (buffer_ && text) { resize(); owner_->updateLayoutChoice(); } } int BufferView::resizeCurrentBuffer() { lyxerr[Debug::INFO] << "resizeCurrentBuffer" << endl; LyXParagraph * par = 0; LyXParagraph * selstartpar = 0; LyXParagraph * selendpar = 0; int pos = 0; int selstartpos = 0; int selendpos = 0; int selection = 0; int mark_set = 0; ProhibitInput(); owner_->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("Formatting document...")); if (text) { par = text->cursor.par; pos = text->cursor.pos; selstartpar = text->sel_start_cursor.par; selstartpos = text->sel_start_cursor.pos; selendpar = text->sel_end_cursor.par; selendpos = text->sel_end_cursor.pos; selection = text->selection; mark_set = text->mark_set; delete text; text = new LyXText(work_area->w, buffer_); } else { // See if we have a text in TextCache that fits // the new buffer_ with the correct width. TextCache::iterator it = find_if(textcache.begin(), textcache.end(), text_fits(buffer_, work_area->w)); if (it != textcache.end()) { text = *it; // take it out of textcache. textcache.erase(it); if (lyxerr.debugging()) showTextCache("resizeCurrentBuffer"); } else { text = new LyXText(work_area->w, buffer_); } } updateScreen(); if (par) { text->selection = true; /* at this point just to avoid the Delete-Empty-Paragraph * Mechanism when setting the cursor */ text->mark_set = mark_set; if (selection) { text->SetCursor(selstartpar, selstartpos); text->sel_cursor = text->cursor; text->SetCursor(selendpar, selendpos); text->SetSelection(); text->SetCursor(par, pos); } else { text->SetCursor(par, pos); text->sel_cursor = text->cursor; text->selection = false; } } screen->first = screen->TopCursorVisible(); /* this will scroll the * screen such that the * cursor becomes * visible */ updateScrollbar(); redraw(); owner_->getMiniBuffer()->Init(); AllowInput(); // Now if the title form still exist kill it TimerCB(0, 0); return 0; } void BufferView::gotoError() { if (!screen) return; screen->HideCursor(); beforeChange(); update(-2); LyXCursor tmp; if (!text->GotoNextError()) { if (text->cursor.pos || text->cursor.par != text->FirstParagraph()) { tmp = text->cursor; text->cursor.par = text->FirstParagraph(); text->cursor.pos = 0; if (!text->GotoNextError()) { text->cursor = tmp; owner_->getMiniBuffer() ->Set(_("No more errors")); LyXBell(); } } else { owner_->getMiniBuffer()->Set(_("No more errors")); LyXBell(); } } update(0); text->sel_cursor = text->cursor; } extern "C" { // Just a bunch of C wrappers around static members of BufferView void C_BufferView_UpCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long buf) { BufferView::UpCB(ob, buf); } void C_BufferView_DownCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long buf) { BufferView::DownCB(ob, buf); } void C_BufferView_ScrollCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long buf) { BufferView::ScrollCB(ob, buf); } void C_BufferView_CursorToggleCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long buf) { BufferView::CursorToggleCB(ob, buf); } int C_BufferView_work_area_handler(FL_OBJECT * ob, int event, FL_Coord, FL_Coord, int key, void * xev) { return BufferView::work_area_handler(ob, event, 0, 0, key, xev); } } void BufferView::create_view(int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height) { FL_OBJECT * obj; int const bw = abs(fl_get_border_width()); // a hack for the figinsets (Matthias) // This one first, then it will probably be invisible. (Lgb) ::figinset_canvas = figinset_canvas = obj = fl_add_canvas(FL_NORMAL_CANVAS, xpos + 1, ypos + 1, 1, 1, ""); fl_set_object_boxtype(obj, FL_NO_BOX); fl_set_object_resize(obj, FL_RESIZE_ALL); fl_set_object_gravity(obj, NorthWestGravity, NorthWestGravity); // a box obj = fl_add_box(FL_BORDER_BOX, xpos, ypos, width - 15, height, ""); fl_set_object_resize(obj, FL_RESIZE_ALL); fl_set_object_gravity(obj, NorthWestGravity, SouthEastGravity); // the free object work_area = obj = fl_add_free(FL_INPUT_FREE, xpos + bw, ypos + bw, width - 15 - 2 * bw /* scrollbarwidth */, height - 2 * bw, "", C_BufferView_work_area_handler); obj->wantkey = FL_KEY_TAB; obj->u_vdata = this; /* This is how we pass the BufferView to the work_area_handler. */ fl_set_object_boxtype(obj, FL_DOWN_BOX); fl_set_object_resize(obj, FL_RESIZE_ALL); fl_set_object_gravity(obj, NorthWestGravity, SouthEastGravity); // // THE SCROLLBAR // // up - scrollbar button #if FL_REVISION > 85 fl_set_border_width(-1); #else fl_set_border_width(-2); // to get visible feedback #endif button_up = obj = fl_add_pixmapbutton(FL_TOUCH_BUTTON, width - 15 + 4 * bw, ypos, 15, 15, ""); fl_set_object_boxtype(obj, FL_UP_BOX); fl_set_object_color(obj, FL_MCOL, FL_BLUE); fl_set_object_resize(obj, FL_RESIZE_ALL); fl_set_object_gravity(obj, NorthEastGravity, NorthEastGravity); fl_set_object_callback(obj, C_BufferView_UpCB, 0); obj->u_vdata = this; fl_set_pixmapbutton_data(obj, const_cast(up_xpm)); #if FL_REVISION > 85 // Remove the blue feedback rectangle fl_set_pixmapbutton_focus_outline(obj, 0); #endif // the scrollbar slider fl_set_border_width(-bw); scrollbar = obj = fl_add_slider(FL_VERT_SLIDER, width - 15 + 4 * bw, ypos + 15, 15, height - 30, ""); fl_set_object_color(obj, FL_COL1, FL_MCOL); fl_set_object_boxtype(obj, FL_UP_BOX); fl_set_object_resize(obj, FL_RESIZE_ALL); fl_set_object_gravity(obj, NorthEastGravity, SouthEastGravity); fl_set_object_callback(obj, C_BufferView_ScrollCB, 0); obj->u_vdata = this; // down - scrollbar button #if FL_REVISION > 85 fl_set_border_width(-1); #else fl_set_border_width(-2); // to get visible feedback #endif button_down = obj = fl_add_pixmapbutton(FL_TOUCH_BUTTON, width - 15 + 4 * bw, ypos + height - 15, 15, 15, ""); fl_set_object_boxtype(obj, FL_UP_BOX); fl_set_object_color(obj, FL_MCOL, FL_BLUE); fl_set_object_resize(obj, FL_RESIZE_ALL); fl_set_object_gravity(obj, SouthEastGravity, SouthEastGravity); fl_set_object_callback(obj, C_BufferView_DownCB, 0); obj->u_vdata = this; fl_set_pixmapbutton_data(obj, const_cast(down_xpm)); fl_set_border_width(-bw); #if FL_REVISION > 85 // Remove the blue feedback rectangle fl_set_pixmapbutton_focus_outline(obj, 0); #endif // // TIMERS // // timer_cursor timer_cursor = obj = fl_add_timer(FL_HIDDEN_TIMER, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Timer"); fl_set_object_callback(obj, C_BufferView_CursorToggleCB, 0); obj->u_vdata = this; } // Callback for scrollbar up button void BufferView::UpCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long) { BufferView * view = static_cast(ob->u_vdata); if (view->buffer_ == 0) return; static long time = 0; XEvent const * ev2 = fl_last_event(); if (ev2->type == ButtonPress || ev2->type == ButtonRelease) time = 0; int button = fl_get_button_numb(ob); switch (button) { case 3: view->ScrollUpOnePage(time++); break; case 2: view->ScrollDownOnePage(time++); break; default: view->ScrollUp(time++); break; } } static void waitForX() { #if 0 static Window w = 0; static Atom a = 0; if (!a) a = XInternAtom(fl_display, "WAIT_FOR_X", False); if (w == 0) { int mask; XSetWindowAttributes attr; mask = CWOverrideRedirect; attr.override_redirect = 1; w = XCreateWindow(fl_display, fl_root, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, CopyFromParent, InputOnly, CopyFromParent, mask, &attr); XSelectInput(fl_display, w, PropertyChangeMask); XMapWindow(fl_display, w); } static XEvent ev; XChangeProperty(fl_display, w, a, a, 8, PropModeAppend, reinterpret_cast(""), 0); XWindowEvent(fl_display, w, PropertyChangeMask, &ev); #endif XSync(fl_get_display(), 0); } // Callback for scrollbar slider void BufferView::ScrollCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long) { BufferView * view = static_cast(ob->u_vdata); extern bool cursor_follows_scrollbar; if (view->buffer_ == 0) return; view->current_scrollbar_value = long(fl_get_slider_value(ob)); if (view->current_scrollbar_value < 0) view->current_scrollbar_value = 0; if (!view->screen) return; view->screen->Draw(view->current_scrollbar_value); if (cursor_follows_scrollbar) { LyXText * vbt = view->text; int height = vbt->DefaultHeight(); if (vbt->cursor.y < view->screen->first + height) { vbt->SetCursorFromCoordinates(0, view->screen->first + height); } else if (vbt->cursor.y > view->screen->first + view->work_area->h - height) { vbt->SetCursorFromCoordinates(0, view->screen->first + view->work_area->h - height); } } waitForX(); } // Callback for scrollbar down button void BufferView::DownCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long) { BufferView * view = static_cast(ob->u_vdata); if (view->buffer_ == 0) return; XEvent const * ev2; static long time = 0; ev2 = fl_last_event(); if (ev2->type == ButtonPress || ev2->type == ButtonRelease) time = 0; int button = fl_get_button_numb(ob); switch (button) { case 2: view->ScrollUpOnePage(time++); break; case 3: view->ScrollDownOnePage(time++); break; default: view->ScrollDown(time++); break; } } int BufferView::ScrollUp(long time) { if (buffer_ == 0) return 0; if (!screen) return 0; double value = fl_get_slider_value(scrollbar); if (value == 0) return 0; float add_value = (text->DefaultHeight() + float(time) * float(time) * 0.125); if (add_value > work_area->h) add_value = float(work_area->h - text->DefaultHeight()); value -= add_value; if (value < 0) value = 0; fl_set_slider_value(scrollbar, value); ScrollCB(scrollbar, 0); return 0; } int BufferView::ScrollDown(long time) { if (buffer_ == 0) return 0; if (!screen) return 0; double value= fl_get_slider_value(scrollbar); double min, max; fl_get_slider_bounds(scrollbar, &min, &max); if (value == max) return 0; float add_value = (text->DefaultHeight() + float(time) * float(time) * 0.125); if (add_value > work_area->h) add_value = float(work_area->h - text->DefaultHeight()); value += add_value; if (value > max) value = max; fl_set_slider_value(scrollbar, value); ScrollCB(scrollbar, 0); return 0; } void BufferView::ScrollUpOnePage(long /*time*/) { if (buffer_ == 0) return; if (!screen) return; long y = screen->first; if (!y) return; Row * row = text->GetRowNearY(y); y = y - work_area->h + row->height; fl_set_slider_value(scrollbar, y); ScrollCB(scrollbar, 0); } void BufferView::ScrollDownOnePage(long /*time*/) { if (buffer_ == 0) return; if (!screen) return; double min, max; fl_get_slider_bounds(scrollbar, &min, &max); long y = screen->first; if (y > text->height - work_area->h) return; y += work_area->h; text->GetRowNearY(y); fl_set_slider_value(scrollbar, y); ScrollCB(scrollbar, 0); } int BufferView::work_area_handler(FL_OBJECT * ob, int event, FL_Coord, FL_Coord , int /*key*/, void * xev) { static int x_old = -1; static int y_old = -1; static long scrollbar_value_old = -1; XEvent * ev = static_cast(xev); BufferView * view = static_cast(ob->u_vdata); // If we don't have a view yet; return if (!view || quitting) return 0; switch (event){ case FL_DRAW: view->workAreaExpose(); break; case FL_PUSH: view->WorkAreaButtonPress(ob, 0, 0, 0, ev, 0); break; case FL_RELEASE: view->WorkAreaButtonRelease(ob, 0, 0, 0, ev, 0); break; case FL_MOUSE: if (ev->xmotion.x != x_old || ev->xmotion.y != y_old || view->current_scrollbar_value != scrollbar_value_old) { x_old = ev->xmotion.x; y_old = ev->xmotion.y; scrollbar_value_old = view->current_scrollbar_value; view->WorkAreaMotionNotify(ob, 0, 0, 0, ev, 0); } break; // Done by the raw callback: // case FL_KEYBOARD: // WorkAreaKeyPress(ob, 0, 0, 0, ev, 0); break; case FL_FOCUS: if (!view->owner_->getMiniBuffer()->shows_no_match) view->owner_->getMiniBuffer()->Init(); view->owner_->getMiniBuffer()->shows_no_match = false; view->work_area_focus = true; fl_set_timer(view->timer_cursor, 0.4); break; case FL_UNFOCUS: view->owner_->getMiniBuffer()->ExecCommand(); view->work_area_focus = false; break; case FL_ENTER: SetXtermCursor(view->owner_->getForm()->window); // reset the timer view->lyx_focus = true; fl_set_timer(view->timer_cursor, 0.4); break; case FL_LEAVE: if (!input_prohibited) XUndefineCursor(fl_display, view->owner_->getForm()->window); view->lyx_focus = false; // This is not an absolute truth // but if it is not true, it will be changed within a blink // of an eye. ... Not good enough... use regulare timeperiod //fl_set_timer(view->timer_cursor, 0.01); // 0.1 sec blink fl_set_timer(view->timer_cursor, 0.4); // 0.4 sec blink break; case FL_DBLCLICK: // select a word if (!view->the_locking_inset) { if (view->screen && ev->xbutton.button == 1) { view->screen->HideCursor(); view->screen->ToggleSelection(); view->text->SelectWord(); view->screen->ToggleSelection(false); /* This will fit the cursor on the screen * if necessary */ view->update(0); } } break; case FL_TRPLCLICK: // select a line if (view->buffer_ && view->screen && ev->xbutton.button == 1) { view->screen->HideCursor(); view->screen->ToggleSelection(); view->text->CursorHome(); view->text->sel_cursor = view->text->cursor; view->text->CursorEnd(); view->text->SetSelection(); view->screen->ToggleSelection(false); /* This will fit the cursor on the screen * if necessary */ view->update(0); } break; case FL_OTHER: view->WorkAreaSelectionNotify(ob, view->owner_->getForm()->window, 0, 0, ev, 0); break; } return 1; } int BufferView::WorkAreaMotionNotify(FL_OBJECT * ob, Window, int /*w*/, int /*h*/, XEvent * ev, void * /*d*/) { if (buffer_ == 0) return 0; if (!screen) return 0; // Check for inset locking if (the_locking_inset) { LyXCursor cursor = text->cursor; the_locking_inset-> InsetMotionNotify(ev->xbutton.x - ob->x - cursor.x, ev->xbutton.y - ob->y - (cursor.y), ev->xbutton.state); return 0; } // Only use motion with button 1 if (!ev->xmotion.state & Button1MotionMask) return 0; /* The selection possible is needed, that only motion events are * used, where the bottom press event was on the drawing area too */ if (selection_possible) { screen->HideCursor(); text->SetCursorFromCoordinates(ev->xbutton.x - ob->x, ev->xbutton.y - ob->y + screen->first); if (!text->selection) update(-3); // Maybe an empty line was deleted text->SetSelection(); screen->ToggleToggle(); if (screen->FitCursor()) updateScrollbar(); screen->ShowCursor(); } return 0; } extern int bibitemMaxWidth(LyXFont const &); // Single-click on work area int BufferView::WorkAreaButtonPress(FL_OBJECT * ob, Window, int /*w*/, int /*h*/, XEvent * ev, void */*d*/) { last_click_x = -1; last_click_y = -1; if (buffer_ == 0) return 0; if (!screen) return 0; int const x = ev->xbutton.x - ob->x; int const y = ev->xbutton.y - ob->y; // If we hit an inset, we have the inset coordinates in these // and inset_hit points to the inset. If we do not hit an // inset, inset_hit is 0, and inset_x == x, inset_y == y. int inset_x = x; int inset_y = y; Inset * inset_hit = checkInsetHit(inset_x, inset_y); // ok ok, this is a hack. int button = ev->xbutton.button; if (button == 4 || button == 5) goto wheel; { if (the_locking_inset) { // We are in inset locking mode /* Check whether the inset was hit. If not reset mode, otherwise give the event to the inset */ if (inset_hit != 0) { the_locking_inset-> InsetButtonPress(inset_x, inset_y, button); return 0; } else { unlockInset(the_locking_inset); } } selection_possible = true; screen->HideCursor(); // Right button mouse click on a table if (button == 3 && (text->cursor.par->table || text->MouseHitInTable(x, y + screen->first))) { // Set the cursor to the press-position text->SetCursorFromCoordinates(x, y + screen->first); bool doit = true; // Only show the table popup if the hit is in // the table, too if (!text->HitInTable(text->cursor.row, x)) doit = false; // Hit above or below the table? if (doit) { if (!text->selection) { screen->ToggleSelection(); text->ClearSelection(); text->FullRebreak(); screen->Update(); updateScrollbar(); } // Popup table popup when on a table. // This is obviously temporary, since we // should be able to popup various // context-sensitive-menus with the // the right mouse. So this should be done more // general in the future. Matthias. selection_possible = false; owner_->getLyXFunc() ->Dispatch(LFUN_LAYOUT_TABLE, "true"); return 0; } } int screen_first = screen->first; // Middle button press pastes if we have a selection bool paste_internally = false; if (button == 2 // && !buffer_->the_locking_inset && text->selection) { owner_->getLyXFunc()->Dispatch(LFUN_COPY); paste_internally = true; } // Clear the selection screen->ToggleSelection(); text->ClearSelection(); text->FullRebreak(); screen->Update(); updateScrollbar(); // Single left click in math inset? if (inset_hit != 0 && inset_hit->Editable() == 2) { // Highly editable inset, like math selection_possible = false; owner_->updateLayoutChoice(); owner_->getMiniBuffer()->Set(inset_hit->EditMessage()); inset_hit->Edit(inset_x, inset_y); return 0; } // Right click on a footnote flag opens float menu if (button == 3) { selection_possible = false; return 0; } text->SetCursorFromCoordinates(x, y + screen_first); text->FinishUndo(); text->sel_cursor = text->cursor; text->cursor.x_fix = text->cursor.x; owner_->updateLayoutChoice(); if (screen->FitCursor()){ updateScrollbar(); selection_possible = false; } // Insert primary selection with middle mouse // if there is a local selection in the current buffer, // insert this if (button == 2) { // && !buffer_->the_locking_inset){ if (paste_internally) owner_->getLyXFunc()->Dispatch(LFUN_PASTE); else owner_->getLyXFunc()->Dispatch(LFUN_PASTESELECTION, "paragraph"); selection_possible = false; return 0; } } goto out; wheel: { // I am not quite sure if this is the correct place to put // this, but it will not cause any harm. // Patch from Mark Huang (markman@mit.edu) to make LyX // recognise button 4 and 5. This enables LyX use use // the scrollwhell on certain mice for something useful. (Lgb) // Added wheel acceleration detection code. (Rvdk) static Time lastTime = 0; int diff = ev->xbutton.time - lastTime; int scroll = int(1.0 + (4.0 / (abs(diff) + 1.0)) * 200.0); switch (button) { case 4: ScrollUp(scroll); break; case 5: ScrollDown(scroll); break; } lastTime = ev->xbutton.time; return 0; } out: last_click_x = x; last_click_y = y; return 0; } int BufferView::WorkAreaButtonRelease(FL_OBJECT * ob, Window , int /*w*/, int /*h*/, XEvent * ev, void * /*d*/) { if (buffer_ == 0 || screen == 0) return 0; int const x = ev->xbutton.x - ob->x; int const y = ev->xbutton.y - ob->y; // If we hit an inset, we have the inset coordinates in these // and inset_hit points to the inset. If we do not hit an // inset, inset_hit is 0, and inset_x == x, inset_y == y. int inset_x = x; int inset_y = y; Inset * inset_hit = checkInsetHit(inset_x, inset_y); if (the_locking_inset) { // We are in inset locking mode. /* LyX does a kind of work-area grabbing for insets. Only a ButtonPress Event outside the inset will force a InsetUnlock. */ the_locking_inset-> InsetButtonRelease(inset_x, inset_y, ev->xbutton.button); return 0; } selection_possible = false; if (text->cursor.par->table) { int cell = text-> NumberOfCell(text->cursor.par, text->cursor.pos); if (text->cursor.par->table->IsContRow(cell) && text->cursor.par->table-> CellHasContRow(text->cursor.par->table-> GetCellAbove(cell))<0) { text->CursorUp(); } } if (ev->xbutton.button >= 2) return 0; // Make sure that the press was not far from the release if ((abs(last_click_x - x) >= 5) || (abs(last_click_y - y) >= 5)) { return 0; } // Did we hit an editable inset? if (inset_hit != 0) { // Inset like error, notes and figures selection_possible = false; #ifdef WITH_WARNINGS #warning fix this proper in 0.13 #endif // Following a ref shouldn't issue // a push on the undo-stack // anylonger, now that we have // keybindings for following // references and returning from // references. IMHO though, it // should be the inset's own business // to push or not push on the undo // stack. They don't *have* to // alter the document... // (Joacim) // ...or maybe the SetCursorParUndo() // below isn't necessary at all anylonger? if (inset_hit->LyxCode() == Inset::REF_CODE) { text->SetCursorParUndo(); } owner_->getMiniBuffer()->Set(inset_hit->EditMessage()); inset_hit->Edit(inset_x, inset_y); return 0; } // check whether we want to open a float if (text) { bool hit = false; char c = ' '; if (text->cursor.pos < text->cursor.par->Last()) { c = text->cursor.par-> GetChar(text->cursor.pos); } if (c == LyXParagraph::META_FOOTNOTE || c == LyXParagraph::META_MARGIN || c == LyXParagraph::META_FIG || c == LyXParagraph::META_TAB || c == LyXParagraph::META_WIDE_FIG || c == LyXParagraph::META_WIDE_TAB || c == LyXParagraph::META_ALGORITHM){ hit = true; } else if (text->cursor.pos - 1 >= 0) { c = text->cursor.par-> GetChar(text->cursor.pos - 1); if (c == LyXParagraph::META_FOOTNOTE || c == LyXParagraph::META_MARGIN || c == LyXParagraph::META_FIG || c == LyXParagraph::META_TAB || c == LyXParagraph::META_WIDE_FIG || c == LyXParagraph::META_WIDE_TAB || c == LyXParagraph::META_ALGORITHM){ // We are one step too far to the right text->CursorLeft(); hit = true; } } if (hit == true) { toggleFloat(); selection_possible = false; return 0; } } // Do we want to close a float? (click on the float-label) if (text->cursor.row->par->footnoteflag == LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE && text->cursor.pos == 0 && text->cursor.row->previous && text->cursor.row->previous->par-> footnoteflag != LyXParagraph::OPEN_FOOTNOTE){ LyXFont font (LyXFont::ALL_SANE); font.setSize(LyXFont::SIZE_SMALL); int box_x = 20; // LYX_PAPER_MARGIN; box_x += font.textWidth("Mwide-figM", 10); int screen_first = screen->first; if (x < box_x && y + screen_first > text->cursor.y - text->cursor.row->baseline && y + screen_first < text->cursor.y - text->cursor.row->baseline + font.maxAscent() * 1.2 + font.maxDescent() * 1.2) { toggleFloat(); selection_possible = false; return 0; } } // Maybe we want to edit a bibitem ale970302 if (text->cursor.par->bibkey && x < 20 + bibitemMaxWidth(textclasslist .TextClass(buffer_-> params.textclass).defaultfont())) { text->cursor.par->bibkey->Edit(0, 0); } return 0; } /* * Returns an inset if inset was hit. 0 otherwise. * If hit, the coordinates are changed relative to the inset. * Otherwise coordinates are not changed, and false is returned. */ Inset * BufferView::checkInsetHit(int & x, int & y) { if (!getScreen()) return 0; int y_tmp = y + getScreen()->first; LyXCursor cursor = text->cursor; if (cursor.pos < cursor.par->Last() && cursor.par->GetChar(cursor.pos) == LyXParagraph::META_INSET && cursor.par->GetInset(cursor.pos) && cursor.par->GetInset(cursor.pos)->Editable()) { // Check whether the inset really was hit Inset * tmpinset = cursor.par->GetInset(cursor.pos); LyXFont font = text->GetFont(cursor.par, cursor.pos); if (x > cursor.x && x < cursor.x + tmpinset->Width(font) && y_tmp > cursor.y - tmpinset->Ascent(font) && y_tmp < cursor.y + tmpinset->Descent(font)) { x = x - cursor.x; // The origin of an inset is on the baseline y = y_tmp - (cursor.y); return tmpinset; } } else if (cursor.pos - 1 >= 0 && cursor.par->GetChar(cursor.pos - 1) == LyXParagraph::META_INSET && cursor.par->GetInset(cursor.pos - 1) && cursor.par->GetInset(cursor.pos - 1)->Editable()) { text->CursorLeft(); Inset * result = checkInsetHit(x, y); if (result == 0) { text->CursorRight(); return 0; } else { return result; } } return 0; } int BufferView::workAreaExpose() { if (!work_area || !work_area->form->visible) return 1; // this is a hack to ensure that we only call this through // BufferView::redraw(). if (!lgb_hack) { redraw(); } static int work_area_width = work_area->w; static int work_area_height = work_area->h; bool widthChange = work_area->w != work_area_width; bool heightChange = work_area->h != work_area_height; // update from work area work_area_width = work_area->w; work_area_height = work_area->h; if (buffer_ != 0) { if (widthChange) { // All buffers need a resize bufferlist.resize(); // Remove all texts from the textcache if (lyxerr.debugging()) showTextCache("Expose delete all"); while(!textcache.empty()) { LyXText * tt = textcache.front(); textcache.erase(textcache.begin()); delete tt; } } else if (heightChange) { // Rebuild image of current screen updateScreen(); // fitCursor() ensures we don't jump back // to the start of the document on vertical // resize fitCursor(); // The main window size has changed, repaint most stuff redraw(); // ...including the minibuffer owner_->getMiniBuffer()->Init(); } else if (screen) screen->Redraw(); } else { // Grey box when we don't have a buffer fl_winset(FL_ObjWin(work_area)); fl_rectangle(1, work_area->x, work_area->y, work_area->w, work_area->h, FL_GRAY63); } // always make sure that the scrollbar is sane. updateScrollbar(); owner_->updateLayoutChoice(); return 1; } // Callback for cursor timer void BufferView::CursorToggleCB(FL_OBJECT * ob, long) { BufferView * view = static_cast(ob->u_vdata); // Quite a nice place for asyncron Inset updating, isn't it? // Actually no! This is run even if no buffer exist... so (Lgb) if (view && !view->buffer_) { goto set_timer_and_return; } // NOTE: // On my quest to solve the gs render hangups I am now // disabling the SIGHUP completely, and will do a wait // now and then instead. If the guess that xforms somehow // destroys something is true, this is likely (hopefully) // to solve the problem...at least I hope so. Lgb // ...Ok this seems to work...at least it does not make things // worse so far. However I still see gs processes that hangs. // I would really like to know _why_ they are hanging. Anyway // the solution without the SIGCHLD handler seems to be easier // to debug. // When attaching gdb to a a running gs that hangs it shows // that it is waiting for input(?) Is it possible for us to // provide that input somehow? Or figure what it is expecing // to read? // One solution is to, after some time, look if there are some // old gs processes still running and if there are: kill them // and re render. // Another solution is to provide the user an option to rerender // a picture. This would, for the picture in question, check if // there is a gs running for it, if so kill it, and start a new // rendering process. // these comments posted to lyx@via { int status = 1; int pid = waitpid(static_cast(0), &status, WNOHANG); if (pid == -1) // error find out what is wrong ; // ignore it for now. else if (pid > 0) sigchldhandler(pid, &status); } if (InsetUpdateList) UpdateInsetUpdateList(); if (view && !view->screen){ goto set_timer_and_return; } if (view->lyx_focus && view->work_area_focus) { if (!view->the_locking_inset) { view->screen->CursorToggle(); } else { view->the_locking_inset-> ToggleInsetCursor(); } goto set_timer_and_return; } else { // Make sure that the cursor is visible. if (!view->the_locking_inset) { view->screen->ShowCursor(); } else { if (!view->the_locking_inset->isCursorVisible()) view->the_locking_inset-> ToggleInsetCursor(); } // This is only run when work_area_focus or lyx_focus is false. Window tmpwin; int tmp; XGetInputFocus(fl_display, &tmpwin, &tmp); // Commenting this out, we have not had problems with this // for a long time. We will probably work on this code later // and we can reenable this debug code then. Now it only // anoying when debugging. (Lgb) //if (lyxerr.debugging(Debug::INFO)) { // lyxerr << "tmpwin: " << tmpwin // << "\nwindow: " << view->owner_->getForm()->window // << "\nwork_area_focus: " << view->work_area_focus // << "\nlyx_focus : " << view->lyx_focus // << endl; //} if (tmpwin != view->owner_->getForm()->window) { view->lyx_focus = false; goto skip_timer; } else { view->lyx_focus = true; if (!view->work_area_focus) goto skip_timer; else goto set_timer_and_return; } } set_timer_and_return: fl_set_timer(ob, 0.4); skip_timer: return; } int BufferView::WorkAreaSelectionNotify(FL_OBJECT *, Window win, int /*w*/, int /*h*/, XEvent * event, void */*d*/) { if (buffer_ == 0) return 0; if (event->type != SelectionNotify) return 0; Atom tmpatom; unsigned long ul1; unsigned long ul2; unsigned char * uc = 0; int tmpint; screen->HideCursor(); beforeChange(); if (event->xselection.type == XA_STRING && event->xselection.property) { if (XGetWindowProperty( fl_display /* display */, win /* w */, event->xselection.property /* property */, 0 /* long_offset */, 0 /* long_length */, false /* delete */, XA_STRING /* req_type */, &tmpatom /* actual_type_return */, &tmpint /* actual_format_return */, &ul1 /* nitems_return */, &ul2 /* bytes_after_return */, &uc /* prop_return */ ) != Success) { return 0; } XFlush(fl_display); if (uc) { free(uc); uc = 0; } if (XGetWindowProperty( fl_display /* display */, win /* w */, event->xselection.property /* property */, 0 /* long_offset */, ul2/4+1 /* long_length */, True /* delete */, XA_STRING /* req_type */, &tmpatom /* actual_type_return */, &tmpint /* actual_format_return */, &ul1 /* nitems_return */, &ul2 /* bytes_after_return */, &uc /* prop_return */ ) != Success) { return 0; } XFlush(fl_display); if (uc) { if (!ascii_type) { text->InsertStringA(reinterpret_cast(uc)); } else { text->InsertStringB(reinterpret_cast(uc)); } free(uc); uc = 0; } update(1); } return 0; } void BufferView::cursorPrevious() { if (!text->cursor.row->previous) return; long y = getScreen()->first; Row * cursorrow = text->cursor.row; text->SetCursorFromCoordinates(text->cursor.x_fix, y); text->FinishUndo(); // This is to allow jumping over large insets if ((cursorrow == text->cursor.row)) text->CursorUp(); if (text->cursor.row->height < work_area->h) getScreen()->Draw(text->cursor.y - text->cursor.row->baseline + text->cursor.row->height - work_area->h +1 ); } void BufferView::cursorNext() { if (!text->cursor.row->next) return; long y = getScreen()->first; text->GetRowNearY(y); Row * cursorrow = text->cursor.row; text->SetCursorFromCoordinates(text->cursor.x_fix, y + work_area->h); text->FinishUndo(); // This is to allow jumping over large insets if ((cursorrow == text->cursor.row)) text->CursorDown(); if (text->cursor.row->height < work_area->h) getScreen()->Draw(text->cursor.y - text->cursor.row->baseline); } bool BufferView::available() const { if (buffer_ && text) return true; return false; } void BufferView::beforeChange() { getScreen()->ToggleSelection(); text->ClearSelection(); FreeUpdateTimer(); } void BufferView::savePosition() { backstack.push(buffer()->fileName(), text->cursor.x, text->cursor.y); } void BufferView::restorePosition() { if (backstack.empty()) return; int x, y; string fname = backstack.pop(&x, &y); beforeChange(); Buffer * b = bufferlist.exists(fname) ? bufferlist.getBuffer(fname) : bufferlist.loadLyXFile(fname); // don't ask, just load it buffer(b); text->SetCursorFromCoordinates(x, y); update(0); } void BufferView::update(signed char f) { owner()->updateLayoutChoice(); if (!text->selection && f > -3) text->sel_cursor = text->cursor; FreeUpdateTimer(); text->FullRebreak(); update(); if (f != 3 && f != -3) { fitCursor(); updateScrollbar(); } if (f == 1 || f == -1) { if (buffer()->isLyxClean()) { buffer()->markDirty(); owner()->getMiniBuffer()->setTimer(4); } else { buffer()->markDirty(); } } } void BufferView::smallUpdate(signed char f) { getScreen()->SmallUpdate(); if (getScreen()->TopCursorVisible() != getScreen()->first) { update(f); return; } fitCursor(); updateScrollbar(); if (!text->selection) text->sel_cursor = text->cursor; if (f == 1 || f == -1) { if (buffer()->isLyxClean()) { buffer()->markDirty(); owner()->getMiniBuffer()->setTimer(4); } else { buffer()->markDirty(); } } } void BufferView::insetSleep() { if (the_locking_inset && !inset_slept) { the_locking_inset->GetCursorPos(slx, sly); the_locking_inset->InsetUnlock(); inset_slept = true; } } void BufferView::insetWakeup() { if (the_locking_inset && inset_slept) { the_locking_inset->Edit(slx, sly); inset_slept = false; } } void BufferView::insetUnlock() { if (the_locking_inset) { if (!inset_slept) the_locking_inset->InsetUnlock(); the_locking_inset = 0; text->FinishUndo(); inset_slept = false; } }