# This file is part of LyX, the document processor. # Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. # # Copyright (c) 2016 Kornel Benko kornel@lyx.org # # Script should be called like: # cmake -DTOP_SRC_DIR=xxx \ # -DDestFile=xxx \ # -DLYX_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=xxx \ # -DParType=xxx \ # -DSources=xxx \ # -DLYX_PY_POLIB=${LYX_PY_POLIB} \ # -P "${TOP_SRC_DIR}/po/CreateLayoutTranslations.cmake" set(_dst ${DestFile}) set(type ${ParType}) set(_src_files ${Sources}) macro(die_if _err text) string(COMPARE EQUAL ${${_err}} 0 _erg) if(NOT _erg) message(FATAL_ERROR "CreateLayoutTranslations: ${text}") endif() endmacro() message(STATUS "Starting CreateLayoutTranslations") if ("${LYX_PY_POLIB}" STREQUAL "") message(STATUS "Missing needed pythons polib, be prepared for error") endif() execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different "${TOP_SRC_DIR}/lib/layouttranslations" "${_dst}" RESULT_VARIABLE _err) die_if(_err "Copy of layouttranslations failed") execute_process(COMMAND ${LYX_PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} "${TOP_SRC_DIR}/po/lyx_pot.py" -b "${TOP_SRC_DIR}" -o "${_dst}" -t ${type} "--src_file=${_src_files}" RESULT_VARIABLE _err) die_if(_err "Calling lyx_pot.py failed") execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different "${_dst}" "${TOP_SRC_DIR}/lib/layouttranslations" RESULT_VARIABLE _err) die_if(_err "Copy of layouttranslations to source failed")