# # Minted External Template # # This file is part of LyX, the document processor. # Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. # # author Enrico Forestieri # # Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. # # External templates expect to deal with commands of the form # \command[options]{parameter} # while the \inputminted command has the form # \inputminted[options]{language}{filename} # # In order to use the external templates machinery, the options of the # minted package are extended to be able to construct a proper \inputminted # command. This template defines an additional 'lang' option for minted, which # is then extracted from the options and passed as the second non-optional # parameter of \inputminted. This template works for minted version 2.1 or # higher. As it relies on the internals of minted, an update might break it. PreambleDef minted \usepackage{minted} \@namedef{minted@opt@cmd@lang}{latex} \define@key{minted@opt@cmd}{lang}{\@namedef{minted@opt@cmd@lang}{#1} \minted@configlang{#1}} \DeclareRobustCommand\inputsource{\@ifnextchar[\@inputsrc{\@inputsrc[]}} \def\@inputsrc[#1]#2{\inputminted[#1]{\minted@opt@cmd@lang}{#2}} PreambleDefEnd Template MintedSource GuiName "Minted Source Code" HelpText Format source code using the 'minted' package. This template works with minted version 2.1 or higher. The source language is specified by the 'lang' option, which must be inserted into the 'Option' field in the 'LaTeX and LyX options' tab. Example options: * linenos,fontsize=\footnotesize,lang=fortran * bgcolor=yellow,baselinestretch=1.2,lang=c * frame=lines,framesep=2\fboxsep,lang=python If 'lang=xxx' is not given, 'lang=latex' is assumed by default. Make sure to use the '-shell-escape' option for the latex backend. Read the documentation of the minted package for further options and details. HelpTextEnd InputFormat text FileFilter "*" AutomaticProduction true Preview InstantPreview Transform Extra Format LaTeX Preamble minted TransformOption Extra ExtraOption Option Arg "[$$Extra]" Product "\\inputsource$$Arg{$$AbsPath$$Basename$$Extension}" UpdateFormat text UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename$$Extension" ReferencedFile text "$$AbsPath$$Basename$$Extension" FormatEnd Format PDFLaTeX Preamble minted TransformOption Extra ExtraOption Option Arg "[$$Extra]" Product "\\inputsource$$Arg{$$AbsPath$$Basename$$Extension}" UpdateFormat text UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename$$Extension" ReferencedFile text "$$AbsPath$$Basename$$Extension" FormatEnd Format Ascii Product "$$Contents(\"$$AbsPath$$Basename$$Extension\")" UpdateFormat text UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename$$Extension" FormatEnd TemplateEnd