# # Inkscape External Template # # This file is part of LyX, the document processor. # Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. # # author Asger Alstrup Nielsen # author Johnathan Burchill # # Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. PreambleDef WarnNotFound %% Print a warning encased in an fbox. \def\lyxstripprefix#1>{} \newcommand{\warnNotFound}[1]{% \def\lyxtempfilename{#1}% \fbox{Could not find \ttfamily\expandafter\lyxstripprefix\meaning\lyxtempfilename!}% \typeout{Could not find \lyxtempfilename!}% } PreambleDefEnd PreambleDef InputOrWarn %% Input the file if it exists, using \input, else print a warning \newcommand{\inputOrWarn}[1]{% \IfFileExists{#1}{\input{#1}}{\warnNotFound{#1}}} PreambleDefEnd Template Inkscape GuiName "Inkscape figure" HelpText An Inkscape figure. Note that using this template automatically uses the document text in the image (like with the Xfig template). HelpTextEnd InputFormat svg FileFilter "*.{svg}" AutomaticProduction true Transform Rotate Preview InstantPreview Format PDFLaTeX TransformCommand Rotate RotationLatexCommand # Resize is not desirable here, as fonts are sized to surrounding LaTeX font Product "$$RotateFront\\input{$$AbsOrRelPathMaster$$Basename.pdf_tex}$$RotateBack" UpdateFormat pdftex UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename.pdf_tex" Requirement "xcolor" Requirement "graphicx" Requirement "mathtools" # Preamble WarnNotFound # Preamble InputOrWarn ReferencedFile pdflatex "$$AbsOrRelPathMaster$$Basename.pdf_tex" ReferencedFile pdflatex "$$AbsPath$$Basename.pdf" FormatEnd Format LaTeX TransformCommand Rotate RotationLatexCommand Product "$$RotateFront\\input{$$AbsOrRelPathMaster$$Basename.eps_tex}$$RotateBack" UpdateFormat pstex UpdateResult "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps_tex" Requirement "xcolor" Requirement "graphicx" Requirement "mathtools" # Preamble WarnNotFound # Preamble InputOrWarn ReferencedFile latex "$$AbsOrRelPathMaster$$Basename.eps_tex" ReferencedFile latex "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps" ReferencedFile dvi "$$AbsPath$$Basename.eps" FormatEnd TemplateEnd