# -*- text -*- # file stdtoolbars.inc # This file is part of LyX, the document processor. # Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. # author Jean-Marc Lasgouttes # author John Levon # Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. # The interface is designed (partially) following the KDE Human Interface # Guidelines (http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Usability/HIG) # Casing rules "The tooltip": # Capitalize the first letter of the first word, and any other words normally # capitalized in sentences, such as application names. # # Casing Rules for the "GUI Name": # Capitalize all words in the element, with the following exceptions: # * Articles: a, an, the. # * Conjunctions: and, but, for, not, so, yet ... # * Prepositions of three or fewer letters: at, for, by, in, to ... # # (http://library.gnome.org/devel/hig-book/stable/design-text-labels.html.en) # A Toolbar starts like : # # Toolbar "name" "GUI Name" # # Only seven commands are allowed inside the Toolbar and End # directives: # Item "The tooltip" " []" adds an icon to the toolbar performing # " " # Examples: # Item "Small font" "font-size small" # Item Emphasized set-emph # # Layouts adds the layouts combo-box to the toolbar # # Separator adds some spacing to the toolbar # # Minibuffer adds the command buffer (Qt only, only one may exist) # # TableInsert "The tooltip" adds a special widget for quick insertion of tables # # PopupMenu "name" "The tooltip" # # ... inserts a button with a popup menu derived from Toolbar "name" # # IconPalette "name" "The tooltip" # # ... inserts a button with a popup iconpalette derived from Toolbar "name" # # # The icons are found in the lib/images/ direcory under the name # action.png or action_parameter.png, except for math-insert, which # is e.g. lib/image/math/sum.png. Note that some characters are # replaced (e.g. ')' -> rbracket). # # All other lyx commands will get a "unknown" icon. # # This is the default toolbar: Format 4 ToolbarSet Toolbar "standard" "Standard" Layouts Item "New document" "buffer-new" Item "Open document" "file-open" Item "Save document" "buffer-write" Separator Item "Check spelling" "dialog-show spellchecker" Item "Spellcheck continuously" "spelling-continuously" Separator Item "Undo" "undo" Item "Redo" "redo" Item "Cut" "cut" Item "Copy" "copy" Item "Paste" "paste" Item "Find and replace" "dialog-show findreplace" Item "Find and replace (advanced)" "dialog-toggle findreplaceadv" Item "Navigate back" "bookmark-goto 0" Separator Item "Toggle emphasis" "font-emph" Item "Toggle noun" "font-noun" Item "Apply last" "textstyle-apply" Separator Item "Insert math" "math-mode on" Item "Insert graphics" "dialog-show-new-inset graphics" TableInsert "Insert table" Separator Item "Toggle outline" "dialog-toggle toc" Item "Toggle math toolbar" "toolbar-toggle math" Item "Toggle table toolbar" "toolbar-toggle table" Item "Toggle review toolbar" "toolbar-toggle review" End Toolbar "view/update" "View/Update" Item "View" "buffer-view" Item "Update" "buffer-update" Item "View master document" "master-buffer-view" Item "Update master document" "master-buffer-update" Item "Enable Forward/Reverse Search" "buffer-toggle-output-sync" Separator StickyPopupMenu "view-others" "View other formats" StickyPopupMenu "update-others" "Update other formats" End Toolbar "extra" "Extra" Item "Default" "layout" Item "Numbered list" "layout Enumerate" Item "Itemized list" "layout Itemize" Item "List" "layout List" Item "Description" "layout Description" Item "Increase depth" "depth-increment" Item "Decrease depth" "depth-decrement" Separator Item "Insert figure float" "float-insert figure" Item "Insert table float" "float-insert table" Item "Insert label" "label-insert" Item "Insert cross-reference" "dialog-show-new-inset ref" Item "Insert citation" "dialog-show-new-inset citation" Item "Insert index entry" "index-insert" Item "Insert nomenclature entry" "nomencl-insert" Separator Item "Insert footnote" "footnote-insert" Item "Insert margin note" "marginalnote-insert" Item "Insert LyX note" "note-insert" Item "Insert box" "box-insert Frameless" Item "Insert hyperlink" "href-insert" Item "Insert TeX code" "ert-insert" Item "Insert math macro" "math-macro newmacroname newcommand" Item "Include file" "dialog-show-new-inset include" Separator Item "Text style" "dialog-show character" Item "Paragraph settings" "layout-paragraph" Item "Thesaurus" "thesaurus-entry" End Toolbar "table" "Table" Item "Add row" "tabular-feature append-row" Item "Add column" "tabular-feature append-column" Item "Delete row" "tabular-feature delete-row" Item "Delete column" "tabular-feature delete-column" Item "Move row up" "tabular-feature move-row-up" Item "Move column left" "tabular-feature move-column-left" Item "Move row down" "tabular-feature move-row-down" Item "Move column right" "tabular-feature move-column-right" Separator Item "Set top line" "tabular-feature toggle-line-top" Item "Set bottom line" "tabular-feature toggle-line-bottom" Item "Set left line" "tabular-feature toggle-line-left" Item "Set right line" "tabular-feature toggle-line-right" Item "Set border lines" "tabular-feature set-border-lines" Item "Set all lines" "tabular-feature set-all-lines" Item "Unset all lines" "tabular-feature unset-all-lines" Separator Item "Align left" "command-alternatives tabular-feature m-align-left;tabular-feature align-left" Item "Align center" "command-alternatives tabular-feature m-align-center;tabular-feature align-center" Item "Align right" "command-alternatives tabular-feature m-align-right;tabular-feature align-right" Item "Align on decimal" "tabular-feature align-decimal" Separator Item "Align top" "command-alternatives tabular-feature m-valign-top;tabular-feature valign-top" Item "Align middle" "command-alternatives tabular-feature m-valign-middle;tabular-feature valign-middle" Item "Align bottom" "command-alternatives tabular-feature m-valign-bottom;tabular-feature valign-bottom" Separator Item "Rotate cell by 90 degrees or unset rotation" "tabular-feature toggle-rotate-cell" Item "Rotate table by 90 degrees or unset rotation" "tabular-feature toggle-rotate-tabular" Item "Set multi-column" "tabular-feature multicolumn" Item "Set multi-row" "tabular-feature multirow" End Toolbar "math" "Math" Item "Set display mode" "math-display" Separator Item "Subscript" "math-subscript" Item "Superscript" "math-superscript" Item "Insert square root" "math-insert \sqrt" Item "Insert root" "math-insert \root" Item "Insert standard fraction" "math-insert \frac" Item "Insert sum" "math-insert \sum" Item "Insert integral" "math-insert \int" Item "Insert product" "math-insert \prod" Separator Item "Insert ( )" "math-delim ( )" Item "Insert [ ]" "math-delim [ ]" Item "Insert { }" "math-delim { }" Item "Insert delimiters" "dialog-show mathdelimiter" Separator Item "Insert matrix" "dialog-show mathmatrix" Item "Insert cases environment" "math-insert \cases" Item "Add row" "tabular-feature append-row" Item "Add column" "tabular-feature append-column" Item "Delete row" "tabular-feature delete-row" Item "Delete column" "tabular-feature delete-column" Separator Item "Toggle math panels" "toolbar-toggle math_panels" End Toolbar "mathmacrotemplate" "Math Macros" Item "Remove last argument" "math-macro-remove-param" Item "Append argument" "math-macro-add-param" Separator Item "Make first non-optional into optional argument" "math-macro-make-optional" Item "Make last optional into non-optional argument" "math-macro-make-nonoptional" Item "Remove optional argument" "math-macro-remove-optional-param" Item "Insert optional argument" "math-macro-add-optional-param" Separator Item "Remove last argument spitting out to the right" "math-macro-remove-greedy-param" Item "Append argument eating from the right" "math-macro-append-greedy-param" Item "Append optional argument eating from the right" "math-macro-add-greedy-optional-param" End Toolbar "ipa" "Phonetic Symbols" IconPalette "ipa_pulmonic" "IPA Pulmonic Consonants" IconPalette "ipa_nonpulmonic" "IPA Non-Pulmonic Consonants" IconPalette "ipa_vowels" "IPA Vowels" IconPalette "ipa_others" "IPA Other Symbols" IconPalette "ipa_suprasegmentals" "IPA Suprasegmentals" IconPalette "ipa_diacritics" "IPA Diacritics" IconPalette "ipa_accents" "IPA Tones and Word Accents" End Toolbar "minibuffer" "Command Buffer" Minibuffer End Toolbar "review" "Review[[Toolbar]]" Item "Track changes" "changes-track" Item "Show changes in output" "changes-output" Separator Item "Next change" "change-next" Item "Accept change inside selection" "change-accept" Item "Reject change inside selection" "change-reject" Separator Item "Merge changes" "changes-merge" Item "Accept all changes" "all-changes-accept" Item "Reject all changes" "all-changes-reject" Separator Item "Insert note" "note-insert" Item "Next note" "note-next" End Toolbar "documentation" "LyX Documentation Tools" Item "Info" "info-insert" Item "Menu Separator" "specialchar-insert menu-separator" Separator Item "LyX Logo" "specialchar-insert lyx" Item "TeX Logo" "specialchar-insert tex" Item "LaTeX Logo" "specialchar-insert latex" Item "LaTeX2e Logo" "specialchar-insert latex2e" End Toolbar "view-others" "View Other Formats" ViewFormats End Toolbar "update-others" "Update Other Formats" UpdateFormats End # The following three toolbars are disabled because of missing icons. # Toolbar "import/export" "Import/Export" # Item "Import" "buffer-import" # Item "Export" "buffer-export" # StickyPopupMenu "import-others" "Import other formats" # StickyPopupMenu "export-others" "Export other formats" # End # Toolbar "import-others" "Import Other Formats" # ImportFormats # End # Toolbar "export-others" "Export Other Formats" # ExportFormats # End Toolbar "vcs" "Version Control" Item "Register" "vc-register" Item "Check-out for edit" "vc-check-out" Item "Check-in changes" "vc-check-in" Item "View revision log" "dialog-show vclog" Item "Revert changes" "vc-revert" Item "Compare with older revision" "vc-compare" Item "Compare with last revision" "vc-compare 0" Item "Insert Version Info" "info-insert buffer vcs-revision" Separator Item "Use SVN file locking property" "vc-locking-toggle" Separator Item "Update local directory from repository" "vc-repo-update" End Toolbar "math_panels" "Math Panels" PopupMenu "space" "Math spacings" PopupMenu "style" "Styles & classes" PopupMenu "frac-square" "Fractions" PopupMenu "font" "Fonts" PopupMenu "functions" "Functions" IconPalette "latex_deco" "Frame decorations" IconPalette "latex_varsz" "Big operators" IconPalette "latex_misc" "Miscellaneous" IconPalette "latex_greek" "Greek" IconPalette "latex_arrow" "Arrows" IconPalette "latex_ams_arrows" "Arrows (extended)" IconPalette "latex_bop" "Operators" IconPalette "latex_ams_ops" "Operators (extended)" IconPalette "latex_brel" "Relations" IconPalette "latex_ams_rel" "Relations (extended)" IconPalette "latex_ams_nrel" "Negative relations (extended)" IconPalette "latex_dots" "Dots" IconPalette "latex_delim" "Delimiters (fixed size)" IconPalette "latex_ams_misc" "Miscellaneous (extended)" End Toolbar "functions" "Functions" Item "arccos" "math-insert \arccos" Item "arcsin" "math-insert \arcsin" Item "arctan" "math-insert \arctan" Item "arg" "math-insert \arg" Item "bmod" "math-insert \bmod" Item "cos" "math-insert \cos" Item "cosh" "math-insert \cosh" Item "cot" "math-insert \cot" Item "coth" "math-insert \coth" Item "csc" "math-insert \csc" Item "deg" "math-insert \deg" Item "det" "math-insert \det" Item "dim" "math-insert \dim" Item "exp" "math-insert \exp" Item "gcd" "math-insert \gcd" Item "hom" "math-insert \hom" Item "inf" "math-insert \inf" Item "ker" "math-insert \ker" Item "lg" "math-insert \lg" Item "lim" "math-insert \lim" Item "liminf" "math-insert \liminf" Item "limsup" "math-insert \limsup" Item "ln" "math-insert \ln" Item "log" "math-insert \log" Item "max" "math-insert \max" Item "min" "math-insert \min" Item "sec" "math-insert \sec" Item "sin" "math-insert \sin" Item "sinh" "math-insert \sinh" Item "sup" "math-insert \sup" Item "tan" "math-insert \tan" Item "tanh" "math-insert \tanh" Item "Pr" "math-insert \Pr" End Toolbar "space" "Spacings" Item "Thin space \\," "math-insert \," Item "Medium space \\:" "math-insert \:" Item "Thick space \\;" "math-insert \;" Item "Quadratin space \\quad" "math-insert \quad" Item "Double quadratin space \\qquad" "math-insert \qquad" Item "Negative space \\!" "math-insert \!" Item "Phantom \\phantom" "math-insert \phantom" Item "Horizontal phantom \\hphantom" "math-insert \hphantom" Item "Vertical phantom \\vphantom" "math-insert \vphantom" Item "Smash \\smash" "math-insert \smash" Item "Top smash \\smasht" "math-insert \smasht" Item "Bottom smash \\smashb" "math-insert \smashb" Item "Left overlap \\mathllap" "math-insert \mathllap" Item "Center overlap \\mathclap" "math-insert \mathclap" Item "Right overlap \\mathrlap" "math-insert \mathrlap" End Toolbar "sqrt-square" "Roots" Item "Square root \\sqrt" "math-insert \sqrt" Item "Other root \\root" "math-insert \root" End Toolbar "style" "Styles & Classes" Item "Display style \\displaystyle" "math-size \displaystyle" Item "Normal text style \\textstyle" "math-size \textstyle" Item "Script (small) style \\scriptstyle" "math-size \scriptstyle" Item "Scriptscript (smaller) style \\scriptscriptstyle" "math-size \scriptscriptstyle" Item "Relation class \\mathrel" "math-insert \mathrel" Item "Binary operator class \\mathbin" "math-insert \mathbin" Item "Large operator class \\mathop" "math-insert \mathop" Item "Ordinary class \\mathord" "math-insert \mathord" End Toolbar "frac-square" "Fractions" Item "Standard \\frac" "math-insert \frac" Item "Nice fraction (3/4) \\nicefrac" "math-insert \nicefrac" Item "Unit (km) \\unitone" "math-insert \unitone" Item "Unit (864 m) \\unittwo" "math-insert \unittwo" Item "Unit fraction (km/h) \\unitfrac" "math-insert \unitfrac" Item "Unit fraction (20 km/h) \\unitfracthree" "math-insert \unitfracthree" Item "Text fraction \\tfrac" "math-insert \tfrac" Item "Display fraction \\dfrac" "math-insert \dfrac" Item "Continued fraction \\cfrac" "math-insert \cfrac" Item "Continued fraction (left) \\cfracleft" "math-insert \cfracleft" Item "Continued fraction (right) \\cfracright" "math-insert \cfracright" Item "Binomial \\binom" "math-insert \binom" Item "Text binomial \\tbinom" "math-insert \tbinom" Item "Display binomial \\dbinom" "math-insert \dbinom" End Toolbar "font" "Fonts" Item "Roman \\mathrm" "math-insert \mathrm" Item "Bold \\mathbf" "math-insert \mathbf" Item "Bold symbol \\boldsymbol" "math-insert \boldsymbol" Item "Sans serif \\mathsf" "math-insert \mathsf" Item "Italic \\mathit" "math-insert \mathit" Item "Typewriter \\mathtt" "math-insert \mathtt" Item "Blackboard \\mathbb" "math-insert \mathbb" Item "Fraktur \\mathfrak" "math-insert \mathfrak" Item "Calligraphic \\mathcal" "math-insert \mathcal" Item "Formal Script \\mathscr" "math-insert \mathscr" Item "Normal text mode \\textrm" "math-insert \textrm" End Toolbar "latex_dots" "Dots" Item "ldots" "math-insert \ldots" Item "cdots" "math-insert \cdots" Item "vdots" "math-insert \vdots" Item "ddots" "math-insert \ddots" Item "iddots" "math-insert \iddots" # Item "adots" "math-insert \adots" # identical to idots, idots has better dependencies # Item "dotsb" "math-insert \dotsb" # Item "dotsc" "math-insert \dotsc" # Item "dotsi" "math-insert \dotsi" # Item "dotsm" "math-insert \dotsm" # Item "dotso" "math-insert \dotso" # Item "dots" "math-insert \dots" End Toolbar "latex_deco" "Frame Decorations" Item "hat" "math-insert \hat" Item "tilde" "math-insert \tilde" Item "bar" "math-insert \bar" Item "grave" "math-insert \grave" Item "dot" "math-insert \dot" Item "check" "math-insert \check" Item "widehat" "math-insert \widehat" Item "widetilde" "math-insert \widetilde" Item "utilde" "math-insert \utilde" Item "vec" "math-insert \vec" Item "acute" "math-insert \acute" Item "ddot" "math-insert \ddot" Item "dddot" "math-insert \dddot" Item "ddddot" "math-insert \ddddot" Item "breve" "math-insert \breve" Item "mathring" "math-insert \mathring" Item "overline" "math-insert \overline" Item "overbrace" "math-insert \overbrace" Item "overleftarrow" "math-insert \overleftarrow" Item "overrightarrow" "math-insert \overrightarrow" Item "overleftrightarrow" "math-insert \overleftrightarrow" Item "underline" "math-insert \underline" # Item "underbar" "math-insert \underbar" # switches to text mode, strikes through underlengths Item "underbrace" "math-insert \underbrace" # Item "undertilde" "math-insert \undertilde" # problematic dependencies (see lib/symbols) Item "underleftarrow" "math-insert \underleftarrow" Item "underrightarrow" "math-insert \underrightarrow" Item "underleftrightarrow" "math-insert \underleftrightarrow" Item "cancel" "math-insert \cancel" Item "bcancel" "math-insert \bcancel" Item "xcancel" "math-insert \xcancel" Item "cancelto" "math-insert \cancelto" Item "Insert left/right side scripts (sideset)" "math-insert \sideset" Item "Insert right side scripts (sidesetr)" "math-insert \sidesetr" Item "Insert left side scripts (sidesetl)" "math-insert \sidesetl" Item "Insert side scripts (sidesetn)" "math-insert \sidesetn" Item "overset" "math-insert \overset" Item "underset" "math-insert \underset" Item "stackrel" "math-insert \stackrel" Item "stackrelthree" "math-insert \stackrelthree" End Toolbar "latex_arrow" "Arrows" Item "leftarrow" "math-insert \leftarrow" # Item "gets" "math-insert \gets" # same as leftarrow Item "rightarrow" "math-insert \rightarrow" # Item "to" "math-insert \to" # same as rightarrow Item "downarrow" "math-insert \downarrow" Item "uparrow" "math-insert \uparrow" Item "updownarrow" "math-insert \updownarrow" Item "leftrightarrow" "math-insert \leftrightarrow" Item "Leftarrow" "math-insert \Leftarrow" Item "Rightarrow" "math-insert \Rightarrow" Item "Downarrow" "math-insert \Downarrow" Item "Uparrow" "math-insert \Uparrow" Item "Updownarrow" "math-insert \Updownarrow" Item "Leftrightarrow" "math-insert \Leftrightarrow" Item "Longleftrightarrow" "math-insert \Longleftrightarrow" Item "Longleftarrow" "math-insert \Longleftarrow" Item "Longrightarrow" "math-insert \Longrightarrow" Item "longleftrightarrow" "math-insert \longleftrightarrow" Item "longleftarrow" "math-insert \longleftarrow" Item "longrightarrow" "math-insert \longrightarrow" Item "leftharpoondown" "math-insert \leftharpoondown" Item "rightharpoondown" "math-insert \rightharpoondown" Item "mapsto" "math-insert \mapsto" Item "longmapsto" "math-insert \longmapsto" Item "nwarrow" "math-insert \nwarrow" Item "nearrow" "math-insert \nearrow" Item "leftharpoonup" "math-insert \leftharpoonup" Item "rightharpoonup" "math-insert \rightharpoonup" Item "hookleftarrow" "math-insert \hookleftarrow" Item "hookrightarrow" "math-insert \hookrightarrow" Item "swarrow" "math-insert \swarrow" Item "searrow" "math-insert \searrow" Item "rightleftharpoons" "math-insert \rightleftharpoons" # Item "arrowvert" "math-insert \arrowvert" # not really an arrow # Item "Arrowvert" "math-insert \Arrowvert" # not really an arrow End Toolbar "latex_bop" "Operators" Item "pm" "math-insert \pm" Item "cap" "math-insert \cap" Item "diamond" "math-insert \diamond" Item "oplus" "math-insert \oplus" Item "mp" "math-insert \mp" Item "cup" "math-insert \cup" Item "bigtriangleup" "math-insert \bigtriangleup" Item "ominus" "math-insert \ominus" Item "times" "math-insert \times" Item "uplus" "math-insert \uplus" Item "bigtriangledown" "math-insert \bigtriangledown" Item "otimes" "math-insert \otimes" Item "div" "math-insert \div" Item "sqcap" "math-insert \sqcap" Item "triangleright" "math-insert \triangleright" Item "oslash" "math-insert \oslash" Item "cdot" "math-insert \cdot" Item "sqcup" "math-insert \sqcup" Item "triangleleft" "math-insert \triangleleft" Item "odot" "math-insert \odot" Item "star" "math-insert \star" Item "ast" "math-insert \ast" Item "vee" "math-insert \vee" Item "amalg" "math-insert \amalg" Item "bigcirc" "math-insert \bigcirc" Item "setminus" "math-insert \setminus" Item "wedge" "math-insert \wedge" Item "dagger" "math-insert \dagger" Item "circ" "math-insert \circ" Item "bullet" "math-insert \bullet" Item "wr" "math-insert \wr" Item "ddagger" "math-insert \ddagger" Item "smallint" "math-insert \smallint" End Toolbar "latex_brel" "Relations" Item "leq" "math-insert \leq" # Item "le" "math-insert \le" # same as leq Item "geq" "math-insert \geq" # Item "ge" "math-insert \ge" # same a geq Item "equiv" "math-insert \equiv" Item "models" "math-insert \models" Item "prec" "math-insert \prec" Item "succ" "math-insert \succ" Item "sim" "math-insert \sim" Item "perp" "math-insert \perp" Item "preceq" "math-insert \preceq" Item "succeq" "math-insert \succeq" Item "simeq" "math-insert \simeq" Item "mid" "math-insert \mid" Item "ll" "math-insert \ll" Item "gg" "math-insert \gg" Item "asymp" "math-insert \asymp" Item "parallel" "math-insert \parallel" Item "subset" "math-insert \subset" Item "supset" "math-insert \supset" Item "approx" "math-insert \approx" Item "smile" "math-insert \smile" Item "subseteq" "math-insert \subseteq" Item "supseteq" "math-insert \supseteq" Item "cong" "math-insert \cong" Item "frown" "math-insert \frown" Item "sqsubseteq" "math-insert \sqsubseteq" Item "sqsupseteq" "math-insert \sqsupseteq" Item "doteq" "math-insert \doteq" Item "neq" "math-insert \neq" # Item "ne" "math-insert \ne" # same as neq Item "in[[math relation]]" "math-insert \in" Item "ni" "math-insert \ni" # Item "owns" "math-insert \owns" # same as ni Item "propto" "math-insert \propto" Item "notin" "math-insert \notin" Item "vdash" "math-insert \vdash" Item "dashv" "math-insert \dashv" Item "bowtie" "math-insert \bowtie" Item "iff" "math-insert \iff" Item "not" "math-insert \not" Item "land" "math-insert \land" Item "lor" "math-insert \lor" Item "lnot" "math-insert \lnot" End Toolbar "latex_greek" "Greek" Item "alpha" "math-insert \alpha" Item "beta" "math-insert \beta" Item "gamma" "math-insert \gamma" Item "delta" "math-insert \delta" Item "epsilon" "math-insert \epsilon" Item "varepsilon" "math-insert \varepsilon" Item "zeta" "math-insert \zeta" Item "eta" "math-insert \eta" Item "theta" "math-insert \theta" Item "vartheta" "math-insert \vartheta" Item "iota" "math-insert \iota" Item "kappa" "math-insert \kappa" Item "lambda" "math-insert \lambda" Item "mu" "math-insert \mu" Item "nu" "math-insert \nu" Item "xi" "math-insert \xi" Item "pi" "math-insert \pi" Item "varpi" "math-insert \varpi" Item "rho" "math-insert \rho" Item "varrho" "math-insert \varrho" Item "sigma" "math-insert \sigma" Item "varsigma" "math-insert \varsigma" Item "tau" "math-insert \tau" Item "upsilon" "math-insert \upsilon" Item "phi" "math-insert \phi" Item "varphi" "math-insert \varphi" Item "chi" "math-insert \chi" Item "psi" "math-insert \psi" Item "omega" "math-insert \omega" Item "Gamma" "math-insert \Gamma" Item "Delta" "math-insert \Delta" Item "Theta" "math-insert \Theta" Item "Lambda" "math-insert \Lambda" Item "Xi" "math-insert \Xi" Item "Pi" "math-insert \Pi" Item "Sigma" "math-insert \Sigma" Item "Upsilon" "math-insert \Upsilon" Item "Phi" "math-insert \Phi" Item "Psi" "math-insert \Psi" Item "Omega" "math-insert \Omega" Item "varGamma" "math-insert \varGamma" Item "varDelta" "math-insert \varDelta" Item "varTheta" "math-insert \varTheta" Item "varLambda" "math-insert \varLambda" Item "varXi" "math-insert \varXi" Item "varPi" "math-insert \varPi" Item "varSigma" "math-insert \varSigma" Item "varUpsilon" "math-insert \varUpsilon" Item "varPhi" "math-insert \varPhi" Item "varPsi" "math-insert \varPsi" Item "varOmega" "math-insert \varOmega" End Toolbar "latex_misc" "Miscellaneous" Item "nabla" "math-insert \nabla" Item "partial" "math-insert \partial" Item "infty" "math-insert \infty" Item "prime" "math-insert \prime" Item "ell" "math-insert \ell" Item "emptyset" "math-insert \emptyset" Item "exists" "math-insert \exists" Item "forall" "math-insert \forall" Item "imath" "math-insert \imath" Item "jmath" "math-insert \jmath" Item "Re" "math-insert \Re" Item "Im" "math-insert \Im" Item "aleph" "math-insert \aleph" Item "wp" "math-insert \wp" Item "hbar" "math-insert \hbar" Item "angle" "math-insert \angle" Item "top" "math-insert \top" Item "bot" "math-insert \bot" Item "Vert" "math-insert \Vert" Item "neg" "math-insert \neg" Item "flat" "math-insert \flat" Item "natural" "math-insert \natural" Item "sharp" "math-insert \sharp" Item "surd" "math-insert \surd" Item "lhook" "math-insert \lhook" Item "rhook" "math-insert \rhook" Item "triangle" "math-insert \triangle" Item "diamondsuit" "math-insert \diamondsuit" Item "heartsuit" "math-insert \heartsuit" Item "clubsuit" "math-insert \clubsuit" Item "spadesuit" "math-insert \spadesuit" Item "textrm \\AA" "math-insert \textrm \AA" Item "textrm \\O" "math-insert \textrm \O" Item "mathcircumflex" "math-insert \mathcircumflex" Item "_" "math-insert \_" Item "textdegree" "math-insert \textdegree" Item "mathdollar" "math-insert \mathdollar" Item "mathparagraph" "math-insert \mathparagraph" Item "mathsection" "math-insert \mathsection" Item "mathrm T" "math-insert \mathrm T" Item "mathbb N" "math-insert \mathbb N" Item "mathbb Z" "math-insert \mathbb Z" Item "mathbb Q" "math-insert \mathbb Q" Item "mathbb R" "math-insert \mathbb R" Item "mathbb C" "math-insert \mathbb C" Item "mathbb H" "math-insert \mathbb H" Item "mathcal F" "math-insert \mathcal F" Item "mathcal L" "math-insert \mathcal L" Item "mathcal H" "math-insert \mathcal H" Item "mathcal O" "math-insert \mathcal O" End Toolbar "latex_varsz" "Big Operators" Item "intop" "math-insert \intop" Item "int" "math-insert \int" Item "iint" "math-insert \iint" Item "iintop" "math-insert \iintop" Item "iiint" "math-insert \iiint" Item "iiintop" "math-insert \iiintop" Item "iiiint" "math-insert \iiiint" Item "iiiintop" "math-insert \iiiintop" Item "dotsint" "math-insert \dotsint" Item "dotsintop" "math-insert \dotsintop" Item "idotsint" "math-insert \idotsint" Item "oint" "math-insert \oint" Item "ointop" "math-insert \ointop" Item "oiint" "math-insert \oiint" Item "oiintop" "math-insert \oiintop" Item "ointctrclockwiseop" "math-insert \ointctrclockwiseop" Item "ointctrclockwise" "math-insert \ointctrclockwise" Item "ointclockwiseop" "math-insert \ointclockwiseop" Item "ointclockwise" "math-insert \ointclockwise" Item "sqint" "math-insert \sqint" Item "sqintop" "math-insert \sqintop" Item "sqiint" "math-insert \sqiint" Item "sqiintop" "math-insert \sqiintop" Item "fint" "math-insert \fint" Item "fintop" "math-insert \fintop" Item "landupint" "math-insert \landupint" Item "landupintop" "math-insert \landupintop" Item "landdownint" "math-insert \landdownint" Item "landdownintop" "math-insert \landdownintop" Item "varint" "math-insert \varint" Item "varoint" "math-insert \varoint" Item "varoiint" "math-insert \varoiint" Item "varoiintop" "math-insert \varoiintop" Item "varointclockwise" "math-insert \varointclockwise" Item "varointclockwiseop" "math-insert \varointclockwiseop" Item "varointctrclockwise" "math-insert \varointctrclockwise" Item "varointctrclockwiseop" "math-insert \varointctrclockwiseop" Item "sum" "math-insert \sum" Item "prod" "math-insert \prod" Item "coprod" "math-insert \coprod" Item "bigsqcup" "math-insert \bigsqcup" Item "bigotimes" "math-insert \bigotimes" Item "bigodot" "math-insert \bigodot" Item "bigoplus" "math-insert \bigoplus" Item "bigcap" "math-insert \bigcap" Item "bigcup" "math-insert \bigcup" Item "biguplus" "math-insert \biguplus" Item "bigvee" "math-insert \bigvee" Item "bigwedge" "math-insert \bigwedge" End Toolbar "latex_ams_misc" "Miscellaneous (extended)" Item "digamma" "math-insert \digamma" Item "varkappa" "math-insert \varkappa" Item "beth" "math-insert \beth" Item "daleth" "math-insert \daleth" Item "gimel" "math-insert \gimel" Item "ulcorner" "math-insert \ulcorner" Item "urcorner" "math-insert \urcorner" Item "llcorner" "math-insert \llcorner" Item "lrcorner" "math-insert \lrcorner" Item "hbar" "math-insert \hbar" Item "hslash" "math-insert \hslash" Item "vartriangle" "math-insert \vartriangle" Item "triangledown" "math-insert \triangledown" Item "square" "math-insert \square" # Item "Box" "math-insert \Box" # same as square Item "Square" "math-insert \Square" Item "CheckedBox" "math-insert \CheckedBox" Item "XBox" "math-insert \XBox" Item "lozenge" "math-insert \lozenge" Item "wasylozenge" "math-insert \wasylozenge" Item "circledR" "math-insert \circledR" Item "circledS" "math-insert \circledS" Item "measuredangle" "math-insert \measuredangle" Item "varangle" "math-insert \varangle" Item "nexists" "math-insert \nexists" Item "mho" "math-insert \mho" Item "Finv" "math-insert \Finv" Item "Game" "math-insert \Game" Item "Bbbk" "math-insert \Bbbk" Item "backprime" "math-insert \backprime" Item "varnothing" "math-insert \varnothing" # Item "Diamond" "math-insert \Diamond" # same as lozenge Item "blacktriangle" "math-insert \blacktriangle" Item "blacktriangledown" "math-insert \blacktriangledown" Item "blacksquare" "math-insert \blacksquare" Item "blacklozenge" "math-insert \blacklozenge" Item "bigstar" "math-insert \bigstar" Item "sphericalangle" "math-insert \sphericalangle" Item "complement" "math-insert \complement" Item "eth" "math-insert \eth" Item "diagup" "math-insert \diagup" Item "diagdown" "math-insert \diagdown" Item "lightning" "math-insert \lightning" Item "varcopyright" "math-insert \varcopyright" Item "Bowtie" "math-insert \Bowtie" Item "diameter" "math-insert \diameter" Item "invdiameter" "math-insert \invdiameter" Item "bell" "math-insert \bell" Item "hexagon" "math-insert \hexagon" Item "varhexagon" "math-insert \varhexagon" Item "pentagon" "math-insert \pentagon" Item "octagon" "math-insert \octagon" # Item "pointer" "math-insert \pointer" # works in text mode only (produces \Psi in math mode) # Item "thorn" "math-insert \thorn" # works in text mode only (produces i in math mode) # Item "Thorn" "math-insert \Thorn" # works in text mode only (produces j in math mode) # Item "agemO" "math-insert \agemO" # works in text mode only (produces 0 in math mode) # Item "phone" "math-insert \phone" # works in text mode only (produces \Upsilon in math mode) # Item "recorder" "math-insert \recorder" # works in text mode only (produces \Sigma in math mode) # Item "clock" "math-insert \clock" # works in text mode only (produces \o in math mode) Item "smiley" "math-insert \smiley" Item "blacksmiley" "math-insert \blacksmiley" Item "frownie" "math-insert \frownie" Item "sun" "math-insert \sun" Item "leadsto" "math-insert \leadsto" Item "Circle" "math-insert \Circle" Item "Leftcircle" "math-insert \Leftcircle" Item "Rightcircle" "math-insert \Rightcircle" Item "CIRCLE" "math-insert \CIRCLE" Item "LEFTCIRCLE" "math-insert \LEFTCIRCLE" Item "RIGHTCIRCLE" "math-insert \RIGHTCIRCLE" Item "LEFTcircle" "math-insert \LEFTcircle" Item "RIGHTcircle" "math-insert \RIGHTcircle" Item "leftturn" "math-insert \leftturn" Item "rightturn" "math-insert \rightturn" Item "AC" "math-insert \AC" Item "HF" "math-insert \HF" Item "VHF" "math-insert \VHF" Item "photon" "math-insert \photon" Item "gluon" "math-insert \gluon" Item "permil" "math-insert \permil" # Item "currency" "math-insert \currency" # works in text mode only (produces \oe in math mode) Item "cent" "math-insert \cent" Item "yen" "math-insert \yen" # Item "openo" "math-insert \openo" # works in text mode only (produces l in math mode) # Item "inve" "math-insert \inve" # works in text mode only (produces U in math mode) Item "hexstar" "math-insert \hexstar" Item "varhexstar" "math-insert \varhexstar" Item "davidsstar" "math-insert \davidsstar" Item "maltese" "math-insert \maltese" Item "kreuz" "math-insert \kreuz" Item "ataribox" "math-insert \ataribox" Item "XBox" "math-insert \XBox" Item "checked" "math-insert \checked" Item "checkmark" "math-insert \checkmark" Item "eighthnote" "math-insert \eighthnote" Item "quarternote" "math-insert \quarternote" Item "halfnote" "math-insert \halfnote" Item "fullnote" "math-insert \fullnote" Item "twonotes" "math-insert \twonotes" Item "female" "math-insert \female" Item "male" "math-insert \male" Item "vernal" "math-insert \vernal" Item "ascnode" "math-insert \ascnode" Item "descnode" "math-insert \descnode" Item "fullmoon" "math-insert \fullmoon" Item "newmoon" "math-insert \newmoon" Item "leftmoon" "math-insert \leftmoon" Item "rightmoon" "math-insert \rightmoon" Item "astrosun" "math-insert \astrosun" Item "mercury" "math-insert \mercury" Item "venus" "math-insert \venus" Item "earth" "math-insert \earth" Item "mars" "math-insert \mars" Item "jupiter" "math-insert \jupiter" Item "saturn" "math-insert \saturn" Item "uranus" "math-insert \uranus" Item "neptune" "math-insert \neptune" Item "pluto" "math-insert \pluto" Item "aries" "math-insert \aries" Item "taurus" "math-insert \taurus" Item "gemini" "math-insert \gemini" Item "cancer" "math-insert \cancer" Item "leo" "math-insert \leo" Item "virgo" "math-insert \virgo" Item "libra" "math-insert \libra" Item "scorpio" "math-insert \scorpio" Item "sagittarius" "math-insert \sagittarius" Item "capricornus" "math-insert \capricornus" Item "aquarius" "math-insert \aquarius" Item "pisces" "math-insert \pisces" # Item "conjunction" "math-insert \conjunction" # works in text mode only (produces V in math mode) # Item "opposition" "math-insert \opposition" # works in text mode only (produces W in math mode) Item "APLbox" "math-insert \APLbox" Item "APLcomment" "math-insert \APLcomment" Item "APLdown" "math-insert \APLdown" Item "APLdownarrowbox" "math-insert \APLdownarrowbox" Item "APLinput" "math-insert \APLinput" Item "APLinv" "math-insert \APLinv" Item "APLleftarrowbox" "math-insert \APLleftarrowbox" Item "APLlog" "math-insert \APLlog" Item "APLrightarrowbox" "math-insert \APLrightarrowbox" Item "APLstar" "math-insert \APLstar" Item "APLup" "math-insert \APLup" Item "APLuparrowbox" "math-insert \APLuparrowbox" End Toolbar "latex_ams_arrows" "Arrows (extended)" # Item "dasharrow" "math-insert \dasharrow" # same as dashrightarrow Item "dashleftarrow" "math-insert \dashleftarrow" Item "dashrightarrow" "math-insert \dashrightarrow" Item "leftleftarrows" "math-insert \leftleftarrows" Item "leftrightarrows" "math-insert \leftrightarrows" Item "rightrightarrows" "math-insert \rightrightarrows" Item "rightleftarrows" "math-insert \rightleftarrows" Item "Lleftarrow" "math-insert \Lleftarrow" Item "Rrightarrow" "math-insert \Rrightarrow" Item "twoheadleftarrow" "math-insert \twoheadleftarrow" Item "twoheadrightarrow" "math-insert \twoheadrightarrow" Item "leftarrowtail" "math-insert \leftarrowtail" Item "rightarrowtail" "math-insert \rightarrowtail" Item "looparrowleft" "math-insert \looparrowleft" Item "looparrowright" "math-insert \looparrowright" Item "curvearrowleft" "math-insert \curvearrowleft" Item "curvearrowright" "math-insert \curvearrowright" Item "circlearrowleft" "math-insert \circlearrowleft" Item "circlearrowright" "math-insert \circlearrowright" Item "Lsh" "math-insert \Lsh" Item "Rsh" "math-insert \Rsh" Item "upuparrows" "math-insert \upuparrows" Item "downdownarrows" "math-insert \downdownarrows" Item "upharpoonleft" "math-insert \upharpoonleft" Item "upharpoonright" "math-insert \upharpoonright" # Item "restriction" "math-insert \restriction" # same as upharpoonright Item "downharpoonleft" "math-insert \downharpoonleft" Item "downharpoonright" "math-insert \downharpoonright" Item "leftrightharpoons" "math-insert \leftrightharpoons" Item "rightleftharpoons" "math-insert \rightleftharpoons" Item "rightsquigarrow" "math-insert \rightsquigarrow" Item "leftrightsquigarrow" "math-insert \leftrightsquigarrow" Item "nleftarrow" "math-insert \nleftarrow" Item "nrightarrow" "math-insert \nrightarrow" Item "nleftrightarrow" "math-insert \nleftrightarrow" Item "nLeftarrow" "math-insert \nLeftarrow" Item "nRightarrow" "math-insert \nRightarrow" Item "nLeftrightarrow" "math-insert \nLeftrightarrow" Item "multimap" "math-insert \multimap" Item "shortleftarrow" "math-insert \shortleftarrow" Item "shortrightarrow" "math-insert \shortrightarrow" Item "shortuparrow" "math-insert \shortuparrow" Item "shortdownarrow" "math-insert \shortdownarrow" Item "leftrightarroweq" "math-insert \leftrightarroweq" Item "curlyveedownarrow" "math-insert \curlyveedownarrow" Item "curlyveeuparrow" "math-insert \curlyveeuparrow" Item "nnwarrow" "math-insert \nnwarrow" Item "nnearrow" "math-insert \nnearrow" Item "sswarrow" "math-insert \sswarrow" Item "ssearrow" "math-insert \ssearrow" Item "curlywedgeuparrow" "math-insert \curlywedgeuparrow" Item "curlywedgedownarrow" "math-insert \curlywedgedownarrow" Item "leftrightarrowtriangle" "math-insert \leftrightarrowtriangle" Item "leftarrowtriangle" "math-insert \leftarrowtriangle" Item "rightarrowtriangle" "math-insert \rightarrowtriangle" Item "Mapsto" "math-insert \Mapsto" Item "mapsfrom" "math-insert \mapsfrom" Item "Mapsfrom" "math-insert \Mapsfrom" Item "Longmapsto" "math-insert \Longmapsto" Item "longmapsfrom" "math-insert \longmapsfrom" Item "Longmapsfrom" "math-insert \Longmapsfrom" Item "xleftarrow" "math-insert \xleftarrow" Item "xrightarrow" "math-insert \xrightarrow" # Item "mapstochar" "math-insert \mapstochar" # Item "Mapstochar" "math-insert \Mapstochar" # Item "mapsfromchar" "math-insert \mapsfromchar" # Item "Mapsfromchar" "math-insert \Mapsfromchar" # Item "arrownot" "math-insert \arrownot" # Item "Arrownot" "math-insert \Arrownot" # Item "longarrownot" "math-insert \longarrownot" # Item "Longarrownot" "math-insert \Longarrownot" # Item "LEFTarrow" "math-insert \LEFTarrow" # works in text mode only (produces \imath in math mode) # Item "RIGHTarrow" "math-insert \RIGHTarrow" # works in text mode only (produces \jmath in math mode) # Item "DOWNarrow" "math-insert \DOWNarrow" # works in text mode only (produces L in math mode) # Item "UParrow" "math-insert \UParrow" # works in text mode only (produces K in math mode) End Toolbar "latex_ams_rel" "Relations (extended)" Item "leqq" "math-insert \leqq" Item "geqq" "math-insert \geqq" Item "leqslant" "math-insert \leqslant" Item "geqslant" "math-insert \geqslant" Item "eqslantless" "math-insert \eqslantless" Item "eqslantgtr" "math-insert \eqslantgtr" Item "eqsim" "math-insert \eqsim" Item "lesssim" "math-insert \lesssim" Item "gtrsim" "math-insert \gtrsim" Item "apprge" "math-insert \apprge" Item "apprle" "math-insert \apprle" Item "lessapprox" "math-insert \lessapprox" Item "gtrapprox" "math-insert \gtrapprox" Item "approxeq" "math-insert \approxeq" Item "triangleq" "math-insert \triangleq" Item "lessdot" "math-insert \lessdot" Item "gtrdot" "math-insert \gtrdot" Item "lll" "math-insert \lll" Item "ggg" "math-insert \ggg" # Item "llless" "math-insert \llless" # same as lll # Item "gggtr" "math-insert \gggtr" # same as ggg Item "lessgtr" "math-insert \lessgtr" Item "gtrless" "math-insert \gtrless" Item "lesseqgtr" "math-insert \lesseqgtr" Item "gtreqless" "math-insert \gtreqless" Item "lesseqqgtr" "math-insert \lesseqqgtr" Item "gtreqqless" "math-insert \gtreqqless" Item "eqcirc" "math-insert \eqcirc" Item "circeq" "math-insert \circeq" Item "thicksim" "math-insert \thicksim" Item "thickapprox" "math-insert \thickapprox" Item "backsim" "math-insert \backsim" Item "backsimeq" "math-insert \backsimeq" Item "subseteqq" "math-insert \subseteqq" Item "supseteqq" "math-insert \supseteqq" Item "Subset" "math-insert \Subset" Item "Supset" "math-insert \Supset" Item "sqsubset" "math-insert \sqsubset" Item "sqsupset" "math-insert \sqsupset" Item "preccurlyeq" "math-insert \preccurlyeq" Item "succcurlyeq" "math-insert \succcurlyeq" Item "curlyeqprec" "math-insert \curlyeqprec" Item "curlyeqsucc" "math-insert \curlyeqsucc" Item "precsim" "math-insert \precsim" Item "succsim" "math-insert \succsim" Item "precapprox" "math-insert \precapprox" Item "succapprox" "math-insert \succapprox" Item "vartriangleleft" "math-insert \vartriangleleft" # Item "lhd" "math-insert \lhd" # same as vartriangleleft Item "vartriangleright" "math-insert \vartriangleright" # Item "rhd" "math-insert \rhd" # same as vartriangleright Item "trianglelefteq" "math-insert \trianglelefteq" # Item "unlhd" "math-insert \unlhd" # same as trianglelefteq Item "trianglerighteq" "math-insert \trianglerighteq" # Item "unrhd" "math-insert \unrhd" # same as trianglerighteq Item "bumpeq" "math-insert \bumpeq" Item "Bumpeq" "math-insert \Bumpeq" Item "doteqdot" "math-insert \doteqdot" # Item "Doteq" "math-insert \Doteq" # same as doteqdot Item "risingdotseq" "math-insert \risingdotseq" Item "fallingdotseq" "math-insert \fallingdotseq" Item "vDash" "math-insert \vDash" Item "Vvdash" "math-insert \Vvdash" Item "Vdash" "math-insert \Vdash" Item "shortmid" "math-insert \shortmid" Item "shortparallel" "math-insert \shortparallel" Item "smallsmile" "math-insert \smallsmile" Item "smallfrown" "math-insert \smallfrown" Item "blacktriangleleft" "math-insert \blacktriangleleft" # Item "LHD" "math-insert \LHD" # same as blacktriangleleft Item "blacktriangleright" "math-insert \blacktriangleright" # Item "RHD" "math-insert \RHD" # same as blacktriangleright Item "because" "math-insert \because" Item "therefore" "math-insert \therefore" Item "wasytherefore" "math-insert \wasytherefore" Item "backepsilon" "math-insert \backepsilon" Item "varpropto" "math-insert \varpropto" Item "between" "math-insert \between" Item "pitchfork" "math-insert \pitchfork" Item "trianglelefteqslant" "math-insert \trianglelefteqslant" Item "trianglerighteqslant" "math-insert \trianglerighteqslant" Item "inplus" "math-insert \inplus" Item "niplus" "math-insert \niplus" Item "subsetplus" "math-insert \subsetplus" Item "supsetplus" "math-insert \supsetplus" Item "subsetpluseq" "math-insert \subsetpluseq" Item "supsetpluseq" "math-insert \supsetpluseq" Item "minuso" "math-insert \minuso" Item "baro" "math-insert \baro" Item "sslash" "math-insert \sslash" Item "bbslash" "math-insert \bbslash" Item "moo" "math-insert \moo" Item "merge" "math-insert \merge" Item "invneg" "math-insert \invneg" Item "lbag" "math-insert \lbag" Item "rbag" "math-insert \rbag" Item "interleave" "math-insert \interleave" Item "leftslice" "math-insert \leftslice" Item "rightslice" "math-insert \rightslice" Item "oblong" "math-insert \oblong" Item "talloblong" "math-insert \talloblong" Item "fatsemi" "math-insert \fatsemi" Item "fatslash" "math-insert \fatslash" Item "fatbslash" "math-insert \fatbslash" Item "ldotp" "math-insert \ldotp" Item "cdotp" "math-insert \cdotp" Item "colon" "math-insert \colon" Item "dblcolon" "math-insert \dblcolon" Item "vcentcolon" "math-insert \vcentcolon" Item "colonapprox" "math-insert \colonapprox" Item "Colonapprox" "math-insert \Colonapprox" Item "coloneq" "math-insert \coloneq" Item "Coloneq" "math-insert \Coloneq" Item "coloneqq" "math-insert \coloneqq" Item "Coloneqq" "math-insert \Coloneqq" Item "colonsim" "math-insert \colonsim" Item "Colonsim" "math-insert \Colonsim" Item "eqcolon" "math-insert \eqcolon" Item "Eqcolon" "math-insert \Eqcolon" Item "eqqcolon" "math-insert \eqqcolon" Item "Eqqcolon" "math-insert \Eqqcolon" Item "wasypropto" "math-insert \wasypropto" Item "logof" "math-insert \logof" Item "Join" "math-insert \Join" End Toolbar "latex_ams_nrel" "Negative Relations (extended)" Item "nless" "math-insert \nless" Item "ngtr" "math-insert \ngtr" Item "nleq" "math-insert \nleq" Item "ngeq" "math-insert \ngeq" Item "nleqslant" "math-insert \nleqslant" Item "ngeqslant" "math-insert \ngeqslant" Item "nleqq" "math-insert \nleqq" Item "ngeqq" "math-insert \ngeqq" Item "lneq" "math-insert \lneq" Item "gneq" "math-insert \gneq" Item "lneqq" "math-insert \lneqq" Item "gneqq" "math-insert \gneqq" Item "lvertneqq" "math-insert \lvertneqq" Item "gvertneqq" "math-insert \gvertneqq" Item "lnsim" "math-insert \lnsim" Item "gnsim" "math-insert \gnsim" Item "lnapprox" "math-insert \lnapprox" Item "gnapprox" "math-insert \gnapprox" Item "nprec" "math-insert \nprec" Item "nsucc" "math-insert \nsucc" Item "npreceq" "math-insert \npreceq" Item "nsucceq" "math-insert \nsucceq" Item "precneqq" "math-insert \precneqq" Item "succneqq" "math-insert \succneqq" Item "precnsim" "math-insert \precnsim" Item "succnsim" "math-insert \succnsim" Item "precnapprox" "math-insert \precnapprox" Item "succnapprox" "math-insert \succnapprox" Item "subsetneq" "math-insert \subsetneq" Item "supsetneq" "math-insert \supsetneq" Item "subsetneqq" "math-insert \subsetneqq" Item "supsetneqq" "math-insert \supsetneqq" Item "nsubseteq" "math-insert \nsubseteq" Item "nsubseteqq" "math-insert \nsubseteqq" Item "nsupseteq" "math-insert \nsupseteq" Item "nsupseteqq" "math-insert \nsupseteqq" Item "nvdash" "math-insert \nvdash" Item "nvDash" "math-insert \nvDash" Item "nVDash" "math-insert \nVDash" Item "nVdash" "math-insert \nVdash" Item "varsubsetneq" "math-insert \varsubsetneq" Item "varsupsetneq" "math-insert \varsupsetneq" Item "varsubsetneqq" "math-insert \varsubsetneqq" Item "varsupsetneqq" "math-insert \varsupsetneqq" Item "ntriangleleft" "math-insert \ntriangleleft" Item "ntriangleright" "math-insert \ntriangleright" Item "ntrianglelefteq" "math-insert \ntrianglelefteq" Item "ntrianglerighteq" "math-insert \ntrianglerighteq" Item "ncong" "math-insert \ncong" Item "nsim" "math-insert \nsim" Item "nmid" "math-insert \nmid" Item "nshortmid" "math-insert \nshortmid" Item "nparallel" "math-insert \nparallel" Item "nshortparallel" "math-insert \nshortparallel" Item "ntrianglelefteqslant" "math-insert \ntrianglelefteqslant" Item "ntrianglerighteqslant" "math-insert \ntrianglerighteqslant" End Toolbar "latex_ams_ops" "Operators (extended)" Item "dotplus" "math-insert \dotplus" Item "smallsetminus" "math-insert \smallsetminus" Item "Cap" "math-insert \Cap" # Item "doublecap" "math-insert \doublecap" # same as Cap Item "Cup" "math-insert \Cup" # Item "doublecup" "math-insert \doublecup" # same as Cup Item "barwedge" "math-insert \barwedge" Item "veebar" "math-insert \veebar" Item "doublebarwedge" "math-insert \doublebarwedge" Item "boxminus" "math-insert \boxminus" Item "boxtimes" "math-insert \boxtimes" Item "boxdot" "math-insert \boxdot" Item "boxplus" "math-insert \boxplus" Item "boxast" "math-insert \boxast" Item "boxbar" "math-insert \boxbar" Item "boxslash" "math-insert \boxslash" Item "boxbslash" "math-insert \boxbslash" Item "boxcircle" "math-insert \boxcircle" Item "boxbox" "math-insert \boxbox" Item "boxempty" "math-insert \boxempty" Item "divideontimes" "math-insert \divideontimes" Item "ltimes" "math-insert \ltimes" Item "rtimes" "math-insert \rtimes" Item "leftthreetimes" "math-insert \leftthreetimes" Item "rightthreetimes" "math-insert \rightthreetimes" Item "curlywedge" "math-insert \curlywedge" Item "curlyvee" "math-insert \curlyvee" Item "circleddash" "math-insert \circleddash" Item "circledast" "math-insert \circledast" Item "circledcirc" "math-insert \circledcirc" Item "centerdot" "math-insert \centerdot" Item "intercal" "math-insert \intercal" Item "implies" "math-insert \implies" Item "impliedby" "math-insert \impliedby" Item "bigcurlyvee" "math-insert \bigcurlyvee" Item "bigcurlywedge" "math-insert \bigcurlywedge" Item "bigsqcap" "math-insert \bigsqcap" Item "bigbox" "math-insert \bigbox" Item "bigparallel" "math-insert \bigparallel" Item "biginterleave" "math-insert \biginterleave" Item "bignplus" "math-insert \bignplus" Item "nplus" "math-insert \nplus" Item "Yup" "math-insert \Yup" Item "Ydown" "math-insert \Ydown" Item "Yleft" "math-insert \Yleft" Item "Yright" "math-insert \Yright" Item "obar" "math-insert \obar" Item "obslash" "math-insert \obslash" Item "ocircle" "math-insert \ocircle" Item "olessthan" "math-insert \olessthan" Item "ogreaterthan" "math-insert \ogreaterthan" Item "ovee" "math-insert \ovee" Item "owedge" "math-insert \owedge" Item "varcurlyvee" "math-insert \varcurlyvee" Item "varcurlywedge" "math-insert \varcurlywedge" Item "vartimes" "math-insert \vartimes" Item "varotimes" "math-insert \varotimes" Item "varoast" "math-insert \varoast" Item "varobar" "math-insert \varobar" Item "varodot" "math-insert \varodot" Item "varoslash" "math-insert \varoslash" Item "varobslash" "math-insert \varobslash" Item "varocircle" "math-insert \varocircle" Item "varoplus" "math-insert \varoplus" Item "varominus" "math-insert \varominus" Item "varovee" "math-insert \varovee" Item "varowedge" "math-insert \varowedge" Item "varolessthan" "math-insert \varolessthan" Item "varogreaterthan" "math-insert \varogreaterthan" Item "varbigcirc" "math-insert \varbigcirc" End Toolbar "latex_delim" "Delimiters (fixed size)" # Item "vert" "math-insert \vert" # same as | Item "brokenvert" "math-insert \brokenvert" # Item "lbrace" "math-insert \lbrace" # same as { # Item "rbrace" "math-insert \rbrace" # same as } Item "lfloor" "math-insert \lfloor" Item "rfloor" "math-insert \rfloor" Item "lceil" "math-insert \lceil" Item "rceil" "math-insert \rceil" # Item "backslash" "math-insert \backslash" # same as \ # Item "slash" "math-insert \slash" # same as / # Item "langle" "math-insert \langle" # same as < # Item "rangle" "math-insert \rangle" # same as > Item "llbracket" "math-insert \llbracket" Item "rrbracket" "math-insert \rrbracket" Item "llfloor" "math-insert \llfloor" Item "rrfloor" "math-insert \rrfloor" Item "llceil" "math-insert \llceil" Item "rrceil" "math-insert \rrceil" Item "Lbag" "math-insert \Lbag" Item "Rbag" "math-insert \Rbag" Item "llparenthesis" "math-insert \llparenthesis" Item "rrparenthesis" "math-insert \rrparenthesis" Item "binampersand" "math-insert \binampersand" Item "bindnasrepma" "math-insert \bindnasrepma" End Toolbar "ipa_pulmonic" "IPA Pulmonic Consonants" Item "Voiceless bilabial plosive" "unicode-insert 0x0070" Item "Voiced bilabial plosive" "unicode-insert 0x0062" Item "Voiceless alveolar plosive" "unicode-insert 0x0074" Item "Voiced alveolar plosive" "unicode-insert 0x0064" Item "Voiceless retroflex plosive" "unicode-insert 0x0288" Item "Voiced retroflex plosive" "unicode-insert 0x0256" Item "Voiceless palatal plosive" "unicode-insert 0x0063" Item "Voiced palatal plosive" "unicode-insert 0x025f" Item "Voiceless velar plosive" "unicode-insert 0x006b" Item "Voiced velar plosive" "unicode-insert 0x0261" Item "Voiceless uvular plosive" "unicode-insert 0x0071" Item "Voiced uvular plosive" "unicode-insert 0x0262" Item "Glottal plosive" "unicode-insert 0x0294" Item "Voiced bilabial nasal" "unicode-insert 0x006d" Item "Voiced labiodental nasal" "unicode-insert 0x0271" Item "Voiced alveolar nasal" "unicode-insert 0x006e" Item "Voiced retroflex nasal" "unicode-insert 0x0273" Item "Voiced palatal nasal" "unicode-insert 0x0272" Item "Voiced velar nasal" "unicode-insert 0x014b" Item "Voiced uvular nasal" "unicode-insert 0x0274" Item "Voiced bilabial trill" "unicode-insert 0x0299" Item "Voiced alveolar trill" "unicode-insert 0x0072" Item "Voiced uvular trill" "unicode-insert 0x0280" # Item "Voiced labiodental flap" "unicode-insert 0x2c71" // Not yet covered by TIPA Item "Voiced alveolar tap" "unicode-insert 0x027e" Item "Voiced retroflex flap" "unicode-insert 0x027d" Item "Voiceless bilabial fricative" "unicode-insert 0x0278" Item "Voiced bilabial fricative" "unicode-insert 0x03b2" Item "Voiceless labiodental fricative" "unicode-insert 0x0066" Item "Voiced labiodental fricative" "unicode-insert 0x0076" Item "Voiceless dental fricative" "unicode-insert 0x03b8" Item "Voiced dental fricative" "unicode-insert 0x00f0" Item "Voiceless alveolar fricative" "unicode-insert 0x0073" Item "Voiced alveolar fricative" "unicode-insert 0x007a" Item "Voiceless postalveolar fricative" "unicode-insert 0x0283" Item "Voiced postalveolar fricative" "unicode-insert 0x0292" Item "Voiceless retroflex fricative" "unicode-insert 0x0282" Item "Voiced retroflex fricative" "unicode-insert 0x0290" Item "Voiceless palatal fricative" "unicode-insert 0x00e7" Item "Voiced palatal fricative" "unicode-insert 0x029d" Item "Voiceless velar fricative" "unicode-insert 0x0078" Item "Voiced velar fricative" "unicode-insert 0x0263" Item "Voiceless uvular fricative" "unicode-insert 0x03c7" Item "Voiced uvular fricative" "unicode-insert 0x0281" Item "Voiceless pharyngeal fricative" "unicode-insert 0x0127" Item "Voiced pharyngeal fricative" "unicode-insert 0x0295" Item "Voiceless glottal fricative" "unicode-insert 0x0068" Item "Voiced glottal fricative" "unicode-insert 0x0266" Item "Voiceless alveolar lateral fricative" "unicode-insert 0x026c" Item "Voiced alveolar lateral fricative" "unicode-insert 0x026e" Item "Voiced labiodental approximant" "unicode-insert 0x028b" Item "Voiced alveolar approximant" "unicode-insert 0x0279" Item "Voiced retroflex approximant" "unicode-insert 0x027b" Item "Voiced palatal approximant" "unicode-insert 0x006a" Item "Voiced velar approximant" "unicode-insert 0x0270" Item "Voiced alveolar lateral approximant" "unicode-insert 0x006c" Item "Voiced retroflex lateral approximant" "unicode-insert 0x026d" Item "Voiced palatal lateral approximant" "unicode-insert 0x028e" Item "Voiced velar lateral approximant" "unicode-insert 0x029f" End Toolbar "ipa_nonpulmonic" "IPA Non-Pulmonic Consonants" Item "Bilabial click" "unicode-insert 0x0298" Item "Dental click" "unicode-insert 0x01c0" Item "(Post)alveolar click" "unicode-insert 0x01c3" Item "Palatoalveolar click" "unicode-insert 0x01c2" Item "Alveolar lateral click" "unicode-insert 0x01c1" Item "Voiced bilabial implosive" "unicode-insert 0x0253" Item "Voiced dental/alveolar implosive" "unicode-insert 0x0257" Item "Voiced palatal implosive" "unicode-insert 0x0284" Item "Voiced velar implosive" "unicode-insert 0x0260" Item "Voiced uvular implosive" "unicode-insert 0x029b" Item "Ejective mark" "unicode-insert 0x02bc" End Toolbar "ipa_vowels" "IPA Vowels" Item "Close front unrounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x0069" Item "Close front rounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x0079" Item "Close central unrounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x0268" Item "Close central rounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x0289" Item "Close back unrounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x026f" Item "Close back rounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x0075" Item "Near-close near-front unrounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x026a" Item "Near-close near-front rounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x028f" Item "Near-close near-back rounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x028a" Item "Close-mid front unrounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x0065" Item "Close-mid front rounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x00f8" Item "Close-mid central unrounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x0258" Item "Close-mid central rounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x0275" Item "Close-mid back unrounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x0264" Item "Close-mid back rounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x006f" Item "Mid-central vowel (Schwa)" "unicode-insert 0x0259" Item "Open-mid front unrounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x025b" Item "Open-mid front rounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x0153" Item "Open-mid central unrounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x025c" Item "Open-mid central rounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x025e" Item "Open-mid back unrounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x028c" Item "Open-mid back rounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x0254" Item "Near-open front unrounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x00e6" Item "Near-open vowel" "unicode-insert 0x0250" Item "Open front unrounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x0061" Item "Open front rounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x0276" Item "Open back unrounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x0251" Item "Open back rounded vowel" "unicode-insert 0x0252" End Toolbar "ipa_others" "IPA Other Symbols" Item "Voiceless labial-velar fricative" "unicode-insert 0x028d" Item "Voiced labial-velar approximant" "unicode-insert 0x0077" Item "Voiced labial-palatal approximant" "unicode-insert 0x0265" Item "Voiceless epiglottal fricative" "unicode-insert 0x029c" Item "Voiced epiglottal fricative" "unicode-insert 0x02a2" Item "Epiglottal plosive" "unicode-insert 0x02a1" Item "Voiceless alveolo-palatal fricative" "unicode-insert 0x0255" Item "Voiced alveolo-palatal fricative" "unicode-insert 0x0291" Item "Voiced alveolar lateral flap" "unicode-insert 0x027a" Item "Simultaneous voiceless postalveolar and velar fricative" "unicode-insert 0x0267" Item "Top tie bar" "ipamacro-insert deco toptiebar" Item "Bottom tie bar" "ipamacro-insert deco bottomtiebar" End Toolbar "ipa_suprasegmentals" "IPA Suprasegmentals" Item "Long" "unicode-insert 0x02d0" Item "Half-long" "unicode-insert 0x02d1" Item "Extra short" "unicode-insert 0x0306" Item "Primary stress" "unicode-insert 0x02c8" Item "Secondary stress" "unicode-insert 0x02cc" Item "Minor (foot) group" "unicode-insert 0x007c" Item "Major (intonation) group" "unicode-insert 0x2016" Item "Syllable break" "unicode-insert 0x002e" Item "Linking (absence of a break)" "unicode-insert 0x203f" End Toolbar "ipa_diacritics" "IPA Diacritics" Item "Voiceless" "unicode-insert 0x0325" Item "Voiceless (above)" "unicode-insert 0x030a" Item "Voiced" "unicode-insert 0x032c" Item "Breathy voiced" "unicode-insert 0x0324" Item "Creaky voiced" "unicode-insert 0x0330" Item "Linguolabial" "unicode-insert 0x033c" Item "Dental" "unicode-insert 0x032a" Item "Apical" "unicode-insert 0x033a" Item "Laminal" "unicode-insert 0x033b" Item "Aspirated" "unicode-insert 0x02b0" Item "More rounded" "unicode-insert 0x0339" Item "Less rounded" "unicode-insert 0x031c" Item "Advanced" "unicode-insert 0x031f" Item "Retracted" "unicode-insert 0x0320" Item "Centralized" "unicode-insert 0x0308" Item "Mid-centralized" "unicode-insert 0x033d" Item "Syllabic" "unicode-insert 0x0329" Item "Non-syllabic" "unicode-insert 0x032f" Item "Rhoticity" "unicode-insert 0x02de" Item "Labialized" "unicode-insert 0x02b7" Item "Palatized" "unicode-insert 0x02b2" Item "Velarized" "unicode-insert 0x02e0" Item "Pharyngialized" "unicode-insert 0x02e4" Item "Velarized or pharyngialized" "unicode-insert 0x0334" Item "Raised" "unicode-insert 0x031d" Item "Lowered" "unicode-insert 0x031e" Item "Advanced tongue root" "unicode-insert 0x0318" Item "Retracted tongue root" "unicode-insert 0x0319" Item "Nasalized" "unicode-insert 0x0303" Item "Nasal release" "unicode-insert 0x207f" Item "Lateral release" "unicode-insert 0x02e1" Item "No audible release" "unicode-insert 0x02fa" End Toolbar "ipa_accents" "IPA Tones and Word Accents" Item "Extra high (accent)" "unicode-insert 0x030b" Item "Extra high (tone letter)" "unicode-insert 0x02e5" Item "High (accent)" "unicode-insert 0x0300" Item "High (tone letter)" "unicode-insert 0x02e6" Item "Mid (accent)" "unicode-insert 0x0304" Item "Mid (tone letter)" "unicode-insert 0x02e7" Item "Low (accent)" "unicode-insert 0x0301" Item "Low (tone letter)" "unicode-insert 0x02e8" Item "Extra low (accent)" "unicode-insert 0x030f" Item "Extra low (tone letter)" "unicode-insert 0x02e9" Item "Downstep" "unicode-insert 0xa71c" Item "Upstep" "unicode-insert 0xa71b" Item "Rising (accent)" "unicode-insert 0x030c" Item "Rising (tone letter)" "ipamacro-insert tone-rising" Item "Falling (accent)" "unicode-insert 0x0302" Item "Falling (tone letter)" "ipamacro-insert tone-falling" Item "High rising (accent)" "unicode-insert 0x1dc4" Item "High rising (tone letter)" "ipamacro-insert tone-high-rising" Item "Low rising (accent)" "unicode-insert 0x1dc5" Item "Low rising (tone letter)" "ipamacro-insert tone-low-rising" Item "Rising-falling (accent)" "unicode-insert 0x1dc8" Item "Rising-falling (tone letter)" "ipamacro-insert tone-high-rising-falling" Item "Global rise" "unicode-insert 0x2197" Item "Global fall" "unicode-insert 0x2198" End End