# -*- text -*- # file stdtoolbars.inc # This file is part of LyX, the document processor. # Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. # author Jean-Marc Lasgouttes # author John Levon # Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. # The interface is designed (partially) following the KDE Human Interface # Guidelines (http://usability.kde.org/hig/) # A Toolbar starts like : # # Toolbar "name" "GUI Name" # # Only seven commands are allowed inside the Toolbar and End # directives: # Item "The tooltip" " []" adds an icon to the toolbar performing # " " # Examples: # Item "Small font" "font-size small" # Item Emphasized set-emph # # Layouts adds the layouts combo-box to the toolbar # # Separator adds some spacing to the toolbar # # Minibuffer adds the command buffer (Qt only, only one may exist) # # TableInsert adds a special widget for quick insertion of tables # # PopupMenu "name" "GUI Name" # # ... inserts a button with a popup menu derived from Toolbar "name" # # IconPalette "name" "GUI Name" # # ... inserts a button with a popup iconpalette derived from Toolbar "name" # # # The icons are found in the lib/images/ direcory under the name # action.xpm or action_parameter.xpm, except for math-insert, which # is e.g. lib/image/math/sum.xpm. Note that some characters are # replaced (e.g. ')' -> rbracket). # # All other lyx commands will get a "unknown" icon. # # This is the default toolbar: ToolbarSet Toolbar "standard" "Standard" Layouts Item "New document" "buffer-new" Item "Open document" "file-open" Item "Save document" "buffer-write" Item "Print document" "dialog-show print" Separator Item "Check spelling" "dialog-show spellchecker" Separator Item "Undo" "undo" Item "Redo" "redo" Item "Cut" "cut" Item "Copy" "copy" Item "Paste" "paste" Item "Find and replace" "dialog-show findreplace" Separator Item "Toggle emphasis" "font-emph" Item "Toggle noun" "font-noun" Item "Apply last" "font-free-apply" Separator Item "Insert math" "math-mode" Item "Insert graphics" "dialog-show-new-inset graphics" TableInsert End Toolbar "extra" "Extra" Item "Default" "layout" Item "Numbered list" "layout Enumerate" Item "Itemized list" "layout Itemize" Item "List" "layout List" Item "Description" "layout Description" Item "Increase depth" "depth-increment" Item "Decrease depth" "depth-decrement" Separator Item "Insert figure float" "float-insert figure" Item "Insert table float" "float-insert table" Item "Insert label" "label-insert" Item "Insert cross-reference" "dialog-show-new-inset ref" Item "Insert citation" "dialog-show-new-inset citation" Item "Insert index entry" "index-insert" Item "Insert nomenclature entry" "nomencl-insert" Separator Item "Insert footnote" "footnote-insert" Item "Insert margin note" "marginalnote-insert" Item "Insert note" "note-insert" Item "Insert URL" "url-insert" Item "Insert TeX code" "ert-insert" Item "Include file" "dialog-show-new-inset include" Separator Item "Text style" "dialog-show character" Item "Paragraph settings" "layout-paragraph" Item "Table of contents" "toc-view" Item "Thesaurus" "thesaurus-entry" End Toolbar "table" "Table" Item "Add row" "tabular-feature append-row" Item "Add column" "tabular-feature append-column" Item "Delete row" "tabular-feature delete-row" Item "Delete column" "tabular-feature delete-column" Separator Item "Set top line" "tabular-feature toggle-line-top" Item "Set bottom line" "tabular-feature toggle-line-bottom" Item "Set left line" "tabular-feature toggle-line-left" Item "Set right line" "tabular-feature toggle-line-right" Item "Set all lines" "tabular-feature set-all-lines" Item "Unset all lines" "tabular-feature unset-all-lines" Separator Item "Align left" "tabular-feature align-left" Item "Align center" "tabular-feature align-center" Item "Align right" "tabular-feature align-right" Separator Item "Align top" "tabular-feature valign-top" Item "Align middle" "tabular-feature valign-middle" Item "Align bottom" "tabular-feature valign-bottom" Separator Item "Rotate cell" "tabular-feature set-rotate-cell" Item "Rotate table" "tabular-feature set-rotate-tabular" Item "Set multi-column" "tabular-feature multicolumn" End Toolbar "math" "Math" Item "Set display mode" "math-display" Separator Item "Subscript" "math-subscript" Item "Superscript" "math-superscript" Item "Insert square root" "math-insert \sqrt" Item "Insert root" "math-insert \root" Item "Insert standard fraction" "math-insert \frac" Item "Insert sum" "math-insert \sum" Item "Insert integral" "math-insert \int" Item "Insert product" "math-insert \prod" Separator Item "Insert ( )" "math-delim ( )" Item "Insert [ ]" "math-delim [ ]" Item "Insert { }" "math-delim { }" Item "Insert delimiters" "dialog-show mathdelimiter" Separator Item "Insert matrix" "dialog-show mathmatrix" Item "Insert cases environment" "math-insert \cases" Item "Add row" "tabular-feature append-row" Item "Add column" "tabular-feature append-column" Item "Delete row" "tabular-feature delete-row" Item "Delete column" "tabular-feature delete-column" End Toolbar "minibuffer" "Command Buffer" Minibuffer End Toolbar "review" "Review" Item "Track changes" "changes-track" Item "Show changes in output" "changes-output" Separator Item "Next change" "change-next" Item "Accept change" "change-accept" Item "Reject change" "change-reject" Separator Item "Merge changes" "changes-merge" Item "Accept all changes" "all-changes-accept" Item "Reject all changes" "all-changes-reject" Separator Item "Insert note" "note-insert" Item "Next note" "note-next" End Toolbar "view/update" "View/Update" Item "View DVI" "buffer-view dvi" Item "Update DVI" "buffer-update dvi" Item "View PDF (pdflatex)" "buffer-view pdf2" Item "Update PDF (pdflatex)" "buffer-update pdf2" Item "View PostScript" "buffer-view ps" Item "Update PostScript" "buffer-update ps" End Toolbar "math_panels" "Math Panels" PopupMenu "space" "Math Spacing" PopupMenu "sqrt-square" "Roots" PopupMenu "style" "Styles" PopupMenu "frac-square" "Fractions" PopupMenu "font" "Fonts" PopupMenu "functions" "Functions" IconPalette "latex_deco" "Frame Decorations" IconPalette "latex_varsz" "Big Operators" IconPalette "latex_misc" "Miscellaneous" IconPalette "latex_greek" "Greek" IconPalette "latex_arrow" "Arrows" IconPalette "latex_ams_arrows" "AMS Arrows" IconPalette "latex_bop" "Operators" IconPalette "latex_brel" "Relations" IconPalette "latex_ams_rel" "AMS Relations" IconPalette "latex_ams_nrel" "AMS Negative Relations" IconPalette "latex_dots" "Dots" IconPalette "latex_ams_ops" "AMS Operators" IconPalette "latex_ams_misc" "AMS Miscellaneous" End Toolbar "functions" "Functions" Item "arccos" "math-insert \arccos" Item "arcsin" "math-insert \arcsin" Item "arctan" "math-insert \arctan" Item "arg" "math-insert \arg" Item "bmod" "math-insert \bmod" Item "cos" "math-insert \cos" Item "cosh" "math-insert \cosh" Item "cot" "math-insert \cot" Item "coth" "math-insert \coth" Item "csc" "math-insert \csc" Item "deg" "math-insert \deg" Item "det" "math-insert \det" Item "dim" "math-insert \dim" Item "exp" "math-insert \exp" Item "gcd" "math-insert \gcd" Item "hom" "math-insert \hom" Item "inf" "math-insert \inf" Item "ker" "math-insert \ker" Item "lg" "math-insert \lg" Item "lim" "math-insert \lim" Item "liminf" "math-insert \liminf" Item "limsup" "math-insert \limsup" Item "ln" "math-insert \ln" Item "log" "math-insert \log" Item "max" "math-insert \max" Item "min" "math-insert \min" Item "sec" "math-insert \sec" Item "sin" "math-insert \sin" Item "sinh" "math-insert \sinh" Item "sup" "math-insert \sup" Item "tan" "math-insert \tan" Item "tanh" "math-insert \tanh" Item "Pr" "math-insert \Pr" End Toolbar "space" "Spacing" Item "Thin space \\," "math-insert \," Item "Medium space \\:" "math-insert \:" Item "Thick space \\;" "math-insert \;" Item "Quadratin space \\quad" "math-insert \quad" Item "Double quadratin space \\qquad" "math-insert \qquad" Item "Negative space \\!" "math-insert \!" End Toolbar "sqrt-square" "Roots" Item "Square root \\sqrt" "math-insert \sqrt" Item "Other root \\root" "math-insert \root" End Toolbar "style" "Styles" Item "Display style \\displaystyle" "math-insert \displaystyle" Item "Normal text style \\textstyle" "math-insert \textstyle" Item "Script (small) style \\scriptstyle" "math-insert \scriptstyle" Item "Scriptscript (smaller) style \\scriptscriptstyle" "math-insert \scriptscriptstyle" End Toolbar "frac-square" "Fractions" Item "Standard \\frac" "math-insert \frac" Item "No hor. line \\atop" "math-insert \atop" Item "Nice \\nicefrac" "math-insert \nicefrac" Item "Text frac (amsmath) \\tfrac" "math-insert \tfrac" Item "Display frac (amsmath) \\dfrac" "math-insert \dfrac" Item "Binomial \\choose" "math-insert \choose" End Toolbar "font" "Fonts" Item "Roman \\mathrm" "math-insert \mathrm" Item "Bold \\mathbf" "math-insert \mathbf" Item "Bold symbol \\boldsymbol" "math-insert \boldsymbol" Item "Sans serif \\mathsf" "math-insert \mathsf" Item "Italic \\mathit" "math-insert \mathit" Item "Typewriter \\mathtt" "math-insert \mathtt" Item "Blackboard \\mathbb" "math-insert \mathbb" Item "Fraktur \\mathfrak" "math-insert \mathfrak" Item "Calligraphic \\mathcal" "math-insert \mathcal" Item "Normal text mode \\textrm" "math-insert \textrm" End Toolbar "latex_dots" "Dots" Item "ldots" "math-insert \ldots" Item "cdots" "math-insert \cdots" Item "vdots" "math-insert \vdots" Item "ddots" "math-insert \ddots" End Toolbar "latex_deco" "Frame Decorations" Item "hat" "math-insert \hat" Item "tilde" "math-insert \tilde" Item "bar" "math-insert \bar" Item "grave" "math-insert \grave" Item "dot" "math-insert \dot" Item "check" "math-insert \check" Item "widehat" "math-insert \widehat" Item "widetilde" "math-insert \widetilde" Item "vec" "math-insert \vec" Item "acute" "math-insert \acute" Item "ddot" "math-insert \ddot" Item "breve" "math-insert \breve" Item "overline" "math-insert \overline" Item "overbrace" "math-insert \overbrace" Item "overleftarrow" "math-insert \overleftarrow" Item "overrightarrow" "math-insert \overrightarrow" Item "overleftrightarrow" "math-insert \overleftrightarrow" Item "overset" "math-insert \overset" Item "underline" "math-insert \underline" Item "underbrace" "math-insert \underbrace" Item "underleftarrow" "math-insert \underleftarrow" Item "underrightarrow" "math-insert \underrightarrow" Item "underleftrightarrow" "math-insert \underleftrightarrow" Item "underset" "math-insert \underset" End Toolbar "latex_arrow" "Arrows" Item "leftarrow" "math-insert \leftarrow" Item "rightarrow" "math-insert \rightarrow" Item "downarrow" "math-insert \downarrow" Item "uparrow" "math-insert \uparrow" Item "updownarrow" "math-insert \updownarrow" Item "leftrightarrow" "math-insert \leftrightarrow" Item "Leftarrow" "math-insert \Leftarrow" Item "Rightarrow" "math-insert \Rightarrow" Item "Downarrow" "math-insert \Downarrow" Item "Uparrow" "math-insert \Uparrow" Item "Updownarrow" "math-insert \Updownarrow" Item "Leftrightarrow" "math-insert \Leftrightarrow" Item "Longleftrightarrow" "math-insert \Longleftrightarrow" Item "Longleftarrow" "math-insert \Longleftarrow" Item "Longrightarrow" "math-insert \Longrightarrow" Item "longleftrightarrow" "math-insert \longleftrightarrow" Item "longleftarrow" "math-insert \longleftarrow" Item "longrightarrow" "math-insert \longrightarrow" Item "leftharpoondown" "math-insert \leftharpoondown" Item "rightharpoondown" "math-insert \rightharpoondown" Item "mapsto" "math-insert \mapsto" Item "longmapsto" "math-insert \longmapsto" Item "nwarrow" "math-insert \nwarrow" Item "nearrow" "math-insert \nearrow" Item "leftharpoonup" "math-insert \leftharpoonup" Item "rightharpoonup" "math-insert \rightharpoonup" Item "hookleftarrow" "math-insert \hookleftarrow" Item "hookrightarrow" "math-insert \hookrightarrow" Item "swarrow" "math-insert \swarrow" Item "searrow" "math-insert \searrow" Item "rightleftharpoons" "math-insert \rightleftharpoons" End Toolbar "latex_bop" "Operators" Item "pm" "math-insert \pm" Item "cap" "math-insert \cap" Item "diamond" "math-insert \diamond" Item "oplus" "math-insert \oplus" Item "mp" "math-insert \mp" Item "cup" "math-insert \cup" Item "bigtriangleup" "math-insert \bigtriangleup" Item "ominus" "math-insert \ominus" Item "times" "math-insert \times" Item "uplus" "math-insert \uplus" Item "bigtriangledown" "math-insert \bigtriangledown" Item "otimes" "math-insert \otimes" Item "div" "math-insert \div" Item "sqcap" "math-insert \sqcap" Item "triangleright" "math-insert \triangleright" Item "oslash" "math-insert \oslash" Item "cdot" "math-insert \cdot" Item "sqcup" "math-insert \sqcup" Item "triangleleft" "math-insert \triangleleft" Item "odot" "math-insert \odot" Item "star" "math-insert \star" Item "vee" "math-insert \vee" Item "amalg" "math-insert \amalg" Item "bigcirc" "math-insert \bigcirc" Item "setminus" "math-insert \setminus" Item "wedge" "math-insert \wedge" Item "dagger" "math-insert \dagger" Item "circ" "math-insert \circ" Item "bullet" "math-insert \bullet" Item "wr" "math-insert \wr" Item "ddagger" "math-insert \ddagger" End Toolbar "latex_brel" "Relations" Item "leq" "math-insert \leq" Item "geq" "math-insert \geq" Item "equiv" "math-insert \equiv" Item "models" "math-insert \models" Item "prec" "math-insert \prec" Item "succ" "math-insert \succ" Item "sim" "math-insert \sim" Item "perp" "math-insert \perp" Item "preceq" "math-insert \preceq" Item "succeq" "math-insert \succeq" Item "simeq" "math-insert \simeq" Item "mid" "math-insert \mid" Item "ll" "math-insert \ll" Item "gg" "math-insert \gg" Item "asymp" "math-insert \asymp" Item "parallel" "math-insert \parallel" Item "subset" "math-insert \subset" Item "supset" "math-insert \supset" Item "approx" "math-insert \approx" Item "smile" "math-insert \smile" Item "subseteq" "math-insert \subseteq" Item "supseteq" "math-insert \supseteq" Item "cong" "math-insert \cong" Item "frown" "math-insert \frown" Item "sqsubseteq" "math-insert \sqsubseteq" Item "sqsupseteq" "math-insert \sqsupseteq" Item "doteq" "math-insert \doteq" Item "neq" "math-insert \neq" Item "in" "math-insert \in" Item "ni" "math-insert \ni" Item "propto" "math-insert \propto" Item "notin" "math-insert \notin" Item "vdash" "math-insert \vdash" Item "dashv" "math-insert \dashv" Item "bowtie" "math-insert \bowtie" End Toolbar "latex_greek" "Greek" Item "alpha" "math-insert \alpha" Item "beta" "math-insert \beta" Item "gamma" "math-insert \gamma" Item "delta" "math-insert \delta" Item "epsilon" "math-insert \epsilon" Item "varepsilon" "math-insert \varepsilon" Item "zeta" "math-insert \zeta" Item "eta" "math-insert \eta" Item "theta" "math-insert \theta" Item "vartheta" "math-insert \vartheta" Item "iota" "math-insert \iota" Item "kappa" "math-insert \kappa" Item "lambda" "math-insert \lambda" Item "mu" "math-insert \mu" Item "nu" "math-insert \nu" Item "xi" "math-insert \xi" Item "pi" "math-insert \pi" Item "varpi" "math-insert \varpi" Item "rho" "math-insert \rho" Item "sigma" "math-insert \sigma" Item "varsigma" "math-insert \varsigma" Item "tau" "math-insert \tau" Item "upsilon" "math-insert \upsilon" Item "phi" "math-insert \phi" Item "varphi" "math-insert \varphi" Item "chi" "math-insert \chi" Item "psi" "math-insert \psi" Item "omega" "math-insert \omega" Item "Gamma" "math-insert \Gamma" Item "Delta" "math-insert \Delta" Item "Theta" "math-insert \Theta" Item "Lambda" "math-insert \Lambda" Item "Xi" "math-insert \Xi" Item "Pi" "math-insert \Pi" Item "Sigma" "math-insert \Sigma" Item "Upsilon" "math-insert \Upsilon" Item "Phi" "math-insert \Phi" Item "Psi" "math-insert \Psi" Item "Omega" "math-insert \Omega" End Toolbar "latex_misc" "Miscellaneous" Item "nabla" "math-insert \nabla" Item "partial" "math-insert \partial" Item "infty" "math-insert \infty" Item "prime" "math-insert \prime" Item "ell" "math-insert \ell" Item "emptyset" "math-insert \emptyset" Item "exists" "math-insert \exists" Item "forall" "math-insert \forall" Item "imath" "math-insert \imath" Item "jmath" "math-insert \jmath" Item "Re" "math-insert \Re" Item "Im" "math-insert \Im" Item "aleph" "math-insert \aleph" Item "wp" "math-insert \wp" Item "hbar" "math-insert \hbar" Item "angle" "math-insert \angle" Item "top" "math-insert \top" Item "bot" "math-insert \bot" Item "Vert" "math-insert \Vert" Item "neg" "math-insert \neg" Item "flat" "math-insert \flat" Item "natural" "math-insert \natural" Item "sharp" "math-insert \sharp" Item "surd" "math-insert \surd" Item "triangle" "math-insert \triangle" Item "diamondsuit" "math-insert \diamondsuit" Item "heartsuit" "math-insert \heartsuit" Item "clubsuit" "math-insert \clubsuit" Item "spadesuit" "math-insert \spadesuit" Item "textrm \\AA" "math-insert \textrm \AA" Item "textrm \\O" "math-insert \textrm \O" Item "mathcircumflex" "math-insert \mathcircumflex" Item "_" "math-insert \_" Item "mathrm T" "math-insert \mathrm T" Item "mathbb N" "math-insert \mathbb N" Item "mathbb Z" "math-insert \mathbb Z" Item "mathbb Q" "math-insert \mathbb Q" Item "mathbb R" "math-insert \mathbb R" Item "mathbb C" "math-insert \mathbb C" Item "mathbb H" "math-insert \mathbb H" Item "mathcal F" "math-insert \mathcal F" Item "mathcal L" "math-insert \mathcal L" Item "mathcal H" "math-insert \mathcal H" Item "mathcal O" "math-insert \mathcal O" Item "phantom" "math-insert \phantom" Item "vphantom" "math-insert \vphantom" Item "hphantom" "math-insert \hphantom" End Toolbar "latex_varsz" "Big Operators" Item "sum" "math-insert \sum" Item "int" "math-insert \int" Item "intop" "math-insert \intop" Item "iint" "math-insert \iint" Item "iintop" "math-insert \iintop" Item "iiint" "math-insert \iiint" Item "iiintop" "math-insert \iiintop" Item "iiiint" "math-insert \iiiint" Item "iiiintop" "math-insert \iiiintop" Item "dotsint" "math-insert \dotsint" Item "dotsintop" "math-insert \dotsintop" Item "oint" "math-insert \oint" Item "ointop" "math-insert \ointop" Item "oiint" "math-insert \oiint" Item "oiintop" "math-insert \oiintop" Item "ointctrclockwise" "math-insert \ointctrclockwise" Item "ointctrclockwiseop" "math-insert \ointctrclockwiseop" Item "ointclockwise" "math-insert \ointclockwise" Item "ointclockwiseop" "math-insert \ointclockwiseop" Item "sqint" "math-insert \sqint" Item "sqintop" "math-insert \sqintop" Item "sqiint" "math-insert \sqiint" Item "sqiintop" "math-insert \sqiintop" Item "prod" "math-insert \prod" Item "coprod" "math-insert \coprod" Item "bigsqcup" "math-insert \bigsqcup" Item "bigotimes" "math-insert \bigotimes" Item "bigodot" "math-insert \bigodot" Item "bigoplus" "math-insert \bigoplus" Item "bigcap" "math-insert \bigcap" Item "bigcup" "math-insert \bigcup" Item "biguplus" "math-insert \biguplus" Item "bigvee" "math-insert \bigvee" Item "bigwedge" "math-insert \bigwedge" End Toolbar "latex_ams_misc" "AMS Miscellaneous" Item "digamma" "math-insert \digamma" Item "varkappa" "math-insert \varkappa" Item "beth" "math-insert \beth" Item "daleth" "math-insert \daleth" Item "gimel" "math-insert \gimel" Item "ulcorner" "math-insert \ulcorner" Item "urcorner" "math-insert \urcorner" Item "llcorner" "math-insert \llcorner" Item "lrcorner" "math-insert \lrcorner" Item "hbar" "math-insert \hbar" Item "hslash" "math-insert \hslash" Item "vartriangle" "math-insert \vartriangle" Item "triangledown" "math-insert \triangledown" Item "square" "math-insert \square" Item "lozenge" "math-insert \lozenge" Item "circledS" "math-insert \circledS" Item "angle" "math-insert \angle" Item "measuredangle" "math-insert \measuredangle" Item "nexists" "math-insert \nexists" Item "mho" "math-insert \mho" Item "Finv" "math-insert \Finv" Item "Game" "math-insert \Game" Item "Bbbk" "math-insert \Bbbk" Item "backprime" "math-insert \backprime" Item "varnothing" "math-insert \varnothing" Item "blacktriangle" "math-insert \blacktriangle" Item "blacktriangledown" "math-insert \blacktriangledown" Item "blacksquare" "math-insert \blacksquare" Item "blacklozenge" "math-insert \blacklozenge" Item "bigstar" "math-insert \bigstar" Item "sphericalangle" "math-insert \sphericalangle" Item "complement" "math-insert \complement" Item "eth" "math-insert \eth" Item "diagup" "math-insert \diagup" Item "diagdown" "math-insert \diagdown" End Toolbar "latex_ams_arrows" "AMS Arrows" Item "dashleftarrow" "math-insert \dashleftarrow" Item "dashrightarrow" "math-insert \dashrightarrow" Item "leftleftarrows" "math-insert \leftleftarrows" Item "leftrightarrows" "math-insert \leftrightarrows" Item "rightrightarrows" "math-insert \rightrightarrows" Item "rightleftarrows" "math-insert \rightleftarrows" Item "Lleftarrow" "math-insert \Lleftarrow" Item "Rrightarrow" "math-insert \Rrightarrow" Item "twoheadleftarrow" "math-insert \twoheadleftarrow" Item "twoheadrightarrow" "math-insert \twoheadrightarrow" Item "leftarrowtail" "math-insert \leftarrowtail" Item "rightarrowtail" "math-insert \rightarrowtail" Item "looparrowleft" "math-insert \looparrowleft" Item "looparrowright" "math-insert \looparrowright" Item "curvearrowleft" "math-insert \curvearrowleft" Item "curvearrowright" "math-insert \curvearrowright" Item "circlearrowleft" "math-insert \circlearrowleft" Item "circlearrowright" "math-insert \circlearrowright" Item "Lsh" "math-insert \Lsh" Item "Rsh" "math-insert \Rsh" Item "upuparrows" "math-insert \upuparrows" Item "downdownarrows" "math-insert \downdownarrows" Item "upharpoonleft" "math-insert \upharpoonleft" Item "upharpoonright" "math-insert \upharpoonright" Item "downharpoonleft" "math-insert \downharpoonleft" Item "downharpoonright" "math-insert \downharpoonright" Item "leftrightharpoons" "math-insert \leftrightharpoons" Item "rightleftharpoons" "math-insert \rightleftharpoons" Item "rightsquigarrow" "math-insert \rightsquigarrow" Item "leftrightsquigarrow" "math-insert \leftrightsquigarrow" Item "nleftarrow" "math-insert \nleftarrow" Item "nrightarrow" "math-insert \nrightarrow" Item "nleftrightarrow" "math-insert \nleftrightarrow" Item "nLeftarrow" "math-insert \nLeftarrow" Item "nRightarrow" "math-insert \nRightarrow" Item "nLeftrightarrow" "math-insert \nLeftrightarrow" Item "multimap" "math-insert \multimap" End Toolbar "latex_ams_rel" "AMS Relations" Item "leqq" "math-insert \leqq" Item "geqq" "math-insert \geqq" Item "leqslant" "math-insert \leqslant" Item "geqslant" "math-insert \geqslant" Item "eqslantless" "math-insert \eqslantless" Item "eqslantgtr" "math-insert \eqslantgtr" Item "lesssim" "math-insert \lesssim" Item "gtrsim" "math-insert \gtrsim" Item "lessapprox" "math-insert \lessapprox" Item "gtrapprox" "math-insert \gtrapprox" Item "approxeq" "math-insert \approxeq" Item "triangleq" "math-insert \triangleq" Item "lessdot" "math-insert \lessdot" Item "gtrdot" "math-insert \gtrdot" Item "lll" "math-insert \lll" Item "ggg" "math-insert \ggg" Item "lessgtr" "math-insert \lessgtr" Item "gtrless" "math-insert \gtrless" Item "lesseqgtr" "math-insert \lesseqgtr" Item "gtreqless" "math-insert \gtreqless" Item "lesseqqgtr" "math-insert \lesseqqgtr" Item "gtreqqless" "math-insert \gtreqqless" Item "eqcirc" "math-insert \eqcirc" Item "circeq" "math-insert \circeq" Item "thicksim" "math-insert \thicksim" Item "thickapprox" "math-insert \thickapprox" Item "backsim" "math-insert \backsim" Item "backsimeq" "math-insert \backsimeq" Item "subseteqq" "math-insert \subseteqq" Item "supseteqq" "math-insert \supseteqq" Item "Subset" "math-insert \Subset" Item "Supset" "math-insert \Supset" Item "sqsubset" "math-insert \sqsubset" Item "sqsupset" "math-insert \sqsupset" Item "preccurlyeq" "math-insert \preccurlyeq" Item "succcurlyeq" "math-insert \succcurlyeq" Item "curlyeqprec" "math-insert \curlyeqprec" Item "curlyeqsucc" "math-insert \curlyeqsucc" Item "precsim" "math-insert \precsim" Item "succsim" "math-insert \succsim" Item "precapprox" "math-insert \precapprox" Item "succapprox" "math-insert \succapprox" Item "vartriangleleft" "math-insert \vartriangleleft" Item "vartriangleright" "math-insert \vartriangleright" Item "trianglelefteq" "math-insert \trianglelefteq" Item "trianglerighteq" "math-insert \trianglerighteq" Item "bumpeq" "math-insert \bumpeq" Item "Bumpeq" "math-insert \Bumpeq" Item "doteqdot" "math-insert \doteqdot" Item "risingdotseq" "math-insert \risingdotseq" Item "fallingdotseq" "math-insert \fallingdotseq" Item "vDash" "math-insert \vDash" Item "Vvdash" "math-insert \Vvdash" Item "Vdash" "math-insert \Vdash" Item "shortmid" "math-insert \shortmid" Item "shortparallel" "math-insert \shortparallel" Item "smallsmile" "math-insert \smallsmile" Item "smallfrown" "math-insert \smallfrown" Item "blacktriangleleft" "math-insert \blacktriangleleft" Item "blacktriangleright" "math-insert \blacktriangleright" Item "because" "math-insert \because" Item "therefore" "math-insert \therefore" Item "backepsilon" "math-insert \backepsilon" Item "varpropto" "math-insert \varpropto" Item "between" "math-insert \between" Item "pitchfork" "math-insert \pitchfork" End Toolbar "latex_ams_nrel" "AMS Negative Relations" Item "nless" "math-insert \nless" Item "ngtr" "math-insert \ngtr" Item "nleq" "math-insert \nleq" Item "ngeq" "math-insert \ngeq" Item "nleqslant" "math-insert \nleqslant" Item "ngeqslant" "math-insert \ngeqslant" Item "nleqq" "math-insert \nleqq" Item "ngeqq" "math-insert \ngeqq" Item "lneq" "math-insert \lneq" Item "gneq" "math-insert \gneq" Item "lneqq" "math-insert \lneqq" Item "gneqq" "math-insert \gneqq" Item "lvertneqq" "math-insert \lvertneqq" Item "gvertneqq" "math-insert \gvertneqq" Item "lnsim" "math-insert \lnsim" Item "gnsim" "math-insert \gnsim" Item "lnapprox" "math-insert \lnapprox" Item "gnapprox" "math-insert \gnapprox" Item "nprec" "math-insert \nprec" Item "nsucc" "math-insert \nsucc" Item "npreceq" "math-insert \npreceq" Item "nsucceq" "math-insert \nsucceq" Item "precnsim" "math-insert \precnsim" Item "succnsim" "math-insert \succnsim" Item "precnapprox" "math-insert \precnapprox" Item "succnapprox" "math-insert \succnapprox" Item "subsetneq" "math-insert \subsetneq" Item "supsetneq" "math-insert \supsetneq" Item "subsetneqq" "math-insert \subsetneqq" Item "supsetneqq" "math-insert \supsetneqq" Item "nsubseteq" "math-insert \nsubseteq" Item "nsupseteq" "math-insert \nsupseteq" Item "nsupseteqq" "math-insert \nsupseteqq" Item "nvdash" "math-insert \nvdash" Item "nvDash" "math-insert \nvDash" Item "nVDash" "math-insert \nVDash" Item "varsubsetneq" "math-insert \varsubsetneq" Item "varsupsetneq" "math-insert \varsupsetneq" Item "varsubsetneqq" "math-insert \varsubsetneqq" Item "varsupsetneqq" "math-insert \varsupsetneqq" Item "ntriangleleft" "math-insert \ntriangleleft" Item "ntriangleright" "math-insert \ntriangleright" Item "ntrianglelefteq" "math-insert \ntrianglelefteq" Item "ntrianglerighteq" "math-insert \ntrianglerighteq" Item "ncong" "math-insert \ncong" Item "nsim" "math-insert \nsim" Item "nmid" "math-insert \nmid" Item "nshortmid" "math-insert \nshortmid" Item "nparallel" "math-insert \nparallel" Item "nshortparallel" "math-insert \nshortparallel" End Toolbar "latex_ams_ops" "AMS Operators" Item "dotplus" "math-insert \dotplus" Item "smallsetminus" "math-insert \smallsetminus" Item "Cap" "math-insert \Cap" Item "Cup" "math-insert \Cup" Item "barwedge" "math-insert \barwedge" Item "veebar" "math-insert \veebar" Item "doublebarwedge" "math-insert \doublebarwedge" Item "boxminus" "math-insert \boxminus" Item "boxtimes" "math-insert \boxtimes" Item "boxdot" "math-insert \boxdot" Item "boxplus" "math-insert \boxplus" Item "divideontimes" "math-insert \divideontimes" Item "ltimes" "math-insert \ltimes" Item "rtimes" "math-insert \rtimes" Item "leftthreetimes" "math-insert \leftthreetimes" Item "rightthreetimes" "math-insert \rightthreetimes" Item "curlywedge" "math-insert \curlywedge" Item "curlyvee" "math-insert \curlyvee" Item "circleddash" "math-insert \circleddash" Item "circledast" "math-insert \circledast" Item "circledcirc" "math-insert \circledcirc" Item "centerdot" "math-insert \centerdot" Item "intercal" "math-insert \intercal" End End