# -*- text -*- # file stdmenus.ui # This file is part of LyX, the document processor. # Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. # author Jean-Marc Lasgouttes # author John Levon # Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. Menuset Menubar # Make the first 4 menus be as much as expected as possible Submenu "File|F" "file" Submenu "Edit|E" "edit" Submenu "View|V" "view" Submenu "Insert|I" "insert" Submenu "Navigate|N" "navigate" Submenu "Document|D" "document" Submenu "Tools|T" "tools" Submenu "Help|H" "help" End # # FILE MENU # Menu "file" Item "New|N" "buffer-new" Item "New from Template...|m" "buffer-new-template" Item "Open...|O" "file-open" # This seems a much more sensible place to me Submenu "Open recent|t" "lastfiles" Separator Item "Close|C" "buffer-close" Item "Save|S" "buffer-write" Item "Save As...|A" "buffer-write-as" Item "Revert|R" "buffer-reload" Submenu "Version Control|V" "file_vc" Separator Submenu "Import|I" "file_import" Submenu "Export|E" "file_export" Item "Print...|P" "dialog-show print" OptItem "Fax...|F" "buffer-export fax" Separator Item "Exit|x" "lyx-quit" End Menu "lastfiles" Lastfiles End Menu "file_vc" OptItem "Register...|R" "vc-register" OptItem "Check In Changes...|I" "vc-check-in" OptItem "Check Out for Edit|O" "vc-check-out" OptItem "Revert to Last Version|L" "vc-revert" OptItem "Undo Last Check In|U" "vc-undo-last" OptItem "Show History|H" "dialog-show vclog" End Menu "file_import" ImportFormats End Menu "file_export" ExportFormats Item "Custom...|C" "buffer-export custom" End # # EDIT MENU # Menu "edit" Item "Undo|U" "undo" Item "Redo|R" "redo" Separator Item "Cut" "cut" Item "Copy" "copy" Item "Paste" "paste" Submenu "Paste Recent" "pasterecent" Item "Find & Replace...|F" "dialog-show findreplace" Separator Item "Text Style...|S" "dialog-show character" Item "Paragraph Settings...|P" "layout-paragraph" Separator # Mathed b0rkage means these don't work properly OptSubmenu "Table|T" "edit_tabular" OptSubmenu "Math|M" "edit_math" Separator OptItem "Increase List Depth|I" "depth-increment" OptItem "Decrease List Depth|D" "depth-decrement" # This is where the context-specific stuff is supposed to go. # The idea is that everything on here can disappear and should # only appear when relevant (getStatus). Only stuff that needs # a right-click to bring up the dialog should appear here (it is not # obvious what the context is for the others) OptItem "TeX Code Settings...|C" "inset-settings ert" # 'a' shortcut to match Insert entry, shouldn't clash with Table Settings OptItem "Float Settings...|a" "inset-settings float" OptItem "Text Wrap Settings...|W" "inset-settings wrap" OptItem "Note Settings...|N" "inset-settings note" OptItem "Branch Settings...|B" "inset-settings branch" OptItem "Box Settings...|x" "inset-settings box" # Hey, guess what's broken ? Surprise surprise, it's tabular stuff # This is in the Table submenu instead for now. # OptItem "Table Settings...|a" "inset-settings tabular" OptItem "Table Settings...|a" "layout-tabular" End Menu "pasterecent" PasteRecent End # not much we can do to help here Menu "edit_tabular" Item "Add Row|A" "tabular-feature append-row" Item "Delete Row|w" "tabular-feature delete-row" Separator Item "Add Column|u" "tabular-feature append-column" Item "Delete Column|D" "tabular-feature delete-column" Separator Item "Multicolumn|M" "tabular-feature multicolumn" Separator Item "Top Line|T" "tabular-feature toggle-line-top" Item "Bottom Line|B" "tabular-feature toggle-line-bottom" Item "Left Line|L" "tabular-feature toggle-line-left" Item "Right Line|R" "tabular-feature toggle-line-right" Separator Submenu "Alignment|i" "edit_align" End Menu "edit_align" Item "Left|L" "tabular-feature align-left" Item "Center|C" "tabular-feature align-center" Item "Right|R" "tabular-feature align-right" Separator Item "Top|T" "tabular-feature valign-top" Item "Middle|M" "tabular-feature valign-middle" Item "Bottom|B" "tabular-feature valign-bottom" End Menu "edit_math" Item "Toggle Numbering|N" "math-number" Item "Toggle Numbering of Line|u" "math-nonumber" Submenu "Change Limits Type|L" "edit_math_limits" Separator Submenu "Change Formula Type|F" "edit_math_mutate" Separator Submenu "Use Computer Algebra System|S" "edit_math_extern" Separator Submenu "Alignment|A" "edit_align" Separator Item "Add Row|R" "tabular-feature append-row" Item "Delete Row|D" "tabular-feature delete-row" Item "Copy Row" "tabular-feature copy-row" Item "Swap Rows" "tabular-feature swap-row" Separator Item "Add Column|C" "tabular-feature append-column" Item "Delete Column|e" "tabular-feature delete-column" Item "Copy Column" "tabular-feature copy-column" Item "Swap Columns" "tabular-feature swap-column" End Menu "edit_math_limits" Item "Default|t" "math-limits empty" Item "Display|D" "math-limits limits" Item "Inline|I" "math-limits nolimits" End Menu "edit_math_extern" Item "Octave" "math-extern octave" Item "Maxima" "math-extern maxima" Item "Mathematica" "math-extern mathematica" Separator Item "Maple, simplify" "math-extern maple simplify" Item "Maple, factor" "math-extern maple factor" Item "Maple, evalm" "math-extern maple evalm" Item "Maple, evalf" "math-extern maple evalf" End Menu "edit_math_mutate" Item "Inline Formula|I" "math-mutate simple" Item "Displayed Formula|D" "math-mutate equation" Item "Eqnarray Environment|q" "math-mutate eqnarray" Item "AMS align Environment|A" "math-mutate align" Item "AMS alignat Environment|t" "math-mutate alignat" Item "AMS flalign Environment|f" "math-mutate flalign" Item "AMS gather Environment|g" "math-mutate gather" Item "AMS multline Environment|m" "math-mutate multline" End # # VIEW MENU # Menu "view" # FIXME: this must become Open Footnote, Close Margin Note etc. as appropriate # Item "Open Float|O" "inset-toggle" # A common feature request JMarc wants to see # Item "Open All Footnotes|F" "open-footnotes" # Item "Close All Footnotes|C" "close-footnotes" Item "Display Tooltips|i" "toggle-tooltips" Separator Submenu "Update|U" "document_update" ViewFormats Separator Documents End Menu "document_update" UpdateFormats End # # INSERT MENU # Menu "insert" # Try and group things a little better, and percolate the most # commonly used to good positions (exception being mathed, but # most people using mathed learn key shortcuts quite quickly anyway) Submenu "Math|h" "insert_math" Submenu "Special Character|S" "insert_special" Submenu "Special Formatting|o" "insert_formatting" Submenu "List / TOC|i" "insert_toc" Submenu "Float|a" "insert_float" # YUCK Submenu "Note|N" "insert_note" Submenu "Branch|B" "branches" Submenu "Character Style|y" "charstyle" Submenu "File|e" "insert_file" Item "Box" "box-insert Frameless" Separator Item "Citation Reference...|C" "dialog-show-new-inset citation" Item "Cross Reference...|R" "dialog-show-new-inset ref" Item "Label...|L" "label-insert" Item "Index Entry|d" "index-insert" # I'm going to kill this dumb dialog, but for now ... Separator Item "Table...|T" "tabular-insert" Item "Graphics...|G" "dialog-show-new-inset graphics" Item "URL...|U" "url-insert" Item "Footnote|F" "footnote-insert" Item "Marginal Note|M" "marginalnote-insert" Item "Short Title" "optional-insert" Item "TeX|X" "ert-insert" End Menu "insert_special" Item "Ellipsis|i" "dots-insert" Item "End of Sentence|E" "end-of-sentence-period-insert" Item "Ordinary Quote|Q" "self-insert \"" Item "Single Quote|S" "quote-insert single" Item "Menu Separator|M" "menu-separator-insert" End Menu "insert_formatting" Item "Superscript|S" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-superscript ; font-free-apply; " Item "Subscript|u" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-subscript ; font-free-apply; " Separator Item "Protected Space|r" "space-insert protected" Item "Inter-word Space|w" "space-insert normal" Item "Thin Space|T" "space-insert thin" Item "Horizontal Fill|H" "hfill-insert" Item "Horizontal Line" "line-insert" Item "Vertical Space" "dialog-show-new-inset vspace" Separator Item "Hyphenation Point|P" "hyphenation-point-insert" Item "Ligature Break|k" "ligature-break-insert" Item "Line Break|L" "break-line" Item "Page Break" "pagebreak-insert" End Menu "insert_math" Item "Inline Formula|I" "math-mode on" Item "Display Formula|D" "math-display" Item "Eqnarray Environment|E" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-mutate eqnarray;" Item "AMS align Environment|a" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-mutate align;" Item "AMS alignat Environment|t" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-mutate alignat;" Item "AMS flalign Environment|f" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-mutate flalign;" Item "AMS gather Environment|g" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-mutate gather;" Item "AMS multline Environment|m" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-mutate multline;" Separator Item "Array Environment|y" "math-matrix 2 2" Item "Cases Environment|C" "math-insert \cases" Separator Submenu "Font Change|o" "insert_math_font" Item "Math Panel|P" "dialog-show mathpanel" End Menu "insert_math_font" Item "Math Normal Font" "math-insert \mathnormal" Separator Item "Math Calligraphic Family" "math-insert \mathcal" Item "Math Fraktur Family" "math-insert \mathfrak" Item "Math Roman Family" "math-insert \mathrm" Item "Math Sans Serif Family" "math-insert \mathsf" Separator Item "Math Bold Series" "math-insert \mathbf" Separator Item "Text Normal Font" "math-insert \textnormal" Separator Item "Text Roman Family" "math-insert \textrm" Item "Text Sans Serif Family" "math-insert \textsf" Item "Text Typewriter Family" "math-insert \texttt" Separator Item "Text Bold Series" "math-insert \textbf" Item "Text Medium Series" "math-insert \textmd" Separator Item "Text Italic Shape" "math-insert \textit" Item "Text Small Caps Shape" "math-insert \textsc" Item "Text Slanted Shape" "math-insert \textsl" Item "Text Upright Shape" "math-insert \textup" End Menu "insert_float" FloatInsert # This has got to be better than "Wrap", anyway Item "Text Wrap Float|W" "wrap-insert figure" End Menu "insert_toc" Item "Table of Contents|C" "toc-insert" FloatListInsert Item "Index List|I" "index-print" Item "BibTeX Reference...|B" "dialog-show-new-inset bibtex" End Menu "insert_file" Item "LyX Document...|X" "file-insert" Item "ASCII as Lines...|L" "file-insert-ascii" Item "ASCII as Paragraphs...|P" "file-insert-ascii-para" Separator Item "External Material..." "dialog-show-new-inset external" Item "Child Document...|d" "dialog-show-new-inset include" End Menu "insert_note" Item "LyX Note|N" "note-insert Note" Item "Comment|C" "note-insert Comment" Item "Greyed Out|G" "note-insert Greyedout" End Menu "branches" Branches End Menu "charstyle" CharStyles End # # DOCUMENT MENU # Menu "document" Submenu "Change Tracking|C" "edit_change" OptItem "Build Program|B" "build-program" Item "LaTeX Log File...|L" "dialog-show latexlog" Item "Table of Contents...|T" "toc-view" Item "LaTeX Preamble...|P" "dialog-show preamble" Item "Start Appendix Here|A" "appendix" Separator Item "Settings...|S" "dialog-show document" End Menu "edit_change" Item "Track Changes|T" "track-changes" Item "Merge Changes...|M" "merge-changes" Item "Accept All Changes|A" "accept-all-changes" Item "Reject All Changes|R" "reject-all-changes" Item "Show changes in output|S" "output-changes" End # # NAVIGATE MENU # Menu "navigate" Submenu "Bookmarks|B" "navigate_bookmarks" Item "Note|N" "note-next" Item "Refs|R" "reference-goto" Separator Toc End Menu "navigate_bookmarks" Item "Save Bookmark 1|S" "bookmark-save 1" Item "Save Bookmark 2" "bookmark-save 2" Item "Save Bookmark 3" "bookmark-save 3" Item "Save Bookmark 4" "bookmark-save 4" Item "Save Bookmark 5" "bookmark-save 5" Separator Item "Go to Bookmark 1|1" "bookmark-goto 1" Item "Go to Bookmark 2|2" "bookmark-goto 2" Item "Go to Bookmark 3|3" "bookmark-goto 3" Item "Go to Bookmark 4|4" "bookmark-goto 4" Item "Go to Bookmark 5|5" "bookmark-goto 5" End # # TOOLS MENU # Menu "tools" Item "Spellchecker...|S" "dialog-show spellchecker" OptItem "Thesaurus...|T" "thesaurus-entry" Item "Count Words|W" "words-count" OptItem "Check TeX|h" "buffer-chktex" Item "TeX Information...|I" "dialog-show texinfo" Separator # A LOT of applications have Tools->Prefs. Remember this # should be rarely used - Edit menu is not a good place to # have it. Item "Reconfigure|R" "reconfigure" Item "Preferences...|P" "dialog-show prefs" End # # HELP MENU # Menu "help" Item "Introduction|I" "help-open Intro" Item "Tutorial|T" "help-open Tutorial" Item "User's Guide|U" "help-open UserGuide" Item "Extended Features|E" "help-open Extended" Item "Customization|C" "help-open Customization" Item "FAQ|F" "help-open FAQ" Item "Table of Contents|a" "help-open TOC" Item "LaTeX Configuration|L" "help-open LaTeXConfig" Separator Item "About LyX...|X" "dialog-show aboutlyx" End # # LYX MENU - this menu is only used by LyX/Mac # Menu "LyX" Item "About LyX" "dialog-show aboutlyx" Item "Preferences..." "dialog-show prefs" Item "Quit LyX" "lyx-quit" End End