# -*- text -*- # file stdmenus.inc # This file is part of LyX, the document processor. # Licence details can be found in the file COPYING. # author Jean-Marc Lasgouttes # author John Levon # author Michael Gerz # Full author contact details are available in file CREDITS. # The interface is designed (partially) following the KDE Human Interface # Guidelines (http://usability.kde.org/hig/) Menuset Menubar # Make the first 4 menus be as much as expected as possible Submenu "File|F" "file" Submenu "Edit|E" "edit" Submenu "View|V" "view" Submenu "Insert|I" "insert" Submenu "Navigate|N" "navigate" Submenu "Document|D" "document" Submenu "Tools|T" "tools" Submenu "Help|H" "help" End # # FILE MENU # Menu "file" Item "New|N" "buffer-new" Item "New from Template...|m" "buffer-new-template" Item "Open...|O" "file-open" Submenu "Open Recent|t" "file_lastfiles" Separator Item "Close|C" "buffer-close" Item "Save|S" "buffer-write" Item "Save As...|A" "buffer-write-as" Item "Save All|l" "buffer-write-all" Item "Revert to Saved|R" "buffer-reload" Submenu "Version Control|V" "file_vc" Separator Submenu "Import|I" "file_import" Submenu "Export|E" "file_export" Item "Print...|P" "dialog-show print" OptItem "Fax...|F" "buffer-export fax" Separator Item "New Window|W" "window-new" Item "Close Window|d" "window-close" Separator Item "Exit|x" "lyx-quit" End Menu "file_lastfiles" Lastfiles End Menu "file_vc" OptItem "Register...|R" "vc-register" OptItem "Check In Changes...|I" "vc-check-in" OptItem "Check Out for Edit|O" "vc-check-out" OptItem "Revert to Repository Version|R" "vc-revert" OptItem "Undo Last Check In|U" "vc-undo-last" OptItem "Show History...|H" "dialog-show vclog" OptItem "Use Locking Property|L" "vc-locking-toggle" End Menu "file_import" ImportFormats End Menu "file_export" ExportFormats Item "Custom...|C" "buffer-export custom" End # # EDIT MENU # Menu "edit" Item "Undo|U" "undo" Item "Redo|R" "redo" Separator Item "Cut" "cut" Item "Copy" "copy" Item "Paste" "paste" Submenu "Paste Recent|e" "edit_pasterecent" Submenu "Paste Special" "edit_paste" Separator Item "Select All" "command-sequence buffer-begin ; buffer-end-select" Separator Item "Find & Replace...|F" "dialog-show findreplace" Item "Find LyX...|X" "dialog-show findreplaceadv" Separator Item "Move Paragraph Up|o" "paragraph-move-up" Item "Move Paragraph Down|v" "paragraph-move-down" Separator Submenu "Text Style|S" "edit_textstyles" Item "Paragraph Settings...|P" "layout-paragraph" Separator # Mathed b0rkage means these don't work properly OptSubmenu "Table|T" "edit_tabular" OptSubmenu "Math|M" "edit_math" OptSubmenu "Rows & Columns|C" "edit_tabular_features" Separator # This is where the context-specific stuff is supposed to go. # The idea is that everything on here can disappear and should # only appear when relevant (getStatus). Only stuff that needs # a right-click to bring up the dialog should appear here (it is not # obvious what the context is for the others) OptItem "Increase List Depth|I" "depth-increment" OptItem "Decrease List Depth|D" "depth-decrement" OptItem "Dissolve Inset|l" "inset-dissolve" OptItem "TeX Code Settings...|C" "inset-settings ert" # 'a' shortcut to match Insert entry, shouldn't clash with Table Settings OptItem "Float Settings...|a" "inset-settings float" OptItem "Text Wrap Settings...|W" "inset-settings wrap" OptItem "Note Settings...|N" "inset-settings note" OptItem "Phantom Settings...|h" "inset-settings phantom" OptItem "Branch Settings...|B" "inset-settings branch" OptItem "Box Settings...|x" "inset-settings box" OptItem "Index Entry Settings...|y" "inset-settings index" OptItem "Index Settings...|x" "inset-settings index_print" OptItem "Listings Settings...|g" "inset-settings listings" # Hey, guess what's broken ? Surprise surprise, it's tabular stuff # This is in the Table submenu instead for now. # OptItem "Table Settings...|a" "inset-settings tabular" OptItem "Table Settings...|a" "layout-tabular" End Menu "edit_paste" Item "Plain Text|T" "clipboard-paste" Item "Plain Text, Join Lines|J" "clipboard-paste paragraph" Separator Item "Selection|S" "primary-selection-paste" Item "Selection, Join Lines|i" "primary-selection-paste paragraph" Separator Item "Paste As LinkBack PDF" "paste linkback" Item "Paste As PDF" "paste pdf" Item "Paste As PNG" "paste png" Item "Paste As JPEG" "paste jpeg" End Menu "edit_pasterecent" PasteRecent End Menu "edit_textstyles" Item "Dissolve CharStyle" "inset-dissolve charstyle" CharStyles Elements Separator Item "Customized...|C" "dialog-show character" Separator Item "Capitalize|a" "word-capitalize" Item "Uppercase|U" "word-upcase" Item "Lowercase|L" "word-lowcase" End # not much we can do to help here Menu "edit_tabular" Item "Multicolumn|M" "tabular-feature multicolumn" Separator Item "Top Line|T" "tabular-feature toggle-line-top" Item "Bottom Line|B" "tabular-feature toggle-line-bottom" Item "Left Line|L" "tabular-feature toggle-line-left" Item "Right Line|R" "tabular-feature toggle-line-right" Separator Item "Top|p" "tabular-feature tabular-valign-top" Item "Middle|i" "tabular-feature tabular-valign-middle" Item "Bottom|o" "tabular-feature tabular-valign-bottom" End Menu "edit_tabular_features" Item "Left|L" "tabular-feature align-left" Item "Center|C" "tabular-feature align-center" Item "Right|R" "tabular-feature align-right" Separator Item "Top|T" "tabular-feature valign-top" Item "Middle|M" "tabular-feature valign-middle" Item "Bottom|B" "tabular-feature valign-bottom" Separator Item "Add Row|A" "tabular-feature append-row" Item "Delete Row|D" "tabular-feature delete-row" Item "Copy Row|o" "tabular-feature copy-row" # Item "Swap Rows|S" "tabular-feature swap-row" # currently broken Separator Item "Add Column|u" "tabular-feature append-column" Item "Delete Column|e" "tabular-feature delete-column" Item "Copy Column|p" "tabular-feature copy-column" # Item "Swap Columns|w" "tabular-feature swap-column" # currently broken End Menu "edit_math" Item "Number whole Formula|N" "math-number-toggle" Item "Number this Line|u" "math-number-line-toggle" Submenu "Change Limits Type|L" "edit_math_limits" Submenu "Macro Definition" "edit_math_macro_definition" Separator Submenu "Change Formula Type|F" "edit_math_mutate" Separator Submenu "Text Style|T" "edit_math_fontstyles" Separator Submenu "Use Computer Algebra System|S" "edit_math_extern" Separator Item "Split Cell|C" "cell-split" Separator Item "Add Line Above|A" "tabular-feature add-hline-above" Item "Add Line Below|B" "tabular-feature add-hline-below" Item "Delete Line Above|D" "tabular-feature delete-hline-above" Item "Delete Line Below|e" "tabular-feature delete-hline-below" Separator Item "Add Line to Left" "tabular-feature add-vline-left" Item "Add Line to Right" "tabular-feature add-vline-right" Item "Delete Line to Left" "tabular-feature delete-vline-left" Item "Delete Line to Right" "tabular-feature delete-vline-right" End Menu "edit_math_macro_definition" Item "Append Argument" "math-macro-add-param" Item "Remove Last Argument" "math-macro-remove-param" Separator Item "Make First Non-Optional into Optional Argument" "math-macro-make-optional" Item "Make Last Optional into Non-Optional Argument" "math-macro-make-nonoptional" Item "Insert Optional Argument" "math-macro-add-optional-param" Item "Remove Optional Argument" "math-macro-remove-optional-param" Separator Item "Append Argument Eating From The Right" "math-macro-append-greedy-param" Item "Append Optional Argument Eating From The Right" "math-macro-add-greedy-optional-param" Item "Remove Last Argument Spitting Out To The Right" "math-macro-remove-greedy-param" End Menu "edit_math_limits" Item "Default|t" "math-limits empty" Item "Display|D" "math-limits limits" Item "Inline|I" "math-limits nolimits" End Menu "edit_math_fontstyles" Item "Math Normal Font|N" "math-font-style mathnormal" Separator Item "Math Calligraphic Family|C" "math-font-style mathcal" Item "Math Fraktur Family|F" "math-font-style mathfrak" Item "Math Roman Family|R" "math-font-style mathrm" Item "Math Sans Serif Family|S" "math-font-style mathsf" Separator Item "Math Bold Series|B" "math-font-style mathbf" Separator Item "Text Normal Font|T" "math-font-style textnormal" Separator Item "Text Roman Family" "math-font-style textrm" Item "Text Sans Serif Family" "math-font-style textsf" Item "Text Typewriter Family" "math-font-style texttt" Separator Item "Text Bold Series" "math-font-style textbf" Item "Text Medium Series" "math-font-style textmd" Separator Item "Text Italic Shape" "math-font-style textit" Item "Text Small Caps Shape" "math-font-style textsc" Item "Text Slanted Shape" "math-font-style textsl" Item "Text Upright Shape" "math-font-style textup" End Menu "edit_math_extern" Item "Octave|O" "math-extern octave" Item "Maxima|M" "math-extern maxima" Item "Mathematica|a" "math-extern mathematica" Separator Item "Maple, simplify|s" "math-extern maple simplify" Item "Maple, factor|f" "math-extern maple factor" Item "Maple, evalm|e" "math-extern maple evalm" Item "Maple, evalf|v" "math-extern maple evalf" End Menu "edit_math_mutate" Item "Inline Formula|I" "math-mutate simple" Item "Displayed Formula|D" "math-mutate equation" Item "Eqnarray Environment|E" "math-mutate eqnarray" Item "AMS align Environment|a" "math-mutate align" Item "AMS alignat Environment|t" "math-mutate alignat" Item "AMS flalign Environment|f" "math-mutate flalign" Item "AMS gather Environment|g" "math-mutate gather" Item "AMS multline Environment|m" "math-mutate multline" End # # VIEW MENU # Menu "view" Item "Open All Insets|O" "all-insets-toggle open" Item "Close All Insets|C" "all-insets-toggle close" Separator Item "Unfold Math Macro" "math-macro-unfold" Item "Fold Math Macro" "math-macro-fold" Separator Item "View Source|S" "dialog-toggle view-source" Item "View Output|V" "buffer-view" Item "Update Output|U" "buffer-update" OptItem "View Master Document|M" "master-buffer-view" OptItem "Update Master Document|a" "master-buffer-update" Submenu "View (other formats)|f" "view_others" Submenu "Update (other formats)|p" "view_update" Separator Item "Split View Into Left And Right Half|i" "split-view horizontal" Item "Split View Into Upper And Lower Half|e" "split-view vertical" Item "Close Tab Group|G" "close-tab-group" Item "Fullscreen|l" "ui-toggle fullscreen" Submenu "Toolbars|b" "toolbars" Separator Documents End Menu "view_others" ViewFormats End Menu "view_update" UpdateFormats End Menu "toolbars" Toolbars End # # INSERT MENU # Menu "insert" # Try and group things a little better, and percolate the most # commonly used to good positions (exception being mathed, but # most people using mathed learn key shortcuts quite quickly anyway) Submenu "Math|h" "insert_math" Submenu "Special Character|p" "insert_special" Submenu "Formatting|o" "insert_formatting" Submenu "List / TOC|i" "insert_toc" Submenu "Float|a" "insert_float" Submenu "Note|N" "insert_note" Submenu "Branch|B" "insert_branches" Submenu "Custom insets" "insert_custom" Submenu "File|e" "insert_file" Item "Box[[Menu]]" "box-insert Frameless" Separator Item "Citation...|C" "dialog-show-new-inset citation" Item "Cross-Reference...|R" "dialog-show-new-inset ref" Item "Label...|L" "label-insert" Item "Caption" "caption-insert" Indices Item "Nomenclature Entry...|y" "nomencl-insert" Separator Item "Table...|T" "tabular-insert" Item "Graphics...|G" "dialog-show-new-inset graphics" Item "URL" "flex-insert URL" Item "Hyperlink|k" "href-insert" Item "Footnote|F" "footnote-insert" Item "Marginal Note|M" "marginalnote-insert" Item "Short Title|S" "optional-insert" Item "TeX Code|X" "ert-insert" Item "Program Listing[[Menu]]" "listing-insert" Item "Date" "date-insert" Item "Regexp" "regexp-mode" End Menu "insert_special" Item "Symbols...|b" "dialog-show symbols" Item "Ellipsis|i" "specialchar-insert dots" Item "End of Sentence|E" "specialchar-insert end-of-sentence" Item "Ordinary Quote|Q" "self-insert \"" Item "Single Quote|S" "quote-insert single" Item "Protected Hyphen|y" "specialchar-insert nobreakdash" Item "Breakable Slash|a" "specialchar-insert slash" Item "Menu Separator|M" "specialchar-insert menu-separator" Item "Phonetic Symbols|P" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-insert \text\textipa ; char-forward ;" End Menu "insert_formatting" Item "Superscript|S" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-superscript; math-insert \text;" Item "Subscript|u" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-subscript; math-insert \text;" Separator Item "Protected Space|P" "space-insert protected" Item "Inter-word Space|w" "space-insert normal" Item "Thin Space|T" "space-insert thin" Item "Horizontal Space...|o" "dialog-show-new-inset space" Item "Horizontal Line|L" "line-insert" Item "Vertical Space...|V" "dialog-show-new-inset vspace" Submenu "Phantom" "insert_phantom" Separator Item "Hyphenation Point|H" "specialchar-insert hyphenation" Item "Ligature Break|k" "specialchar-insert ligature-break" Item "Ragged Line Break|R" "newline-insert newline" Item "Justified Line Break|J" "newline-insert linebreak" Separator Item "New Page|N" "newpage-insert newpage" Item "Page Break|a" "newpage-insert pagebreak" Item "Clear Page|C" "newpage-insert clearpage" Item "Clear Double Page|D" "newpage-insert cleardoublepage" End Menu "insert_math" Item "Inline Formula|I" "math-mode" Item "Display Formula|D" "math-display" Item "Numbered Formula|N" "command-sequence math-display; math-number-toggle;" Item "Eqnarray Environment|E" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-mutate eqnarray;" Item "AMS align Environment|a" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-mutate align;" Item "AMS alignat Environment|t" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-mutate alignat;" Item "AMS flalign Environment|f" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-mutate flalign;" Item "AMS gather Environment|g" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-mutate gather;" Item "AMS multline Environment|m" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-mutate multline;" Separator Item "Array Environment|y" "math-matrix 2 2" Item "Cases Environment|C" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-insert \cases" Item "Aligned Environment|l" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-insert \aligned; tabular-feature append-column" Item "AlignedAt Environment|v" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-insert \alignedat; tabular-feature append-column" Item "Gathered Environment|h" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-insert \gathered" Item "Split Environment|S" "command-sequence math-mode on; math-insert \split; tabular-feature append-column" Separator Item "Delimiters...|r" "dialog-show mathdelimiter" Item "Matrix...|x" "dialog-show mathmatrix" Item "Macro|o" "math-macro newmacroname newcommand" End Menu "insert_float" FloatInsert # This has got to be better than "Wrap", anyway Item "Figure Wrap Float|F" "wrap-insert figure" Item "Table Wrap Float|T" "wrap-insert table" End Menu "insert_toc" Item "Table of Contents|C" "toc-insert" FloatListInsert IndicesLists Item "Nomenclature|N" "nomencl-print" Item "BibTeX Bibliography...|B" "dialog-show-new-inset bibtex" End Menu "insert_file" Item "LyX Document...|X" "file-insert" Item "Plain Text...|T" "file-insert-plaintext" Item "Plain Text, Join Lines...|J" "file-insert-plaintext-para" Separator Item "External Material...|M" "dialog-show-new-inset external" Item "Child Document...|d" "dialog-show-new-inset include" End Menu "insert_note" Item "LyX Note|N" "note-insert Note" Item "Comment|C" "note-insert Comment" Item "Greyed Out|G" "note-insert Greyedout" End Menu "insert_branches" Branches End Menu "insert_phantom" Item "Phantom" "phantom-insert Phantom" Item "Horiz. Phantom" "phantom-insert HPhantom" Item "Vert. Phantom" "phantom-insert VPhantom" End Menu "insert_custom" Custom End # # DOCUMENT MENU # Menu "document" Submenu "Change Tracking|C" "document_change" OptItem "Build Program|B" "build-program" Item "LaTeX Log|L" "dialog-show latexlog" Item "Outline|O" "dialog-toggle toc" Item "Start Appendix Here|A" "appendix" Separator Item "Save in Bundled Format|F" "buffer-toggle-embedding" Item "Compressed|m" "buffer-toggle-compression" Item "Settings...|S" "dialog-show document" End Menu "document_change" Item "Track Changes|T" "changes-track" Item "Merge Changes...|M" "changes-merge" Item "Accept Change|A" "change-accept" Item "Reject Change|R" "change-reject" Item "Accept All Changes|c" "all-changes-accept" Item "Reject All Changes|e" "all-changes-reject" Item "Show Changes in Output|S" "changes-output" End # # NAVIGATE MENU # Menu "navigate" Submenu "Bookmarks|B" "navigate_bookmarks" Item "Next Note|N" "note-next" Item "Next Change|C" "change-next" Item "Next Cross-Reference|R" "reference-next" OptItem "Go to Label|L" "label-goto" Separator Toc End Menu "navigate_bookmarks" Item "Save Bookmark 1|S" "bookmark-save 1" Item "Save Bookmark 2" "bookmark-save 2" Item "Save Bookmark 3" "bookmark-save 3" Item "Save Bookmark 4" "bookmark-save 4" Item "Save Bookmark 5" "bookmark-save 5" Item "Clear Bookmarks|C" "bookmark-clear" Separator Item "Navigate Back|B" "bookmark-goto 0" Bookmarks End # # TOOLS MENU # Menu "tools" Item "Spellchecker...|S" "dialog-show spellchecker" OptItem "Thesaurus...|T" "thesaurus-entry" Item "Statistics...|a" "statistics" OptItem "Check TeX|h" "buffer-chktex" Item "TeX Information|I" "dialog-show texinfo" Separator # A LOT of applications have Tools->Prefs. Remember this # should be rarely used - Edit menu is not a good place to # have it. Item "Reconfigure|R" "reconfigure" Item "Preferences...|P" "dialog-show prefs" End # # HELP MENU # Menu "help" Item "Introduction|I" "help-open Intro" Item "Tutorial|T" "help-open Tutorial" Item "User's Guide|U" "help-open UserGuide" Item "Additional Features|F" "help-open Extended" Item "Embedded Objects|O" "help-open EmbeddedObjects" Item "Math|M" "help-open Math" Item "Customization|C" "help-open Customization" Item "Shortcuts|S" "help-open Shortcuts" Item "LyX Functions|y" "help-open LFUNs" Item "LaTeX Configuration|L" "help-open LaTeXConfig" Submenu "Specific Manuals|p" "examples" Separator Item "About LyX|X" "dialog-show aboutlyx" End Menu "examples" Item "Linguistics Manual|L" "help-open linguistics" Item "Braille Manual|B" "help-open Braille" Item "XY-pic Manual|X" "help-open xypic" Item "Multicolumn Manual|M" "help-open multicol" End End