# Generated from fontmath.ltx alpha cmm 174 97 mathord x beta cmm 175 98 mathord x gamma cmm 176 103 mathord x delta cmm 177 100 mathord x epsilon cmm 178 0 mathord x zeta cmm 179 122 mathord x eta cmm 180 104 mathord x theta cmm 181 113 mathord x iota cmm 182 105 mathord x kappa cmm 183 107 mathord x lambda cmm 184 108 mathord x mu cmm 185 109 mathord x nu cmm 186 110 mathord x xi cmm 187 120 mathord x pi cmm 188 112 mathord x rho cmm 189 114 mathord x sigma cmm 190 115 mathord x tau cmm 191 116 mathord x upsilon cmm 192 117 mathord x phi cmm 193 102 mathord x chi cmm 194 99 mathord x psi cmm 32 121 mathord x omega cmm 33 119 mathord x varepsilon cmm 34 101 mathord x vartheta cmm 35 74 mathord x varpi cmm 36 118 mathord x varrho cmm 37 0 mathord x varsigma cmm 38 86 mathord x varphi cmm 39 106 mathord x Gamma cmr 161 71 mathalpha x Delta cmr 162 68 mathalpha x Theta cmr 163 81 mathalpha x Lambda cmr 164 76 mathalpha x Xi cmr 165 88 mathalpha x Pi cmr 166 80 mathalpha x Sigma cmr 167 83 mathalpha x Upsilon cmr 168 161 mathalpha x Phi cmr 169 70 mathalpha x Psi cmr 170 89 mathalpha x Omega cmr 173 87 mathalpha x aleph cmsy 64 192 mathord x imath cmm 123 0 mathord x jmath cmm 124 0 mathord x ell cmm 96 0 mathord x wp cmm 125 195 mathord x Re cmsy 60 194 mathord x Im cmsy 61 193 mathord x partial cmm 64 182 mathord x infty cmsy 49 165 mathord x prime cmsy 48 162 mathord x emptyset cmsy 59 0 mathord x nabla cmsy 114 209 mathord x top cmsy 62 0 mathord x bot cmsy 63 94 mathord x triangle cmsy 52 0 mathord x forall cmsy 56 34 mathord x exists cmsy 57 36 mathord x neg cmsy 58 216 mathord x flat cmm 91 0 mathord x natural cmm 92 0 mathord x sharp cmm 93 35 mathord x clubsuit cmsy 124 167 mathord x diamondsuit cmsy 125 168 mathord x heartsuit cmsy 126 169 mathord x spadesuit cmsy 127 170 mathord x coprod cmex 96 0 mathop x bigvee cmex 87 0 mathop x bigwedge cmex 86 0 mathop x biguplus cmex 85 0 mathop x bigcap cmex 84 0 mathop x bigcup cmex 83 0 mathop x int cmex 82 242 mathop ∫ prod cmex 81 213 mathop x sum cmex 80 229 mathop x bigotimes cmex 78 0 mathop x bigoplus cmex 76 0 mathop x bigodot cmex 74 0 mathop x oint cmex 72 0 mathop x bigsqcup cmex 70 0 mathop x smallint cmsy 115 0 mathop x triangleleft cmm 47 0 mathbin x triangleright cmm 46 0 mathbin x bigtriangleup cmsy 52 0 mathbin x bigtriangledown cmsy 53 0 mathbin x wedge cmsy 94 217 mathbin x vee cmsy 95 218 mathbin x cap cmsy 92 199 mathbin x cup cmsy 91 200 mathbin x ddagger cmsy 122 0 mathbin x dagger cmsy 121 0 mathbin x sqcap cmsy 117 0 mathbin x sqcup cmsy 116 0 mathbin x uplus cmsy 93 0 mathbin x amalg cmsy 113 0 mathbin x diamond cmsy 166 224 mathbin x bullet cmsy 178 183 mathbin x wr cmsy 111 0 mathbin x div cmsy 165 184 mathbin x odot cmsy 175 0 mathbin x oslash cmsy 174 198 mathbin x otimes cmsy 173 196 mathbin x ominus cmsy 170 0 mathbin x oplus cmsy 169 197 mathbin x mp cmsy 168 0 mathbin x pm cmsy 167 177 mathbin x circ cmsy 177 0 mathbin x bigcirc cmsy 176 0 mathbin x setminus cmsy 110 0 mathbin x cdot cmsy 162 215 mathbin x ast cmsy 164 0 mathbin x times cmsy 163 180 mathbin x star cmm 63 0 mathbin x propto cmsy 47 181 mathrel x sqsubseteq cmsy 118 0 mathrel x sqsupseteq cmsy 119 0 mathrel x parallel cmsy 107 0 mathrel x mid cmsy 106 124 mathrel x dashv cmsy 97 0 mathrel x vdash cmsy 96 0 mathrel x nearrow cmsy 37 0 mathrel x searrow cmsy 38 0 mathrel x nwarrow cmsy 45 0 mathrel x swarrow cmsy 46 0 mathrel x Leftrightarrow cmsy 44 219 mathrel x Leftarrow cmsy 40 220 mathrel x Rightarrow cmsy 41 222 mathrel x leq cmsy 183 163 mathrel x geq cmsy 184 179 mathrel x succ cmsy 194 0 mathrel x prec cmsy 193 0 mathrel x approx cmsy 188 187 mathrel x succeq cmsy 186 0 mathrel x preceq cmsy 185 0 mathrel x supset cmsy 190 201 mathrel x subset cmsy 189 204 mathrel x supseteq cmsy 182 202 mathrel x subseteq cmsy 181 205 mathrel x in cmsy 50 206 mathrel x ni cmsy 51 39 mathrel x gg cmsy 192 0 mathrel x ll cmsy 191 0 mathrel x leftrightarrow cmsy 36 171 mathrel x leftarrow cmsy 32 172 mathrel x rightarrow cmsy 33 174 mathrel x mapstochar cmsy 55 0 mathrel x sim cmsy 187 126 mathrel x simeq cmsy 39 0 mathrel x perp cmsy 63 0 mathrel x equiv cmsy 180 186 mathrel x asymp cmsy 179 0 mathrel x smile cmm 94 0 mathrel x frown cmm 95 0 mathrel x leftharpoonup cmm 40 0 mathrel x leftharpoondown cmm 41 0 mathrel x rightharpoonup cmm 42 0 mathrel x rightharpoondown cmm 43 0 mathrel x lhook cmm 44 0 mathrel x rhook cmm 45 0 mathrel x ldotp cmm 58 0 mathpunct x cdotp cmsy 162 0 mathpunct x colon cmr 58 58 mathpunct x arrowvert cmsy 106 0 mathord x Arrowvert cmsy 107 0 mathord x Vert cmsy 107 0 mathord x vert cmsy 106 0 mathord x uparrow cmsy 34 173 mathrel x downarrow cmsy 35 175 mathrel x updownarrow cmsy 108 0 mathrel x Uparrow cmsy 42 221 mathrel x Downarrow cmsy 43 223 mathrel x Updownarrow cmsy 109 0 mathrel x backslash cmsy 110 0 mathord x rangle cmsy 105 241 mathclose x langle cmsy 104 225 mathopen x rbrace cmsy 103 0 mathclose x lbrace cmsy 102 0 mathopen x rceil cmsy 101 249 mathclose x lceil cmsy 100 233 mathopen x rfloor cmsy 99 251 mathclose x lfloor cmsy 98 235 mathopen x mathparagraph cmsy 123 0 mathord x mathsection cmsy 120 0 mathord x mathdollar cmr 36 0 mathord x # Generated from amsfonts.sty yen msa 85 0 mathord x checkmark msa 88 0 mathord x circledR msa 114 0 mathord x maltese msa 122 0 mathord x ulcorner msa 112 0 mathopen x urcorner msa 113 0 mathclose x llcorner msa 120 0 mathopen x lrcorner msa 121 0 mathclose x rightleftharpoons msa 173 0 mathrel x angle msa 92 208 mathord x hbar msb 126 0 mathord x sqsubset msa 64 0 mathrel x sqsupset msa 65 0 mathrel x mho msb 102 0 mathord x square msa 164 0 mathord x lozenge msa 167 0 mathord x vartriangleright msa 66 0 mathrel x vartriangleleft msa 67 0 mathrel x trianglerighteq msa 68 0 mathrel x trianglelefteq msa 69 0 mathrel x rightsquigarrow msa 32 0 mathrel x lhd msa 67 0 mathbin x unlhd msa 69 0 mathbin x rhd msa 66 0 mathbin x unrhd msa 68 0 mathbin x # Generated from amssymb.sty boxdot msa 161 0 mathbin x boxplus msa 162 0 mathbin x boxtimes msa 163 0 mathbin x blacksquare msa 165 0 mathord x centerdot msa 166 0 mathbin x blacklozenge msa 168 0 mathord x circlearrowright msa 169 0 mathrel x circlearrowleft msa 170 0 mathrel x leftrightharpoons msa 174 0 mathrel x boxminus msa 175 0 mathbin x Vdash msa 176 0 mathrel x Vvdash msa 177 0 mathrel x vDash msa 178 0 mathrel x twoheadrightarrow msa 179 0 mathrel x twoheadleftarrow msa 180 0 mathrel x leftleftarrows msa 181 0 mathrel x rightrightarrows msa 182 0 mathrel x upuparrows msa 183 0 mathrel x downdownarrows msa 184 0 mathrel x upharpoonright msa 185 0 mathrel x downharpoonright msa 186 0 mathrel x upharpoonleft msa 187 0 mathrel x downharpoonleft msa 188 0 mathrel x rightarrowtail msa 189 0 mathrel x leftarrowtail msa 190 0 mathrel x leftrightarrows msa 191 0 mathrel x rightleftarrows msa 192 0 mathrel x Lsh msa 193 0 mathrel x Rsh msa 194 0 mathrel x leftrightsquigarrow msa 33 0 mathrel x looparrowleft msa 34 0 mathrel x looparrowright msa 35 0 mathrel x circeq msa 36 0 mathrel x succsim msa 37 0 mathrel x gtrsim msa 38 0 mathrel x gtrapprox msa 39 0 mathrel x multimap msa 40 0 mathrel x therefore msa 41 92 mathrel x because msa 42 0 mathrel x doteqdot msa 43 0 mathrel x triangleq msa 44 0 mathrel x precsim msa 45 0 mathrel x lesssim msa 46 0 mathrel x lessapprox msa 47 0 mathrel x eqslantless msa 48 0 mathrel x eqslantgtr msa 49 0 mathrel x curlyeqprec msa 50 0 mathrel x curlyeqsucc msa 51 0 mathrel x preccurlyeq msa 52 0 mathrel x leqq msa 53 0 mathrel x leqslant msa 54 0 mathrel x lessgtr msa 55 0 mathrel x backprime msa 56 0 mathord x risingdotseq msa 58 0 mathrel x fallingdotseq msa 59 0 mathrel x succcurlyeq msa 60 0 mathrel x geqq msa 61 0 mathrel x geqslant msa 62 0 mathrel x gtrless msa 63 0 mathrel x bigstar msa 70 0 mathord x between msa 71 0 mathrel x blacktriangledown msa 72 0 mathord x blacktriangleright msa 73 0 mathrel x blacktriangleleft msa 74 0 mathrel x vartriangle msa 77 0 mathrel x blacktriangle msa 78 0 mathord x triangledown msa 79 0 mathord x eqcirc msa 80 0 mathrel x lesseqgtr msa 81 0 mathrel x gtreqless msa 82 0 mathrel x lesseqqgtr msa 83 0 mathrel x gtreqqless msa 84 0 mathrel x Rrightarrow msa 86 0 mathrel x Lleftarrow msa 87 0 mathrel x veebar msa 89 0 mathbin x barwedge msa 90 0 mathbin x doublebarwedge msa 91 0 mathbin x measuredangle msa 93 0 mathord x sphericalangle msa 94 0 mathord x varpropto msa 95 0 mathrel x smallsmile msa 96 0 mathrel x smallfrown msa 97 0 mathrel x Subset msa 98 0 mathrel x Supset msa 99 0 mathrel x Cup msa 100 0 mathbin x Cap msa 101 0 mathbin x curlywedge msa 102 0 mathbin x curlyvee msa 103 0 mathbin x leftthreetimes msa 104 0 mathbin x rightthreetimes msa 105 0 mathbin x subseteqq msa 106 0 mathrel x supseteqq msa 107 0 mathrel x bumpeq msa 108 0 mathrel x Bumpeq msa 109 0 mathrel x lll msa 110 0 mathrel x ggg msa 111 0 mathrel x circledS msa 115 0 mathord x pitchfork msa 116 0 mathrel x dotplus msa 117 0 mathbin x backsim msa 118 0 mathrel x backsimeq msa 119 0 mathrel x complement msa 123 0 mathord x intercal msa 124 0 mathbin x circledcirc msa 125 0 mathbin x circledast msa 126 0 mathbin x circleddash msa 127 0 mathbin x lvertneqq msb 161 0 mathrel x gvertneqq msb 162 0 mathrel x nleq msb 163 0 mathrel x ngeq msb 164 0 mathrel x nless msb 165 0 mathrel x ngtr msb 166 0 mathrel x nprec msb 167 0 mathrel x nsucc msb 168 0 mathrel x lneqq msb 169 0 mathrel x gneqq msb 170 0 mathrel x nleqslant msb 173 0 mathrel x ngeqslant msb 174 0 mathrel x lneq msb 175 0 mathrel x gneq msb 176 0 mathrel x npreceq msb 177 0 mathrel x nsucceq msb 178 0 mathrel x precnsim msb 179 0 mathrel x succnsim msb 180 0 mathrel x lnsim msb 181 0 mathrel x gnsim msb 182 0 mathrel x nleqq msb 183 0 mathrel x ngeqq msb 184 0 mathrel x precneqq msb 185 0 mathrel x succneqq msb 186 0 mathrel x precnapprox msb 187 0 mathrel x succnapprox msb 188 0 mathrel x lnapprox msb 189 0 mathrel x gnapprox msb 190 0 mathrel x nsim msb 191 0 mathrel x ncong msb 192 0 mathrel x diagup msb 193 0 mathord x diagdown msb 194 0 mathord x varsubsetneq msb 32 0 mathrel x varsupsetneq msb 33 0 mathrel x nsubseteqq msb 34 0 mathrel x nsupseteqq msb 35 0 mathrel x subsetneqq msb 36 0 mathrel x supsetneqq msb 37 0 mathrel x varsubsetneqq msb 38 0 mathrel x varsupsetneqq msb 39 0 mathrel x subsetneq msb 40 0 mathrel x supsetneq msb 41 0 mathrel x nsubseteq msb 42 0 mathrel x nsupseteq msb 43 0 mathrel x nparallel msb 44 0 mathrel x nmid msb 45 0 mathrel x nshortmid msb 46 0 mathrel x nshortparallel msb 47 0 mathrel x nvdash msb 48 0 mathrel x nVdash msb 49 0 mathrel x nvDash msb 50 0 mathrel x nVDash msb 51 0 mathrel x ntrianglerighteq msb 52 0 mathrel x ntrianglelefteq msb 53 0 mathrel x ntriangleleft msb 54 0 mathrel x ntriangleright msb 55 0 mathrel x nleftarrow msb 56 0 mathrel x nrightarrow msb 57 0 mathrel x nLeftarrow msb 58 0 mathrel x nRightarrow msb 59 0 mathrel x nLeftrightarrow msb 60 0 mathrel x nleftrightarrow msb 61 0 mathrel x divideontimes msb 62 0 mathbin x varnothing msb 63 0 mathord x nexists msb 64 0 mathord x Finv msb 96 0 mathord x Game msb 97 0 mathord x eth msb 103 0 mathord x eqsim msb 104 0 mathrel x beth msb 105 0 mathord x gimel msb 106 0 mathord x daleth msb 107 0 mathord x lessdot msb 108 0 mathbin x gtrdot msb 109 0 mathbin x ltimes msb 110 0 mathbin x rtimes msb 111 0 mathbin x shortmid msb 112 0 mathrel x shortparallel msb 113 0 mathrel x smallsetminus msb 114 0 mathbin x thicksim msb 115 0 mathrel x thickapprox msb 116 0 mathrel x approxeq msb 117 0 mathrel x succapprox msb 118 0 mathrel x precapprox msb 119 0 mathrel x curvearrowleft msb 120 0 mathrel x curvearrowright msb 121 0 mathrel x digamma msb 122 0 mathord x varkappa msb 123 0 mathord x Bbbk msb 124 0 mathord x hslash msb 125 0 mathord x backepsilon msb 127 0 mathrel x neq x 0 185 mathrel x textdegree x 0 176 mathord x cong x 0 64 mathrel x surd x 0 214 mathord x lyxbar cmsy 161 0 mathord x lyxeq cmr 61 0 mathord x lyxdabar msa 57 0 mathord x lyxright msa 75 0 mathord x lyxleft msa 76 0 mathord x { mathnormal 0 0 special x } mathnormal 0 0 special x $ mathnormal 0 0 special x % mathnormal 0 0 special x # don't remove the space from the beginning of the next line # mathnormal 0 0 special x