# Wrapper around Sweave that sets up some things for LyX # argument 1 is the file name # argument 2 is the iconv name for the encoding of the file # argument 3 is the document directory ls.args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=T) # check whether Sweave.sty is seen by LaTeX ls.sweavesty <- system("kpsewhich Sweave.sty", intern=T, ignore.stderr=T) ls.sp <- (length(ls.sweavesty) == 0) # set default encoding to the one of the file; it will be reset to previous # default by the sweave module ls.enc=getOption("encoding") options(encoding=ls.args[2]) # pass document dir to sweave module ls.dir <- ls.args[3] #run sweave Sweave(ls.args[1], stylepath=ls.sp)