#!@PERL@ # This file is part of reLyX # Copyright (c) 1998-9 Amir Karger karger@post.harvard.edu # You are free to use and modify this code under the terms of # the GNU General Public Licence version 2 or later. ############################# reLyX wrapper use strict; use File::Basename; $^W = 1; # same as 'perl -w' # Variables to make global, so subroutines can use them use vars qw($lyxdir $lyxname); my (@maybe_dir); my $mainscript = "reLyXmain.pl"; # Do this in a BEGIN block so it's done before the 'use lib' below BEGIN{ # This points to LyX library dir, e.g. /usr/local/share/lyx $lyxdir = "@pkgdatadir@"; # This is just "." if you compiled from the source directory my $srcdir = "@srcdir@"; # This is the name of the program, usually just "lyx" $lyxname = "@PACKAGE@"; # The name under which reLyX was invoked my $name = $0; # resolve any links to dirname while (defined (readlink($name))) {$name = readlink($name)}; my $dir = &dirname($name); # Create a list of possible directories to look in. Non-existent directories # are OK, but empty or undefined values will make 'use lib' complain my $i = 0; # case 1: for developers, e.g. - reLyX and $mainscript in same directory $maybe_dir[$i++] = "."; # case 2: environment variable LYX_DIR_11x has been set if (exists $ENV{LYX_DIR_11x}) { $maybe_dir[$i++] = "$ENV{LYX_DIR_11x}/reLyX"}; # case 3: ran make but not make install. $maybe_dir[$i++] = "$dir/$srcdir"; # case 4: e.g., reLyX in /opt/bin, $mainscript in /opt/share/lyx/reLyX $maybe_dir[$i++] = "$dir/../share/$lyxname/reLyX"; # case 4 # case 5: configure figured out where $mainscript is $maybe_dir[$i++] = "$lyxdir/reLyX"; } # end BEGIN block # Now put those directories into @INC use lib @maybe_dir; # Now run the script. Perl will look in @INC to find the script (and # other modules that $mainscript calls) require $mainscript; # require includes and runs the code... exit; ############################ end reLyX wrapper