******* Files of general interest README - General info, pointer to man page MANIFEST - this file (hopefully) CHANGES - changes from various versions BUGS - bugs (note that some larger bugs are in the man page) syntax.default - file describing LaTeX syntax reLyX.man - man page for using reLyX TODO - future plans ******* Files of interest to developers (maybe) reLyXmain.pl - Executable Perl script to translate LaTeX to LyX reLyX.in - input file to generate wrapper script 'reLyX', which gets installed in user's path, e.g., /usr/local/bin reLyX calls reLyXmain.pl noweb2lyx.in - input file to generate noweb2lyx, for converting noweb file to LyX. noweb2lyx calls reLyX. Alternatively (but not recursively) reLyX -n calls noweb2lyx test.ltx - test tex file test.lyx - LyX file created by running 'reLyX.pl test.ltx' reLyX.pod - documentation. Used to generate man page (could be used to make HTML or text, too!) *.pm are files containing subroutines (aka modules) which reLyX.pl calls MakePreamble.pm - split off and translate the LaTeX preamble CleanTeX.pm - "Clean" the TeX file BasicLyX.pm - main translation pass LastLyX.pm - final pass: create the LyX file ReadCommands.pm - subs to read and use a file containing LaTeX syntax RelyxFigure.pm - classes & methods for handling LaTeX figures RelyxTable.pm - classes & methods for handling LaTeX tables Verbatim.pm - subs to copy stuff exactly (e.g, \verb or unknown commands) Text/TeX.pm - Text::TeX package which contains the TeX parser ./Text/TeX.pm was originally copied from Text-TeX-0.01/Text/TeX.pm, but has been changed. Text/manpage.3pm original manpage for Text::TeX Text::TeX v0.01 was originally obtained from CPAN, but it has been changed rather significantly. The original package was written by Ilya Zakharevich (ilya@math.ohio-state.edu)