There are still a couple large bugs (or features lacking) in reLyX, and new users (i.e., everyone) will need to know them in order to know how to avoid them. Those bugs are currently listed in the BUGS section of the reLyX man page. This file lists only the smaller bugs. This includes bugs which appear only rarely, and bugs which may be more common but do not affect the printed output. - In optional arguments, reLyX doesn't recognize a braced bracket "{]}" as being different from a regular bracket. You'll notice this problem if you've got a description environment item like "\item [foo {]} bar]". This is probably simplest to fix in the LyX file after you run reLyX. If you're very unlucky, it could mess up reLyX, in which case you'll have to remove it from the TeX file and put it in the LyX file after you translate it. - The underscore character '_', when used as an argument to an unknown command, may be copied incorrectly. \foo{a_b} will be copied in TeX mode as \foo{a_{b}}. '_' in math mode works fine. It also works fine as the argument to known tokens, like \cite{foo_bar}, or even in translated arguments to untranslatable commands (see the Syntax Files section of the man page). Also, if you have an underscore in a file name, you have to use the LaTeX style of \input. That is, write "\input{a_b}" instead of the old TeX style "\input a_b" (even though the latter is legal LaTeX). If \includegraphics can't be copied for various reasons (see the reLyX man page), underscore will break. Finally, \label{foo_bar} in math mode will break. - Complicated nesting could confuse matters. Simple nesting, including nesting lists within lists, or having multiple paragraphs in one \item, should work. - ' { } { } ' is a legal LaTeX way to make five spaces. reLyX will translate it as ' ', which will show up in the LyX display, but not in the LaTeX document. Use '~~~~~' instead. Or don't use it because it's usually bad style. - \normalfont and \textnormal are not supported and may confuse the font stacks. You can change "\sffamily foo \normalfont" to "\sffamily foo \rmfamily" or even to "\textsf{foo}" to get around this problem. - font sizing commands *usually* work. reLyX may complain about "font confusion" when several font sizing commands are given in close proximity. Even if it complains, it may get the sizes right. - {\cal foo} is translated as {\mathcal{foo}}. The LyX file will display and extra set of (red) braces, but those braces won't show up in the dvi file or printed output. - reLyX translates {\bf foo} to \textbf{foo}. However, it also does that in math mode. Write \mathbf{foo} explicitly in the LyX file instead. - period in \label or \ref will word-wrap. E.g. \ref{Dr. foo} will yield a reference to "Dr." in the LyX file, with an extra "foo}" printed as regular text - \end or \begin in a \newcommand, for example, will really confuse reLyX, because they're not being used for their regular purpose of starting or ending an environment. Put the \newcommand in the preamble to avoid this problem. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Changes in translation caused by features not (yet) in LyX: - Centering (or right or left justifying) works on full paragraphs. Therefore, if you have the following: \begin{center} centered text \end{center} NON-centered text without a blank line before it the reLyX'ed file will put your NON-centered text into a new paragraph. To closely approximate what you had, just select "No Indent" from the Layout->Paragraph popup for the new paragraph. - LyX support for tables isn't perfect. Some complicated column descriptions (e.g., multiple lines between columns or @{} column descriptions) will not be displayed WYSIWYG, but will be printed out correctly. These can be entered using the "Extra" popup in LyX's table popup. reLyX should translate these things correctly. In addition, '|' characters in the second argument to \multicolumn will be ignored. (For example, if you have: \begin{tabular}{|cc|} a & b \\ \multicolumn{2}{c} \end{tabular} there will be lines to the right and left in all rows of the table.) Tables must be their own paragraphs, while LaTeX allows a table to appear in the middle of a paragraph. \clines will only work on multicolumns. However, most tables that aren't too complicated will be translated just fine. For very complicated tables, use a "skip" block, so that they will be copied in TeX mode. - Nested \input files will only work if you set \use_tempdir false in your lyxrc file.