#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[tufte-book]{Tufte Book} # \DeclareCategory{Books} # tufte-book textclass definition file. # Jason Waskiewicz , 2009/10/18 # Modified by Uwe Stöhr , 2009/11/15 Format 99 Provides geometry 1 Provides natbib-internal 1 Sides 2 PageStyle Headings DocBookRoot book ClassOptions Other nohyper end # Tufte uses \cite for margin note citations AddToCiteEngine authoryear cite[][] End CiteFormat authoryear _sidenote Sidenote _side sidenote _fullcite bibl. entry _bibentry Full bibliography entry. # "Margin: Full bibliography entry." (dialog) / "Margin: Key (bibliography entry)" cite {%dialog%[[%_sidenote%]][[%_side%]]}: {%dialog%[[%_bibentry%]][[{%label%[[%!fullcite%]][[%key%%!nextkey% (%_fullcite%)]]}]]} End Style Standard Margin Static LatexType Paragraph LatexName dummy ParIndent MM ParSkip 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType No_Label End # import other layouts Input stdlayouts.inc Input stdclass.inc Style Title InPreamble 1 NeedProtect 1 End Style Author InPreamble 1 NeedProtect 1 End Style Date InPreamble 1 NeedProtect 1 End NoStyle Abstract NoStyle Chapter NoCounter chapter NoStyle Section NoStyle Subsection NoCounter subsection NoStyle Subsubsection NoCounter subsubsection NoStyle Subsubsection* NoStyle Paragraph NoCounter paragraph NoStyle Paragraph* NoStyle Subparagraph NoCounter subparagraph NoStyle Subparagraph* Style Chapter Margin Static Category Sectioning LabelType No_Label LabelCounter chapter TocLevel 0 LatexType Command LatexName chapter NeedProtect 1 NextNoIndent 1 ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 2 BottomSep 0.8 ParSep 0.8 Align Block RefPrefix chap Argument 1 LabelString "Short Title|S" Tooltip "The chapter as it appears in the table of contents/running headers" InsertCotext 1 IsTocCaption 1 EndArgument Font Series Bold Size Huge EndFont # h1 is used for the document title. HTMLTag h2 DocBookTag title DocBookSectionTag chapter End Style Section Category Sectioning Margin Dynamic LabelType No_Label LabelCounter section TocLevel 1 LatexType Command LatexName section NeedProtect 1 NextNoIndent 1 LabelSep xxx ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 1.3 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.7 Align Block RefPrefix sec Argument 1 LabelString "Short Title|S" Tooltip "The section as it appears in the table of contents/running headers" InsertCotext 1 IsTocCaption 1 EndArgument Font Series Bold Size Larger EndFont HTMLTag h3 DocBookTag title DocBookSectionTag section End Style Subsection CopyStyle Section TocLevel 2 LatexName subsection TopSep 0.9 BottomSep 0.5 ParSep 0.5 RefPrefix subsec Font Series Bold Size Large EndFont End InsetLayout Flex:Sidenote LyxType custom LatexType command LatexName sidenote Decoration classic LabelString "sidenote" Font Color foreground Size Small Misc No_Emph Misc No_Noun Misc No_Bar EndFont LabelFont Color marginlabel Size Small EndFont DocBookTag footnote DocBookAttr role='sidenote' DocBookItemTag para DocBookTagType inline ResetsFont true End InsetLayout Flex:Marginnote CopyStyle Flex:Sidenote LatexName marginnote Decoration classic LabelString "marginnote" Font Family Roman Shape Up Series Medium EndFont DocBookAttr role='marginnote' MultiPar true End InsetLayout Flex:NewThought LyXType charstyle LatexType Command LatexName newthought LabelString "new thought" Font Shape SmallCaps EndFont LabelFont Family Roman Color textlabel3 EndFont ResetsFont true DocBookTag emphasis DocBookAttr role='newthought' DocBookTagType inline End InsetLayout Flex:AllCaps CopyStyle Flex:NewThought LatexName allcaps LabelString "allcaps" Font Shape Up Misc Noun EndFont LabelFont Color textlabel1 EndFont DocBookTag emphasis DocBookAttr role='allcaps' End InsetLayout Flex:SmallCaps CopyStyle Flex:NewThought LatexName smallcaps LabelString "smallcaps" LabelFont Color textlabel2 EndFont DocBookTag emphasis DocBookAttr role='smallcaps' End Style Full_Width Margin Static LaTeXType environment LaTeXName fullwidth Category MainText NextNoIndent 1 ParSkip 0 ItemSep 0 TopSep 0.5 BottomSep 0.5 ParSep 0 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType No_Label DocBookTag para DocBookAttr role='fullwidth' End # this steps the counters Counter marginfigure GuiName "Margin Figure" End Counter margintable GuiName "Margin Table" End # define the floats Float Type margintable GuiName MarginTable Placement tbp AllowedPlacement none AllowsSideways 0 AllowsWide 0 Extension lot NumberWithin none Style plain ListName "List of Tables" ListCommand listoftables IsPredefined true UsesFloatPkg false End Float Type marginfigure GuiName MarginFigure Placement tbp AllowedPlacement none AllowsSideways 0 AllowsWide 0 Extension lof NumberWithin none Style plain ListName "List of Figures" ListCommand listoffigures IsPredefined true UsesFloatPkg false End Style Bibliography TopSep 4 LabelString "Bibliography" LabelFont Series Bold Size Huge EndFont TocLevel 0 End